


Situational Dialogues (A)(40%)

1.A: hi,what’s up?

B: Believe it or not, I just got a great holiday!

A: oh, you are leisurely. So where did you go.

B: Tibet!

A:woo~ that’s where I want to go. I told you before. I think you did it on purpose.

B: you must be kidding! My family planed this travel on last year.

A: so what do you think about Tibet?

B: The closest place to the heaven.so what’s your holiday?

A:I reviewed my study and go out to play basketball.

B: you are hardworking!

A:actually, I am previewing.,

B:oh,That being the case, good luck

A:yeah,thank you

2.A:oh~look who it is.

B:oh~ jack, there is a long time before our last meet.

A:yeah,how is it going?

B:not bad, I heard you got a prize about basketball match this year.

A:yes, it’s lucky.

B: you are modest. Now I need to go to meeting. Keep in contect.

A:ok,see you.

B:see you

3.A: Hi, JACK. what’s up?

B: not bad ,but it seems you are unhappy.

A: yes, my roommate stay up for playing games last night. I can’t get a good sleep.

B: That’s too bad. Does he always do it?

A: once a week.

B: oh, it is acceptable.

A: I don’t think s o, I really need a good night.

B: ok, Did you tell him about this.

A: while I told to him, things are good lasted some time. Maybe after a week, he do this again.

I am crashed. He even let the rubbish box containing rubbish, and never empty it.

B: don’t b e never, Have told it to your teacher?

A : no, I don’t like snitches.

B: fine,but you should tell him directly .

A: ok, I’ll try.

B: good luck.

A: thank you ,bye~

Conversation 4

Staff A: Hi, manager. Is there anything I can do for you?

Manager: I just have some problems at hands, some of which need your help.

Staff: So…, what’s the problem?

Manage: En…, a significant meeting is coming this afternoon at 3 o’clock. This meeting may be a turning point for our company. At that time, many executives will show up, and we’ll introduce our new business strategy, so there is better no interruption.

Staff: You want me to check with the facilities, right?

Manager: Yeah, you get it. And you must care for the projector, the mike phone, the speaker.

Staff: I will spare no effort to complete the task.

Conversation 5

B: Hi, T alia, welcome back to China.

A: Hello, Bob. I am glad to see you again. How it is going?

B: In general, most things are fine except that I am still poor in my English study. But you are good at English so it’s my chance to improve my spoken English. Could you tell me some secrete skills to learn English?

A: I feel so embarrassed that you say I am good at English but I just have some learning experience to share with you. First, the vocabulary is like the foundation of building. Whether strong is the building depends on the foundation. Second, the grammar is like the structure of the building. Only when you know the structure clearly, can you construct the building. And if you follow the two points above, you also should practice more to adjust the atmosphere of the new language.

B: Ok, I will follow what you say, and I have some difficult word at hand. Could you do me a favor?

A: No problem.

B: Can you tell me the difference b etween the words “approach and meet” when they are used as verb.

A: When you say you meet someone means you see somebody by accident, while when you say you see somebody by purpose.

B: Thanks.

Conversation 6

B: Hi Anna, are you available? I have a party at home? Is it convenient for you to attend?

A: It’s my pleasure. And I still remember how great the dishes you cook are. I really can’t wait to taste your cooked food.

B: In fact, I really like cooking food, but my cooking skill is not so good as you say. I pay a cook to serve you. Do you think that is OK?

A: It’s so regretful that I can’t taste the dish you cook. In my mind, no one I have ever met can catch you in the field of cooking.

B: Thanks for what you say, but I know it clearly that not all of the friends love my cooking food. In this way, I decide to pay a cook to come.

A: Oh, I see. But anyway I like the food you cook no matter what you cook.

Free Talk (A) (60%)


“You yourself have to think you're great because no one else is going to tell you that you are” It means we, ourselves, have to build self-confidence and not depend on, or wait for anyone else's

approval. How we see ourselves is more important than how anyone else sees us.

1. Acknowledge Your Uniqueness. In the words of Walt Whitman know:"That you are here--that life exists, and identity;

That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse."

2.Give it Your Best When you do the best you can, with the best of what you've got, you can't help but feel good about yourself and that confidence comes through in everything that you do.

3. Persevere and Overcome adversity

4..Accomplish something. Set goals for yourself and then push yourself to reach them.

In a word ,psycology.

2. EQ的重要性讨论题自拟

Emotional Intelligence. 5 .components.

1.Knowing our own emotions .

2. Managing your own emotions

3. Motivating ourselves:

4. Recognizing and influencing others’ emotions:

5. Handling relationship

3. 怎样和同学保持融洽的关系讨论题自拟

1.Managing your own emotions

2.Ecognizing and influe ncing others’ emotions

3.Be magnanimous tight.

4.find some common interests.

4. 如何看待偶像崇拜讨论题自拟

Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon. what do I want to say is you should do it in a correct way. Normal idol worshiping is ok.Idolatry is not foolish, especially bout some entertainment stars, you should do after considering. Don’t do things blindness and crazy. I read a news about a female fan go to the men’s lavatory to see his idol. that was crazy and foolish. Vocal concert.

5. 大学生如何保护环境讨论题自拟

when I see this topic, I think of the video you show us about albert gore.air-condition. walk. Global warming is more and more seriously.

6. 如何看待校园恋情讨论题自拟

school romantic relationship。Different people have different opinion。What I think is do it but don’t do it in a crazy way.1.love for love.2.corret way.3.study..blinf date.don’t impose.
