


1、--___________today.--Yes. It was even hotter yesterday.

A:It's so cold

B:It's so wet

C:It's so hot

D:It's so windy


2、Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.- __________

A:That's right.

B:Thanks a lot.


D:It's a pleasure.


3、- David injured his leg playing football yesterday. - Really? ____________

A:Who did that?

B:What's wrong with him?

C:How did that happen?

D:Why was he so careless?


4、- Who's speaking?- This is Tom .






5、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _______

A:You may ask for help.

B:I'll give you a hand.

C:Please do me a favor.

D:I'd come to help.

答案: B


1、 f you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers. 如果你坐飞机旅行穿越非洲中部或者南美洲,你就飞过了上万公里的森林。These great forests are the oceans of trees. There are thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals.

However, the world's forests are getting smaller all the time. We are cutting down the trees because we need wood, and we need more farmland. Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years. What will happen if they disappear?

If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world. In a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts. Crops will not grow there. It will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot. Perhaps the climate of the world will change. This will be dangerous for everyone in the world. That is why we must take care of our forests.

(1)、The passage mainly tells us about the importance of taking care of plants.


B:F 答案:A

(2)、Forests are homes for different kinds of animals.




(3)、The need for more wood and more land help to protect our forests.




(4)、We'll have more and greater forestsn in 20 or 30 years in some people's view.




(5)、The writer thinks it necessary to protect the forests.




2、In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. 在美国通常不会在清晨给人家打电话。If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it's a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person, who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence. (1)、What is the main idea of this passage? ________

A:It is not customary to telephone someone in the morning and in sleeping hours in the U.S.

B:The role of time in social life over the world.

C:If people are late, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible in the U.S. D:Not every country treats the concept of time as the same.


(2)、What does it mean in the passage if you call someone during his or her sleeping hours? _______

A:A matter of work.

B:A matter of life or death.

C:You want to see him or her.

D:You want to make an appointment with him or her.


(3)、Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an appointment with your

friend in the U.S. A.?

A:at 7:00 am

B:at 4:00 pm

C:at the midnight

D:at 4 am


(4)、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ________

A:In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.

B:No misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures about the concept of time.

C:It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A.. D:Promptness is valued highly in American life.


(5)、From the passage we can safely infer that _______

A:it's a matter of life or death if you call someone in day time.

B:the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.

C:it makes no difference in the U.S. whether you are early or late for a business party. D:if a person is late for a date, he needn't make some explanation.

答案: B


1、If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _____ in her diet.






2、That was a difficult question, but Mary still _______ to work it out.






3、There are a lot of news ______today's newspaper.






4、I'll give you a ring if Mike ________ tomorrow.


B:will come


D:is coming


5、The rain was _______ make our picnic impossible.

A:hard enough

B:hard so to

C:so hard as to

D:so hard to

答案: C


Man can not go on increasing his number at the present rate. 人类不能以现在这样的速度继续增长下去。In the __1__ 30 years man will face a period of crisis. __2__ experts believe that there will be a widespread food shortage. Other experts think this is too pessimistic, and that man can prevent things from getting worse than they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished(有营养的)or starving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit the __3__ of babies born. The need __4__ this is obvious, but it is not __5__ to achieve. People have to be persuaded to limit their families.



































答案: B


(1)、If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to devote all your efforts to it. 如果你决定学一门新的语言,你必须全力以赴。

(2)、People all over the world are trying to help the people in Sichuan. 全世界人民都在尽力帮助四川人民。

(3)、This is the most wonderful day of my life, because I'm here with you now. 今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因为我现在和你在一起。

(4)、He has been learning English for years. 多年来,他一直在学英语。







Dear Sam:

I have just received your letter and know that you are going to come to China to see me.

I am really excited by it. You know I miss you so much. In your letter, you mentioned your travel plan. I advise you to go to Beijing and Xi’an. There are many royal buildings in Beijing like Palace Museum, Summer Palace. Xi’an is typical of o ld China. There are lots of historical buildings there, especially those of Qin Dynasty.

I hope you enjoy your stay in China. I am looking forward to your coming.

Yours ever










一、交际英语 1、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_______________. A:I don't mind B:It doesn't matter C:You do it please D:Go ahead 答案: D 2、- ________________- You too! A:Merry Christmas! B:What a beautiful day! C:Help yourself! D:It's very kind of you! 答案: A 3、- Who's speaking?- This is Tom . A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying 答案: C 4、- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- __________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it. A:I beg your pardon? B:What do you mean? C:You're welcome. D:Mm, let me think. 答案: D 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?- _______________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案: A 一、交际英语 1、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_______________. A:I don't mind


2015年会计继续教育考试题及答案 单选题:15道小题,每道题2分,共30分,请从以下每一道考题下面备选答案中选择一个最佳答案。第1题 某企业的库存现金账户期初余额为8000元,本期库存现金借方发生额合计为2000元,本期库存现金贷方发生额合计为3000元,则库存现金账户的期末余额为()。 A 13000 B 3000 C 9000 D 7000 答案:D 第2题 企业用银行存款购买原材料时,应()。 A借记“银行存款” B贷记“银行存款” C借记“库存现金” D贷记“原材料” 答案:B 第3题 ()是指企业的投资者按照企业章程、合同或协议的约定,实际投入企业的资本金以及按 照有关规定由资本公积、盈余公积等转增资本的资金。 A实收资本 B未分配利润 C资本溢价 D银行存款 答案:A 第4题 增值税一般纳税人购进生产用机器设备所支付的增值税款应记入()。 A物资采购 B固定资产 C应交税费 D在建工程 答案:C 第5题 在企业进行财产清查时,发现存货盘亏,在报批前正确的账务处理方法为() A借:库存商品贷:待处理财产损溢 B借:待处理财产损溢贷:管理费用 C借:管理费用贷:待处理财产损溢 D借:待处理财产损溢贷:库存商品 答案:D 第6题 盘亏和毁损的固定资产,在减去过失人的赔偿和残料价值之后,经批准应计入() A营业外收入 B营业外支出 C其他业务支出

D其他业务收入 答案:B 第7题 更正错账时,划线更正法的适用范围是()。 A记账凭证上会计科目或记账方向错误,导致账簿记录错误 B记账凭证正确,在记账时发生错误,导致账簿记录错误 C记账凭证上会计科目或记账方向正确,所记金额大于应记金额,导致账簿记录错误 D记账凭证上会计科目或记账方向正确,所记金额小于应记金额,导致账簿记录错误 答案:B 第8题 填制记账凭证时,错误的做法是() A根据每一张原始凭证填制 B根据若干张同类原始凭证汇总填制 C将若干张不同内容和类别的原始凭证汇总填制在一张记账凭证上 D根据原始凭证汇总表填制 答案:C 第9题 下列不符合登记会计账簿基本要求的是() A文字和数字的书写应占格距的1/3 B登记后在记账凭证上注明已经登账的符合 C冲销错误记录可以用红色墨水 D使用黑色钢笔登记 答案:A 第10题 下列各项错误,应当用红字更正法予以更正的是() A在结账前发现账簿中的摘要栏文字写错,记账凭证没有错误 B某账簿记录中,将 128.50元误记为125.80元,而对应的记账凭证无误 C接受外单位投入资金 180 000元,已存入银行。在填制记账凭证时,误将其金额写为150000 元,并已登记入账 D某企业以银行存款购买 A材料3000元,材料已验收入库。在填制记账凭证时,误作贷记“库存现金”科目,并已登记入账 答案:D 第11题 下列各项中,不属于资产负债表中资产组成项的是() A工程物资 B商誉 C盈余公积 D长期待摊费用 答案:C 第12题 下列不属于财务会计报告基本要求的是() A按正确的会计基础编制 B已持续经营为基础编制各项目之间的金额不得相互抵销 C至少应当提供所有列报项目上一个可比会计期间的比较数据 D严格审核会计账簿的记录和有关资料 答案:D

15年大学英语B统考 电大 网院网考模拟试题

大学英语B统考电大网院网考模拟试题5 大学英语B5 一、交际英语 1、--- Happy New Year to you and your parents!-- ________________. A:No,thank you B:You are happy, too C:Yes, we are happy D:The same to you 答案:D 2、- I have passed the English exam. - _______. Congratulations! A:Sorry B:Good luck C:Come on D:Well done 答案:D 3、-- Please help yourself to the seafood.-- ________ A:No, I can't. B:Sorry, I can't help. C:Well, seafood don't suit. D:Thanks, but I don't like seafood. 答案:D 4、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _______ A:You may ask for help. B:I'll give you a hand. C:Please do me a favor. D:I'd come to help. 答案:B 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic.- ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious.


下列不属于行政事业单位内部控制的目标的是() A.合理保证单位经济活动合法合规 B.资产安全和使用有效 C.财务信息真实完整 D.实现利润最大化 正确答案:D 经济活动风险评估至少()进行一次;外部环境、经济活动或管理要求等发生重大变化的,应及时对经济活动风险进行重估。 A.一个月 B.半年 C.一年 D.五年 正确答案:C 关于行政事业单位内部控制评价与监督说法错误的是() A.内部监督应当与内部控制的建立和实施保持相对独立 B.单位负责人应当指定专门部门或专人负责对单位内部控制的有效性进行评价并出具单位内部控制自我评价报告 C.单位应当根据本单位实际情况确定内部监督检查的方法、范围和频率 D.内部监督是单位实施内部控制的基础 正确答案:D 关于行政事业单位建设项目招标的说法错误的是()

A.单位的工程项目一般应当采用非公开招标的方式,择优选择具有相应资质的承包单位和监理单位 B.单位可根据项目特点决定是否编制标底 C.单位应当采取签订保密协议、限制接触等必要措施,确保标底编制、评标等工作在严格保密的情况下进行 D.单位和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议 正确答案:A 下列关于行政事业单位固定资产内部控制基本要求说法正确的是() A.不相容岗位和职务分离 B.人员配备应考虑专业素质和职业道德 C.审批人应当根据固定资产业务授权批准制度的规定,在授权范围内进行审批 D.对于审批人超越授权范围审批的业务,经办人应先行办理,事后向上级部门报告 正确答案:D 不属于行政事业内部控制单位评价与监督分类的是() A.单位内部监督 B.社会监督 C.政府监督 D.企业监督 正确答案:D 行政单位支付可以收回的订金,应当通过()科目核算。 A.预付账款 B.预收账款


一、单选题(50题): 1、《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》自( B )起施行。 A.2007年3月16日 B.2008年1月1日 C.2008年7月1日 D.2009年1月1日 2、某美国公司企业依照美国法律成立,但实际管理机构在中国境内,在中国境内设立分支机构,2013年该分支机构在中国境内取得服务收入500万元,取得培训收入200万元,来自澳门取得与该分支机构有实际联系的所得150万元,在日本取得与该分支机构无实际联系的所得50万元。不考虑其他因素,2013年度该分支机构企业所得税的应纳税收入总额为( D )万元。 A.700 B.750 C.850 D.900 3、企业所得税的基本税率和低税率分别为( C )。 A.33%、15% B.25%、15% C.25%、20% D.25%、10% 4、自2012年1月1日至2015年12月31日,对年应纳税所得额低于6万元(含6万元)的小型微利企业,其所得减按( B )计入应纳税所得额,按()的税率缴纳企业所得税。 A.30%、10% B.50%、20% C.50%、15% D.70%、20% 5、企业发生的职工福利费支出,不超过工资薪金总额( D )的部分,准予扣除。 A.1.5% B.2% C.6% D.14% 6、除国务院财政、税务主管部门另有规定外,企业发生的职工教育经费支出,不超过工资薪金总额( C )的部分,准予扣除。 A.1.5% B.2% C.2.5%

D.6% 7、企业拨缴的工会经费,不超过工资薪金总额( B )的部分,准予扣除。 A.6% B.2% C.2.5% D.8% 8、企业发生的公益性捐赠支出,不超过年度利润总额( C )的部分,准予扣除。 A.5% B.10% C.12% D.15% 9、( D )是根据企业所得税法的规定,按照税法的核算方法计算出来的所得额,是企业所得税的计税依据。A.会计利润总额 B.纳税调整额 C.利润总额 D.应纳税所得额 10、应纳税所得额与会计利润总额的关系是( A )。 A.应纳税所得额=会计利润总额±纳税项目调整金额 B.应纳税所得额=会计利润总额 C.应纳税所得额=会计利润总额+纳税项目调整金额 D.应纳税所得额=会计利润总额-纳税项目调整金额 11、某境内公司2013年发生下列业务: (1)销售产品收入1500万元; (2)接受捐赠材料一批,取得赠出方开具的增值税专用发票,注明价款100万元,增值税17万元;企业找一运输公司将该批材料运回企业,支付运杂费0.5万元; (3)转让一项商标所有权,取得营业外收入60万元; (4)出租财产取得其他业务收入40万元; (5)取得国债利息2万元;直接投资境内另一居民企业,分得红利50万元; (6)全年销售成本1 000万元;营业税金及附加100万元; (7)全年销售费用500万元,含广告费400万元;全年管理费用205万元,含业务招待费80万元;全年财务费用45万元。 该公司企业对广告费用的纳税调整额为( A )。 A.调增应纳税所得额160万元 B.调增应纳税所得额145万元 C.调增应纳税所得额137.2万元


写作B 9、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你最喜欢哪本书; 2.你喜欢的理由。 The Book I Like Best 10、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你特别喜欢的食物; 2.你喜欢的理由。 My Favourite Food 11、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你在英语学习中遇到什么困难; 2.你如何克服这些困难。 How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies 12、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.介绍家庭主要成员; 2.描述令你难忘的家庭活动。 My Family 13、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.自学的优点; 2.自学中遇到的主要困难。 Self-study 14、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.介绍你的一位好朋友; 2.描述你们的友谊。 My Best Friend 15、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Which is more important, Health or Wealth? 1.介绍你对健康与财富之间关系的看法; 2.简述你持有以上看法的理由。


1.()是指个人在社会中所从事的较为稳定的,并以获取的报酬为主要生活来源的社会活动 C.职业 2.供给侧改革的全称是()。A.供给侧的经济结构性改革 3.下列不是“一带一路”政治风险中的是B.以色列的反对 4.()年12月1日,中共中央印发《中共中央关于实行精兵简政、增产节约、反对贪污、反对浪费和反对官僚主义的决定》。1951 5.“孔德之容,惟道是从”是我国古代哪位名家之言?()。A.老子 6.第二条亚欧大陆桥的起点——终点是:B.连云港——鹿特丹 7.李克强总理在2015年政府工作报告中提出“互联网+”行动计划后,国务院常务会议又通过了《“互联网+”行动指导意见》,政策和利好形势的驱动促使了()的爆发。A.在线教育 8.关于毛泽东时期的经济,下列表述错误的是()。A.打赢了一场反侵略战争 9.京津冀城市群协同发展及其各部分的功能定位 o A.京津冀城市群协同发展及其各部分的功能定位 o C.京津冀城市群协同发展及其各部分的功能定位 o D.京津冀城市群协同发展及其各部分的功能定位 10.2014年10月28日,国家财政部印发《地方政府存量债务纳入预算管理清理甄别办法》,最大亮点就是要大力推广()A.PPP模式 11.PPP是三个英文单词的首字母,下列选项中属于这三个首字母代表的中文是()A.私人企业B.公共部门D.合作 12.以下是“一带一路”建设思想的是: A.欧亚经济发展带的形成,贸易、商品、人员、货币的自由流通 C.对接世界上已有的路线管道,将其系统化、规模化 D.中国要提升在世界贸易和谈判中的地位 13.职业教育是在线教育竞争最激烈的领域,也是前景最被看好的细分市场。它主要面向的两个群体是 B.对想从事该行业的人员的培训 C.对传统企业在职员工的培训 14.下列属于毛泽东时期党领导的“三大运动”的是()。土地改革.抗美援朝.镇压反革命 15.新常态对我国经济的积极意义主要表现为()。 A.需求结构中的投资率明显下降 B. 收入结构中的企业收入占比明显下降 C.动力结构中的人力、资源粗放投入明显下降 D.生产结构中的农业和制造业比重要明显下降 16.习近平指出,中国社会的道德体系()A.个人品德B.家庭美德C.社会道德D.职业道德 17.2013年11月3日,习近平总书记在湘西调研扶贫工作时,明确提出扶贫工作要()。 C.要实事求是,因地制宜 D.要精准扶贫,切忌喊大口号 18.为什么要建“一带一路”A.解决五千年来中华文明瓶颈问题C.解决改革开放带来的问题 19.“一化三改”主要包括()。----A:农业改造;B:资本主义工商业的社会主义改造;C:社会主义工业化;D:手工业改造


一、交际英语 1.-I'mlookingforashirtformyfather. -_________ A.Whatsizedoyouwear? B.WhatcanIdoforyou? C.Howaboutthisone? D.Whatsizedoesyourfatherwear? 答案:D 2.-Pleasehelpyourselftotheseafood. -________ A.No,Ican't. B.Sorry,Ican'thelp. C.Well,seafooddon'tsuit. D.Well,I'mafraidIdon'tlikeseafood. 答案:D 3.-________ -Heteachesphysicsinaschool. A.Whatdoesyourfatherdo? B.Whoisyourfather? C.Whatisyourfatherdoing? D.Whereisyourfathernow? 答案:A 4.-Hey,Tom,what'sup? -__________ A.Yes,definitely! B.Oh,notmuch. C.Whatishappeninginyourlife? D.Youarelucky. 答案:B 5.-Who'sspeaking? -ThisisTom________. A.speaks B.spoken C.speaking D.saying

答案:C 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导全套题库,精心整理并归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,零基础一次性通过,索取请加QQ: 二、阅读理解 HighintheSwissAlpsmanyyearsago,therelivedalonelyshepherd(牧羊人) boywholongedforafriendtosharehisevenings.(很多年以前,在瑞士阿尔卑斯山上住着一个牧羊人,他 期望能找到一个朋友在夜晚与他为伴。)Onenighthesawthreeoldmen,eachholdingaglass. Thefirstoldmansaid:“Drinkthisliquidandyoushallbevictoriousinbattle.” Thesecondoldmansaid:“Drinkthisliquidandyoushallhavecountlessriches.” Thelastoldmansaid:“Iofferyouthehappinessofmusic-----thehorn(号角).” Theboychosethethirdglass,Thenextday,hecameuponagreathorn,tenfeetinlength,Whenheputhislipstoit,ab eautifulmelody(旋律)floatedacrossthevalley.Hehadfoundafriend. Sogoesthelegend(传说) ofthehorn.acrossthemountainsides.Eventoday,onaquietsummerevening,itsmusiccanbeheardfloatingamongth epeaks. 6.Thepassagetellsushislonelyjobabouttheshepherdboy. A.T B.F 答案:A 7.Theboychoosetodrinktheglassofferedbythelastoldmanbecausetheboywasthirsty. A.T B.F 答案:B 8.Aftertheshepherdboyfoundthehorn,hediscovereditwaslikeanew-foundfriend. A.T B.F 答案:A 9.TodaythehornisheardintheSwissAlpswhenitrains. A.T B.F 答案:B 10.TheLegendoftheHornwouldbethebesttitleforthepassage. A.T B.F 答案:A IntheUnitedStates,itisnotcustomarytotelephonesomeoneveryearlyinthemorning.(在美国通常不会在清


一、交际英语 1、- I have an appointment with Dr. Edward.- ______________ A:Please wait for a minute. B:Are you sick? C:Tell me about your appointment. D:Dr. Edward didn't tell me. 答案:A 2、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?______ _____________. A:I don't mind B:It doesn't matter C:You do it please D:Go ahead 答案:D 3、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- ______________ A:You may ask for help. B:I'll give you a hand. C:Please do me a favor. D:I'd come to help. 答案:B 4、- _______ - Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A:When did your parents arrive in Paris? B:How long have your parents been in Paris? C:Did your parents arrive in Paris last Wednesday? D:When will your parents go to Paris? 答案:B 5、- Thank you for inviting me.- ______________ A:I really had a happy time. B:Oh, it's too late. C:Thank you for coming. D:Oh, so slowly? 答案: C 二、阅读理解 1、Computers can injure you.电脑会伤害到你。Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example,if you fall off a bike and break your arms,it happens very quickly. But computer injuries


一、判断题(每小题3分,10小题,共30分) 1. 会计档案是会计资料,但不是所有会计资料都是会计档案。() A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 解析 2. 企业进行会计信息系统前端系统的建设和改造,应当安排负责会计信息化工作的专门机构或者岗位参与,充分考虑会计信息系统的数据需求。() A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 解析 3. 独立在有国内统一刊号的经济管理类报刊上发表会计类论文的,每篇论文折算为12学分。( ) A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 解析 4. 一般情况下,内部控制评价至少应当每三年进行一次。( ) A 正确

B 错误 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 解析 5. 登记账簿可以使用圆珠笔或铅笔。() A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 解析 6. 年度结账后,对于发生额很少的总账,不必更换新账。() A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 解析 7. 通知凭证和计算凭证均属于原始凭证,只有执行凭证属于记账凭证。() A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 解析 8. 会计从业资格是从事会计工作的“入门证”。() A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:B

我的答案:A 解析 9. 会计职业道德是指企业职工在办理经济业务过程中应遵循的基本道德意识、规范和行为的总和。 A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 解析 10. 爱岗就是热爱本职工作、坚守岗位,对劳动者来说,爱岗意味着在任何时候和任何场合下要做到忠于职守,守职尽责。() A 正确 B 错误 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 解析 二、单选题(每小题2分,10小题,共20分) 1. 会计软件应当记录生成(),确保其安全、完整,提供按操作人员、操作时间和操作内容查询功能,并能以简单易懂的形式输出。 A .用户操作日志 B .交易记录 C .报表 D .操作记录 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 解析 2. 软件供应商应当就如何通过会计软件开展会计监督工作,提供专门()。



注意:答案左侧是您的选择,右侧是正确选择 93940 2014年度会计人员继续教育培训课程考试及格:60分-满分:100 我的分数:80分 恭喜您通过考试!20个工作日后,可以登录河北省会计人员信息验证查询查验继续教育登记结果。【1】【判断】【2分】小企业发生的汇兑收益,应贷记“财务费用”科目。( ) |正确 |错误 解析小企业发生的汇兑收益,在“营业外收入”科目核算,不在“财务费用”科目核算。 【判断】【2分】在平行结转分步法下,各步骤完工产品与在产品之间的费用分配,都是指【2】 产成品与广义在产品之间的费用分配。 |正确 |错误 解析 【判断】【2分】如果建造合同的预计总成本超过合同总收入,则形成合同预计损失,应提【3】 取损失准备,并确认为当期费用 |正确 |错误 解析准则原文 【判断】【2分】辅助生产费用的直接分配法适用于辅助生产车间之间相互提供劳务较多的【4】 企业. |正确 |错误 解析辅助生产费用的直接分配法适用于辅助生产车间之间相互提供劳务不多的企业。 【5】【判断】【2分】月末对已接近完工的在产品,可以按完工产品计算成本。

|正确 |错误 解析 【6】【判断】【2分】采用在产品按所耗原材料费用计价法,在产品成本中不包含加工费用。 |正确 |错误 解析 【7】【判断】【2分】制造费用和管理费用都是本期发生的费用,均应计入当期损益。 |正确 |错误 解析制造费用要计入到产品成本中去。 【8】 【判断】【2分】小企业已经确认销售商品收入的售出商品发生的销售退回,不论此销售业 务属于本年度还是属于以前年度,均应当在发生时冲减退回当期销售商品收入。( ) |正确 |错误 解析《小企业会计准则》第六十一条规定,小企业已经确认销售商品收入的售出商品发生的销售退回(不论属于本年度还是属于以前年度的销售),应当在发生时冲减当期销售商品收入。 【9】【判断】【2分】分类法是工业企业产品成本计算的基本方法之一。 |正确 |错误 解析分类法是工业企业产品成本核算的辅助方法之一 【10】 【判断】【2分】企业在资产负债表日或之前违反了长期借款协议,导致贷款人可随时要求 清偿的负债,应当归类为流动负债。() |正确


四、完型填空 Everyone has hobbies. A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. People who take up hobbies are hobbyists. They paint pictures, sing pop songs, ___1___ music instruments and collect stamps or other things. They grow flowers, ___2___ fishing and hunting. They climb mountains, swim, skate and play games. People today have ___3___ time than ever for hobbies. In early times, people were ___4___ busy making a living to have hobbies. Nowadays machines have taken the place of many workers. More people retire at an earlier age. They have hobbies ___5___ these activities offer them enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation. (1)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:C (2)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:D (3)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:B (4)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:E (5)、


2019年电大远程网络教育《大学英语B》统考试 题真题附答案两份合集 试题一 一、交际英语 1、- Thank you for inviting me.- _______ A:I really had a happy time. B:Oh, it's too late. C:Thank you for coming. D:Oh, so slowly? 答案:C 2、- Hello, may I talk to the director now?- _________ A:Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B:No, you can't. C:Sorry, you can't. D:I don't know. 答案:A 3、-- Must I take a taxi?-- No, you ________ . You can take my car. A:had better to B:don't C:must not D:don't have to 答案:D

4、-Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -_______. A:No problem B:I hope so C:That's all right D:That's a good idea 答案:A 5、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.- ________ A:What can I do for you? B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案:B 二、阅读理解 1、、There are many kinds of ants in the world that always live in companies. 世界上总以群居生活的蚂蚁有很多种。They are the most hard-working creatures and most of them make their nests under ground. The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that bother us by coming to our picnics uninvited. They are not trying to be harmful, but are only doing


2014年企业考试题 一、单选题 1、上市公司收到的由其控股股东或其他原非流通股股东根据股改承诺为补足当期利润而支付的现金应作为权益性交易计入()。 A、营业外收入 B、资本公积 C、所有者权益 D、公允价值变动损益 2、下列选项中不属于以后会计期间在满足规定条件时将重分类进损益的其他综合收益项目的是()。 A、重新计量设定受益计划净负债或净资产导致的变动 B、可供出售金融资产公允价值变动形成的利得或损失 C、持有至到期投资重分类为可供出售金融资产形成的利得或损失 D、外币财务报表折算差额 3、信用风险缓释工具是指()。 A、交易双方达成的、约定在未来一定期限内,信用保护买方按照约定的标准和方式向信用保护卖方支付信用保护费用,由信用保护卖方就约定的标的债务向信用保护买方提供信用风险保护的金融合约 B、由标的实体以外的机构创设,为凭证持有人就标的债务提供信用风险

保护的、可交易流通的有价凭证 C、信用风险缓释合约、信用风险缓释凭证及其他用于管理信用风险的信用衍生产品 D、商业银行采用内部评级法计量信用风险监管资本,信用风险缓释功能体现为违约概率、违约损失率或违约风险暴露的下降 4、能够从企业中分离或者划分出来,并能单独用于出售或转让等,而不需要同时处置在同一获利活动中的其他资产,表明无形资产()。 A、不可辨认 B、可以辨认 C、具有商业实质 D、不具有商业实质 5、某项安排由A、B、C、D公司共同参与,则下列选项中不构成合营安排的是()。 A、仅由A、 B、C公司共同控制 B、由A、B、 C、D公司共同控制 C、仅由A、B、C、D其中的任何一方控制 D、仅由A、B公司共同控制 6、合并所有者权益变动表应当以母公司和子公司的所有者权益变动表为基


一、单选题 1、单位应当实行内部控制关键岗位工作人员的(),明确轮岗周期。 A.轮岗制度 B.不相容岗位分离 C.授权审批制度 D.监督制度 A B C D 2、下列关于病种医疗成本核算方法的说法中正确的是()。 A.标准成本法必须进行较为大样本的病例回顾调查 B.历史成本法必须进行较为大样本的病例回顾调查 C.标准成本法需要大量人力、物力进行病例回顾调查 D.历史成本法可节省病例回顾调查所需的人力、物力 A B C D 3、合同条款要约定清楚,以免扯皮。属于()的内容。 A.采购回扣管理 B.采购贪污管理 C.采购合同管理 D.采购责任控制 A B C D 4、下列各项中不属于医疗支出的是()。 A.人员经费 B.耗用的药品及卫生材料支出 C.挂号费 D.科教项目收入形成的固定资产折旧 A B C D 5、收到病人补交的结算欠费时,按照实际收到的金额,借记“库存现金”等科目,贷记()。 A.结算欠费 B.医疗收入 C.应收医疗保险金 D.待结算医疗款

A B C D 6、行政单位依据合同规定支付的定金(不可以收回),应当通过()科目核算。 A.预付账款 B.应收账款 C.其他应收款 D.其他应付款 A B C D 7、关于季节,注意天气预报。体现了()方面的控制。 A.营业外支出 B.管理费用 C.营业外收入 D.销售费用 A B C D 8、事业单位()是指事业单位根据预算执行结果编制的年度报告。 A.预算 B.决算 C.概算 D.统计 A B C D 9、某市中心医院购入一台设备,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的设备价款为50 000元,增值税额为8 500元,另支付运输费400元,包装费300元。则设备的成本为()。 A.58 500 B.50 700 C.50 000 D.59 200 A B C D 10、()是指行政单位因发生应付账款和长期应付款而相应需在净资产中冲减的金额。 A.待偿债净资产


一、交际英语 1、--Do you dance?--Yes,I do.--_________?--Every weekend. C:How often do you go dancing 2、--I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.--_________.You looked tired last time I saw you.C:I'm glad you did 3、--Wow!This is a marvelous room!I've never known you're so artistic.--_____________ C:Thanks for your compliments. 4、--Madam,do all the buses go downtown?--_______D:Sorry,I'm new here. 5、--Who's speaking?--This is Tom_______.C:speaking 1.- I'm looking for a shirt for my father. - __ D.What size does your father wear? 2.- Please help yourself to the seafood. - ___ D.Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood. 3.- ___ - He teaches physics in a school. A.What does your father do? 4.- Hey, Tom, what's up? - __________ B.Oh, not much. 5.- Who's speaking? - This is Tom ________. C.speaking 1.—How was your trip to London,Jane?简,你在伦敦的旅行如何啊?— A.Oh,wonderful indeed.哦,真的好极了 2.—Hey,Tom,what’s up?嗨,汤姆,你在忙什么?— B.Oh,not much. 3.—Do you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这吸烟吗? B.Yes,I do.是的,我介意 4.—David injured his leg playing football yesterday.大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了。 Really?______真的吗?那怎么发生的啊? C.How did that happen? 5.—This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.这个盒子对我来说太重了,搬不到楼上去。—_______ B.Let me give you a hand.让我帮你吧 1. — How was your trip to London, Jane? 简,你在伦敦的旅行如何啊?— _______ A. Oh, wonderful indeed. 哦,真的好极了 2. — Hey, Tom, what’s up? 嗨,汤姆,你在忙什么?— ___B. Oh, not much. 3. — Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗?— _____B. Yes, I do. 是的,我介意 4. — David injured his leg playing football yesterday. 大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了。 — Really? ______ 真的吗?那怎么发生的啊? C. How did that happen? 5. — This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. 这个盒子对我来说太重了,搬不到楼上去。— _____B. Let me give you a hand. 让我帮你吧


大学英语B3试卷 一、交际英语 1、Has Alice had an accident?____________. A:I don't hope so B:I hope no C:I hope not D:She didn't say to 答案:C 2、-- _________ -- Fine, thanks. A:How do you do? B:Hello! C:Nice to meet you。 D:How are you? 答案:D 3、How much is that meat, please? - _____________________ A:Ten o'clock. B:Ten yuan a kilo. C:I like it very much. D:I don't like. 答案:B 4、- Hello, may I talk to the director now? - _________ A:Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B:No, you can't. C:Sorry, you can't. D:I don't know. 答案:A 5、- Who's speaking? - This is Tom .

A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying 答案:C 二、阅读理解 1、For several years,Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries,people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes,jewelry,food,toys,and many other things. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden,for example. The biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries,and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels,and the French spend about $20 million a year to buy things through those channels. In Germany,until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can open for telebusiness,including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German businesses are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things. Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their homes. With all the problems of traffic in the cities,this is an important reason. But at the same time,other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping. They can do teleshopping "junk on the air". Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things for sale on TV. Good quality is important to them,and they believe they cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV. The need for high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies. They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person. (1)、Teleshopping is cheap in Europe. A:T B:F 答案:B (2)、People like teleshopping because it is easier. A:T B:F 答案:A
