




I am writing in response to(回应) your advertisement in …

I am writing this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in…

I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for…

I would like to apply for the vacancy(职位空缺) of…advertised in…


I am now studying at …and will soon be graduated as a/an …major. Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I have developed a special interest in…

Upon graduation, I first worked as…The following job was…and currently I am working for…I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of…

Born in…in…I graduated from…University majoring in…I have been working in…since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field. It seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me preparation to assume the role of…in a firm such as yours.


Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Your prompt response will be much appreciated(感激).

I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience(方便之时), when I could give you further details concerning myself.

I am available for a personal interview(个人面谈) at your convenience. Please contact me at…


Dear Mr. Byron,

I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress. Enclosed with(附上) this letter is my resume, which further details my qualifications(资历) and previous work experiences.

Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate(完美候选人) for the job, but my personality is well suited to(适合) working as a waitress. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all ages.

I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Li Mei










英语作文求职信万能模板 随着全球经济一体化的发展,我国的教育和文化等方面也在不断地向前发展。英语作为全球通用的语言,是不同国家的人们之间沟通的桥梁。整理了英语求职信作文万能模板,欢迎阅读! 英语求职信作文万能模板篇一Dear Sir / Madam: Hello! I was e-Humanities and Social Sciences University of Science and Technology Marketing, a graduate in XX. Wen noted that companies take your talents as a keen and motivated to pursue the challenges of contemporary college students, I would like to join your company, do everything we can to promote your company to develop a more vibrant. University for four years, in the strict division of Friends of lessons, as well as the efforts of individuals, I have a more solid theoretical foundation for knowledge. System in accordance with the curriculum on the one hand, grasp the marketing management of the relevant theoretical knowledge, also read a lot of extra-curricular authoritative books at home and abroad to enrich their professional knowledge. At the same time, I am well aware that the information age, the importance


英语作文求职信模板 本文是关于英语作文求职信模板,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 Dear Sir or Madam, I am a senior from the Department of Business Administration. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member. I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality is well suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music. Words fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you render me. Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Ming Dear sir, in response to your advertisement in the newspaper of january 15, i wish to apply for the position of (secretary, accountant, lerk, salesman, etc). i am twenty-five years old and a graduate of ____ college. my experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the abc company. the reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office. i am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and believe that they may be found satisfactory. with respect to salary, i shall expect hk$5,000


优秀英文求职信范文三篇 求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和“闪光点”,以使对方信服。 优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in XX. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to selfinitiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge



求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和闪光点,以使对方信服。优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in 2007. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to self-initiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge and skills in what I have learnt, and I am presently seeking to join a company that offers opportunities for growth and advancement. I hope to hear from you favorable reply soon. Thanking you in advance. Sincerely yours, 优秀英文求职信范文篇二respect leadership: first, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material. also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me. my name am xx, is the foreign language foreign trade training college international trade specialized 06 sessions of graduates. the graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprises choice, i the position which provides to your firm is interested very much. in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study. three year university life, i record one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest the maxim and loves the hillock professional spirit, and merges it to the


求职信: 二、求职信 ?1、求职信是求职者写给招聘单位的信函。求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看,因此要简明扼要。语言注意点求职信不同于简历。在介绍自己情况时,不可面面俱到,否则篇幅过长,反而不易得到重视。应重点突出与所应聘职位相关的自己的特点及特长。语言要有礼貌,要能体现出诚恳的态度和对工作的渴求。 ?求职信一般包括以下几个方面的内容:首先要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源,以及所申请的职位;其次简述个人信息;然后进一步强调自己的能力,表达抱负,并请求给予面试机会;最后提出自己的希望,希望得到面试的机会,并且告诉对方你的联系方式。 ?求职信的语言属于正式用语,在写作过程中一定要注意用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,态度不卑不亢,所给信息具有一定的可信度。尤其是在强调自身经历和优点的时候,更应把握尺度。 2、求职信的内容一般包括以下部分: (1)写信的缘由; (2)个人情况简介,例如;年龄、性别、文化程度、工作经历、工作技能、个人专长等; (3)推荐人或证明人姓名以供录用方查询; (4)约定面试时间。通常随求职信附上个人简历和两三封推荐信。 3、推荐模板 1、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in…of… ?I am sure that I meet the qualifications you specified in your ads. I am a …., and I have … I have also… ?My references are available and I can send as soon as possible. ?Thank you for your consideration of my application. I am looking for your prompt reply. ? ? ?Yours sincerely, ?Name… 2、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I am writing this letter to show my great interest in the position of… ?…. ?I hope to meet with you to discuss the possibility of working in your company. I can be reached at…


经典英文求职信范文 respected leaders: hello! glad to attend your pany‘s talent recruitment. my car is a professional undergraduate graduation, sure to seek work in your pany. also hope that the pany i enclose leadership read carefully record and report. in this to say thank you. during the university, i give their location is first, secondly, give attention to two or morethings arrives in technical management, economy. but also very focused on their learning ability training, make great efforts to perfect their knowledge structure. technical aspect, i prepared in three aspects. 1) professional basis, probably because of the automotive industry, very convincing work behind the emissary, so i put emphasis on the course of the school. have won five scholarships and excellent students, learning model. the three years prior to my grades for 82 points, weighted basically has an exemption postgraduate qualification. 2) puter and work, puter and work is a trend. from the characteristics of consideration, i customize the

最新-优秀员工自荐信范文(精选多篇) 精品

优秀员工自荐信(精选多篇) 目录 第一篇:优秀员工自荐信第二篇:优秀员工自荐信第三篇:xx的优秀员工自荐信第四篇:2019年优秀员工自荐信第五篇:星级优秀员工自荐信 正文 第一篇:优秀员工自荐信 自从来到xxx以来,在这个平凡的工作岗位上,我踏踏实实、勤勤肯肯的做好本职工作,以严谨的工作态度来对待每一件事。xxx对于我来说,不仅仅是一个工作企业,更是一所社会大学,跨入它的职场平台,便开始新学习生涯,在这里我学到的不仅仅是专业上的技能,更多的是我学到了很多为人处世的道理,与同事领导的沟通与协作当中,深感自已日益成熟与进步。 在工作中我认为让我学会最重要的一点就是,让我知道如何安排时间及沟通的能力。沟通创造价值,所以沟通也是很重要的,少点摩擦,多点宽容,这样同事、部门之间的工作才能协调配合的更好。都说一日之际在于晨,我却认为,一日之际在于前一天的晚上,每天工作结束后我都会在便条纸上写下第二天待完成的工作,这样做的好处:第二天工作的时候就不会遗漏某部门需要处理的事情,而且每做完一件事在做上记号,这样也利于我们工作总结。在工作当中我们一定要要全心投入工作中去,以健康快乐的心态来办公,有效率的办公,当然办公的同时更多的是要有耐心、细心、信心、恒心、责任心,为我们自己所做的每一件事负责。 同样,公司给我们每一个人展现自我的平台,每一个人都有自己的价值观,我能干什么,我会干什么,我干的怎么样,今天我给公司带来的是什么,我会说我给公司带的的是正资产而不是负资产。必须拥有勇于挑战自我,创新自我的人生价值观。只要你是千里马有一天会遇到伯乐的。更重要的一点是我们要与团队共成长,成功20%是靠自己,80%是靠别人。没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队,团队的辉煌依靠我们第一个人的努力。我们的成功离不开团队的力量。


Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software. It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company. What is more, my major is computer, and I have a strong interest in software. When I was still a freshman, I got Band Two certificate for computer, which was outstanding in my class. Besides, I have attended various computer contests and won top prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge on computer. Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in software in these two years. I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours Li Hua. Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Liu Ying and I will graduate from Xi’an University in the year of 2010. My major is secretary in English department. It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. During the three –year college study,I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge,and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; I have mastered English listening,speaking,writing and reading skills. Moreover,I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory,public relationship of secretary. Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade,and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time. At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation,and now I’m familiar with Office 2000. It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge,and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man. As a college graduate,I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and I will try my best to do a good job in my business. So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in


程序员英文求职信范文 dear leaders: hello! i am afraid bother. i am a just from the accounting department of hunan business college graduates. i am honored to present you the organic back to my personal information. in the occasion to join the society, in order to find the line with their professional work and interests, but also good to play to their talents and realize their life values, all the leaders would like to make a self-recommendation. brief introduction to their own situation now is as follows: accounting profession as a student, i love my profession and put their great enthusiasm and energy. in the four years of study and life, i have learned from the accounting including the basic knowledge to use, and many aspects. through the study of this knowledge, i have knowledge in this field have a certain degree of understanding and mastering this profession is a tool, and the ability to take advantage of this tool is the most important carried out simultaneously with the course when all the relevant and practical in practice, has a certain practical skills and techniques. in school work, to enhance life skills training, learning management knowledge, absorbing management experience. i know that computers and networks are the future tools to learn the profession in the premise, i had a great interest in the computer and read a lot about books, windows98/XX, kingdee finance, uf financial and other systems, application software, foxpro, vb language and other programming languages.


英语求职信写作方法 要写一份英文求职信,并不难,但要写一份精彩的英文求职信,这就需要掌握好英文求职信的写作技巧,以下为大家提供一些英语求职信写作方法,希望对大家有帮助。求职信分为推荐信和自荐信两种,英文求职信写作步骤如下:下面举例说明:假设你叫李平,你从报上得知某公司欲招聘一名英语翻译,请你给该公司经理写一份信,你的个人资料如下:1.简况:姓名,李生;年龄,23岁;身高,1.80米;健康状况,良好;业余兴趣,游泳、唱歌、跳舞。2.简历:XX年北京大学毕业后分配到南通中学工作,XX年调至苏州中学工作至今。3.工作:工作认真负责,与人相处融洽。4.特长:精通英语,尤其口语,已将多本中文书籍译成英语,懂一些日语、能用日语与外宾对话。联系电话:********联系地址:苏州市人民路**号第一步:介绍消息来源介绍消息来源实际上是求职信的开篇交待句,它可使求职信显得自然、顺畅;而不介绍消息来源,会使收信人感到意外、忽然,文章也缺乏过渡、照应,本文消息来源可作如下介绍:Dear managerI learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire an English translator.第二步:表明求职心愿介绍完消息来源后,应向收信人表明自己的求职心愿,即写信的目的,本文求职心愿可作如下介绍:I'm interested in this job very much. I'd like to get this job.第三步:介绍个人简历某单位需要新人,求职人也有求职心愿,但这并不意味着这项工作非你莫属。假如你没有干好这项工作的经历、实力,也是难以适应的。因此,介绍个人简历是必不可少的。本文个人简历可介绍如下:Now I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Ping. I'm 30 years old. I'm 180 cm tall. I'm healthy. I like swimming singing and dancing in my spare time. I graduated from Beijing University in 1994.ThenI went to work in Nantong Middle School. In 1996,I began to work in Suzhou Middle School and I have worked there until now.第四步:摆出求职优势仅有一定的工作经历而没有自身的优势和特长,也很难求得称心如意的工作。因此,求职时应表明自己除了具有一定的工作经历之外,还具有一定的优势和特长,这样才能稳操胜券。本文可通过如下方法摆出自己的优势:I work hard and I can get along well with others. I'm good at



求职信的语言要中肯,恰到好处;态度要谦虚诚恳,不卑不亢。达到见字如见其人的效果。要给受信者留下深刻印象,进而相信求职者有能力胜任此项工作。优秀求职信范文篇一尊敬的领导: 您好! 我叫xxx,毕业于xxxx学院,所学专业为护理。我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,喜欢以微笑待人,我相信微笑就是态度,态度决定成败! 在大学中,我努力学习专业知识和技能,各科成绩优异,同时我考取了普通话二级甲等证书,计算机一级证书等多项证书。此外我也注重个人综合素质的提高,在校期间,我曾担任校园广播站栏目的编辑,在社会实践部音乐社担任宣传部部长,组织开展了各项活动等等。 走出校园,我迈进了实习医院的大门,通过长达九个月的实习,我熟练掌握了穿刺技术,成人心肺复苏,生命体征测量,晨晚间护理,同时严格执行三查八对制度,能规范进行无菌技术操作,氧气吸入,灌肠等各项操作。 尽管在众多应聘者中我不一定是最优秀的,但我相信,能力可以提升态度决定一切。路靠自己走,机会需您给恭候贵院佳音。最后,我衷心祝愿贵医院事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼 fwdq 日期 优秀求职信范文篇二尊敬的领导: 您好! 非常感谢您阅读我的求职信。 我是X学院英语系xx级的一名学生,经过大专三年的学习和锻炼,我将于明年7月完成大专学业,真正步入社会,开始人生路上的新一段征程。 两年多来,在校领导和老师的引导下,我努力学好专业知识,训练专业技能,专业水平每一年都有明显提高,大二时以良好的成绩通过了英语四级考试,并将于明年年初参加六级考试。在基本能够运用英语自如地进行听、说、读、写的基

础上,我涉猎了语言学、英美文学和英美概况,调整知识结构的同时,扩充了视野,在此基础上,我还掌握了计算机的操作能熟练的运用Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint,熟悉互联网运用,这样就更加完善了自己。 深知21世纪对人民教师提出了更严峻的挑战,我在学习国内外有影响力的教育理论的同时,特别注重实践能力的培养,除了积极参加系、院和校的活动外,我热情地投入到社会实践中去,通过做家教和作兼职教师工作,得以把理论应用于实践,并根据学生特点,总结和发展适宜的教学方法,积累了初步的教学经验,这一切使我能在今年的教育实习中发挥特长,出色地完成实习任务,获得优异成绩。 三年的大专生活教我学会了冷静、坚忍不拔,使我能在人生的坐标上找寻适合自己的位置并不断修整自我,更让我深刻认识到人要用心地去做每一件事,认真、踏实地面对人生的每一步。所以我诚挚地希望加入你们这支优秀的、富有生命力的群体,在大家的指导和帮助下,共同携手,在人生的道路上不断进取! 随信附上求职简历,期待与您的面谈,祝您工作顺利,祝贵校事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼 fwdq 日期 优秀求职信范文篇三尊敬的领导: 您好! 感谢您在百忙中阅读我的求职信! 我叫xxx,毕业于xxx大学xx专业。普通的院校,普通的我却拥有一颗不甘于平凡的心。 我,自信,乐观,敢于迎接一切挑战。虽然只是一名普通的本科毕业生,但是,年轻是我的本钱,拼搏是我的天性,努力是我的责任,我坚信,成功定会成为必然。 经过大学四年锤炼,在面对未来事业的选择时,我对自己有了更清醒的认识,由于我在大学中锻练了较好的学习能力,加上努力做到最好的天性使然,四年中,我在班级的考试中均名列前茅,在班级40名的学生中,我一直保持了前五名的


提供专业的word版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除商务英语求职信范文(英文版) 你会写英文版的求职信吗,下面小编为大家整理了一篇英文版的商务英语求职信范文,为了帮助大家写好求职信范文,小编还为大家推荐了一篇商务英语求职信,希望对大家有用。 Dearleaders: .Iheardyourinformationofjobfrominternet.I'mmale studentsofNortherncollegeofbeijinguniversityofchemi calTechnology,thespecialtyislogistics management,willbeheldinJuly20XXgraduation.Icarefull

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英文求职信的写作格式及范文 所谓英文求职信范文就求职者是向外企应聘自己想要的职 位时所写的让对方了解自己、相信自己、录用自己的求职信例文。英文求职信通常包括五个组成部分:写信动机、自我介绍、本人能力、结尾、附件。写求职信的过程本身也就反映出了你的外语水平,故应尽量做到语言规范、符合外文习惯,减少语法错误。 目录 1基本格式 2主要内容 3特点及要求 4英文求职信范文 1基本格式:(其中红色字体的是你要写的内容) (Your name) (Your address) (Your telephone number) (Date)

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Name, ...................( Beginning of the letter) ...................(Introducing yourself) ...................(About your personal ability) ...................(About the enclosure and other __ your experience of the job ) ...................(Ending) Yours faithfully, 手写签名 2主要内容 1.写信动机:通常求职信是针对报纸上招聘广告而写的。若此,信中须提到何月何日的报纸,有时工作机会是从朋友或介绍所听来的,有时写信人不知某机构、公司有工作机会,毛遂自荐。不论哪一种,求职信上一定要说明写信的缘由和目的。

2.自我介绍:写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月、教育背景,尤其与应征职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊技能。如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。 3.结尾:希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此信中要表明可以面谈的时间。 4.附件:这部分视具体情况而定,如有详细的简历或用人单位需要的材料附在求职信中时,需要注明。 3特点及要求 1.求职信要有针对性。针对不同企业不同职位,求职信的内容要有所变化,侧重点有所不同,使对方觉得你的经历和素质与所聘职位要求相一致,因为外企招聘所需要的不是最好的员工,而是最适合其所聘工作的人。 2.外企求职信中不要流露出不自信的思想,外企忌讳的是不自信,这与中国传统的“谦虚是美德”略有不同,在写外企求职信中,不必太谦虚,应充分强调启己的长处和技能,对自己较重要的经历和实践要较详细的叙述。 3.要本着诚实不欺的原由,不能无中生有,自吹自擂。因为西方人认为诚实守信是一个人的第一美德。


英文求职信范文二 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022

范文 【范文二】 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company's Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful


优秀的求职信范文三篇 求职信求职信要写求职的原因。首先简要介绍求职者的自然情况如:姓名、年龄、性别等。接着要直截了当地说明从何渠道得到有关信息以及写此信的目的。 优秀的求职信范文篇一 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是xxx,毕业于xx。怀着对贵公司的尊重与向往,我真挚地写了这封求职信,向您展示一个完全真实的我。 从xx年入校到现在,我一直恪守奋力攻坚志在必夺,坚定信心知难而进这句格言在学校努力学习。同时在老师的指点下,在知识的熏陶中,在实践的砥砺上,成为了一名品学兼优的学生。我热爱自己的专业,通过对专业知识的系统学习,已经具备了扎实的理论-功底和较强的实际业务操作能力。无论是手工记账还是应用财务软件,都可以熟练操作。在校期间主要学习的课程有:基础会计、财务会计、财务管理、审计学、西方经济学等。

大学生涯中,让我学到了许多,不但牢牢掌握专业知识,还参加了学校、社会等各项活动,它不仅赋予了我强健的体魄和吃苦耐劳、不畏艰难的品格,也使我养成了严于律己,稳重而不乏激-情的生活作风。 除了专业知识的学习以外,我还学习了基础会计、初级财务会计以及成本会计等一些应用性较强的知识,同时还学习和了解了经济法等一些相关性知识,通过实践课程,我还熟悉金蝶、用友软件、熟悉计算机操作。 实践是检验人才的最好途径,我始终相信一份耕耘,一份收获勤奋踏实,积极进取是我最大的优点,我拥有乐观、自信的性格;十几年辗转求学的经历造就了我良好的环境适应能力,协作精神以及坚韧不服输的性格。 我相信现在的21世纪不再是大鱼吃小鱼的世纪了,而是快鱼吃慢鱼的世纪,所以早起的鸟儿有虫吃,我们要加速储备能量和知识来竞争。我热爱运动,我相信只有运动的人才是健康的、充满朝气的。这个世界是个充满活力的世界,让我们动起来,让我们合作,让我们竞争吧! 我希望我可以为您的企业的成长与发展做出一份贡献,让年轻和拼博在这里得到最好的绽放!
