


Questions 41-50

The tern “art deco” has come to encompass three distinct but related design trends of the 1920’s and 1930’s. The first was what is frequently referred to as “zigzag



The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930’s streamlined moderne” style—a Futuristic-looking aerodynamic style of rounded corners and horizontal bands known as “speed stripes.” In architecture, these elements were frequently accompanied by round windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

15) The third style, referred to as cither “ international stripped classicism,” or simply

“ classical moderne,” also came to the forefront during the Depression, a period of severe

20) were erected nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

Although art deco in its many forms was largely perceived as thoroughly modern, it was strongly influenced by the decorative arts movements that immediately preceded it. For example, like “art nouveau” (1890-1910), art deco also used plant motifs, but

regularized the forms into abstracted repetitive patterns rather than presenting them as 25) flowing, a symmetrical foliage, Like the Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,

art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully

ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England and the United States, art deep practitioners considered it their mission to transform the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.


41. What aspect of art deco does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The influence of art deco on the design of furniture and household accessories

(B) Ways in which government programs encouraged the development of art deco

(C) Architectural manifestations of art deco during the 1920’s and 1930’s

(D) Reasons for the popularity of art deco in New York and California


42. The word “encompass” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) separate

(B) include

(C) replace

(D) enhance


43. The phrase “The first” in line 2 refers to

(A) the term “art deco”

(B) design trends

(C) the 1920’s and 1930’s

(D) skyscrapers

解析:文中第一句话The tern“art deco”has come to encompass three distinct but related design trends of the 1920’S and 1930’S.The first was what is frequently referred to as“zigzag moderne”。这个first是前面提到的hree distinct but related design trends之一。正确选项为B。

44. In line 9, the author mentions “an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower ” in order to

(A) describe the exterior shape of certain “art deco” buildings

(B) explain the differences between ancient and modern architectural steles

(C) emphasize the extent of architectural advances

(D) argue for a return to more traditional architectural design


45. The streamlined moderne style is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

(A) animal motifs

(B) flat roofs

(C) round windows

(D) “speed stripes”

解析:文中第13行至第14行” In architecture, these elements were frequently accompanied by round windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.”是说在建筑学上,这些元素常常是伴随着圆形的窗户、玻璃块的大量使用以及平坦的屋顶,只有图案没有提到。因此正确选项为A。

46. The phrase “came to the forefront” in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) grew in complexity

(B) went through a process

(C) changed its approach

(D) became important

解析: forefront本身有“最前线、最重要的位置”之意。故此处应选D。

47. According to the passage, which of the following statements most accurately

describes the relationship between art deco and art nouveau?

(A) They were art forms that competed with each other for government support during the Depression era.

(B) They were essentially the same art form.

(C) Art nouveau preceded art deco and influenced it.

(D) Art deco became important in the United States while art nouveau became popular in England.

解析:文章整个最后一段中可以找到两者关系的表述。Although art deco in its many forms waslargely perceived as thoroughly modern,it was strongly irffluenced by the decorative arts movements that immediately preceded it.For example,like“art nouveau”这句中,从preceded it 可见,art nouveau的形成要更早一些。正确选项为C。

48. According to the passage, a building having an especially ornate appearance would most probably have been designed in the style of

(A) zigzag moderne

(B) streamlined moderne

(C) classical moderne

(D) the Arts and Crafts Movement

解析:由原文it was strongly influenced by the decorative arts movements可知,arts movements的特点是decorative,很强的装饰性。而曲线风格特点是几何、抽象图形、流线风格特点是玻璃、窗、平屋顶等;古典风格是以简单为美的。因此正确选项为D。

49. According to the passage, which of the following design trends is known by more than one name ?

(A) Zigzag moderne

(B) Streamlined moderne

(C) International stripped classicism

(D) Arts and Crafts Movement

解析:文中第15行至第16行The third style,referred to as either“international stripped classicism,”or simply“classical moderne,”故选择C。

50. The passage is primarily developed as

(A) the historical chronology of a movement

(B) a description of specific buildings that became famous for their unusual beauty

(C) an analysis of various trends within an artistic movement

(D) an argument of the advantages of one artistic form over another




装饰派艺术的第二种表现是1930年代的“流线型风格”——一种拥有圆形拐角和称为“Speed stripes”的水平镶边的未来派流线风格。在建筑学上,这些元素常常是伴随着圆形的窗户、玻璃块的大量使用以及平坦的屋顶。



图形,不同的是它将图形规范为一种抽象的重复的图案,而非流畅不对称的花、茎、叶的装饰。如同Wiener Werkstatte的维也纳手工艺匠一样,装饰派艺术的设计师们也使用了外来的材料、几何的形状以及色彩华丽的图案。此外,就像英格兰和美国工艺运动中的工匠一样,装饰派艺术工作者们认为他们的使命就是通过设计精良的家具和家庭用品来改造家庭环境。


Paragraph 1


n. 三个一套

a. 三个一套的

art deco 艺术装饰


n. 趋势,方位,倾向

v. 伸向,通向,倾向

frequently ad. 经常地,频繁地

zigzag n. Z字形, 蜿蜒曲折, 锯齿形adj. 曲折的, Z字形的, 锯齿形的adv. 曲折地, 成锯齿形地

exotically adv. 异国地,外来地ornamental adj. 装饰性的; 装饰用的; 装饰的

skyscraper n. 摩天楼, 超高层大楼; 特别高的东西allude v. 间接提到; 暗示; 影射geometric a. 几何学的, 几何学上的, 几何学图形的stylize vt. 仿效...的风格(因袭) ornamentation n. 装饰; 装饰品

angular adj. 消瘦的, 有角的, 有尖角的

abstract n. 摘要

a. 抽象的v. 摘要, 抽炼

motif n. 主题, 动机, 意念

sunburst n. 从云隙射下的阳光, 镶钻石的太阳形首饰astrological adj. 占星学的, 占星术的

imagery n. 肖像; 雕刻; 比喻

formalize v. 正式化; 使形式化; 定形

fountain n. 泉水; 喷泉

theme n. 主题, 题目, 话题

a. 摩西的


n. 马赛克, 镶嵌细工, 镶木细工

n. 壁画


adj. 壁的, 壁似的, 壁上的

ziggurat n. 古代亚述及巴比伦之金字形神塔(顶上有神殿) resemble v. 相似, 象, 类似

recede v. 退, 后退; 变模糊, 变淡; 远去; 变得渺茫progressively adv. 前进地; 日益增加地

n. 顶点


n. 最高官阶; 最高级会议

staircase n.楼梯

Paragraph 2

manifestation n. 显示, 示威运动, 证明

streamline v. 使成流线型, 使合理化

futuristic adj. 未来派的

aerodynamic adj. 空气动力学的

a. 水平的, 横的


n. 水平线, 水平面

stripe n. 条纹

n. 建筑学, 建筑业


[总称]建筑物, 建筑风格

element n. 成分; 要素; 分子

accompany v. 陪伴, 带有

rooftop n. 屋顶

Paragraph 3

cither n. 齐特拉琴(古希腊一种类似竖琴的古乐器) classicism n. 古典主义; 古典教育主义; 古典风格; 古典派

severe adj. 严厉的, 剧烈的, 严格的

n. 保守者, 守旧者; 防腐剂; 保守党党员conservative

adj. 保守的, 有保存力的, 守旧的

v. 混合


n. 混合物

modernistic adj. 现代的; 现代主义的; 现代化的; 现代派的austere adj. 严峻的, 简朴的

. 雕刻, 雕塑, 雕刻品


v. 雕刻; 以雕刻装饰; 做...的雕像; 雕刻于; 从事雕刻

v. 使竖立, 树立, 使直立


adj. 直立的; 笔直的; 竖立的

Paragraph 4

perceive v. 察觉; 意识到; 感知; 理解

thoroughly ad. 彻底地

decorative adj. 装饰性的, 装潢用的

nouveau adj. 新近到达的; 新近生产的

regularize v. 使有规则, 调整, 使有秩序

repetitive adj. 反复的; 唠叨的

symmetrical adj. 对称的; 整齐的; 匀称的

foliage n. 树叶; 植物

exotic adj. 异国的, 外来的

artisan n. 工匠; 技工

practitioner n. 从业者

a. 国内的, 家庭的, 驯养的


n. 家仆, 佣人

a. 附属的(副的, 辅助的)


n. 附件






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中考英语阅读理解填词解题技巧(潘永红) 中考英语阅读理解填词解题技巧潘永红 1通过因果关系猜词通过因果关系猜词首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系然后才能猜词有时文章借助关联词如becauseassinceforsothusas a resultof coursetherefore等等表示前因后果例如You shouldnt have blamed him for thatfor it wasnt his fault通过for引出的句子所表示的原因那不是他的错可猜出blame的词义是"责备" 2通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词通过同义词猜词一是要看由and或or 连接的同义词词组如happy and gay即使我们不认识gay这个词也可以知道它是愉快的意思二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词如Man has known something about the planets VenusMarsand Jupiter with the help of spaceships此句中的Venus 金星 Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星均为生词但只要知道planets就可猜出这几个词都属于"行星"这一义域通过反义词猜词一是看表转折关系的连词或副词如butwhilehowever等二是看与not搭配的或表示否定意义的词语如He is so homelynot at all as handsome as his brother根据not at allhandsome我们不难推测出homely的意思即不英俊不漂亮的意思3通过构词法猜词在阅读文章时我们总会遇上一些新词汇有时很难根据上下文来推断其词意而它们对文章的理解又有着举足轻重的作用此时如掌握了一些常用的词根前缀后缀等语法知识这些问题便不难解决了 4通过定义或释义关系来推测词义例如But sometimesno rain falls for


2001年全国攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试题 Part I Cloze Test Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points) The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 1 the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant 2 of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a 3 bill that will propose making payments to witnesses 4 and will strictly control the amount of 5 that can be given to a case 6 a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he 7 with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not 8 sufficient control. 9 of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a 10 of media protest when he said the 11 of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges 12 to Parliament. The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which 13 the European Convention on Human Rights legally 14 in Britain, laid down that everybody was 15 to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families. “Press freedoms will be in safe hands 16 our British judges,” he said. Witness payments became an 17 after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995. Up to 19 witnesses were 18 to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised 19 witnesses might be encouraged exaggerate their stories in court to 20 guilty verdicts. 1.[A]as to [B]for instance [C]in particular [D]such as 2.[A]tightening [B]intensifying [C]focusing [D]fastening 3.[A]sketch [B]rough [C]preliminary [D]draft 4.[A]illogical [B]illegal [C]improbable [D]improper 5.[A]publicity [B]penalty [C]popularity [D]peculiarity 6.[A]since [B]if [C]before [D]as 7.[A]sided [B]shared [C]complied [D]agreed 8.[A]present [B]offer [C]manifest [D]indicate 9.[A]Release [B]Publication [C]Printing [D]Exposure 10.[A]storm [B]rage [C]flare [D]flash 11.[A]translation [B]interpretation [C]exhibition [D]demonstration


1 、根据短文内容在空格处填入一个适当的单词,使短文的意思完整,需填单词的第一个字母已经给出。 It is well-known that man is much cleverer than any animal. But which is the cleverest a_______(1)the animals?Some scientists t_______(2)it should be Alex,an African grey parrot. He is unlike any other animal. He can really t_______(3)with people! When he says “come here”,he really w_______(4)someone to come up to him.“ “Alex is as clever as a c_______(5)of 2 or 3 years old,”says Dr. Pepperberg. “He does not just repeat the s_______(6)he has been taught. He u_______(7)the words!” Alex can tell about 50 d_______(8)things,name 7 colours and count from 1 to 6. Is the parrot actually thinking in the w_______ (9)how man does?Nobody can say. But the q_______ (10)is very interesting. 答案与解析 本文论述了非洲灰色鹦鹉被一些科学家认为是最聪明的动物。 1. among.表示最高级的比较范围,意为“在……中”,一般用of或among,等介词,此处已有首字母a,所以是among. 2. think.根据前面的提问有首字母t可知是think,表示“有的科学家认为最聪明的动物应当是Alex”。 3. talk.根据下文对他会讲会的描述和空格后的with,可知是talk with sb(同……谈话)。 4. wants.根据前面的come here及后文的句式搭配可知是want sb to do sth(想要某人做某事)。 5. child.根据后面的两叁岁可知是小孩。 6. sounds.由前文的talk和后文的words可知是重复教他讲话的声音。 7. understands.从后文的描述可知,他不但会重复教他的声音而且还明白其意思。 8. different.根据things是复数及首字母的提示可知是指不同的(different)事物。 9. way.根据句意“他的思维方式是否与的思维方式一样呢?”。搭配:in the way用这种方式。 10. question.上文“Is the parrot…?”提出的是一个问题。 2 、根据短文内容在空格处填入一个适当的单词,使短文的意思完整,需填单词的第一个字母已经给出。 It is well-known that man is much cleverer than any animal. But which is the cleverest a_______(1)the animals?Some scientists t_______(2)it should be Alex,an African grey parrot. He is unlike any other animal. He can really t_______(3)with people! When he says “come here”,he really w_______(4)someone to come up to him.“ “Alex is as clever as a c_______(5)of 2 or 3 years old,”says Dr. Pepperberg. “He does not just repeat the s_______(6)he has been taught. He u_______(7)the words!” Alex can tell about 50 d_______(8)things,name 7 colours and count from 1 to 6. Is the parrot actually thinking in the w_______ (9)how man does?Nobody can say. But the q_______ (10)is very interesting. 答案与解析」 本文论述了非洲灰色鹦鹉被一些科学家认为是最聪明的动物。 1. among.表示最高级的比较范围,意为“在……中”,一般用of或among,等介词,此处已有首字母a,所以是among. 2. think.根据前面的提问有首字母t可知是think,表示“有的科学家认为最聪明的动物应当是Alex”。 3. talk.根据下文对他会讲会的描述和空格后的with,可知是talk with sb(同……谈话)。 4. wants.根据前面的come here及后文的句式搭配可知是want sb to do sth(想要某人做某事)。 5. child.根据后面的两叁岁可知是小孩。 6. sounds.由前文的talk和后文的words可知是重复教他讲话的声音。 7. understands.从后文的描述可知,他不但会重复教他的声音而且还明白其意思。 8. different.根据things是复数及首字母的提示可知是指不同的(different)事物。 9. way.根据句意“他的思维方式是否与的思维方式一样呢?”。搭配:in the way用这种方式。 10. question.上文“Is the parrot…?”提出的是一个问题。 3、在短文的空格内填入适当的词。使其内容通顺,首字母已给。每空格限填一词。 Bedtime stories are one of the delights(喜悦)of early childhood. But a________(1)to Dr. Julie Spreadbury from Queensland,parents s________(2)not speed up reading to their children after they entered primary school. She says listening to,reading and d________(3)the stories help children's relaxation. My theory (理论)is that when children can read t________(4),most parents stop reading to them,Dr. Spreadbury says. That may be at the end of the Year 1,which is far too informal (非正式)。


2015高考英语阅读填词题 一 2014全国新课标I (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix? In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River Cleveland, Ohio. It __61__(be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it _62__(actual)caug ht fire and burned. Now, ears later, this river is one of _63__most outstanding examples of environ mental cleanup. But the river wasn?t changed in a few days __64___even a few months. It took years of work__ 65__(reduce ) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and no w the water in the river is__66__(clean) than ever. Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you leave a habit __67__is driving your f amily crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don?t know how to control your credit card use. Whe n you face such an impossible situation , don?t you want a quick fix and something to change im mediately? While there are __68__(amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the__69__(cha nge) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be 70 (patience) 二 2014全国新课标II卷(共10分;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about __61___ (be) late for school. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, __62___ some of them looked very anxious a nd __63__ (disappoint) . when the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next __ _64___ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike ___65__ (catch ) my at tention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shoutin g to the driver, but he refused ___66___(stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept __ _67__(ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came t o the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the drive r stood up and asked,“___68__ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shout ed, “Oh, dear! It …s __69__ (I )”. She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully , Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers ___ 70__(sudden) became friendly to one another. 三2014辽宁(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) Jonny: Hey! I'm just practicing Tai Chi.Would you like to join me? Peter: I know nothing about it. Is it difficult? Jonny: It seems easy, but you need a lot of practice. You just follow me like this. Peter: OK. Don't laugh 61 me. I may look funny. Jonny: Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and 62 (soft). Try to keep your body straight. Move slowly , then be sure to keep your balance and don't let your body shake. Peter: I cannot control my body well. My legs become 63 (pain) Jonny: Keep 64 (hold) your position for a while .It helps develop your strength and flexibility. Raise your leg and let 65 stay in the air for seconds. Peter: I feel my legs shaking. I cannot do this any longer. Jonny: Be patient! Tai Chi 66 (call) “shadow boxing" in English. It asks you to act like water: to be flexible as well 67 strong. In real competition, a Tai Chi master borrows the strength of th e competitor and uses this energy to fight back. The 68 (hard) you try to beat him, the more lik ely you will get hit. He controls you! Peter: Unbelievable! Oh..., 69 you don't mind, I'll stop and take a deep 70 . 四 2014福建阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示, 在每个空格内填人一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 Many of us were raised with the saying "Waste not, want not.” None of us, (76) h , can comp letely avoid waste in our lives. Any kind of waste is thoughtless. Whether we waste our potential talents, our own time, our lim ited natural(77) ____ ,our money, or other people's time, each of us can become more aware and careful. The smallest good habits can make a big (78) d ____ . It's a good feeling to know in our hearts we are doing our(79)h in a world that is in serious trouble. By focusing on( 80) (节省oil, water, paper, food, and clothing, we are playing a part (81) ____ cutting down on waste. We must keep reminding (82) ____ that it is easier to get into something (83) it is to get o ut of it. Actually, severe damage( 84)d ___to our land is fairly recent in the history of our evolutio n. It's time for us to( 85)____no to waste so that our grandchildren?s children will be able to deve -lop well. We can't solve all the problems of waste, but we can encourage mindfulness. Waste not ! 二、语法填空专练(一) 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) (A)(字数212) As Christopher Walsh saved his brother and then his sister from the water of a river, his mother sh outed ho him:“I'm proud of you.” Christopher was in the car with his parents, sister Rosie, and brother Mac, (25) ____ his father dro ve into a metal barrier. The family's car fell down a hill (26) ____ the river, and landed with its wh eels up. 1


2011考研英语真题及答案(免费下载) D

stress.Anyway,the act of laughing probably does produce other types of ______feedback,that improve an individual’s emotional state. ______one classical theory of emotion,our feelings are partially rooted _______ physical reactions. It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry ______they are sad but they become sad when te tears begin to flow. Although sadness also _______ tears,evidence suggests that emotions can flow _____ muscular responses.In an experiment published in 1988,social psychologist Fritz. 1.[A]among [B]except [C]despite [D]like 2.[A]reflect [B]demand [C]indicate [D]produce 3.[A]stabilizing [B]boosting [C]impairing [D]determining 4.[A]transmit [B]sustain [C]evaluate [D]observe 5.[A]measurable [B]manageable [C]affordable [D]renewable 6.[A]In turn [B]In fact [C]In addition [D]In brief


v1.0 可编辑可修改 1 培优班阅读理解填词专项训练 A Our teacher has some pictures. Every class, she s those pictures to us. She want us l something from them. In O of her picture, we see a boy at work. He’s cleaning the room. In a picture, a girl is singing. She is singing an A song. In other pictures ,we see others doing d things. One is running, another is m a cake. And a girl is doing her h .We look at our teacher and her pictures. We talk i English and our teacher listens to us. We learn from our teacher and her pictures. We like her and her c . B In China, different p have different weather. In Heilongjiang, the weather is always very c and hot in summer. B in Hainan island, the weather is very warm in winter and also very hot in s . Kunming is a s city. It’s warm all the time. In London, the weather changes (变化) very often. You can see a sunny day in the morning, and then a rainy or a cloudy day in one or two h later. People often talk a the weather in London. They often t to you, “If you don’t like the weather, it doesn’t matter. You can just wait! It will c in a minute.” Now people can do many things about weather. It’s called man-made(被 称为人造的)weather. We h one day we can decide( 决定)the weather.


阅读理解填词,又称首字母填词,使很多学生头疼不已。它往往成为学生得分的洼地,每每遇到此题,就犯晕,有点糊,难hold住。有的同学做题时,不注意方法,凭语感,感出来的毕竟少数,不会时就瞎猜一通。 错误的现象主要大体在以下几个方面: 一、看不懂,不会填。 二、懂意思,但想不出一个合适的词。 三、词知道,但拼写、时态、词性等方面出现小错误。 通过这几年中考阅读理解填词的原题分析,不难得出其间的奥秘,是有规律可寻的。 首先,通读选文,了解全文大意。从行文逻辑上总体去把握。 其次,从语法方面去考虑(词性、时态、单复数、主宾格....)。 第三,从固定搭配、日常用语、语境等方面,去进一步分析。 下面就以2011年武汉市中考英语首字母填词为例,说说解题的大体思路。即;通读--了解大意;推理--寻求原意;分析--得出答案。 六、阅读理解填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式。单词的第一个字母已经给出。 The worst traveler in the world was Paul of San Francisco.Once he f 76 from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home.The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at an airport in New York.Paul thought he was in Rome.C 77 ,he got off the plane. When nobody was there to meet him,Paul thought maybe the heavy t 78 made his friends late. While looking for their address,Paul found that the old “Rome”had changed a lot.He found many high m 79 buildings instead of old ones.He also found that many people spoke English but not Italian and that many street signs were w 80 in English. Paul knew very l 81 English.So he asked a policeman in Italian the way to the bus station.He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered in the same l 82 . After twelve hours’traveling round on a bus,the driver handed him over to a 83 policeman. But this time,this policeman could only speak English.So Paul asked the policeman why the Rome police employed(雇佣) so many people who spoke English as policeman. Paul didn’t b 84 he was in New York when he was told so.To get him on a plane to Italy,he was s 85 to the airport in a police car. 通过阅读,可以知道本文在叙述一个人从罗马去意大利,结果下错了飞机而产生的一系列误解。 76题,从The plane made a one-hour stop可知这个The worst traveler in the world是坐飞机,故推出飞往意大利,用fly;再考虑语法(was Paul of San)---过去式,故填flew; 77题,从The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at an airport,而他认为Paul thought he was in Rome.与后文他下飞机he got off the plane.构成因果关系。“当然”,certainly。 78题,从没人接他,他very heavy (严重的....原因)----使他朋友到飞机场晚点(made his friends late.)一般认为是交通,所以用traffic。 79题,从罗马变化很大(Paul found that the old “Rome”had changed a lot),及后面的“而不是旧楼”instead of old ones。“旧的”对应“现代的”。所以,是现代的,modern。 80题,many people spoke English but not Italian,人们“说”英语。所以,后面街道标牌(sign)


阅读理解填词解题技巧 宗旨:词性缩小范围,语义确定内容 1.谓语动词:实义动词、情态动词+实义动词、助动词+实义动词、系表结构,在句中作谓语。 2.介词:介词+宾语,在句子中作状语或者作表语。 a about,after,as,also,among,around,across,at,against,above b by,before,beside,behind,but(除去),besides,below,beyond d during e except f from,for i in,into,inside,including l like o of,on,out,of,outside,over p past n near r round s since t to,though,towards u until,under w without,with 3.形容词:前后的比较级标志。相当于形容词的词:形容词性物主代词、名词所有格、现在和过去分词。 褒义词贬义词 a amazing angry,afraid b beautiful,better,best broken,bored,boring,bad c careful,clever,confident,comfortable careless,crowded d delicious dangerous,difficult,dirty,dark e excited,exciting,enjoyable expensive f famous,favorite,friendly,fine frightened 专业专注尽心尽责 1


人教版初中英语阅读填词专项训练 解题技巧】 阅读填词又叫综合填空。考查方式是给出一段短文,在文中挖出数空,要求考生根据短文意思,在每一空缺处分别填入一个适当的单词。为降低难度,一般给出了所填单词的第一个字母。 阅读填词题是目前中考试题中综合性最强、难度最大的一种主观性题型。本文谈谈做这类题的一般方法。 首先,把握文意。阅读填词兼有阅读理解与完形填空两种题型的主要特点,类似补全对话,但又不同于以考查口语应用为主的补全对话题。做这类题,关键是阅读。文章意思清楚了,才可能根据文意进行合理的判断,从而有可能突然产生“灵感”,将断层点的意义信息比较准确地反映出来。 其次,注意精读。如果第一遍只是浏览,即使粗略把握了文章大意,对所填单词印象也会过于模糊。因为这类题没有可供选择的答案,所给文章也没有见过,粗略读过,很可能一个单词也填不出来,等于白读。如果第一遍读得细致,初步确定了部分答案,再精读第二遍、第三遍时,因对文章整体内容已有了较具体而连贯的理解,个别细节处也容易作出合理判断。 第三,反复琢磨。做这类题,即便精读一、两遍,一般情况下,总会有几空难以确定填哪个词。这时,不必再看全文了,就抓住空词句及其前后的句子反复推敲、再三琢磨就可以了。 第四,填写准确。这里的“准确”应包括:①符合要求。即所填单词必须以规定字母开头。②符合意思。既符合整篇文章基调,更符合所在句子的含义,不可出现意义断层。说东道西情况。③符合语法。意义相符了,单词选准了,还要注意所填单词是否要作词形变化:如名词是否要用复数,形容词是否要用比较级,动词是否要变时态等。 It is a Chinese traditional custom that people eat moon cakes at the time of the Mid-Autumn Festival. One s 1 about it is almost 700 years old. In the 14th century, the Chinese planned a surprise attack against (袭击) their enemies at the time of the festival. The messages for the attack were put into cakes. The cakes were passed from one person to a 2 . Each person read the messages and knew when and where the attack would h/b/s 3 . At last the Chinese won the victory. Moon cakes are still eaten d 4 the Mid-Autumn Festival. However, the fillings(馅) of the moon cakes now are not messages, b 5 foods such as meat, fruits and duck eggs. On the fifteenth day of the eighth month of each Chinese year, f 6 and friends come together and enjoy the beautiful moon. Shops are crowded with people and the smel1 of moon cakes f 7 the air. Many people go to a place where they can see the moon clearly. Large parks and the seaside are popular places. Once there, people have a picnic dinner, eat moon cakes and watch the moon rise.


一.初中英语阅读理解的解题技巧 阅读理解也是中考英语题的必考题目之一,本题型旨在考查学生阅读,理解的能力,几年来,中考英语题中的阅读理解材料新,题材丰富,考查学生综合推 断能力,根据语篇猜单词意思的能力的力度加大,也考查学生关注细节的能力。 所以学生往往要么没能正确理解语篇中某些句子的意思,在细节题上丢分,要么就是对语篇的整体把握不够,在综合题或者推断题方面丢分。那么到底怎么做好阅读理解这一题型呢?我将从以下三个方面谈论这个问题: 一、解题思路 (一)先读问题,弄清考查要点,以便能带着问题看文章,这样会心中有数,有 的放矢。在读题的时候划出题目的关键词。 (二)快速浏览全文,掌握全貌,注意发现与问题有关的信息,如果时间紧,至 少要扫视一下起首段和尾段。再把标题和文章内容结合起来想一想,这样全文大 意便清楚了。此时,不要忙于答题。 (三)细读原文,捕捉相关信息词,掌握短文细节内容。这是解题的关键,应特 别注意以下几点: 1.抓住四个 "W"和一个 "H" ,就是边读边用铅笔做些标记,把 What ( 事件 ) ,When(时间), Where(地点), Why(原因), How(经过)划出来。抓住了四个“ W”和一个“ H”,就抓住了文章的全貌,一些直接性的问题便可解决。2.抓住连接词及起关键作用的副词、代词、介词、插入语等。因为这些词具有 因果,让步,递进,转折,指代,列举及承上启下等各种连接上下文的特殊功 能。这对考生分清文章层次,辨明各种关系,了解人物心理,推断作者意图,进 行逻辑推理等手段来分析难点,都具有举足轻重的作用。 3.注意领会文章的寓意。 4.根据题意,初选答案。这一步须仔细审题,领会测试要求,确定解题方法。 对那些明显的,有把握的题可以断然确定,不必把其余三个答案再作推敲而浪 费时间:有些略难的题,应再查阅短文(不是重读一遍),迅速找出依据,予以 排除。常用的解题方法有如下几种: ①直接解题法。即从原文中直接找出答案。 ② 归纳解题法。对于不能从原文中直接找出答案的可在把握全文中心和线 索的前题下进行概括、归纳得出正确答案。 ③ 综合推理法。读者需统观全文,认真分析,综合推理及至计算,最后归 纳出正确答案。 题干中有 "suggest,conclude, conclusion,probably,reason, because, according to “等字眼时,属于推断概括型,考查内容着眼于全篇,考 生应具备一定的分析归纳,推理等逻辑思维能力。 ④ 捕捉关键词。在阅读时应该注意与问题相关的同义词,近义词,反义词 或同位词等信息词来得出正确答案。 ⑤ 同意转换法。即原文这么说,而在问题和所选项中则用另外的词去转换 一种说法,但仍表示同一含义。 ⑥ 排除法。根据语言,句法结构,信息词和常识,在没有把握的选项中用 排除法得出正确答案。
