







































【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18春《大学英语2(远程英语2)》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,Does the report give all the ______ facts of the case? A、significant B、silly C、silent D、single 正确答案:A 第2题,Hardly ever _____ get a good job these days without a good education. A、people might B、people can C、do people D、have people 正确答案:C 第3题,How about drinking some coffee?() A、Oh,I know B、No,no.It's nothing C、I'd prefer to drink some tea 正确答案:C

第4题,Tom()swim this afternoon. A、is going to B、go C、went D、go to 正确答案:A 第5题,Only in recent years ______ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm. A、people have B、since people have C、have people D、people who have 正确答案:C 第6题,She has() a domestic helper to do the housework. A、hired B、rent C、employed 正确答案:A 第7题,Sarah () a really nice flat in Brighton. A、rented


大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试2 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分) 1.The father repeatedly __________ with the police officer to set his daughter free, holding firm to his belief that she was innocent. A.argued B.protested C.angered D.pleaded 答案:D 2.Charles regretted ________ the TV set last year. The price has now gone down. A.buying B.to buy C.of D.from 答案:A 3.Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities ________ from 113,000 to almost 200,000. A.has increased B.ave increased C.are increased D.was increased 答案:A 4.We might have failed if you ()us a helping hand. A.have not given B.would not give C.had not given D.did not give 答案:C 5.He has just arrived, but he talks as if he ()all about that. A.know B.knows C.known D.knew 答案:D


【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18秋《大学英语3》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _____ the desert. A、covered B、covering C、cover D、to cover 正确答案:B 第2题,The poor police had never ____ of winning. A、stand a chance B、get a chance C、have a chance D、stood a chance 正确答案:D 第3题,We have only one vacancy, but so far have received more than 30 () for the job. A、applications B、applicants C、applicators D、appliances 正确答案:A 第4题,I was surprised by the ______ of so many people at the meeting. A、example B、record C、goal D、presence 正确答案:D 第5题,It's important for you to make a list of your tasks in order of _______ when you work on a project. A、suggestion B、goal C、priority D、tip 正确答案:C 第6题,He is a slow learner. You've got to be ______ with him. Remember: patience is a virtue.


【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18秋《电器学》在线作业2 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,下列材料中,唯一的非金属触头材料是()。 A、银 B、铜 C、石墨 D、铝 第2题,下列电器中能够起到扩大触头数量及触头容量作用的是()。 A、通用继电器 B、电流继电器 C、中间继电器 D、以上都不能 第3题,触头接通过程中,动触头的振动幅度将()。 A、逐渐减小 B、逐渐增大 C、保持不变 D、随机变化 第4题,触头材料在工作过程中的损失称为()。 A、损耗 B、消耗 C、磨损 D、侵蚀 第5题,分段法可以使()。 A、某一小段上只有磁动势 B、某一小段上只有漏磁通 C、某一小段上的磁动势不变 D、某一小段上的漏磁通变化不定

第6题,动静触头因被加热而熔化、以致焊在一起无法正常分开的现象称为触头的()。 A、分断 B、机械振动 C、冷焊 D、熔焊 第7题,硬磁材料具有下列哪些特性?() A、矫顽力大 B、矫顽力小 C、磁滞回线宽 D、磁滞回线窄 ,C 第8题,下列哪些因素可以影响触头的熔焊?() A、电参数 B、机械参数 C、表面状况 D、材料 ,B,C,D 第9题,计及漏磁时的磁路计算可以用哪些方法?() A、分段法 B、分解法 C、漏电系数法 D、漏磁系数法 ,D 第10题,交流电磁机构的触动时间和哪些因素有关?() A、触动电流 B、机械反力的初值 C、合闸相角 D、电磁吸力 ,B,C 第11题,电侵蚀有以下哪些类型?() A、熔焊

B、冷焊 C、桥蚀 D、弧蚀 ,D 第12题,电器的热稳定性是指它在规定的()下承受短路电流的热效应而不致损坏的能力。 A、电压 B、电流 C、时间 D、频率 ,B,D 第13题,动态特性是全面衡量电磁机构工作性能的依据之一。 A、错误 B、正确 第14题,凡借衔铁运动作机械功的电磁机构必然具有气隙。 A、错误 B、正确 第15题,电磁机构铁心柱各处的磁通与气隙磁通之间的关系可通过漏磁系数来表示。 A、错误 B、正确 第16题,电磁机构可以实现能量转换的作用。 A、错误 B、正确 第17题,分磁环可以用在单相电磁机构中,用于克服衔铁的有害振动。 A、错误 B、正确


大工18秋《大学英语3》在线测试1答案 (单选题) 1: The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _____ the desert. A: covered B: covering C: cover D: to cover 正确答案: B (单选题) 2: The poor police had never ____ of winning. A: stand a chance B: get a chance C: have a chance D: stood a chance 正确答案: D (单选题) 3: We have only one vacancy, but so far have received more than 30 () for the job. A: applications B: applicants C: applicators D: appliances 正确答案: A (单选题) 4: I was surprised by the ______ of so many people at the meeting. A: example B: record C: goal D: presence 正确答案: D (单选题) 5: It's important for you to make a list of your tasks in order of _______ when you work on a project. A: suggestion B: goal C: priority D: tip


【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18春《大学英语4》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,You are late. If you ()a few minutes earlier, you ()him. A、come; would meet B、had come; would have met C、come; will meet D、had come; would meet 正确答案:B 第2题,Common interests have formed a _______ between us, which may bring about cooperation with each other in more fields. A、trade B、bond C、unit D、fantasy 正确答案:B 第3题,Seeing their teacher ()into the classroom, they stopped __()at once. A、walk; telling B、entering; to speak C、enter; to tell D、walking; talking 正确答案:D

第4题,You _______ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice. A、may not make B、might not make C、shouldn't have made D、might not have made 正确答案:D 第5题,I would never have _____ a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate. A、sought for B、accounted for C、turned up D、resorted to 正确答案:D 第6题,Mark's latest work ________ the learning theories of the 1980s as well as his own experience in teaching English to foreigners. A、looked out B、left out C、took place D、drew on 正确答案:D

大工13 春 大学英语 在线测时 答案

大工13春《大学英语4》在线测试1 一、单选题(共20道试题,共80分。)得分:80 1. Landslides have cut off many villages in the _______ mountain areas. A. far B. remote C. farther D. further 正确答案: B 2. Window screens are ________ in keeping out mosquitoes and thus very popular in summers. A. affected B. infected C. effective D. infective 正确答案: C 3. How often do you _________ your brother? A. hear about B. hear of C. hear to D. hear from 正确答案: D 4. It is important that we __________ wild animals. A. will protect B. should protect C. shall protect D. are protecting 正确答案: B 5. We ________ the work on time without your help. A. hadn't had finished B. didn't have finished C. couldn't have finished D. can't have finished 正确答案: C 6. I _________ round in my seat to speak to her, as a result of which I was scolded by the teacher. A. waved B. twisted C. overlooked D. stayed


大工15秋《大学英语1(远程英语1)》在线测试1 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分。) 1. When he was at school, he ______ early and take a walk before breakfast. A. will rise B. shall rise C. should rise D. would rise ————选择:D 2. ______ he ______ himself there? No, I don't think so. A. Do; enjoy B. Does; enjoies C. Does; enjoys D. Does; enjoy ————选择:D 3. Mr. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, ______? ______, he does. A. does he; No B. does he; Yes C. doesn't he; No D. doesn't he; Yes ————选择:B 4. He usually ______ TV on Sunday evening. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching ————选择:B 5. I ______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work. A. don't; had B. didn't; have C. didn't; had D. don't; have ————选择:C 6. Nobody ______ how to run this machine. A. know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing ————选择:C 7. We'll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow. A. snow B. snows C. will snow


【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18秋《电路理论》在线作业2 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,下列哪项不是正弦电路的基本元件?() A、电阻元件 B、电感元件 C、电容元件 D、发光二级管 第2题,一阶电路的零状态响应中,电容在换路瞬间相当于()。 A、开路 B、断路 C、短路 D、通路 第3题,通常所说的正弦交流电压的大小指的都是()。 A、最大值 B、最小值 C、有效值 D、平均值 第4题,容抗与电源的频率有什么关系?() A、成反比 B、相等 C、成正比 D、无关 第5题,电容量C与下列哪项因素有关?() A、i B、u C、q D、以上都不正确

第6题,在任何时刻,线性电感元件上的电压与该时刻电流的变化率()。 A、成正比 B、相等 C、成反比 D、没有比例关系 第7题,电感元件在直流情况下通过其电流恒定,()。 A、感应电压不为零 B、感应电压为零 C、电感相当于开路 D、电感相当于短路 ,D 第8题,下列哪些可构成功率三角形?() A、有功功率 B、无功功率 C、视在功率 D、功率因数 ,B,C 第9题,功率因数低将会引起下列哪些问题?() A、电源设备容量得到充分利用 B、电源设备容量不能得到充分利用 C、输电线路的损耗增加 D、输电线路的压降降低 ,C 第10题,下列哪些情况属于"换路"?() A、电源突然断开 B、电源突然接入 C、元件参数发生改变 D、电路结构发生改变 ,B,C,D 第11题,关于换路前后元件上的数值变换正确的是()。 A、电容电压在换路前瞬间和换路后瞬间值相等

B、电容电压在换路前瞬间和换路后瞬间值不相等 C、电感电流在换路前瞬间和换路后瞬间值相等 D、电感电流在换路前瞬间和换路后瞬间值不相等 ,C 第12题,在正弦交流电路用导纳法分析并联电路时,下列说法正确的是()。 A、导纳等于对应的阻抗 B、导纳等于对应阻抗的倒数 C、导纳角等于对应的阻抗角 D、导纳角等于对应阻抗角的负值 ,D 第13题,把全响应分解为零输入响应和零状态响应,能较明显地反映电路的工作状态,便于分析过渡过程的特点。 A、错误 B、正确 第14题,在外加直流电源激励下的非零初始状态的一阶电路中,各处的电压和电流变化的时间常数都是一样的。 A、错误 B、正确 第15题,在交流电路中,负载从电源接受的有功功率等于电流与电压的乘积。 A、错误 B、正确 第16题,正弦电路的平均功率等于电压和电流的有效值的乘积。 A、错误 B、正确 第17题,动态电路中没有独立源激励不可能产生响应。 A、错误


′ó1¤18????′ó?§ó¢ó?4?·?ú??2aê?1 Thebasicfeaturesofthecommunicationprocessareidentifiedinone-question:Whosays____ _throughwhatchanneltowhom? A.how B.when C.what D.such ?yè·′e°?:C Jeandidnothavetimetogototheconcertlastnightbecauseshewasbusy______forherexaminat ion. A.toprepare B.tobeprepared C.preparing D.beingprepared ?yè·′e°?:C Helookedasifhe()illforalongtime. A.was B.were C.hasbeen D.hadbeen ?yè·′e°?:D Youshouldtake_______ofthisopportunityandtrytomakeagoodimpressiononthem. A.care B.advantage C.charge D.place ?yè·′e°?:B Asapublicrelationsofficer,heissaid_____someveryinfluentialpeople. A.tohavebeenknowing B.tobeknowing C.tohaveknown D.toknow ?yè·′e°?:D WouldyouratherI()buyinganewbike? A.decidedagainst B.willdecideagainst C.havedecided D.shalldecideagainst ?yè·′e°?:A Ihadmymeals_________whenIwasillinbedwithabadcold. A.tobring B.bring C.brought D.bringing


大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试1(标准98分) 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分) 1.The basic features of the communication process are identified in one-question: Who says _____ through what channel to whom? A.how B.when C.what D.such 答案:C 2.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ______ for her examination. A.to prepare B.to be prepared C.preparing D.being prepared 答案:C 3.He looked as if he ()ill for a long time. A.was B.were C.has been D.had been 答案:D 4.You should take _______ of this opportunity and try to make a good impression on them. A.care B.advantage C.charge D.place 答案:B 5.As a public relations officer, he is said _____ some very influential people. A.to have been knowing B.to be knowing C.to have known D.to know


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(单选题) 1: To maintain the city’s status as the most popular tourist destination in Asia, public health inspectors visit restaurants and hotel kitchens __________. A: definitely B: especially C: fortunately D: regularly 正确答案: (单选题) 2: My wallet is nowhere to be found. I ________ in the store. A: must drop it B: must have dropped it C: should have dropped it D: ought to have dropped it 正确答案: (单选题) 3: Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to _____ to the cold weather there. A: adopt B: adept C: adapt D: adore 正确答案: (单选题) 4: I was surprised by the ______ of so many people at the meeting. A: example B: record C: goal D: presence 正确答案: (单选题) 5: Professor Smith promised to look ________ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the thesis defense. A: after B: over C: on D: into 正确答案: (单选题) 6: Coal was formed out of dead forests by a long and slow(). A: press B: procedure C: success D: process 正确答案: (单选题) 7: I’m afraid you’ll have to give me an idea of the quantity you wish to order from us, so that we may adjust our prices ______. A: accordingly B: eventually


【奥鹏】[理工大学]大工18秋《大学英语3》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _____ the desert. A、covered B、covering C、cover D、to cover 正确答案:B 第2题,The poor police had never ____ of winning. A、stand a chance B、get a chance C、have a chance D、stood a chance 正确答案:D 第3题,We have only one vacancy, but so far have received more than 30 () for the job. A、applications B、applicants C、applicators D、appliances 正确答案:A 第4题,I was surprised by the ______ of so many people at the meeting. A、example B、record C、goal D、presence 正确答案:D 第5题,It's important for you to make a list of your tasks in order of _______ when you work on a project. A、suggestion B、goal C、priority D、tip 正确答案:C 第6题,He is a slow learner. You've got to be ______ with him. Remember: patience is a virtue.


大工春大学英语在线测 试答案 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

大工18春《大学英语4》在线测试2答案 第1题,Standing under a big tree to _______ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason. A、avoid B、keep C、stop D、drop 第2题,Answers which are hard to read because of poor explanations may even get no __________. A、award B、reward C、prize D、credit 第3题,A(n) _______ board must be established to help settle disagreements between divisions over transfer prices. A、impartial B、impart C、partial D、whole 第4题,That family __________ came from France. Now they have a great amount of influence over the people of South Africa.

A、finally B、formally C、definitely D、originally 第5题,My brother keeps ________ me with my work. A、to help B、help C、helping D、helped 第6题,If you've worked for one employer for two years or more before leaving to have your baby, you may be ________ maternity pay. A、drawn on B、entitled to C、settled for D、rested on 第7题,The soldiers rushed toward the wall to find ________ from the bullets. A、prevent B、safe C、shroud D、shelter


大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试1 1.Thebasicfeaturesofthecommunicationprocessareidentifiedinone-question:Whosays_____thr oughwhatchanneltowhom? A.how B.when C.what D.such 正确答案:C 2.Jeandidnothavetimetogototheconcertlastnightbecauseshewasbusy______forherexaminatio n. A.to prepare B.to beprepared C.preparing D.beingprepared 正确答案:C 3.He lookedasifhe()illforalongtime. A.was B.were C.hasbeen D.hadbeen 正确答案:D 4.Youshouldtake_______ofthisopportunityandtrytomakeagoodimpressiononthem. A.care B.advantage C.charge D.place 正确答案:B 5.Asapublicrelationsofficer,heissaid_____someveryinfluentialpeople. A.tohavebeenknowing B.tobeknowing C.tohaveknown D.toknow 正确答案:D 6.WouldyouratherI()buyinganewbike? A.decidedagainst B.willdecideagainst C.havedecided D.shalldecideagainst 正确答案:A 7.Ihadmymeals_________whenIwasillinbedwithabadcold. A.tobring B.bring C.brought D.bringing


奥鹏大工18秋《JavaScript基础教程与应用》在线作业3 1 单选题 1 下列不属于Javascript的基本组成的是( )。 A、DOM B、BOM C、ECMAScript D、jQuery 选择:D 满分:5 2 关于JavaScript中的Math对象的说法,正确的是( )。 A、Math.ceil(512.51)返回的结果为512 B、Math.floor( )方法用于对数字进行下舍入 C、Math.round(-512.51)返回的结果为-512 D、Math.random( )返回的结果范围为0-1,包括0和1 选择:B 满分:5 3 在JavaScript中,下列说法错误的是( )。 A、setInterval( )用于在指定的毫秒后调用函数或计算表达式,可执行多次 B、setImeout( )用于在指定的毫秒后调用函数或计算表达式,可执行一次 C、setInterval( )的第一个参数可以是计算表达式也可以是函数变量名 D、clearInterval( )和clearTimeout( )都可以消除setInterval( )函数设置的timeout 选择:D 满分:5 4 在JavaScript中,下列关于window对象方法的说法错误的是( )。 A、window对象包括location对象、history对象和docuement对象 B、window.onload( )方法中的代码会在一个该页面加载完成后执行 C、window.open( )方法用于在当前浏览器窗口加载指定的URL文档 D、window.close( )方法用于关闭浏览器窗口 选择:C 满分:5 5 在JavaScript中,下面变量的声明和赋值语句错误的是 ( )。 A、x = 10; B、int x = 10 ; C、var x = 10; D、var x,y,x = 10; 选择:B 满分:5 6 在JavaScript中,下拉选项中可以获取滚动条距窗口顶端滚动的距离的是 ( )。 A、document.documentElement.scrollTop; B、document.documentElement.topScroll; C、document.style.scrollTop; D、document.style.topScroll; 选择:A 满分:5


作业1 (单选题) 1: The basic features of the communication process are identified in one-question: Who says _____ through what channel to whom? A: how B: when C: what D: such 正确答案: C (单选题) 2: Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ______ for her examination. A: to prepare B: to be prepared C: preparing D: being prepared 正确答案: C (单选题) 3: He looked as if he ()ill for a long time. A: was B: were C: has been D: had been 正确答案: D (单选题) 4: You should take _______ of this opportunity and try to make a good impression on them. A: care B: advantage C: charge D: place 正确答案: B (单选题) 5: As a public relations officer, he is said _____ some very influential people. A: to have been knowing B: to be knowing C: to have known

大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试2参考答案 (1)

大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试2 Thefatherrepeatedly__________withthepoliceofficertosethisdaughterfree,holdingfir mtohisbeliefthatshewasinnocent. A.argued B.protested C.angered D.pleaded 参考答案:D Charlesregretted________theTVsetlastyear.Thepricehasnowgonedown. A.buying B.tobuy C.of D.from 参考答案:A Since1999,thenumberofforeignstudentsatGermanuniversities________from113,000toalm ost200,000. A.hasincreased B.aveincreased C.areincreased D.wasincreased 参考答案:A Wemighthavefailedifyou()usahelpinghand. A.havenotgiven B.wouldnotgive C.hadnotgiven D.didnotgive 参考答案:C Hehasjustarrived,buthetalksasifhe()allaboutthat. A.know B.knows C.known D.knew 参考答案:D Hiswordsare_________butthemeaningisdeep. A.few B.afew C.little D.alittle 参考答案:A Willyou_______meafavor,please? A.do B.make C.bring D.give


【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试3 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,() more attention,the trees could have grown better. A、To give B、Having given C、Given D、Giving 第2题,In previous times, when fresh meat was in short ______, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food. A、store B、provision C、reserve D、supply 第3题,The little man was __________ one meter fifty high. A、almost more than B、hardly more than C、nearly more than D、as much as 第4题,The yellow river isn't so()as the ChangJiang river. A、long B、longest C、longer D、the longest 第5题,() in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him. A、To lose B、Lost C、Having lost D、Losing 第6题,He ________ a sum of money every month to help the two orphans.

A、sets aside B、sets up C、sets along D、sets in 第7题,Bread and butter _________ what Americans usually have for breakfast. A、are B、is C、was D、were 第8题,18. The injured in the tsunami () good care of by some medical teams. A、is taken B、are being taken C、are taking D、is being taken 第9题,This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, ______ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil. A、being B、been C、to be D、having been 第10题,There are various kinds of metals, each () its own properties . A、has B、had C、to have D、having 第11题,John is my()friend of all the classmates. A、good B、better C、best


大工18春《大学英语4》在线测试2答案 第1题,Standing under a big tree to _______ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice、This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason、 A、avoid B、keep C、stop D、drop 第2题,Answers which are hard to read because of poor explanations may even get no __________、 A、award B、reward C、prize D、credit 第3题,A(n) _______ board must be established to help settle disagreements between divisions over transfer prices、 A、impartial B、impart C、partial D、whole 第4题,That family __________ came from France、Now they have a great amount of influence over the people of South Africa、 A、finally

C、definitely D、originally 第5题,My brother keeps ________ me with my work、 A、to help B、help C、helping D、helped 第6题,If you've worked for one employer for two years or more before leaving to have your baby, you may be ________ maternity pay、 A、drawn on B、entitled to C、settled for D、rested on 第7题,The soldiers rushed toward the wall to find ________ from the bullets、 A、prevent B、safe C、shroud D、shelter 第8题,The workers want us _________ together with them、 A、work
