


常见的,代码技术,:技巧,教程,代码——Scott Mitchell









我们创建两个数组类的实例,aTerritories和aStates,上线分别为5和6。然后,我们采用与美国的50个国家使用的添加方法填充aStates的数组列表。添加方法以一个参数,将该元素添加到数组中,这需要类型的对象。然后该对象的实例添加到数据列表的末尾。在这个例子中,我们只需添加数组列表aStates和aTerritories 线性类型的元素。

该添加方法是一次添加一个元素在数组的末尾,是一种非常有用的添加方法。但是如果我们想一次将一个包含所有元素的数量组添加到一个数组列表中该如何解决?数组类提供的添加值域方法是这样做的。添加值域需要一个参数,来支持ICollection接口。大量的数组,数组列表,数据视图,数据集合视图和其他支持此接口的类来支持.NET框架。我们使用添加值域方法添加的aStates 数组列表的每个元素到aTerritories 数组列表的末端,添加一系列元素在数组中的特定索引开始,使用插入值域方法,我们就可以添加两个字符串的aTerritories 数组列表到结束。因为数组列表顺序排列的,可能有很多时候我们要添加一个元素到一个特定的位置,数组列表类的插入方法提供了这种能力,使开发人员可以将元素添加到数组列表集合的特定位置。插入的方法有两个参数:一个整数,代表想要在数组列表中添加新的元素的索引,新的元素必须是目标类型。例如,我们添加了一个新的字符串的aTerritories数组列表的开始。注意,如果我们只是用添加的方法,目标参数将被添加到结束的区域,使用插入我们就可以指定正是这个新元素应驻留在数组列表相应位置中。








到目前为止,我们已经研究了.NET框架提供了两个集合:哈希表类和数组列表类。每个这些集合索引元素以不同的方式实现。数组列表的指标以每个元素的数值索引,而哈希表的每个元素用一个字母键索引。适用于数组列表的每个元素的顺序,根据其数值指标; 哈希表的实行随机排序(因为顺序取决于一个散列算法)。





Dim SortedListValue as Integer

SortedListValue = slSortedListInstance(key)


Dim SortedListValue as Integer

SortedListValue = slSortedListInstance.GetByIndex(iPosition)


Dim SortedListValue as Integer

SortedListVluae = slSortedListInstance.GetValueList(iPosition)
















Common, Code Techniques,: Tips, Tutorials,and Code—Scott Mitchell

Using Collections

Most modern programming languages provide support for some type of object that can hold a variable number of elements. These objects are referred to as collections, and they can have elements added and removed with ease without having to worry about proper memory allocation.If you’ve programmed with classic ASP before, you’re probably familiar with the Scripting.Dictionary object, a collection object that references each element with a textual key. A collection that stores objects in this fashion is known as a hash table.

There are many types of collections in addition to the hash table. Each type of collection is similar in purpose: it serves as a means to store a varying number of elements, providing an easy way, at a minimum, to add and remove elements. Each different type of collection is unique in its method of storing, retrieving, and referencing its various elements.

The .NET Framework provides a number of collection types for the developer to use. In fact, an entire namespace, System.Collections, is dedicated to collection types and helper classes.

Each of these collection types can store elements of type Object. Because in .NET all primitive data types—string, integers, date/times, arrays, and so on—are derived from the Object class, these collections can literally store anything! For example, you could use a single collection to store a couple of integers, an instance of a classic COM component, a string, a date/time, and two instances of a custom-written .NET component. Most of the examples in this section use collections to house primitive data types (strings, integers, doubles). However, Illustrates a collection of collections—that is, a collection type that stores entire collections as each of its elements!

Throughout this section we’ll examine five collections the .NET Frame work offers developers: the ArrayList, the Hashtable, the SortedList, the Queue, and the Stack. As you study each of these collections, realize that they all have many similarities. For example, each type of collection can be iterated through element-by-element using a For Each ... Next loop in VB (or a foreach loop in C#). Each collection type has a number of similarly named functions that perform the same tasks. For example, each collection type has a Clear method that removes all elements from the collection, and a Count property that returns the number of elements in the collection. In fact, the last subsection “Similarities Among the Collection Types” examines the common traits found among the collection types.

Working with the ArrayList Class

The firs t type of collection we’ll look at is the ArrayList. With an ArrayList, each item is

stored in sequential order and is indexed numerically. In our following examples, keep in mind that the developer need not worry himself with memory allocation. With the standard array, the developer cannot easily add and remove elements without concerning himself with the size and makeup of the array. With all the collections we’ll examine in this chapter,this is no longer a concern.

Adding Elements to an ArrayList

We create two ArrayList class instances, aTerritories and aStates, on lines

5 and 6, respectively. We then populate the aStates ArrayList with a small subset of the 50 states of the United States using the Add method. The Add method takes one parameter, the element to add to the array, which needs to be of type Object. This Object instance is then appended to the end of the ArrayList. In this example we are simply adding elements of type String to the ArrayList aStates and aTerritories.

The Add method is useful for adding one element at a time to the end of the array, but what if we want to add a number of elements to an ArrayList at once. The ArrayList class provides the AddRange method to do just this. AddRange expects a single parameter that supports the ICollection interface. A wide number of .NET Framework classes—such as the Array, ArrayList, DataView, DataSetView, and others—support this interface. We use the AddRange method to add each element of the aStates ArrayList to the end of the aTerritories ArrayList. (To add a range of elements starting at a specific index in an ArrayList, use the InsertRange method.) We add two more strings to the end of the aTerritories ArrayList.

Because ArrayLists are ordered sequentially, there might be times when we want to add an element to a particular position. The Insert method of the ArrayList class provides this capability, allowing the developer to add an element to a specific spot in the ArrayList collection. The Insert method takes two parameters: an integer representing the index in which you want to add the new element, and the new element, which needs to be of type Object. In line 23 we add a new string to the start of the aTerritories ArrayList. Note that if we had simply used the Add method, “District of Columbia” would have been added to the end of a Territories. Using Insert, however, we can specify exactly where in the ArrayList this new element should reside.

Removing Elements from an ArrayList

The ArrayList class also provides a number of methods for removing elements. We can

remove a specific element from an ArrayList with the Remove method. If you attempt to remove an element that does not exist, an ArgumentException exception will be thrown.Remove allows you to take out a particular element from an ArrayList; RemoveAt, allows the developer to remove an element at a specific position in the ArrayList.

Both Remove and RemoveAt dissect only one element from the ArrayList at a time. We can

remove a chunk of elements in one fell swoop by using the RemoveRange method. This method expects two parameters: an index to start at and a count of total elements to remove. Finally, to remove all the contents of an ArrayList, use the Clear method .

Working with the Hashtable Class

The type of collection most developers are used to working with is the hash table collection. Whereas the ArrayList indexes each element numerically, a hash table indexes each element by an alphanumeric key. The Collection data type in Visual Basic is a hash table; the Scripting.Dictionary object, used commonly in classic ASP pages, is a simple hash table. The .NET Framework provides developers with a powerful hash table class, Hashtable.

When working with the Hashtable class, keep in mind that the ordering of elements in the collection

are irrespective of the order in which they are entered. The Hashtable class employs its own hashing algorithm to efficiently order the key/value pairs in the collection. If it is essential that a collection’s elements be ordered alphabetically by the value of their keys, use the SortedList class, which is discussed in the next section, “Working with the SortedList Class.”

Working with the SortedList Class

So far we’ve examined two collections provided by the .NET Framework: the Hashtable class and the ArrayList class. Each of these collections indexes elements in a different manner. The ArrayList indexes each element numerically, whereas the Hashtable indexes each element with an alphanumeric key. The ArrayList orders each element sequentially, based on its numerical index; the Hashtable applies a seemingly random ordering (because the order is determined by a hashing algorithm).

What if you need a collection, though, that allows access to elements by both an alphanumeric key and a numerical index? The .NET Framework includes a class that permits both types of access, the SortedList class. This class internally maintains two arrays: a sorted array of the keys and an array of the values.

Adding, Removing, and Indexing Elements in a SortedList

Because the SortedList orders its elements based on the key, there are no methods that insert elements in a particular spot. Rather, similar to the Hashtable class, there is only a single method to add elements to the collection: Add. However, because the SortedList can be indexed by both key and value, the class contains both Remove and RemoveAt methods. As with all the other collection types, the SortedList also contains a Clear method that removes all elements.

Because a SortedList encapsulates the functionality of both the Hashtable and ArrayList

classes, it’s no wonder that the class provides a number of methods to access its elements. As with a Hashtable, SortedList elements can be accessed via their keys. A SortedList that stored Integer values could have an element accessed similar to the following:

Dim SortedListValue as Integer

SortedListValue = slSortedListInstance(key)

The SortedList also can access elements through an integral index, like with the ArrayList

class. To get the value at a particular index, you can use the GetByIndex method as follows:

Dim SortedListValue as Integer

SortedListValue = slSortedListInstance.GetByIndex(iPosition)

iPosition represents the zero-based ordinal index for the element to retrieve from slSortedListInstance. Additionally, elements can be accessed by index using the

GetValueList method to return a collection of values, which can then be accessed by index:

Dim SortedListValue as Integer

SortedListVluae = slSortedListInstance.GetValueList(iPosition)

Working with the Queue Class

ArrayLists, Hashtables, and SortedLists all have one thing in common—they allow random

access to their elements. That is, a developer can programmatically read, write, or remove any element in the collection, regardless of its position. However, the Queue and Stack classes (the remaining two collections we’ll examine) are unique in that they provide sequential access only. Specifically, the Queue class can only access and remove elements in the order they were inserted.

Adding, Removing, and Accessing Elements in a Queue

Queues are often referred to as First In, First Out (FIFO) data structures because the Nth element inserted will be the Nth element removed or accessed. It helps to think of the queue data structure as a line of people. There are two parts to a queue as there are two parts to any line up: the tail of the queue, where people new to the line start waiting, and the head of the queue, where the next person in line waits to be served. In a line, the person who is standing in line first will be first served; the person standing second will be served second, and so on; in a queue, the element that is added first will be the element that is removed or accessed first, whereas the second element added will be the second element removed or accessed.

The .NET Framework provides support for the queue data structure with the Queue class. To add an element to the tail, use the Enqueue method. To retrieve and remove an element from the head of a queue, use Dequeue. As with the other collection types we’ve examined thus far, t he Queue class contains a Clear method to remove all elements. To simply examine the element at the head without altering the queue, use the Peek method. As with all the other collections, the elements of a Queue can be iterated through using an enumerator or a For Each Next loop.

Working with the Stack Class

A stack is a data structure similar to a queue in that is supports only sequential access.However, a stack does bear one major difference from a queue: rather than storing elements with a First In, First Out (FIFO) semantic, a stack uses Last In, First Out (LIFO). A crowded elevator behaves similar to a stack: the first person who enters the crowded elevator is the last person to leave, whereas the last person to board the elevator is the first out when it reaches its destination.

Adding, Removing, and Accessing Elements in a Stack

The .NET Framework provides an implementation of the stack data type with the Stack class. A stack has two basic operations: adding an element to the top of the stack, which is accomplished with the Push method, and removing an element from the top of the stack, accomplished via the Pop method. Similar to the Queue class, the Stack class also contains a Peek method to permit developers to access the top of the stack without removing the element.

Similarities Among the Collection Types

Because each collection has the same basic functionality—to serve as a variable-sized storage medium for Objects—it is not surprising that the collection types have much in common with one another. All have methods to add and remove elements from the collection. The Count property, which returns the total number of elements in the collection, is common among all collection types.


The .NET Framework provides developers with a number of powerful collection-type classes, greatly extending the functionality of the Scripting.Dictionary object, the sole collection type available for classic ASP developers. These collections, although each have unique capabilities, are more alike than they are different. All of them share similar methods and properties, and can all have their elements iterated through using a number of techniques.


PLC控制下的电梯系统 由继电器组成的顺序控制系统是最早的一种实现电梯控制的方法。但是,进入九十年代,随着科学技术的发展和计算机技术的广泛应用,人们对电梯的安全性、可靠性的要求越来越高,继电器控制的弱点就越来越明显。 电梯继电器控制系统故障率高,大大降低了电梯的可靠性和安全性,经常造成停梯,给乘用人员带来不便和惊忧。且电梯一旦发生冲顶或蹲底,不但会造成电梯机械部件损坏,还可能出现人身事故。 可编程序控制器(PLC)最早是根据顺序逻辑控制的需要而发展起来的,是专门为工业环境应用而设计的数字运算操作的电子装置。鉴于其种种优点,目前,电梯的继电器控制方式己逐渐被PLC控制所代替。同时,由于电机交流变频调速技术的发展,电梯的拖动方式己由原来直流调速逐渐过渡到了交流变频调速。因此,PLC控制技术加变频调速技术己成为现代电梯行业的一个热点。 1. PLC控制电梯的优点 (1)在电梯控制中采用了PLC,用软件实现对电梯运行的自动控制,可靠性大大提高。 (2)去掉了选层器及大部分继电器,控制系统结构简单,外部线路简化。 (3)PLC可实现各种复杂的控制系统,方便地增加或改变控制功能。 (4) PLC可进行故障自动检测与报警显示,提高运行安全性,并便于检修。 (5)用于群控调配和管理,并提高电梯运行效率。 (6)更改控制方案时不需改动硬件接线。 2.电梯变频调速控制的特点 随着电力电子技术、微电子技术和计算机控制技术的飞速发展,交流变频调速技术的发展也十分迅速。电动机交流变频调速技术是当今节电、改善工艺流程以提高产品质量和改善环境、推动技术进步的一种主要手段。变频调速以其优异的调速性能和起制动平稳性能、高效率、高功率因数和节电效果,广泛的适用范围及其它许多优点而被国内外公认为最有发展前途的调速方式 交流变频调速电梯的特点 ⑴能源消耗低 ⑵电路负载低,所需紧急供电装置小 在加速阶段,所需起动电流小于2.5倍的额定电流。且起动电流峰值时间短。由于起动电流大幅度减小,故功耗和供电缆线直径可减小很多。所需的紧急供电


Extreme, 1.1Web Deployment Projects When ASP was first released, Web programming was more difficult because you needed IIS to serve your ASP pages. Later,, 2.0 and Visual Studio? 2005 made everything easier by introducing the Web site model of development. Instead of creating a new project inside Visual Studio, the Web site model lets you point to a directory and start writing pages and code. Furthermore, you can quickly test your site with the built-in, Development Server, which hosts, in a local process and obviates the need to install IIS to begin developing. The beauty of the Web site model is that you can develop your Web application without thinking about packaging and deployment. Need another class? Add a .cs file to the App_Code directory and start writing. Want to store localizable strings in a resource file? Add a .resx file to the App_GlobalResources directory and type in the strings. Everything just works; you don't have to think about the compilation and deployment aspect at all. When you are ready to deploy, you have several options. The simplest choice is to copy your files to a live server and let everything be compiled on-demand (as it was in your test environment). The second option is to use the aspnet_compiler.exe utility and precompile the application into a binary release, which leaves you nothing but a collection of assemblies, static content, and configuration files to push to the server. The third option is to again use aspnet_compiler.exe, but to create an updateable binary deployment where your .as*x files remain intact (and modifiable) and all of your code files are compiled into binary assemblies. This seems to cover every possible scenario, leaving the developer to focus simply on writing the Web application, with packaging and deployment decisions to be made later when the application is actually deployed. There was a fair amount of backlash against this model, however, especially from developers who were used to their Web projects being real projects, specified in real project files, that let you inject pre-and post-build functions, exclude files from the build process, move between debug and release builds with a command-line switch, and so on. In response, Microsoft quickly introduced the Web Application Project or WAP, initially released as an add-in to Visual Studio 2005, and now included in Visual Studio 2005 Service available for download from,/vstudio/support/vs2005sp1. WAP provides an alternative to the Web site model that is much closer to the Visual Studio .NET 2005 Web Project model. The new WAP model compiles all of the source code files during the build process and generates a single assembly in the local /bin directory for deployment. WAP also makes it much easier to incrementally adopt the new partial class codebehind model


附录1 RURAL FINANCE: MAINSTREAMING INFORMAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS By Hans Dieter Seibel Abstract Informal financial institutions (IFIs), among them the ubiquitous rotating savings and credit associations, are of ancient origin. Owned and self-managed by local people, poor and non-poor, they are self-help organizations which mobilize their own resources, cover their costs and finance their growth from their profits. With the expansion of the money economy, they have spread into new areas and grown in numbers, size and diversity; but ultimately, most have remained restricted in size, outreach and duration. Are they best left alone, or should they be helped to upgrade their operations and be integrated into the wider financial market? Under conducive policy conditions, some have spontaneously taken the opportunity of evolving into semiformal or formal microfinance institutions (MFIs). This has usually yielded great benefits in terms of financial deepening, sustainability and outreach. Donors may build on these indigenous foundations and provide support for various options of institutional development, among them: incentives-driven mainstreaming through networking; encouraging the establishment of new IFIs in areas devoid of financial services; linking IFIs/MFIs to banks; strengthening Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as promoters of good practices; and, in a nonrepressive policy environment, promoting appropriate legal forms, prudential regulation and delegated supervision. Key words: Microfinance, microcredit, microsavings。 1. informal finance, self-help groups In March 1967, on one of my first field trips in Liberia, I had the opportunity to observe a group of a dozen Mano peasants cutting trees in a field belonging to one of them. Before they started their work, they placed hoe-shaped masks in a small circle, chanted words and turned into animals. One turned into a lion, another one into a bush hog, and so on, and they continued to imitate those animals throughout the whole day, as they worked hard on their land. I realized I was onto something serious, and at the end of the day, when they had put the masks into a bag and changed back into humans,


ZigBee:无线技术,低功耗传感器网络 加里莱格 美国东部时间2004年5月6日上午12:00 技师(工程师)们在发掘无线传感器的潜在应用方面从未感到任何困难。例如,在家庭安全系统方面,无线传感器相对于有线传感器更易安装。而在有线传感器的装置通常占无线传感器安装的费用80%的工业环境方面同样正确(适用)。而且相比于有线传感器的不切实际甚至是不肯能而言,无线传感器更具应用性。虽然,无线传感器需要消耗更多能量,也就是说所需电池的数量会随之增加或改变过于频繁。再加上对无线传感器由空气传送的数据可靠性的怀疑论,所以无线传感器看起来并不是那么吸引人。 一个低功率无线技术被称为ZigBee,它是无线传感器方程重写,但是。一个安全的网络技术,对最近通过的IEEE 802.15.4无线标准(图1)的顶部游戏机,ZigBee的承诺,把无线传感器的一切从工厂自动化系统到家庭安全系统,消费电子产品。与802.15.4的合作下,ZigBee提供具有电池寿命可比普通小型电池的长几年。ZigBee设备预计也便宜,有人估计销售价格最终不到3美元每节点,。由于价格低,他们应该是一个自然适应于在光线如无线交换机,无线自动调温器,烟雾探测器和家用产品。 (图1)

虽然还没有正式的规范的ZigBee存在(由ZigBee联盟是一个贸易集团,批准应该在今年年底),但ZigBee的前景似乎一片光明。技术研究公司 In-Stat/MDR在它所谓的“谨慎进取”的预测中预测,802.15.4节点和芯片销售将从今天基本上为零,增加到2010年的165万台。不是所有这些单位都将与ZigBee结合,但大多数可能会。世界研究公司预测的到2010年射频模块无线传感器出货量4.65亿美量,其中77%是ZigBee的相关。 从某种意义上说,ZigBee的光明前途在很大程度上是由于其较低的数据速率20 kbps到250 kbps的,用于取决于频段频率(图2),比标称1 Mbps的蓝牙和54的802.11g Mbps的Wi - Fi的技术。但ZigBee的不能发送电子邮件和大型文件,如Wi - Fi功能,或文件和音频,蓝牙一样。对于发送传感器的读数,这是典型的数万字节数,高带宽是没有必要,ZigBee的低带宽有助于它实现其目标和鲁棒性的低功耗,低成本。 由于ZigBee应用的是低带宽要求,ZigBee节点大部分时间可以睡眠模式,从而节省电池电源,然后醒来,快速发送数据,回去睡眠模式。而且,由于ZigBee 可以从睡眠模式过渡到15毫秒或更少主动模式下,即使是睡眠节点也可以达到适当的低延迟。有人扳动支持ZigBee的无线光开关,例如,将不会是一个唤醒延迟知道前灯亮起。与此相反,支持蓝牙唤醒延迟通常大约三秒钟。 一个ZigBee的功耗节省很大一部分来自802.15.4无线电技术,它本身是为低功耗设计的。 802.15.4采用DSSS(直接序列扩频)技术,例如,因为(跳频扩频)另类医疗及社会科学院将在保持一样使用它的频率过大的权力同步。 ZigBee节点,使用802.15.4,是几个不同的沟通方式之一,然而,某些方面比别人拥有更多的使用权力。因此,ZigBee的用户不一定能够实现传感器网络上的任何方式选择和他们仍然期望多年的电池寿命是ZigBee的标志。事实


1998年的IEEE 国际会议上机器人及自动化 Leuven ,比利时1998年5月 一种实用的办法--带拖车移动机器人的反馈控制 F. Lamiraux and J.P. Laumond 拉斯,法国国家科学研究中心 法国图卢兹 {florent ,jpl} 摘要 本文提出了一种有效的方法来控制带拖车移动机器人。轨迹跟踪和路径跟踪这两个问题已经得到解决。接下来的问题是解决迭代轨迹跟踪。并且把扰动考虑到路径跟踪内。移动机器人Hilare的实验结果说明了我们方法的有效性。 1引言 过去的8年,人们对非完整系统的运动控制做了大量的工作。布洛基[2]提出了关于这种系统的一项具有挑战性的任务,配置的稳定性,证明它不能由一个简单的连续状态反馈。作为替代办法随时间变化的反馈[10,4,11,13,14,15,18]或间断反馈[3]也随之被提出。从[5]移动机器人的运动控制的一项调查可以看到。另一方面,非完整系统的轨迹跟踪不符合布洛基的条件,从而使其这一个任务更为轻松。许多著作也已经给出了移动机器人的特殊情况的这一问题[6,7,8,12,16]。 所有这些控制律都是工作在相同的假设下:系统的演变是完全已知和没有扰动使得系统偏离其轨迹。很少有文章在处理移动机器人的控制时考虑到扰动的运动学方程。但是[1]提出了一种有关稳定汽车的配置,有效的矢量控制扰动领域,并且建立在迭代轨迹跟踪的基础上。 存在的障碍使得达到规定路径的任务变得更加困难,因此在执行任务的任何动作之前都需要有一个路径规划。 在本文中,我们在迭代轨迹跟踪的基础上提出了一个健全的方案,使得带拖车的

机器人按照规定路径行走。该轨迹计算由规划的议案所描述[17],从而避免已经提交了输入的障碍物。在下面,我们将不会给出任何有关规划的发展,我们提及这个参考的细节。而且,我们认为,在某一特定轨迹的执行屈服于扰动。我们选择的这些扰动模型是非常简单,非常一般。它存在一些共同点[1]。 本文安排如下:第2节介绍我们的实验系统Hilare及其拖车:两个连接系统将被视为(图1)。第3节处理控制方案及分析的稳定性和鲁棒性。在第4节,我们介绍本实验结果。 图1带拖车的Hilare 2 系统描述 Hilare是一个有两个驱动轮的移动机器人。拖车是被挂在这个机器人上的,确定了两个不同的系统取决于连接设备:在系统A的拖车拴在机器人的车轮轴中心线上方(图1 ,顶端),而对系统B是栓在机器人的车轮轴中心线的后面(图1 ,底部)。A l= 0 。这个系统不过单从控制的角度来看,需要更对B来说是一种特殊情况,其中 r 多的复杂的计算。出于这个原因,我们分开处理挂接系统。两个马达能够控制机器人的线速度和角速度(v r,r ω)。除了这些速度之外,还由传感器测量,而机器人和拖车之间的角度?,由光学编码器给出。机器人的位置和方向(x r,y r,rθ)通过整合前的速度被计算。有了这些批注,控制系统B是:


伺服电机 1. 伺服电机的定义 伺服电动机又称执行电动机,在自动控制系统中,用作执行元件,把所收到的电信号转换成电动机轴上的角位移或角速度输出。分为直流和交流伺服电动机两大类,其主要特点是,当信号电压为零时无自转现象,转速随着转矩的增加而匀速下降。伺服电机在伺服系统中控制机械元件运转的发动机. 是一种补助马达间接变速装置。伺服电机可使控制速度, 位置精度非常准确。将电压信号转化为转矩和转速以驱动控制对象。转子转速受输入信号控制,并能快速反应,在自动控制系统中作执行元件,且具有机电时间常数小、线性度高、始动电压低等特点。 2. 伺服电机工作原理 1.伺服主要靠脉冲来定位,基本上可以这样理解,伺服电机接收到1 个脉冲,就会旋转1 个脉冲对应的角度,从而实现位移,因为,伺服电机本身具备发出脉冲的功能,所以伺服电机每旋转一个角度,都会发出对应数量的脉冲,这样,和伺服电机接受的脉冲形成了呼应,或者叫闭环,如此一来,系统就会知道发了多少脉冲给伺服电机,同时又收了多少脉冲回来,这样,就能够很精确的控制电机的转动,从而实现精确的定位,可以达到0.001mm有刷电机成本低,结构简单,启动转矩大,调速范围宽,控制容易,需要维护,但维护方便(换碳刷),产生电磁干扰,对环境有要求。无刷电机体积小,重量轻,出力大,响应快,速度高,惯量小,转动平滑,力矩稳定。控制复杂,容易实现智能化,其电子换相方式灵活,可以方波换相或正弦波换相。电机免维护,效率很高,运行温度低,电磁辐射很小,长寿命,可用于各种环境。 2. 交流伺服电机也是无刷电机,分为同步和异步电机,目前运动控制中一般都用同步电机,它的功率范围大,可以做到很大的功率。大惯量,最高转动速度低,且随着功率增大而快速降低。因而适合做低速平稳运行的应用。 3. 永磁交流伺服电动机简介 20 世纪80 年代以来,随着集成电路、电力电子技术和交流可变速驱动技术的发展,永磁交流伺服驱动技术有了突出的发展,各国著名电气厂商相继推出各自的交流伺服电动机和伺服驱动器系列产品并不断完善和更新。交流伺服系统已成为当代高性能伺服系统的主要发展方向,使原来的直流伺服面临被淘汰的危机。90 年代以后,世界各国已经商品化了的交流伺服系统是采用全数字控制的正弦


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院 专业 学生姓名 班级学号 外文出处 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文 指导教师评价: 1.翻译内容与课题的结合度:□优□良□中□差2.翻译内容的准确、流畅:□优□良□中□差3.专业词汇翻译的准确性:□优□良□中□差4.翻译字符数是否符合规定要求:□符合□不符合 指导教师签名: 年月日

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 非常, 1.1Web 部署项目 当ASP 第一次发布时,Web 编程还比较困难,因为需要 IIS 来处理 ASP 页。后来,, 2.0 和 Visual Studio? 2005 通过引入网站开发模型使一切工作都变得容易了。借助该网站模型,您不必在 Visual Studio 中创建新项目,而是可以指向一个目录并开始编写网页和代码。此外,您还可以使用内置的, Development Server 快速测试站点,, Development Server 将, 寄宿在一个本地进程中,并消除了必须安装 IIS 才能进行开发这一先决条件。该网站模型的魅力在于您在开发 Web 应用程序时无需考虑打包和部署。需要其他类时怎么办?向 App_Code 目录添加一个 .cs 文件即可开始编写。希望将可本地化的字符串存储在资源文件中时怎么办?向 App_GlobalResources 目录添加一个 .resx 文件并键入字符串。一切都顺顺当当;您根本就不必考虑编译和部署方面的事情。 在准备进行部署时,您有多种可选方案。最简单的方案是将文件复制到主运行服务器并按要求编译每一个文件(和在测试环境中一样)。第二种方案是使用 aspnet_compiler.exe 实用工具将应用程序预编译为二进制版本,之后将只剩下要放到服务器上的一组程序集、静态内容和配置文件。第三种方案也使用 aspnet_compiler.exe,但要创建一个可更新的二进制部署,其中 .as*x 文件保持不变(并且可修改),而所有代码文件都编译为二进制程序集。 这似乎涵盖了每一种可能的情况,开发人员可以一心一意地编写 Web 应用程序,而在以后实际部署时再作打包和部署决定。不过,此模型也遭到了相当大的反对,特别是那些习惯了自己开发的 Web 项目是在实际项目文件中指定的实际项目的开发人员的反对,这些项目允许注入生成前和生成后函数、从生成过程排除文件以及使用命令行开关在调试和发布版本之间进行切换等操作。有鉴于此,Microsoft 迅速推出了 Web 应用程序项目(即 WAP),最初它是作为 Visual Studio 2005 的插件发布的,现在包含在 Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 中,Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 可从,/vstudio/support/vs2005sp1 下载。 WAP 可替代与 Visual Studio .NET 2005 Web 项目模型非常接近的网站模型。新的WAP 模型会在生成过程中编译所有源代码文件,并在本地的 /bin 目录中生成一个用于部署的程序集。WAP 还使得增量采用, 2.0 引入的新的分部类代码隐藏模型变得更


AVI 影音文件Audio Video Interleaved 声音图象交叉存取。AVI是一种微软媒体文件格式,类似于MPEG和QuickTime。在AVI中,声音和图象是交叉的存取在一个文件中的每个段的。 ADSL 非对称数字用户线路 非对称数字用户线路。这种DSL叫做非对称DSL,将成为广大家庭和小型商业客户最熟悉的一种DSL。ADSL之所以叫做非对称是因为它的两个双工通道都用来向用户传输数据。仅有很小一部分带宽用来回送用户的信息。然而,大部Internet 特别是富于图形和多媒体Web 数据需要很大的下传带宽,同时用户信息相对比较少,上传的带宽也不要很大。使用ADSL时,下传的速率可以达到6.1 Mbps,而上传速率也可以达到640 Kbps。高的下传速率意味着您的电话可以传输动画,声音和立体图形。另外,一小部分的带宽可以用来传输语音信号,您可以同时打电话而不用再使用第二条电话线。不象电视线路提供的相同的服务,使用ADSL,您不需要和您的邻居争用带宽。有时候,现有的电话线可以使用ADSL,而有时候却要升级,除非电话公司提供了无分离器的ADSL,您就必须安装一个DSL调制解调器。 ASP (Application Services Provider) 应用服务提供商 是指配置、租赁、管理应用解决方案,它是随着外包趋势、软件应用服务和相关业务的发展而逐渐形成的。ASP具有三大特点:首先,ASP向用户提供的服务应用系统本身的所有权属ASP,用户租用服务之后对应用系统拥有使用权;并且,应用系统被集中放置在ASP的IDC(Internet数据服务中心)中,具有充足的带宽、电力和空间保证以及具有专业质量的系统维护服务;ASP定期向用户收取服务费。应用服务提供商将以全新的方式推动应用服务产业的巨大发展。ATM (Asynchronous Transmission Mode) 异步传输模式 这是为满足宽带综合业务数据通信,在分组交换技术的基础上迅速发展起来的通信新技术。可以实现语音、数据、图像、视频等信号的高速传输。 AI (Artificial Intelligent) 人工智能 是计算机科学的一门研究领域。它试图赋予计算机以人类智慧的某些特点,用计算机来模拟人的推理、记忆、学习、创造等智能特征,主要方法是依靠有关知识进行逻辑推理,特别是利用经验性知识对不完全确定的事实进行的精确性推理。 AD 网上广告 指一则按规定象素尺寸或字节数设定的标语或图像,通常是以动画表现的。 Baseband 基带 在该方式中,电压脉冲直接加到电缆,并且使用电缆的整个信号频率范围。基带与宽带传输相比较,宽带传输中,来自多条信道的无线信号调制到不同的“载波”频率上,带宽被划分为不同信道,每信道上的频率范围一定。LocalTalk及以太网都是基带网络,一次仅传输一个信号,电缆上信号电平的改变表示数字值0或者1。使用电缆的整个带宽建立起两个系统间的通信对话,然后两个系统轮流传送。在此期间,共享电缆的其它系统不能传送。基带传输系统中的直流信号往往由于电阻、电容等因素而衰减。另外马达、荧光灯等电子设备产生的外部电磁干扰也会加快信号的衰减。传输率越高,信号就越容易被衰减。为此,以太网等建网标准规定了网络电缆类型、电缆屏蔽、电缆距离、传输率以及在大部分环境中提供相对无差错服务的有关细节。 BBS (Bulletin Board System) 电子公告板 这是因特网提供的一种信息服务,为用户提供一个公用环境,以使寄存函件,读取通告,参与讨论和交流信息。Bluetooth 蓝牙(一种无线通信的标准) 蓝牙技术涉及一系列软硬件技术、方法和理论,包括:无线通信与网络技术,软件工程、软件可靠性理论,协议的正确性验证、形式化描述和一致性与互联测试技术,嵌入式实时操作系统(Embedded RTOS),跨平台开发和用户界面图形化技术,软/硬件接口技术(如RS232,UART,USB等),高集成、低功耗芯片技术等。蓝牙的目标是要提供一种通用的无线接口标准,用微波取代传统网络中错综复杂的电缆,在蓝牙设备间实现方便快捷、灵活安全、低成本低功耗的数据和话音通信。因此,其载频选用在全球都可用的2.45GHz ISM(工业、科学、医学)频带。 CA (Certificate Authority)认证中心 是在线交易的监督者和担保人,主要进行电子证书管理、电子贸易伙伴关系建立和确认、密钥管理、为支付系统中的各参与方提供身份认证等。CA类似于现实生活中公证人的角色,具有权威性,是一个普遍可信的第三方。


译文 流体传动及控制技术已经成为工业自动化的重要技术,是机电一体化技术的核心组成之一。而电液比例控制是该门技术中最具生命力的一个分支。比例元件对介质清洁度要求不高,价廉,所提供的静、动态响应能够满足大部分工业领域的使用要求,在某些方面已经毫不逊色于伺服阀。比例控制技术具有广阔的工业应用前景。但目前在实际工程应用中使用电液比例阀构建闭环控制系统的还不多,其设计理论不够完善,有待进一步的探索,因此,对这种比例闭环控制系统的研究有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本论文以铜电解自动生产线中的主要设备——铣耳机作为研究对象,在分析铣耳机组各构成部件的基础上,首先重点分析了铣耳机的关键零件——铣刀的几何参数、结构及切削性能,并进行了实验。用电液比例方向节流阀、减压阀、直流直线测速传感器等元件设计了电液比例闭环速度控制系统,对铣耳机纵向进给装置的速度进行控制。论文对多个液压阀的复合作用作了理论上的深入分析,着重建立了带压差补偿型的电液比例闭环速度控制系统的数学模型,利用计算机工程软件,研究分析了系统及各个组成环节的静、动态性能,设计了合理的校正器,使设计系统性能更好地满足实际生产需要 水池拖车是做船舶性能试验的基本设备,其作用是拖曳船模或其他模型在试验水池中作匀速运动,以测量速度稳定后的船舶性能相关参数,达到预报和验证船型设计优劣的目的。由于拖车稳速精度直接影响到模型运动速度和试验结果的精度,因而必须配有高精度和抗扰性能良好的车速控制系统,以保证拖车运动的稳速精度。本文完成了对试验水池拖车全数字直流调速控制系统的设计和实现。本文对试验水池拖车工作原理进行了详细的介绍和分析,结合该控制系统性能指标要求,确定采用四台直流电机作为四台车轮的驱动电机。设计了电流环、转速环双闭环的直流调速控制方案,并且采用转矩主从控制模式有效的解决了拖车上四台直流驱动电机理论上的速度同步和负载平衡等问题。由于拖车要经常在轨道上做反复运动,拖动系统必须要采用可逆调速系统,论文中重点研究了逻辑无环流可逆调速系统。大型直流电机调速系统一般采用晶闸管整流技术来实现,本文给出了晶闸管整流装置和直流电机的数学模型,根据此模型分别完成了电流坏和转速环的设计和分析验证。针对该系统中的非线性、时变性和外界扰动等因素,本文将模糊控制和PI控制相结合,设计了模糊自整定PI控制器,并给出了模糊控制的查询表。本文在系统基本构成及工程实现中,介绍了西门子公司生产的SIMOREGDC Master 6RA70全数字直流调速装置,并设计了该调速装置的启动操作步骤及参数设置。完成了该系统的远程监控功能设计,大大方便和简化了对试验水池拖车的控制。对全数字直流调速控制系统进行了EMC设计,提高了系统的抗干扰能力。本文最后通过数字仿真得到了该系统在常规PI控制器和模糊自整定PI控制器下的控制效果,并给出了系统在现场调试运行时的试验结果波形。经过一段时间的试运行工作证明该系统工作良好,达到了预期的设计目的。 提升装置在工业中应用极为普遍,其动力机构多采用电液比例阀或电液伺服阀控制液压马达或液压缸,以阀控马达或阀控缸来实现上升、下降以及速度控制。电液比例控制和电液伺服控制投资成本较高,维护要求高,且提升过程中存在速度误差及抖动现象,影响了正常生产。为满足生产要求,提高生产效率,需要研究一种新的控制方法来解决这些不足。随着科学技术的飞速发展,计算机技术在液压领域中的应用促进了电液数字控制技术的产生和发展,也使液压元件的数字化成为液压技术发展的必然趋势。本文以铅电解残阳极洗涤生产线中的提升装置为研究


对直流电机的速度闭环控制系统的设计 钟国梁 机械与汽车工程学院华南理工大学 中国,广州510640 电子邮件:zhgl2chl@, 机械与汽车工程学院 华南理工大学 中国,广州510640 江梁中 电子邮件:jianglzh88@, 该研究是由广州市科技攻关项目赞助(No.2004A10403006)。(赞助信息) 摘要 本文介绍了直流电机的速度控制原理,阐述了速度控制PIC16F877单片机作为主控元件,利用捕捉模块的特点,比较模块和在PIC16F877单片机模数转换模块将触发电路,并给出了程序流程图。系统具有许多优点,包括简单的结构,与主电路同步,稳定的移相和足够的移相范围,10000步控制的角度,对电动机的无级平滑控制,陡脉冲前沿,足够的振幅值,设定脉冲宽度,良好的稳定性和抗干扰性,并且成本低廉,这速度控制具有很好的实用价值,系统可以容易地实现。 关键词:单片机,直流电机的速度控制,控制电路,PI控制算法

1.简介 电力电子技术的迅速发展使直流电机的转速控制逐步从模拟转向数字,目前,广泛采用晶闸管直流调速传动系统设备(如可控硅晶闸管,SCR )在电力拖动控制系统对电机供电已经取代了笨重的F-D 发电机电动机系统,尤其是单片机技术的应用使速度控制直流电机技术进入一个新阶段。在直流调速系统中,有许多各种各样的控制电路。单片机具有高性能,体积小,速度快,优点很多,价格便宜和可靠的稳定性,广泛的应用和强劲的流通,它可以提高控制能力和履行的要求实时控制(快速反应)。控制电路采用模拟或数字电路可以实现单片机。在本文中,我们将介绍一种基于单片机PIC16F877单片机的直流电机速度控制系统的分类。 2.直流电机的调速原理 在图1中,电枢电压a U ,电枢电流a I ,电枢回路总电阻a R ,电机 常数a C 和励磁磁通Φ,根据KVL 方程,电机的转速为 Φ-= a a a a C R I U n a pN C 60= a a a a U R I U ≈- )1(63.0)(84.0)1()1()()1()(10--+-=--+-=k e k e k T k e a k e a k T k T d d d d i l T T Tf Kp a T T Kp a +==+ =10)1(


附录Ⅰ英文文献翻译 Moving from Classic ASP to, ABSTRACT, is Microsoft new offering for Web application development, innovation within, have resulted in significant industry popularity for this product. Consequently there is an increased need for, education. The Web Application Development is a third year undergraduate course. To meet the demands of both industry and students, we have changed the focus of this course from Classic ASP to,. This paper reports this move. The significant features of, and the motivations for this move are discussed. The process, the problems encountered, and some helpful online learning resources are described. Key words: Web Application Development, Classic ASP,,, Move,, 1. INTRODUCTION, is not just a new version of ASP. It provides innovation for moving Windows applications to Web applications. Web services and the .NET framework have made the vision of the Web as the next generation computing platform a reality. With server controls, Web forms and “code-behind”, we can develop a Web application by using a complete object-oriented programming (OOP) model. This increases the popularity of, in industry. The industry project is the final course of the Bachelor of Computing Systems (BCS) degree at UNITEC, in which students undertake a real-world project. We have observed a rapid growth of, related industry projects in our school. The Web Application Development (WAD) paper is a third year undergraduate course. It was originally offered using ASP 2.0 and ColdFusion. To meet the demands from both industry and students, we have changed the course content to cover,, Visual, (,) and ColdFusion. This change commenced with the first semester of 2003. This paper will examine the features of, and explain why these are unique. The motivations for moving to, are discussed by analyzing the current situation of, related to industry projects in our school, analyzing the results of short surveys on students, and


农村金融小额信贷中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) RURAL FINANCE: MAINSTREAMING INFORMAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS By Hans Dieter Seibel Abstract Informal financial institutions (IFIs), among them the ubiquitous rotating savings and credit associations, are of ancient origin. Owned and self-managed by local people, poor and non-poor, they are self-help organizations which mobilize their own resources, cover their costs and finance their growth from their profits. With the expansion of the money economy, they have spread into new areas and grown in numbers, size and diversity; but ultimately, most have remained restricted in size, outreach and duration. Are they best left alone, or should they be helped to upgrade


【附录】 英文文献 The Application of one point Multiple Access Spread Spectrum Communication System Liu Jiangang, Nanyang City, HenanProvince Electric Power Industry Bureau 【ABSTRACT】Spread Spectrum Digital Microwave communication as a communication, because their excellent performance have been widely used. The article in Nanyang City Power Industry Bureau one point Multiple Access Spread Spectrum Communication System as an example.briefed the spread spectrum communications, the basic concept and characteristics of the power system communication applications .KEYWORDS:one point multiple access; Spread-spectrum communication; Attenuation Nanyang City in the outskirts of Central cloth 35 to 11 kv substation farm terminals, their operation management rights belong to the Council East, Rural Power Company west (the eastern suburb of agricultural management companies -- four, the western suburbs of Rural Power Company Management 7), Scheduling of the various stations of the means of communication to the original M-150 radio and telephone posts. 2002 With the transformation of rural network, the remote station equipment into operation and communication channels to put a higher demand .As PUC Dispatch Communication Building to the east and west of farmers -- the difference between a company linked to fiber, Therefore, if 11 substations and the establishment of a transfer Link Building links Point may be the data and voice were sent to two rural power companies dispatch room, Rural Network scheduling for the implementation of automation to create the necessary conditions. Given the status and power grid substation level, nature, taking into account the carrier and optical-fiber communications to conduct multiple forwarding, increasing the instability factor, considering the cost and conditions of the urban construction, Finally decided to adopt wireless spread-spectrum technology to establish that 11
