
Module 5 Cloning


If you’re the smartest person in your circle, you’re in the wrong circle —you’ve outgrown it.It’s time to move to the next 1 .This saying encourages people to 2 more by hanging out with those who are more driven and 3 than they are.

I heard this saying 4 to me from my daughter’s friend this past week.Ally, Wes and I have been running for upcoming 5 .I’m going to do another 5K and Ally and Wes are going to do the 12-mile obstacle course. 6 , their training is more intense than mine, but when I was in 7 with them last week, Wes suddenly said,“You should 8 with us!”

“You mean do what you’re doing?”I asked, with a surprised 9 on my face.

“Exactly,”he answered.“You can do it! You 10 need someone to push you.”

As much as I 11 to admit it, he was right.I needed to 12 outside my comfort zone.I always let them run ahead of me, content to run at my own comfortable pace.But that was the 13 — I’d grown too comfortable with my training.

I hadn’t been pushing myself.Ever since I had the surgery in April, I was a little 14 about running again.I was afraid to even try 15 that night when Wes pushed me into it — and outside my comfort zone.He was right! I was able to run — only about 5 minutes at a time before I had to walk again — but it was a(n) 16 .And that was all I needed to get back at it — no longer afraid to train harder.

Recently I have 17 my “training circle” to include Ally and Wes, and he wasn’t afraid to push me.So, how are the circles in your life? Are you being 18 in every area of your life, or are you very comfortable these days, not being 19 at all, still living inside your comfort zone? If you’re the most 20 one, then it’s time to get into a new circle or at least add to your existing ones.

1.A.pattern B.level



2.A.appreciate B.pay



3.A.honest B.experienced



4.A.directly B.immediately



5.A.sports B.exams



6.A.Hopefully B.Thankfully



https://www.360docs.net/doc/f413779485.html,pany B.love



8.A.play B.exercise



9.A.appearance B.view



10.A.still B.just



11.A.expected B.agreed



12.A.spread B.shift



13.A.opinion B.sight



14.A.particular B.nervous



15.A.since B.if



16.A.stop B.start



17.A.entered B.traced



18.A.shocked B.challenged



19.A.shaken B.stretched



20.A.confident B.special





1.B 根据文章第一句话If you’re the smartest person in your circle, you’re in the wrong circle可知,此处指的是改变圈子,即为是移动到下一个“层级(level)”。

2.C 这句话鼓励人们“取得(achieve)”更多的成就。

3.B 根据上下文语境及空前的“more driven”可知,此处指与那些更有干劲和“经验丰富的(experienced)”人为伍,向他们学习。

4.A 此处指上周作者从女儿的朋友口中听到了这句“直接(directly)”对自己说的话。

5.C 从下文的“another 5K”“the 12-mile obstacle course”可知,此处指的是即将到来的“竞赛(races)”。

6.D 根据语境可知,作者的女儿及其朋友的训练强度“明显(Obviously)”大于作者的。

7.A 8.C 根据下文的“You mean do what you’re doing”可知,此处指当作者上周“和他们一起(company)”去训练时,Wes对作者说作者应该和他们一起参加同样强度的“训练(train)”。

9.D 对于Wes这样的提议,作者应该是觉得不可思议,因而脸上流露出一副吃惊的“表情(look)”。

10.B 根据语境可知,此处指Wes说:“你能做到。你只是(just)需要有人敦促你。”

11.C 根据上下文语境可知,此处指作者心中明白Wes说的是对的,就是“不愿意(hated)”承认。

12.D 此处指作者需要“走出(step)”自己的安乐窝。

13.D 呼应首段首句,指作者以自己觉得舒服的速度来训练,这就是“问题(problem)”所在。

14.B 作者四月份动了手术之后,对再次跑步感到有点“紧张(nervous)”。下文中的“afraid”亦是提示。

15.D 那时候也是Wes鼓励作者重新开始跑步的。在Wes敦促作者之前,作者甚至都不敢试一下。until“直到……为止,在……以前”。

16.B 作者之前害怕跑步,后来能跑五分钟,这是个(好的)“开始(start)”。

17.D 根据上下文语境可知,最近作者“扩大(enlarged)”了训练圈子。

18.B 根据语境可知,此处指的是你在生活中的任何一个领域都挑战自我吗?challenge“挑战”符合语境。

19.B 这些天你是否依然非常舒服地生活在你的安乐窝里,没有“全力以赴(stretched)”?stretch意为“使全力以赴,使发挥出全部本领”,符合此处语境。shake摇晃;punish惩罚;stimulate刺激。

20.C 此处用 suitable 对应首句的smartest,点明主题,表示如果你是圈子中最“适合的”,那么是时候进到一个新的圈子里了。


It is an aerial performance far beyond the capabilities of even the most complex modern aircraft: landing upside down on a ceiling.But it is routine business for bats, and now scientists have learned precisely how they do it.

Brown University scientists observed two species: Seba’s short-tailed bat and the lesser dog-faced fruit bat.They tracked their motions using three high-speed video cameras taking images at 1,000 frames per second, and studied weight distribution in the bats’ body and wings.They found that by flapping both wings while folding one of them just a bit toward their body, a bat can shift its centre of mass to perform a midair flip in order to land on a ceiling.

“Flying animals all move skillfully and constantly as they fly through a three-dimensional environment,”Brown biology and engineering professor Sharon Swartz said.“Bats employ this specific technique every time they land, because for a bat, landing requires reorienting from head forward, back up, belly down, to head down, toes up.”

When approaching their touchdown spot, bats are not flying very quickly, making it difficult to gather the type of aerodynamic forces produced by pushing against the air that could help position them for an upside-down landing.But their heavy

wings enable them instead to create inertial(惯性的) forces to adjust themselves in midair.

Swartz said bats, as nocturnal(夜间活动的) animals, are generally not fully appreciated as skilled pilots.“People have many opportunities to observe birds and insects flying, but the bat world is hidden in the night.The more we observe flight behavior in bats, the more we are impressed,”Swartz said.

1.What’s the key factor in bats’ successful landing?

A.Flapping both wings constantly.

B.Flying slowly and stably.

C.Choosing suitable positions.

D.Shifting their centre of mass.

2.Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “reorienting”?





3.Why aren’t bats generally recognized as skilled pilots?

A.Their flying skills are controversial.

B.Their flight behavior is hard to understand.

C.They’re not the most skilled in flying.

D.They’re primarily active at night.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.How bats hunt at night.

B.How bats land upside down.

C.How bats travel around at night.

D.How scientists track bats’ motions.



1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They found that by flapping both wings while folding one of them just a bit toward their body, a bat can shift its centre of mass to perform a midair flip in order to land on a ceiling”可知,转移重心能让蝙蝠成功倒挂在天花板上。

2.A 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“from head forward, back up, belly down, to head down, toes up”和上下文语境可知,此处指的是蝙蝠降落需要从头朝前、背朝上、腹部朝下调整为头朝下、脚趾朝上。故画线词应意为“调整”,与adjusting的意义相近。

3.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“as nocturnal(夜间活动的) animals”和“but the bat world is hidden in the night”可知,因为蝙蝠在夜间活动,不易被观察到,因此在飞行技巧方面未得到充分赏识。

4.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲蝙蝠是怎样倒挂在天花板上的。故B项最能概括文章的大意。


(2017吉林松原油田高考模拟) There is an old Spanish Proverb which states, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week”.1. I’d say, too many.Our dreams should not, and cannot wait.We have to go for them now! Here’s why.


Nobody likes to talk about death, but the reality is...everybody is going to die at one point.None of us know the day, or the hour.Therefore, today is all we have.Don’t go to your grave with unfulfilled dreams.Make the decision to go after every dream, big or small right now.

The world is waiting on your gift.

I know this may be hard to believe, but the world is waiting on YOU! Yes, YOU!3. Sure, other people may be able to sing.But they’ll never be able to sing exactly like you.Sure other people can write, but they’ll never be able to write from the same perspective in which you write.Don’t deprive(使丧失) the world of your gift.It’s the oxygen that we need to survive.Thus, it is your responsibility to figure out exactly what your gift is, and use to better your life and the lives of those around you.


You can dream about writing the great American play that you want, but it’s never going to happen unless you actually put pen to paper.You can dream about finding a cure for cancer, but it will never happen unless you actually go to school to become

equipped with the necessary tools to find that cure.5. They require you to get your head out of the clouds, and actually do the work to make them happen.Get to it!

A.You can’t let fear win.

B.Tomorrow is not promised.

C.In other words, dreams don’t work unless you do.

D.Possibilities you never knew existed are waiting on you.

E.How many times have we put off our dreams until tomorrow?

F.Unless you take the first step, your dreams will never come true.

G.You were born into the world with a unique gift, which nobody on this earth can copy.

答案:1-5 EBGFC
