

Lesson 8,a famous monastery 著名修道院

Pass 关隘

嘉峪关地势险要,无法靠近the precipitous position of Jiayuguan Pass makes it inaccessible (precipitous 陡峭的,险峻的,accessible 可以靠近的,可以进入的have access to sth 能够得到have access to better universities and better education 能够进入更好的大学,获得更好的教育)

该地有战略意义,一夫当关,万夫莫开this place has a strategic importance, where a few soldiers would make it inaccessible

Tollgate 征收通行税的关卡,关门

Watchdog 1,看门狗

2,监视者the government’s water pollution watchdog 政府水质污染检查组织

An independent watchdog over government spending 独立检查机构监督政府开支

Guardian 监护人sole guardian 唯一监护人the Four Guardians 四大金刚

Rash (act or do without careful consideration of the possible consequences)鲁莽的,轻率的a rash student 鲁莽的学生make rash promises 轻易许诺;jump rashly to conclusions 轻率得出结论act rashly, without thought 未加考虑,轻率行动

Impetuous (act or do quickly and without thought or care)轻率的,鲁莽的impetuous behavior 鲁莽行为be impetuous to resign over such a small matter 为小事辞职未免太愚蠢轻率(survive and thrive剩下来,成为胜利者)

Impulsive (of people or behavior marked by sudden action, without thought)冲动的,易冲动的an impulsive man, comment 易冲动的人,一时冲动的评语have a sudden impulse to do sth 一时间心血来潮

Hasty (make or done quickly or too quickly)过于匆忙的,仓促完成的 a hasty departure, farewell,decision 仓促的离去,告别,决定(a rushed decision 匆忙,仓促决定)

More speed, less speed 欲速则不达

there are always happy gatherings and sad partings人有悲欢离合

Enclosure (piece of land that is enclosed)被圈起来的土地keep a horse in that enclosure 在围栏里养了一匹马member’s enclosure 会员区

Clearing (open space from which trees have been cleared in a forest) (森林中树木砍伐后的)空地

Privacy (state of being alone or undisturbed)独处,不受干扰的状况a high wall round the estate protected their privacy庄园周围有一堵高墙使他们不受外界干扰disturb sb’s privacy 打扰了某人的清静

Seclude (keep oneself apart from others )(人)使自己隔离seclude oneself from the world 与世隔绝–〉Seclusion 隔离,隔绝—〉a place cut off from civilization of the outside world by high mountains高山环抱,与世隔绝的地方

An uneventful life 平静的生活,波澜不惊的生活an eventful season 多事之秋an eventful trip 这个行程状况不断 a much-disturbed life 饱受烦扰的生活,不得安生的生活

The text

The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2473 meters, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe


1, connect A to B 将AB连接

Join A to B 连结,结合(索或者桥)the island is joined to the mainland by a bridge 岛上有座桥与大陆相连join two people together in marriage 使二人结为夫妇

Join the efforts 共同努力only when all the efforts are joined can we tackle the problem well. Any single or separate effort will not yield much 只有共同努力了,我们才能更好的解决这个问题。单方面的努力和单方面的行为都将收效甚微。

2,at 2473 meters, it is the highest mountain pass 海拔2473,这是最高的山口


At 1000 meters, Badaling is the most precipitous and most inaccessible part of the Great Wall


The lake lies next to the Chola Mountains which rise to over 6100m / 20,000 feet. The lake itself lies at about 4100m / 13,450 feet.

Found+ 实体\政权found the people’s republic of china / a church

Establish +实体,名声,地位establish a company, a reputation, a position in the society

He is well-established in the society 他在社会上很有地位,很有名望—〉a well-established artist有地位有名望的艺术家

We have all established and drifted apart。我们都已经事业有成,越行越远

For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travelers crossing the dangerous pass. 几百年来,圣伯纳德修道院训要的狗拯救了许多翻越这道山口的旅游者的生命

Ving 做定语两种境界

1,正在进行a swelling wound 一个正在肿胀的伤口the swelling/buldging money bag of the Chinese people 中国人正在鼓囊的钱袋子

The lady smoking in the dark corner 正在黑暗角落吸烟的女人

2,长期,习惯主动the generation growing up with fast-food 吃着快餐成长起来的一代人Travelers crossing the dangerous pass 几百年来不断穿越危险山口的游客

Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the pass is less dangerous 现在由于在山里开挖了隧道,翻越山口已经不那么危险了

A tunnel has been built through the mountains 山里开挖了隧道

倚着山已经修建了一个大学 a college has been built against the mountain

=The college sits against the hill

Make efforts to do sth = make an attempt to do sth= attempt to do sth 努力,试图做某事

竭尽全力make every effort to do sth =Spare no effort= reserve no effort

Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot 尽管有了隧道,但是还有一些人想冒险徒步跨越圣伯纳德山口

尽管有了更加严格的控制和惩罚,但是还有人想冒险酒后驾车。很显然,这些措施还不足以震慑(deter震慑,defer尊敬)侥幸心理。不足以应付人们的酒后豪情(Dutch courage)(drunk driving 酒后驾车)。也许只有人们亲身经历事故惨剧之后方能更加珍视(cherish)可贵的生命

Despite the more stringent controls and more severe punishment, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to drive while being drunk. Obviously such police efforts are not effective enough to deal with people’s Dutch courage and to deter the common tendency to trust luck. Maybe only tragic accidents can make people cherish more their precious lives.


Passion is nothing to be blamed ;Dreaming is everything to be cherished


There are so many beautiful girls around. Never let one girl blind your eyes.

一叶障目不见森林:over-emphasis on sth(A) leads to a negligence of sth (B)

The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure. 修道士们喜欢冬天,而不太喜欢夏天,因为在冬天他们可以过上无人打扰的生活。狗也比较自由,被放出围栏,四处溜达


Nowadays mid-class people in big cities prefer a country life, for they have more tranquility and peace. Their pets have greater freedom, too, for they are no longer caged or leashed.

孩子们认为他们应该将父母接进城市安享晚年(provide for 赡养),认为这样做他们能够更好的尽到孝道。但实际上父母们更喜欢较安静和缓慢的农村生活,因为他们在那里形成了他们的生活习惯,他们熟悉一切。

Children believe that they should take their parents to cities to have a happier old age life and that, by doing so, they can better fulfill their filial duties. But actually parents prefer the more peaceful and more slow-paced country life, for they have developed their life-long habits there and they have everything familiar there.

Regular visitors 常客rare visitors 稀客

Regular 规则的irregular不规则的

On a regular basis有规律的,定期的have yourself checked on a yearly basis

Eat regular meals 饮食有规律

Lesson 9, flying cats 飞猫

Fascinate (attract or interest sb greatly)使着迷,神魂颠倒the fascinating scenery 心旷神怡的景色(freak out on drugs 吸毒导致神魂颠倒)

~~Enchant (fill sb with great delight)使极为喜悦,陶醉enchanted by the singing of the kids 被孩子们的歌声迷住了

~~Entrance (fill sb with great emotion and delight as if by magic)使某人(着魔般)狂喜,着迷

entranced at the beautiful sight 被美丽的景色迷住了be entranced by the music 陶醉在音乐中stand entranced at her beauty站在那里看着她的美貌出神

Affectionate (showing fondness for sb, loving)示爱的,有爱心的an affectionate child 有爱心的孩子affectionate kisses, words, smile 示爱的吻,言语,微笑be affectionate toward sb 很爱谁= be devoted to sb

A voice charged with emotions 饱含深情的嗓音

Sentimental (of or concerning the emotions, rather than the reason)情感的,情绪的(非理智的)do sth for sentimental reasons 出于感情的原因做某事have a sentimental attachment to one’s birth-place 对出生地有眷恋之情

2,让人动感情的the sentimental stuff 一些勾起忧伤的东西a watch with sentimental value 有怀念价值的表

Don't be emotional and don't take it personal 不要闹情绪,不要往心里去

Mysterious (hard to understand or explain)神秘的,不可思议的a mysterious event, crime神秘事件,罪行a mysterious letter 神秘信件(内容和寄信人不明的)

Miracle 奇迹—〉miraculous 奇迹般的,神奇的the miraculous rise of china 中国奇迹般的崛起miraculously unhurt 奇迹般的没有受伤的

Mystic (of hidden meaning or spiritual power, esp in religion)神秘的,玄理的,mystic rites and ceremonies 神秘的仪式

Inaccessible (very difficult or impossible to reach, approach)不可达到,不易进入—〉看不懂,含混晦涩的philosophical theories are inaccessible to ordinary people 哲学非普通人能理解

Submissive (willing to yield to the authority of others)顺从的,服从的a humble and submissive servant 恭顺的仆人

Compliant (通常贬义)(willing to comply (with other people, rules, etc) )对他人,规章等)(过于)顺从的,百依百顺的,唯命是从的compliant as ever, the government gave in to their demands 政府如同往常一样唯唯诺诺,对他们的要求作出了让步

~~Obedient (doing what one is told to do, willing to obey)obedient children, dogs 听话的孩子,顺从的狗—〉rebellious 造反的,叛逆的

High-rise 高层的

Skyscraper 摩天大楼

Edifice (large or imposing building)高大的或宏伟的建筑物the ruined edifice 毁坏了的大厦(比喻) he had high ideals in his youth but gradually the whole edifice crumbled 他年轻时有过崇高的理想,但渐渐地他的全部希望都破灭了(crumble 弄碎,碎成细碎crumple 弄皱,变皱)

Paratrooper 伞兵infantry 步兵(in the infancy 在起步阶段)Cannoneer 炮兵cannon fodder 炮灰


1,影响力have an impact on sb/ have an influence on sb far-reaching impact深远的影响

2,(force with which one object hits another)撞击力,冲击力he collapsed under the full impact of the blow 在重击下倒下the shock of impact 冲击力所造成的震动cerebral concussion脑震荡—> percussion music 打击乐

Blast (explosion, destructive wave of air from an explosion)爆炸,(由爆炸所产生的具有破坏力的)气浪,冲击波several passers-by were killed by the blast 数名路人被炸死

(bombing炸弹爆炸the bombing suicide 炸弹爆炸自杀事件explosion 1)爆炸(轰的一声响)2)快速增长the explosion of the population 人口的爆炸式增长the Cable TV has brought aobut an explosion\proliferation of viewing options 有线电视带来了收视选择的剧烈增长

The text

Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. They can be friendly and affectionate toward humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well. They never become submissive like dogs and horses. 猫总能引起人们极大的兴趣,他们可以对人有好,充满柔情。但是他们又有自己神秘的生活方式。它们从不像狗和马一样变得温顺

1,never fail to do 双重否定


Mummies and pyramids never fail to arouse people’s interest and fantasies. They are both favorite elements for horror films and a symbol of mysterious Egyptian culture

希尔顿酒店帝国的继承人帕里斯总能引起人们的关注.她总是处在争论和八卦的中心(come into possession of a large fortune= inherit a large fortune继承财产successor 继任者)Paris Hilton, heiress to the Hilton Hotel Fortune/empire, never fails to allure/attract/draw people’s attention. She is always at the center of a storm of controversy and gossips.


Those wild girls never fail to fascinate men. They can be loving and affectionate, but they also lead mysterious lives of their own as well. They never become submissive or dependent



Tibetan mastiffs are proud and majestic dogs, never becoming submissive or dependent. They can be friendly and affectionate too, but only towards their masters.


Career ladies have successful business of their own and lead independent lives of their own as well. They never become submissive or dependent like those family ladies. Of course, they can be loving and affectionate too, but only on rare occasions and towards few important family members.

As a result 因此=consequently

As a result of 由于=because of


As a result of the tension and competition, the birth rate globally is declining, which makes our kids more precious and rarer, leading to a general spoiling of kids.

As a result of the competition and tension, the birth rate globally is declining. Consequently, our kids are more precious, and more spoiled too.

Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives 在它们一生中,大多数猫都对人存在戒心与猫截然不同,在他们一生中,大多数狗都对人类绝对忠诚

In contrast, most dogs reserve no loyalty to humans all their lives.


In china, most wild animals may justifiably /reasonably feel suspicious and scared of humans. In this country, people habitually regard animals more as food than as friends, and regardless of the species


I regard you more as friends than as students, and regardless of where you are from and what you do.

One of the things that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives. Apparently, there is a good deal of truth in that idea. A cat’s ability to survive falls is based on fact. 最使我们感兴趣的一件事情就是一种通俗的信念---猫有九条命。显然,这样的说法里饱含着许多真实性。猫在跌落时能够大难不死是有事实作为依据的

1,one of the things that fascinates us most 注意动词单数(因为most 的出现)


One of the things that frustrates us most about the entertainment stars is the undeniable/bloody fact that Zangtianshuo is connected with the criminal gang and that Manwenjun is messed up with drugs. It seems that we can appreciate no more than their performing ability on the stage.

3, there is a good deal of truth in that idea 这样的说法包含着许多真实性


There is a good deal of honesty and sincerity in his words


There is a good deal of deception,falsehood and misleading in that idea

一个人工作前和工作后都要好好学习。活到老学到老,此言不虚one needs to learn before and after his emploument. There is a good deal of truth in the idea that one is never too old to learn.

4, a cat’s ability to survive falls is based on fact 猫在跌落时能够大难不死有事实作为依据的

性格开朗的人(easy-going person)能够经历艰难的考验,这既有理论依据也有现实依据。理论上说(in theory),开朗的人个性豁达(open-minded思路开明的,cheerful个性欢快豁达的),不会沉浸(get stuck in/get addicted in)在悲观(optimistic 乐观的,pessimistic 悲观的)中很长时间,他们更容易摆脱(get rid of/ shake off)不良情绪,更容易找到应付艰难局面的方法(deal with/ combat打斗,tackle sth对付---)

An extrovert’s ability to get through a difficult situation is based both on theory and fact. Theoretically, extroverts have a resilient personality to avoid themselves being stuck long in depression. They can handle their bad moods and tackle a challenge more easily.


Obviously the victim must have been push off and rescued by a pine-tree during his fall

A fall in the pit, a gain in the wit 吃一堑,长一智


Have something in common = share something in common有共同之处

A contrasts sharply with

B in that 句子---A与B截然不同,原因就在


Chinese professors contrast sharply with their western counterparts in that the former have no time to settle down on their research and the latter, with their life well-guaranteed//provided for, are devoted to their research.

Point out the similarities and the differences 指出共同之处和不同之处

Of course, NY is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of tall buildings. 当然纽约是进行这种有趣的实验的理想地方,因为那里根本不缺乏高楼大厦

1, be the ideal place, because ---- 举例子的很好表达(best place\choice; preferred choice\place黄金宝地,理想之地,钟情之地

The west lake has always been a preferred place for famous people in our history. They all left behind poems to praise the beauty of the lake. One poet, with the name Su Dongpo, from the Song Dynasty, compared the lake to a fair lady, who is always charming in heavy or light make-up.)

For proof, look no further than---- 某物就是一个典型的例子

我们现在的生活很好,这在以前无法想像。只要看看我们现在每天的饮食就清楚了。的确,以往真的无法和今日相比,不仅在食品的种类上,还是在食品的营养度上。Our life is much better than we ever could think or imagine. For proof, look no further than the food that we eat every day. Indeed, the food of old days can’t compare with that of today either in variety or in nutrition.

上海是推销(sell, promote)这样的奢侈品(luxuries)的理想场所,因为那里根本不缺乏富豪。这不仅仅有着理论的支持,也有着事实证明。作为中国的经济之都(economic capital// cultural capital文化之都),这里聚居着中国最多的富人(concentrate/focus 将注意力集中(on sth));且顶级(top-grade)手表,跑车,别墅,游艇多在这里有着不错的销售记录(keep a good sales record)

Shanghai is the ideal place for selling such luxuries, because there is no shortage of rich people. This is based on both theory and fact. As the economic capital of china, Shanghai has the largest concentration of millionaires. Besides, top-class watches, sport cars, villas and yachts all have

already kept a good sales record here.

中国是推翻(turn over(a ship), overthrow the government)诸多经济学理论(economic theories)的理想场所,因为这里有着很多奇迹,这些奇迹无法用经典的理论来解释(explain, interpret),虽然不可思议(unbelievable=incredible不可思议),却在真实发生。

China is the ideal example to overthrow many classic economic theories, for there is no shortage of miracles in this country, miracles that can’t be interpreted by those theories and miracles that are ridiculous/incredible but really happening.

One cat, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth 一只猫从32层楼上掉下来,但只摔断了一颗牙。

用suffer from 如何代替受伤害的具体动词:在宾语上用上过去分词


He was hit by a dashing car, yet miraculously only suffered from two broken ribs


She fell from the ladder, yet only suffered from a scratched/bruised arm


He had an accident, yet only suffered from some painful injections and a bandaged right leg.

The further cats fall, the less they are likely to injure themselves. 猫跌落的距离越长,他们就越不会伤害自己

VS the further cats fall, the less likely they are to injure themselves

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility 能力越大,责任越大

The bigger the income, the bigger the pressure. 收入越大,压力越大—〉god will not specially love someone or hate someone


The longer people stay together, the less they are likely to recover from their relationship breakdown.


The more aggressive one’s deeds and words, the more he is likely to cover his fear and timidity.


The better the education/diploma/certification, the better the chances of finding and securig a job

In the long drop, they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more 在常常的跌落过程中,它们可以达到每小时60英里,甚至更快的速度

三十岁以及三十岁以上的女人Ladies of 30 years old and older = ladies of 30 years old and over


Increase/ decrease people’s creativity

Inspire / suffocate people’s creativity

Enhance/reduce people’s creativity

Ignite/extinguish people’s creativity


裕兴新概念英语第三册笔记第三课课文讲解 老猴子咬菜根学习交流 Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神 Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century . until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century . It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century . This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. 1. Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。 make a discovery 做出发现 make a name for oneself 出名 make history 创造历史 make a noise 名噪一时 eg. Ben Laden really made a noise by . 本·拉登通过事件名噪一时。make a dent: to make a first step towards success in something 取得初步的、有效的进展;奏效 eg. Chinese open-up policy has made a dent. 中国的改革开放政策已经初见成效。 Aegean [i:'d?i:?n] n.爱琴海(地中海的一部分,在希腊同土耳其之间)The Aegean sea lies between Greece and Turkey, part of Mediterranean Sea.主题句:为典型的记叙文开头句 记叙文的文体特点:时间、地点、人物、事件。并按事件发生的时间、空间顺序描写,把握住其特征,就能轻松应对文章的理解。 Time: some time ago


Lesson 38 The first calendar Comprehension questions 1. Who will be in a unique position when they come to record the history of our own times? 2. What is steadily accumulating? 3. Will future historians have to rely solely on the written word? 4. What other information will they have? 5. What about the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past? 6. Does he have to deduce information from scanty clues? 7. Even insignificant remains are important. Why? 8. Up to now, when have historians assumed that calendars came into being? 9. Does recent scientific evidence indicate that this is correct or incorrect? 10. Historians have long been puzzled by dots, lines and symbols, haven't they? 11. Where have these dots, etc. been engraved? 12. When did the last Ice Age begin? 13. When did it end? 14. Who lived by hunting and fishing during this period? 15. What are the marks connected with? 16. What is the code in fact? 17. Were the hunting scenes just a form of art? 18. Did they have a definite meaning? 19. Is there a relation between the paintings and the markings that accompany them? 20. Man was making an effort to understand the seasons much earlier than has been supposed. How much earlier? _________2. only; not involving sb/sth else _________3. connected with a very early stage of development _________4. large amount or quantity of _________5. to form an opinion about sth based on the information or evidence that is available _________6. to show relation or connection between _________7. gradually; without interruptions _________8. the coming of an important event _________9. a large elephant that lived thousands of years ago and has now died out _________10. a member of a tribe that travels around to find grass for its animals instead of living in one plane _________11. a system of words, letters, or numbers or symbols that represent a message _________12. in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be _________13. too little in amount for what is needed _________14. each of the shapes of the moon as we see it from the earth at different times of the month _________15. to show an image of sb/sth in a picture _________16. the process of time passing _________17. to cut words or pictures on wood, stone or metal _________18. of little value or importance


Lesson 113 Small change 讲义重点 一、本课重要单词 conductor: n.售票员; fare: 车费,交通工具的票价; a taxi fare 出租车费; a single fare 单程票价; change: v.兑换(钱),换零(钱)例: Can I change pounds into dollars here? 这里可以把英镑兑换成美元吗? n. 零钱,找零: You may keep the change. 你可以留下零钱,不用找了。note: n.纸币; a five-pound note 5英镑纸币; Pay in notes.用钞票付款。passenger :n. 乘客,旅客; none: pron. 三者或三者以上的人或事物中任何一个都不….例:None of the students could answer the question. 没有一个学生会回答那个问题。 None of us has ever been abroad. 我们所有的人都没有出过国, neither : adv. 两者都不…(置于单数名词之前) Neither book is bought in Beijing. 这两本书都不是在北京买的。 Neither is right. 两者都不正确。

get off:下车; tramp: n. 流浪汉,漂泊者’ except:prep. 除…之外; 二、本课重要知识点: 1. Have you any small change? 您有零钱吗? 在本句中关于have变疑问句的用法需要引起注意: (1)have用作实意动词表示状态,如表示拥有、患病或用于have to 表示“必须”等,在变疑问句时可以直接将have提前,也可根据情况在句首使用do,does,did,例: I have some small change. 我有一些零钱,变疑问句: 常用句式:Do you have any small change?您有零钱吗? 不常见句式:Have you any small change? 您有零钱吗? (2)用作实意动词表示动作,如表示“吃(=eat)”、“喝(=drink)”、“度过(=spend)”等,构成疑问式时不能将have提前至句首,而应在句首使用do,does,did,例: He has breakfast at home. 变为疑问句: 正确句式: Does he have breakfast at home?他在家吃早餐吗? 错误句式: Has he breakfast at home?


/////// 新概念英语第三册讲义完美版 Lesson 01 A Puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮 New words and expression 生词和短语 学习词汇时仅知道汉语语义是不够的,要把单词放在语句中体会其应用 学习关键句结构是则要把它放在段落结构或文章里 puma n.美洲狮 spot v.看出, 发现 = see, pick out, recognize, catch sight of强调结果, 辨别出, 看见, 识别, 发现-- A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd. -- He has good eye for spotting mistakes. 同意词: -- find:强调发现的结果/ find out:查出事实真相 -- discover:做出重大发现/ notice:注意到 -- observe:观察/ watch:观察活动中的人或画面 Spot n.斑点 -- There is a white spot on the shirt. on the spot有两个含义: 1> 立刻, 马上(at once, immediately) -- Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot. 2> at the place of the action 在现场 -- Wherever she is needed, she is quickly on the spot. Evidence n.证据(不可数名词) Evident adj.明显的, 显然的/ evidently adv.明显地, 显然 Evidence = proof (n.证据) -- When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence. in evidence 显而易见的 -- He was in evidence at the party. Accumulate v.积累, 积聚(强调积累的过程) -- As the evidence accumulates, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate. Gather vt.聚集, 把某人召集在某处 -- The teacher gathered his students in the class Collect vt.搜集, 采集 -- Do you collect stamps? Yes, I collect stamps as my hobby.(n.业余爱好)Assemble v.集合, 集会/ 装配


Lesson 30? The death of a ghost? 幽灵之死 New words and expression 生词和短语 Labourer ['le?b(?)r?] n.劳动者(工人)(劳工)-- 强调使用体力, 而不是技能, 在户外工作。Workman n.技工, 工匠 -- 具有某种工艺技能的半熟练工人 worker n.工人(泛指)-- 具有更高水平的工人 -- white-collar worker 白领职员(指非体力劳动者) -- blue-collar worker 蓝领工人(指体力劳动者) -- a factory worker 工厂工人 / farm worker 雇农, 农业工人 Manual worker mental worker farmhand(n.农业工人, 农场工人)= farm labourers = farm worker labour n. 1、劳动(尤指体力劳动)(可以以复数形式出现labours. (very hard work, usually physical work) 2、(总称) 劳工 3、工作(任务task;(一段时间的)工作period of work) 4、分娩 (分娩期;分娩;生产)Her labour had lasted ten hours vi 1、艰苦劳动、干苦力活 2、艰难的工作、吃力地行进 move with difficulty 3、+to do 艰苦地做;吃力地做 If you?labour to?do something, you do it with difficulty labour force n. 劳动力 surplus labour 【政治经济学】剩余劳动(力) , 【经济学】剩余劳动 ['s?:pl?s] n. 剩余;[贸易] 顺差;盈余;过剩 adj. 剩余的;过剩的 labour party (劳)工党 Conservative party保守党 Democratic party 民主党 Republican party 共和党 division of labour 分工 labour union n. [美]工会 conserve vt. 1、节省;节约 2、保护;保存;保藏 to protect sth and prevent it from being changed or destroyed n. 果酱;蜜饯 Conserve的“保持、保存”有两种含义,第一种含义含有为了节约而保护、保存的意思,例如:You can set the temperature to 26 degrees centigrade in order to conserve energy. 你可以把温度设置成26摄氏度以节约资源。第二种含有为了让某事物(一般指自然资源)不被改变或者不被破坏而保护、保存的意思,例如:Government should enforce laws to conserve wildlife animals in this area. 政府应该实施法律保护这个地区的野生动物。 preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持;腌;禁猎 n. 保护区;禁猎地;加工成的食品; Preserve的“保持、保存”也有两种含义,第一种含义有维护、保持(a situation or condition)某种状态、质量、权利的意思,例如:She believed it‘s the most important thing to preserve her reputation. 她认为维护自己的名声是最重要的事情。preserve peace维护和平。the preservation of the status 维持现状。第二种含义有保留、保藏且维护以不被破坏或者维持现状的意思,常常用作被动语态,例如:The ancient vase was preserved well by the archaeologists. 这个古代花瓶被考古学家保存得很好。reserve n. 储备,储存;自然保护区;预备队;[金融] 储备金 vt. 储备;保留;预约 vi. 预订Reserve有“预定”的意思,即主动去要求“保留”,例如:I'd like to reserve a room tonight. 我想预定一个今晚的房间。Reserve还常用作被动语态,表示为了留给后面的人或者为以后的使用而“保留、保存”,例如:The refreshments are reserved for the guests. 这些点心是留给客人的。Reserve还能表示“拥有、保留、保持”权利和意见的意思,例如很多出版物上都会标有“All rights reserved”,意思是“版权所有”。 简单来区分的话,conserve强调保护自然资源和节约资源,preserve强调不被改变和破坏,reserve强调留着备用。


新概念3第七课讲义 Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies (1) Has it ever happened to you? 1) 副词ever常用来表示某种强调,含有“在任何时候”之意,其反义词为never. 在使用ever时,以下几点应注意: a. Ever主要用于疑问句、否定句、条件状语从句和含有否定意义词(hardly, stop等)的居中,如: His mother hardly ever goes out. I’am going to stop him ever doin g that again. b. Ever 用于现在完成时态,通常表示“直至现在的任何时间”之意;用于 过去时态或过去完成时态时,通常表示“直至过去某一时间点的任何时间” 之意,如: Have you ever gone to Qingdao? She asked him if he had ever been in trouble with the police. c. Ever 可用于比较级结构中的than之后,进行时间上的强调,如: You’re looking lovelier than ever. d. Ever 有时用于疑问句或假定句中表示愤怒或惊讶,如: Has anyone of you ever heard such nonsense? (2) When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? 1) 这里用rescue,而没有用take等词汇,更加生动地显示出急切把裤子里面的 钱拿出来。


Lesson113 CONDUCTOR: Fares, please! MAN: Trafalgar Square, please. CONDUCTOR: I'm sorry, sir. I can't change a ten-pound note. Haven't you got any small change? MAN: I've got no small change, I am afraid. CONDUCTOR: I'll ask some of the passengers. CONDUCTOR: Have you any small change, sir? 1st PASSENGER: I'm sorry. I've got none. 2nd PASSENGER: I haven't got any either. CONDUCTOR: Can you change this ten-pound note,madam? 3rd PASSENGER: I'm afraid I can't. 4th PASSENGER: Neither can I. CONDUCTOR: I'm very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this 're all millionaires! TWO TRAMPS: Except us. 1sth TRAMP: I've got some small change. 2nd TRAMP: So have I. 售票员:请买票! 男子:请买一张到特拉法加广场的票。 售票员:对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。 您没有零钱吗? 男子:恐怕我没有零钱。 售票员:我来问问其他乘客。 售票员:先生,您有零钱吗? 乘客1:对不起,我没有。 乘客2:我也没有。 售票员:夫人,您能把这10英镑的钞票换 开吗? 乘客3:恐怕不能。 乘客4:我也不能。 售票员:非常抱歉,先生。您必须下车。我 们的乘客中没人能换开这张钞票。他们都是百万 富翁! 二流浪汉:我们俩除外。 流浪汉1:我有零钱。 流浪汉2:我也有。


新概念英语第三册Lesson38重点句子及解析 【课文】 Future historians will be in a unique position when they come to record the history of our own times. They will hardly know which facts to select from the great mass of evidence that steadily accumulates. What is more they will not have to rely solely on the written word. Films, videos. CDs and CD-ROMs are just some of the bewildering amount of information they will have. They will be able, as it were, to see and hear us in action. But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task. He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty cluesavailable. Even seemingly insignificant remains can shed interesting light on the history of early man. Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons. Recent scientific evidence seems to indicate that this assumption is incorrect. Historians have long been puzzled by dots, lines and symbols which have been engraved on walls, bones, and the ivory tusk of mammoths. The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age, which began about 35,000 B.C. and ended about 10,000 B.C. By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code. They have found that it is connected with the passage of days and the phases of the moon. It is, in fact, a primitive type of

昂立新概念3讲义(第四版) Lesson 45 教师版

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Lesson 45 The power of the press Part 1 Words and Expressions (1) democratic adj. 民主的(organized according to the principle that everyone has a right to be involved in making decisions) 搭配:democratic rights / elections / government 趣味知识:德先生&赛先生:democracy and science 派生词:democrat n. 民主人士/ 民主党人(代表:奥巴马;而美国另一个党派,Republic,共和党,代表人:小布什【学生版不出现】) (2) restrict v. 限制(limit or control) 结构:restrict … to … 翻译:发言者只谈论了有关医疗保健的一些建议。 The speaker restricted his remarks to the health care problems. 搭配:restrict one’s freedom / authority / activity 翻译:监犯的活动被限制在监狱里。 The prisoners’ activity is restricted within the prison. 派生词:restriction n. 限制 (3) abuse v. 滥用(use wrongly or improperly or excessively) (4) contention n. 论点(an idea or point for which a person argues) 常用句型:It is my contention that… 翻译:我方论点是即使在民主国家,人们的自由也该受到限制。 It’s my contention that even in democratic countries, people’s freedom should be restricted. 派生词:contentious adj. 引起争议的 (5) untold adj. 数不清的(too numerous to count) 近义词:countless 趣味翻译:a man of untold wealth 腰缠万贯 翻译:洪水已经给数千家庭造成了极大的痛苦。 The flood has caused untold damage/misery to hundreds of homeowners. 一词多义:untold adj. 未透露的(not revealed) (6) South Dakota南达科他州 (7) perpetual adj. 永久的(continuing forever) 翻译:As poor as a church mouse, they have to struggle against perpetual poverty.


新概念英语第一册L e s s o n-113-114-练习题(无答案)

Lesson 113 and Lesson 114 一根据句意及所给动词首字母填空(10分) 1. If you want to take a bus, you must pay the f______ first. 2. How long does it take to get to Tianan Men S______ by bike? 3. I can’t c______ the ten-pound note. 4. I’m a______ I’ve got no small change. 5. The c______ asked passengers for tickets. 6. There is no water in the bottle. There is n ______. 7. He can change the note. S______ can I. 8. There are trees on e______ side of the street. 9. I’m sorry. You must g______ off the bus. 10. None of the passenger can change this note e______ the two tramps. 二用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. Which city do you like ______ (well), Beijing or Shanghai? 2. Beijing is one of ______ (beautiful) cities in China. 3. ______ (no)of us would like to try it. 4. They are all ______ (million). 5. I’ll ask some of the ______ (passenger). 6. All go there except ______ (we). 7. The ______ (two) passenger hasn’t got any small change, either. 8. I haven’t any, either. ______ (either) have I. 9. They are too expensive for us ______ (afford). 10. Can we buy it on ______ (instalment)? 三用either, neither, either…or, neither…nor…, so, both…and, not only…but also, none 填空(5分) 1. She has lived in London and Manchester, but she doesn’t like ______ city at all. 2. I have two sisters. They are ______ students. 3. May I have some food? Sorry, there is ______ is the refrigerator. 4. We went to the cinema yesterday. ______ did they. 5. Students should ______ study well ______ keep healthy. 6. They are ______ millionaires. 7. ______ my mother ______ my father are teachers. 8. We don’t like watching TV. ______ he ______ I am interested in it. 9. There are only two ways. You ______ take this ______ take that. 10 I can’t afford this new car. ______ can she.


新概念英语第三册课程讲解 Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一 Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. 'Whatever are you doing up here Bill ?' asked the vicar in surprise. ' I'm trying to repair the bell,' answered Bill.' I've been ing up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.'

昂立新概念3讲义(第四版) Lesson 38 学生版

昂立新概念3讲义第四版(学生版) 最 新 讲 义

Lesson 38 The first calendar Part 1 Words and Expressions (1) calendar n. 历法,日历 (2) historian n. 历史学家 (3) unique adj. 无与伦比的 (4) steadily adv. 不断地= _______________ —Do you make any progress in English recently? —Slowly but steadily. ______________________________ 词根:steady adj. 稳定的 翻译:steady table ____________的桌子 do sth. _______________________ 眼要准,手要稳 (5) solely adv. 唯一地 (6) video n. 录像 (7) CD-ROM n. (只读)光盘驱动器 (8) bewilder v. 令人眼花缭乱 (9) deduce v. 推断,推理(有充分的证据和准则而得出结论) 如果你看到一位医生从一个房子里出来,你或许可以推断房子里有人生病了。 If you see a doctor leave a house, _____________________________________________ 派生词填空:Her ___________ that he was now dead was correct. (10) scanty a. 不足的,缺乏的 a scanty lunch _______________ scanty knowledge _______________ a scanty crop ________________ scanty bikini __________________ 对比:be scanty of sth. _________ V.S. be short of__________ He is scanty / short of words. (11) clue n. 线索 结构:______________ 某事的线索


Hello everybody, today we will come to lesson 5, The Facts, a humorous story about an editor and a journalist. 大家好,今天我们要讲的是第五课,《确切数字》,一个关于一位编辑和记者的幽默故事。 §Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字 let’s first go through new words and expressions.先看看单词和语法。请大家跟我念: 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ◆editor n. 编辑 ◆extreme n. 极端 ◆statistics n. 统计数字 ◆journalist n. 新闻记者 ◆president n. 总统 ( ◆palace n.王宫;宏伟的住宅 ◆publish v. 出版 ◆fax n. 传真 ◆impatient adj. 不耐烦的 ◆fire v. 解雇 ◆originally adv. 起初,原先,从前 这里我们要重点讲几个单词和词组。 ★editor n. 编辑 edit vt. 编辑 ( edition n.编辑,版本 editorial adj. 编辑的,主编的;n. 社论,评论invent vt. 发明 inventor n. 发明家 visit vt. 拜访 visitor n. 拜访者 ★extreme n. 极端adj. 极端的extremely adv.极端地 go to extreme(s) to do 走极端 Eg: He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.他很极端地说这部剧是最好的。 & go too far做得过火,走极端,走太远 Don’t go too far or you will get lost. 别走太远,你会迷路的。 You went too far! 你做得太过分了。 go so far as to 竟然到……的地步,甚至 She wouldn’t go so far as to refuse to attend school. ★journalist n. 新闻记者 journalist 新闻工作者,以新闻工作为职业的人 A journalist collects and distributes news and other information. 他们的主要职责是收集并发布新闻及其它信息。 { 根据不同情境,新闻工作者可以包含各种类型的工作人员,如编辑、作家、专栏作家等。 reporter 新闻故事的作者、调查者或主持人,泛称记者 A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports on information to be presented in mass media, including print media (newspapers and magazines), electronic media (television, radio, documentary film), and digital media (such as online journalism).通讯员是记者的一类,负责印刷、电子及数字媒体等大众媒体信息的调查、编写并报道。correspondent 记者,通讯员,被报社或广播媒介雇佣用来提供新闻故事或文章的人,一般是驻外的。全球最大的通讯员网络是德国的ard和英国的bbc。 而且correspondent相对于reporter的写实来说更具有主观性,比如在英国,correspondent一般指在某方面有专业经验的,如最常见的war correspondent,战事通讯员,reporter则没有专向性的,一般是给什么题材报什么题材。 ★publish v. 出版 Eg: They have already published the magazine. = print vt. ! Eg: the book has already been published. The book has gone to press. ★fax n. 传真 send a fax ★impatient adj. 不耐烦的 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人 be patient with The doctor is very patient with his patients.这位医生对他的病人十分耐心。 & patiently adv. 有耐心地 impatient adj. 不耐烦的 impatiently adv. 不耐烦地 patience n. impatience n. ★fire v. 解雇 He was fired from his job. 他被解雇了。 dismiss (正式) The manager disissed him from his company.他经理把他辞退了。 } sack(俚语) vt. 解雇,辞退 Eg: If you do it wrong again you will be sacked. 如果你再做错你就走人。 ★originally adv. 起初,原先,从前 original adj. ok, now we finished the words and expressions, then we can come to the passage. However, I wouldn’t suggest u guys to read the passage first, instead, I suggest you read the questions first. 单词讲完了,现在我们来听听文章。虽然大学平时在学习过程中多数的习惯是先看或听文章再做题,但在实际的考试过程中,为了节省答题时间以及加快阅读或听力时对文章的理解,我建议先看题再看文章。现在让我们先看看
