D. A defeasible ontology language

D. A defeasible ontology language
D. A defeasible ontology language

A Defeasible Ontology Language

S.Heymans and D.Vermeir

Dept.of Computer Science

Free University of Brussels,VUB


Abstract.We extend the description logic with a preference order

on the axioms.With this strict partial order certain axioms can be overruled,if

defeated with more preferred ones.Furthermore,we impose a preferred model

semantics,thus effectively introducing nonmonotonicity into.Since

a description logic can be viewed as an ontology language,or a proper trans-

lation of one,we obtain a defeasible ontology language.Finally,we argue that

such a defeasible language may be usefully applied for learning and integrating



The“Semantic Web”[BLHL01]seeks to improve on the current World Wide Web, making knowledge not only viewable and interpretable by humans,but also by software agents.Ontologies play a crucial role in the realization of this next generation web,by providing a“shared understanding”[UG96]of certain domains.

In order to describe ontologies,one needs ontology languages,such as DAML+OIL or OIL[BGH01,FHvH00,FvHH01].For example the OIL language is built on three roots[HFB00]:

–frame-based systems provide the basic modeling primitives:frames(classes)with attributes;

–by mapping the language to a suitable description logic(DL),one obtains a precise semantics and associated inference procedures;and

–the concrete syntax is based on web languages such as XML and RDF


A description logic is used to express the formal semantics of an ontology written in an ontology language like OIL,but it also provides some basic reasoning services such as checking whether an instance is of a certain type,whether classes are subclasses of other classes,[BS00,HST99].

In particular the DL corresponds to the ontology language OIL[Hor00].As explained in[HS01]this mapping is incomplete with respect to concrete datatypes and named individuals,two features that are present in current ontology languages.A DL that overcomes these two de?ciencies is[HS01],which includes support for datatypes()and named individuals(,see also[Sch94]and[HST00]for reasoning with individuals).

In this paper we further extend the DL with a preference order,as in [HV02].This order indicates whether a certain axiom is more preferred than another and thus may defeat the meaning of that axiom.For example,we could be tempted to assume that,in general,movie stars are bright people.If we came to the discovery that movie stars residing in Hollywood are actually not that clever,we would not be able to retain this information consistently.However by defeating the rule saying that movie stars are clever with the rule saying they are not if they are Hollywood stars,we can still retain a consistent knowledge base.

In addition to adding a preference order on axioms,implementing the notion of defeat,we restrict the semantics of[HV02],by introducing an order on the models of such a description logic knowledge base,taking into account the order on the axioms. Nonmonotonicity is then introduced by preferring models that defeat as few axioms as possible,and if defeat cannot be avoided,we select those models that defeat less preferred axioms.

Nonmonotonic reasoning in description logics is not new:e.g.[BH92]and[BH93] introduce defaults in description logic.Our approach is different,however,as it is based on an explicit ordering of defeasible axioms,as in ordered logic programming,see e.g. [GV98,GLV91,LV90].Besides being often more intuitive,we also do not restrict our-selves to just the object names in an Abox,thus staying closer to the“open world assumption”spirit of description logics.[QR93]also works with preferred models,and thus nonmonotonicity,but axioms are just split up in defeasible and not defeasible ax-ioms,while our approach allows not only to express defeasible knowledge but also some gradation in defeasibility,i.e.some axioms are more preferred or less defeasible than others.

Often,new ontologies are constructed starting from(a combination of)existing on-tologies,adding re?nements that correspond to specialized knowledge.Both integration of ontologies and ontology re?nement may lead to inconsistencies.We argue that a de-scription logic with a preference order may prove useful when integrating ontologies, since con?icting rules may be defeated.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:Section2extends

to ordered(denoted)by providing a strict partial order on the axioms,indicating a preference for certain axioms over others.Section3provides a nonmonotonic semantics for,effectively modeling this preference rela-tion.Applications such as an algorithm that learns the preference order from examples and a discussion of ontology integration with can be found in Section4. Finally,Section5contains conclusions and directions for further research.

2Extending with a Preference Order

An example

In order to obtain some intuition,consider the following example from the?eld of law, adapted and modi?ed from[HVL93].According to the law,if you steal something,you normally will be punished,i.e.

where we use to denote the concept of people that have stolen something and for people that have received a sentence.

Instantiating this small conceptual schema with a particular individual Bill that was caught stealing,denoted as

we can deduce,from our schema and basic reasoning,that Bill must be punished ().

Now assume that,according to the law,minors(i.e.people younger than18)do not get punished for committing crimes:

Additionally assuming that Bill is a minor

leads to a problem.On the one hand we can deduce,using and,that Bill should not be punished(because he is a minor)while on the other hand,according to and ,he should be punished.

To solve this contradiction,we will make explicit our tacit assumption that should be read as a default,i.e.“Thieves should be punished unless there are overriding concerns that prohibit this”.By stating that,we indicate that (“Minors should not be punished”)is such an overriding https://www.360docs.net/doc/119114932.html,rmally,this means that it is acceptable to not“apply”as long as the defeating rule is applied,e.g. Bill need not be punished(no need to apply for Bill)if he is a minor(is applied for Bill).

Note that we might obtain a similar effect by re?ning to

(“Thieves that are not minors should be punished.”)which is consistent with, and.However,this approach does not scale well since each addition of an“excep-tion”will make the default rule more complex and less intuitive.Humans tend not to think about exceptions when considering the truth of a general rule such as;only the confrontation with an actual exception such as will prohibit the application of the general rule.Not having to modify default rules also allows for modular speci?-cations,where one can concentrate on adding pieces of knowledge independently,and relating them via possible defeat relationships later.

We brie?y formalize the above using the description logic[HV02], an extension of the DL[HS01].

We assume that we have a set of data types and associate with each a set ,where is the domain of all data types(the concrete domain,see[BH91]).

Let be the set of concept names,the disjoint union of abstract role names and concrete role names.A role box is a?nite set of role axioms where or and transitivity axioms for.An abstract role is called transitive if.A simple role for a role box is a role that is not transitive nor does it have any transitive subroles.Let be a set of individual names.,and are mutually disjoint.The set of-concept expressions is de?ned such that every concept name is a concept expression and for every,is a concept expression.Moreover,for and concept expressions,,,a simple role and,the constructors in Table1 can be used to form complex concept expressions.

Table1.Syntax and semantics of-concept expressions construct name semantics




exists restriction and

value restriction

atleast restriction and

atmost restriction and

datatype exists and

datatype value

A Tbox is a?nite set of terminological axioms with and-concept expressions.

Traditionally,a description logic(DL)consists of a Tbox and an Abox,where the Abox is used for assertional statements like(or)which intuitively means that the individual is an instance of(is related to by means of the role). However,in we have named individuals together with the-constructor (in[Sch94])and we can simulate the Abox assertions with Tbox axioms:

For simplicity,we will consider the role box to be empty in the remainder of this pa-per,and consider only terminological axioms.It is straightforward to extend the results to knowledge bases with nonempty role boxes.

We de?ne the defeat relation,by means of a strict1partial order on the Tbox axioms. Intuitively,,represents a preference for over,i.e.defeats.

De?nition1.An-knowledge base is a tuple2where is a Tbox, and is a strict partial order between axioms of.For a pair,is said to be defeasible while is a(possible)defeater of.We use to denote the set of strict axioms in,i.e.those axioms that have no defeaters(are minimal w.r.t.).

The semantics of is de?ned using an interpretation, where is a nonempty domain(the abstract domain)and is an interpretation func-tion,de?ned on concept expressions and roles as in Table1.

The notion of defeat is formalized in the following de?nition.

De?nition2.Let be an-knowledge base and

an interpretation of.A terminological axiom is

–applicable w.r.t.and3iff.

–applied w.r.t.iff it is applicable w.r.t.and.

–classically satis?ed4w.r.t.iff it is applied w.r.t.whenever it is applicable w.r.t..

–defeated w.r.t.iff such that is applied w.r.t..

In this case,we say that defeats w.r.t..

satis?es an axiom from if for each for which is applicable, is either applied or defeated,is a model of if it satis?es all the axioms in .

Essentially,the above de?nition allows a less preferred(larger according to the order )axiom to not be classically satis?ed w.r.t.an individual,provided that it is defeated by a more preferred applied axiom w.r.t.the same domain element.

The earlier example,without defeat,can then be formulated as the-knowledge base

Note that the order is empty,since we did not yet impose a preference order on the axioms.That there was a problem with this knowledge base,can now formally be stated as“the knowledge base is inconsistent”,i.e.there does not exist a model for it.Indeed, assume that,on the contrary,there exists a model of with.

Then it can easily be deduced that would have to be both in and ,which is impossible.Our solution was to defeat

with,i.e.allowing a thief not to be punished if he is a minor. Formally,we add to the order

expressing precisely this intuition,yielding models such as,with, and,e.g.Bill is a stealing minor who is not being punished,thus effectively bypassing the rule with the rule.

Continuing the example,we add a recent development(in Belgium)where it has been proposed that committing a serious crime leads to punishment,even if the criminal is a minor.Hence the rule

where the concept stands for“people that have committed a serious crime”. Clearly,we would again have a contradiction if Bill is a minor and a known criminal, saying Bill should not be punished and saying that Bill should in fact be punished.However,the intention is that the law has precedence over,and thus we add to the knowledge base(note that we do not assert that Bill is a criminal).

with generated by


Table2.Two example models

De?nition2now yields two kinds of models(see Table2,page6):those such as where Bill is assumed to be a criminal(and thus should be punished)and those,like ,where Bill is not a criminal and thus should not be punished(and share the interpretation bill for Bill).

Intuitively,the second type of model,exempli?ed by,is to be preferred since there is no reason to assume that Bill is a criminal and thus should not be defeated.

More precisely,we can base our preference on the fact that(classically)satis?es more preferred rules than does:indeed,satis?es(w.r.t.bill)

while satis?es.Thus,while,unlike,does not satisfy, it does satisfy the more preferred,which is not satis?ed by.

Since,for,we need to defeat a more preferred rule than we do for(

),it is natural to prefer as a model that better respects the preference order.

We formalize this intuition by de?ning the notion of“support”for a model as the set containing the domain elements and the axioms they satisfy,i.e.the set of“instantiated axioms”that are classically satis?ed by the model.

De?nition3.The support for a model of is the set

is(classically)satis?ed w.r.t.and Whether one model is preferred over another,is then a matter of checking the sup-ports for the models.

De?nition4.A model of a knowledge base is preferred over a model of, denoted,if

We use just when and(note that whenever).

Intuitively,this means that is preferred over if all elements that support and not are countered by more preferred element that supports and not.For the models and of the Bill-example(we use the names for the axioms),we have that

and thus,,is countered by(note that)

,yielding that,which?ts our intuition.

The preference order is itself a strict partial order.

Theorem1.Let be an-knowledge base.de?nes a strict partial order on the models of.

The de?nition of preferred models is straightforward.

De?nition5.A model of is a preferred model of if there is no model of,such that,i.e.is minimal w.r.t..

In the sequel,we make the following extra assumption[BMNPS02],basically to make sure that e.g.does not mean something else than does.

–The Common Domain Assumption assumes that every interpretation is de?ned over the same abstract domain,i.e.for all interpretations.

–The Rigid Term Assumption assumes a?xed function,such that,for any individual name and interpretation,.Thus named individuals have a?xed interpretation.

Intuitively,the above conditions restrict our attention to a single UoD(Universe of Discourse)corresponding to the knowledge base.

3Nonmonotonic Reasoning with

While description logics can be given a user-friendly interface for designing and main-taining ontologies(see e.g.[BHGS01]),their main use lies in their reasoning https://www.360docs.net/doc/119114932.html,ing a description logic representation,one may for example answer the questions below.

–Given an individual,what is its type,what classes does it belong to?

–Given a new class with certain properties,what is its place in the ontology’s taxon-omy?What are its sub-and super classes?

–Is a class subsumed by another class?

–Is a class satis?able,i.e.can there exist instances of this class?

–Is the ontology consistent,i.e.does it have models?

E.g.subsumption and consistency can then be stated in(and in other DLs,see e.g.[BS00,HST99])as in the following de?nition.

De?nition6.A-concept expression is satis?able w.r.t.an knowledge base if there exists a model of such that.is subsumed by a concept expression w.r.t.(notation:)if for each model of.Furthermore,we call consistent iff there exists a model of.

Focusing on subsumption,we alter the de?nition to take into account preferred mod-els instead of models.

De?nition7.Let be an knowledge base,and concept expres-sions.is defeasibly subsumed by,denoted,,iff for each preferred model of.

Defeasible subsumption()is“strictly weaker”than classical subsumption(), in the sense that if then,but not the other way around.

Moreover,is monotonic,while is not.

Theorem2(is monotonic).Let be an knowledge base and let and be concept expressions.If then

where is a?nite set of terminological axioms5.

Thus,extending a knowledge base preserves earlier subsumption conclusions.This does not hold for defeasible subsumption,,as illustrated by the knowledge base

with generated by.According to,birds()tend to?y(), penguins()don’t?y,penguins are birds and is a bird.The rule that birds tend to?y may be defeated by the more specialized rule saying that penguins don’t?y.

Note that,since we can easily construct a model where

while,which does not satisfy.

Still,in the absence of other information,in particular if we have no evidence that might be a penguin,it is common sense to tentatively conclude that

?ies,i.e..It is precisely this intuition that is captured by defeasible subsumption.Indeed,there exists another model with

and.Clearly,,unlike,classically satis?es all axioms of and therefore and is not a preferred model(but is).In fact,it is easy to verify that all preferred models satisfy and therefore.

If,however,we extend to by adding a fresh axiom,i.e.

is a penguin,ceases to be a model and becomes a preferred model of .Thus,while,,which shows that is nonmonotonic.

The following characterization shows that the de?nition of defeasible subsumption follows our intuition:is defeasibly subsumed by just when,for any new individual ,if all we know about is that it belongs to,then it also(defeasibly)belongs to. Theorem3.Let be an knowledge base,and concept expressions and a new individual,not appearing in,then

It can be checked that the consequence relation satis?es some properties that are highly desirable for any nonmonotonic relation[KLM90,QR93].More speci?cally, can be classi?ed as a so-called cumulative consequence relation,i.e.it satis?es all instances of the Re?exivity axiom and is closed under the inference rules of Left Logi-cal Equivalence,Right Weakening,Cut and Cautious Monotonicity[KLM90].A logical system where the consequence relation satis?es those properties is called a(for cu-mulative)system.

In view of the roles of DLs as providing the basic reasoning mechanism for on-tologies,an important requirement is that the reasoning procedures are decidable.We can extend the tableau algorithm,deciding satis?ability and subsumption [HS01],to incorporate the preference order and the notion of preferred models. Theorem4.Let be an knowledge base,and concept expressions.

is a decidable problem.


Ontology Learning

However convenient the preference order may be,when designing an ontology for a certain application domain,the ontology engineer may not be aware of the preferences amongst axioms.He will,however,almost certainly be confronted with con?icts or inconsistencies during the design process,e.g.as a result of the DLs reasoning proce-dures.Inconsistencies may have various causes,like the designer wrongly assuming an axiom to be universally valid.

As an example,suppose the aim is to design an ontology regarding the nature of sports.Having seen a live coverage of a bowling game,the designer believes that in general“sports(S)is an exciting pastime(P)”.However,since the next show he saw was a cricket game,he added the belief that“English sports(E)are boring(B)”.This leads to the knowledge base

additionally saying that“English sport are sports”,“an exciting pastime is not boring”and“cricket is an English sport”.

The DLs reasoning procedures will tell the designer that this is an inconsistent knowledge base.However,they will not tell him that defeating one axiom with another is a possible solution for the inconsistency.We propose an order-learning algorithm for extending the order of an inconsistent knowledge base to a consistent version where,i.e.if we denote and as two subsets and of,


This algorithm[HV02],based on the candidate elimination algorithm of[Mit97], will provide the ontology designer with a choice of extensions to the current order on his inconsistent knowledge base.The decision of which order to take,remains the responsibility of the designer and should correspond with the underlying UoD,however, every order he picks is guaranteed to solve the inconsistency.

The algorithm in Table3is initialized with the order of the original knowledge base(viewed as a subset of).By adding real-world examples(a training set) which represent the knowledge that must be satis?ed by the the resulting ontology,we minimally extend as to make consistent.Additionally,we can restrict the range of possible orders by forcing certain axioms to be“strict”(as in Def.1),and not allowing the order to defeat strict axioms.In our sports ontology we can clearly assume and,to be strict(English sports are always sports,an exciting pastime is never a boring pastime,and cricket is an English sport).

Table3.“candidate elimination”algorithm

1.Start with where is the set representing the original relation,and

is the original KB,and examples,.

2.Consider an example from.

3.For each such that is not consistent

(a)Remove from.

(b)Add to all generalizations(formed with axioms from,to be a generator

of a strict partial order such that no strict axiom is defeated)of such that

i.is consistent,and

ii.is minimal,i.e.is not consistent.


5.Continue from until either,in which case the algorithm fails,or all examples in

have been considered and.In the latter case,the algorithm succeeds and the learned orders are in.

Formally we have the result,

Theorem5.Let be an knowledge base and let

,be a set of examples.If the algorithm from Table3succeeds with non-empty solution set,then iff is a minimal order-extension() of such that is consistent.

Note that consistency means“has a model”.However since,is transitive(Theo-rem1)and well-founded,we have that for each model of a knowledge base,is preferred,or there exists a preferred model of,(formally,is stoppered [QR93]).Thus if is consistent,it has a model,and either is preferred or there exists a preferred model of,so is also consistent in the“has a preferred model”way.

Going back to our game of cricket,we wish to learn which minimal orders will solve the inconsistency.We provide the algorithm with the knowledge we have about cricket

We pick-up the learning algorithm after have seen this example.Our result set of learned orders then becomes

The designer then has three corresponding choices.He probably should not choose the third order,since this involves defeating the rule with a single fact,which may not be general enough.The choice between the?rst and the second is a matter of a taste.In both cases a sport that is not exciting must be an English sport.The second choice adds nothing,being an English sport is enough for not being exciting,while the?rst choice would amount to not only having an English sport but also the rule that English sports are boring.

Ontology Integration

We describe integration of ontologies as the problem of merging two ontologies into a single uni?ed ontology.In addition to representing the information from both ontolo-gies,the integrated ontology should also describe the relationships between them.

In practice,merging ontologies is a complex multi-layered and dif?cult to automate task.Possible problems include[BK00],for example,two terms with the same name in different ontologies,but actually representing different concepts.E.g.in one ontol-ogy,the term may mean“president of a country”,while in the other it may be used to express“president of a company”.Another related problem is two differ-ent terms that represent the same concept in different ontologies:and can both represent a large organized group of criminals.Although these and other problems

are crucial to ontology integration,we assume here a simpli?ed setting where differ-ent terms in different ontologies represent different concepts,and terms have a single common meaning.

In this setting,we attempt to integrate two consistent ontologies(expressed as DLs knowledge bases)in a new ontology.The basic procedure is then,assuming all neces-sary pre-processing has taken place,to take the union of the two DLs.Clearly,this new ontology may not be consistent.A typical action would be,as the SMART algorithm for merging and aligning ontologies indicates[NM99],to put the con?ict on a con?ict list together with actions that remedy the inconsistency.

This is were becomes useful.While there may be several reasons for having an inconsistency,it could well be that an inconsistency arose because of the fact that a certain axiom is in general more preferred than another one,or because an axiom applies in a general ontology while it has exceptions in a more speci?c ontology,or,in the most extreme case,an axiom in one ontology may just be wrong,and it should be defeated by another one.All the foregoing problems can be relatively easily solved by placing a preference order on some axioms of the ontologies.

The ontology learning algorithm in Table3can,when encountering an inconsis-tency,suggest several orders that remedy the inconsistency.It is then up to the designer to decide which order to choose according to the UoD he is modeling.As in the SMART algorithm,the designer should be able to adapt some parameters as to(partially)auto-mate this behavior.For example,when integrating two ontologies where one of them has greater authority(e.g.,it comes from a trusted source),axioms of this preferred ontology should always be preferred.

To make things more explicit we take a look at a toy example.Consider two little ontologies,one representing the knowledge that quakers are paci?sts and that Nixon is a quaker,while the other acknowledges the fact that republicans are not paci?sts and that Nixon is a republican.


While both ontologies are consistent in their own right,when one attempts to unite the knowledge in a new ontology

one ends up with an inconsistent knowledge base.More speci?cally,Nixon can be shown to be both a paci?st and a non-paci?st.

However if,for some reason,ontology is more preferred than,for exam-ple because was released by the government and by some unauthorized Nixon website,we have the means to incorporate this preference in by simply de?ning a preference order on,such that for every axiom in and

in,claiming that axioms from the authorized source are preferred.From this new ontology

we can deduce,with the preferred model semantics,that Nixon is not a paci?st.

5Conclusion and Directions for Further Research

We provided a nonmonotonic extension for the description logic,by im-posing a strict partial order on the axioms.In this way we were able to express that not all knowledge can be caught in rigid rules since rules may be valid in a general situation but have exceptions where more preferred rules override the general case.The preferred model semantics provides a natural way to express such situations.

We discussed an order learning algorithm that,given an inconsistent knowledge base,can suggest orders to solve the inconsistency.While does not claim to solve the ontology integration problem as such,it can however be a helpful instru-ment for removing inconsistencies from the merged ontology,by suggesting(or auto-matically enforcing)a preference on axioms.

For the future,it would be interesting to see how exactly relates to other nonmonotonic description logics,for example to the general framework in [QR93].Also other approaches,like the ordered theory presentation of[Rya92]may provide useful insights.


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网络游戏公司简介范文3篇 网络游戏公司简介范文3篇 网络游戏指以互联网为传输媒介,以游戏运营商服务器和用户计算机为处理终端,以游戏客户端软件为信息交互窗口的旨在实现娱乐、休闲、交流和取得虚拟成就的具有可持续性的个体性多人在线游戏。下面是网络游戏公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 网络游戏公司简介范文1 边锋网络游戏是201X年8月整合入盛大网络旗下的边锋游戏和201X年12月整合入盛大网络旗下的游戏茶苑两家中国领先的棋牌游戏公司合并运营而成的。201X年边锋公司购回了盛大持有的股份,独自进行边锋网络游戏的运营,运营的游戏平台有: 纸牌类,如: 德清点子、五人原子、四人斗地主、原子、六扣、双扣、三扣 一、跑得快、斗地主、德州扑克、升级、红五等; 棋类,如: 三英战吕布、军旗翻翻棋、爆笑四国、陆战棋、黑白棋、双飞棋、五子棋、飞行棋等; 骨牌类,如: 新沈阳麻将、丽水麻将、富阳麻将、合肥麻将、德阳麻将、攀枝花麻将、自贡麻将、杭州麻将等; 对战类,如: 台球、对对碰、宇宙方块、斯诺克、疯狂火箭、俄罗斯方块、挖哈哈、连连看等。

桌游类,如: 三国杀online等等 201X年4月,盛大又将边锋连同浩方以35亿元的高价出售给浙报传媒集团,其中,浙报传媒为边锋估值3 1.8亿人民币,而盛大当年收购边锋的总代价为201X万美元,约合 1.64亿元人民币,8年之间,边锋增值30多亿元。 据浙报传媒公告显示,201X年杭州边锋营业收入4亿元,净利润 1.44亿元;201X年营业收入 6亿元,净利润9946万元。 网络游戏公司简介范文2 上海盛大网络发展有限公司 盛大文学通过整合国内优秀的网络原创文学力量,推动纸质书出版,加强第三方版权内容的数字化运营,构建全球领先的正版数字书城,旨在推动数字出版,引领数字阅读潮流,为消费者提供包括数字图书、网络文学、数字报刊等数字商品。并依托原创故事,推动实体出版、影视、动漫、游戏等相关文化产业的发展。 盛大在线作为专为无物流的文化和虚拟产品提供数字出版的服务平台,致力于提供基于云计算服务的综合解决方案。通过完善的统一登录、计费、内容分发、广告营销、搜索、客户关系服务等,为广大互联网用户和企业获取数字内容产品提供优选渠道和专业化的用户服务体系。 盛大游戏是中国领先的网络游戏开发商、运营商和发行商,致力于打造中国乃至全球领先的网络游戏平台。盛大游戏拥有201X多名自


优秀学生个人简历 姓名:XXX 性别:男 就读专业:人力资源 学号:XXX 宿舍号:6-626 籍贯:江苏省昆山市 出生年月:90.1 政治面貌:团员 原毕业学校:江苏省昆山市亭林中学 联系电话:xxx 在校期间任职情况: 时间班干部职务学生会职务 2005.9~2006.1(高一.上)劳动委员—— 2006.3~2006.6(高一.下)劳动委员劳动卫生部长2006.9~2007.1(高二.上)副班长兼劳动委员学生会主席2007.3~2007.6(高二.下)班长兼劳动委员学生会主席2007.9~2008.1(高三.上)副班长兼劳动委员学生会主席2008.3~2008.6(高三.下)劳动委员——

总结: 班干部方面:通过三年的班干部工作,给自己在管理能力等方面得到了很大的锻炼,也从中吸收了很多经验,平时工作时能积极主动配合班主任,勤沟通,认真贯彻、执行各项计划和决定,能发动、组织、带领全班同学开展各项活动,并且与学生相处友好。 学生会干部方面:能熟练地主持学生会日常工作及学生会的会议,对学生会的工作十分熟悉,能出色地完成学校下派的各项任务,曾多次被评为校级、昆山市级“优秀学生干部”称号,也夺得了学校领导老师及广大学生的一致好评。 在校期间所获荣誉: 时间奖项 2006年度第一学期在“班十佳”评选中获“班级工作好”称号; 2006年度第二学期获校“优秀学生干部”称号; 2006年度第二学期在优秀学生会干部评选中获“优秀学生会干部”; 2007年度第一学期获校“三好学生”; 2007年度第二学期在“班十佳”评选中获“班级工作好”称号; 2007年度第二学期获校“三好学生”; 2007年度第二学期在优秀学生会干部评选中获“优秀学生会干部”; 2007年6月被评为昆山市“优秀学生干部”; 2008年度第一学期获校“优秀学生干部”称号; 2008年3月在昆山市青少年法制宣传教育活动中,被评为“百佳学法小标兵”;


《英语语言学概论》课程教学大纲 一、课程说明: 《语言学概论》课程是英语专业本科阶段的一门必修课。 《语言学概论》研究始于20 世纪初,其目的是揭示人类深层结构,对语言和语言交际作出客观、科学描述。现已形成了语音学、音系学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学等一系分支学科。语言学研究社会学等人文学科的结合逐步形成了社会语言学这样的交叉学科。 对于主修语言学的学生来说,了解语言学的知识和语言理论是完全必要和有益的。 本课程的对象是英语专业高年级学生,在本科阶段第6学期和第7 学期开设。其中第一、二、三、四、五、七、八、十一章为必修,其余章节为选修。 二、教学目的及要求: 本课程的具体要求是:比较全面,系统地了解《语言学概论》这一领域的研究成果,以及一些最主要、最有影响的语言理论和原则,从而加深对人类语言这一人类社会普遍现象的理性认识,并具备一定的运用语言学理论解释语言现象、解决具体语言问题的能力。 本课程是一门知识性比较强的课程。在教学过程中,应重点讲授主要理论、原则、和研究方法,使学生着重掌握基本概念和基本理论,在理解消化的基础上记忆。 本课程的对象是英语专业学生,在讲解过程中原则上采用英语范例,但不排除一些有助于学习者理解的、针对性强的汉语例子。应鼓 励学生结合自己的语言实践提供更多的例子来解释相关理论,以达到理论和实践相结合的目的。

三、教学重点与难点: 本课程的教学重点是语言学的基本知识和基本理论,语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学和语用学这些语言学的核心内容。 本课程的教学难点是音韵学理论、句法结构和各个语言学流派的理论观点及其局限性。 四、与其它课程的关系: 本课程是一门主干性课程。与其相关的课程,如语法学、词汇学和语体学等都是语言学的分支,属于选修课程。 五、学时与学分: 学时:72学时 学分:4学分 六、教学内容: 第一章绪论 本章主要教学内容: 1.语言学习的意义 2.语言的定义。 3.语言的定义特征 4.语言的起源。 5.语言的功能。 6.语言学的定义。 7.语言学的核心内容。 8.宏观语言学的定义及分支。


快递公司简介范文 中国快递行业目前处于国内快递行业和国际快递巨头竞争激烈的环境中,相对国际快递巨头,中国民营快递公司处于比较弱势,中国国内快递企业多争夺于底端市场。中国快递业务发展程度还很低,现在得快递业务量还不到GDP的0.3%,与发达国家达到GDP的1%左右相比差距很大。下面是快递公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 快递公司简介范文1 80后快递服务有限公司,是以服务为主体的公司。服务的范围包括有同城快递,物流配送,年节送礼,同行调货,门市宅长期配送服务。另外我们还计划推出80后商务套餐。以满足江城商务迅猛发展的快捷生活需求。 公司名称:武汉80后快递服务有限公司所属行业:快递,服务业企业性质:集体企业成立日期:20xx-4-30武汉80后快递服务有限公司公司的服务网络计划在两个月内完成建设,下一步招募专业人员组建一个为80后为主要人群服务的心理援助中心,帮助解决80后为主要人群在工作,学习,生活,恋爱,婚姻及家庭子女教育中遇到的各种问题。 快递公司简介范文2 申通快递 公司注册商标为“STO+申通”,注册编号为1379930。主要承接非信函、样品、大小物件的速递业务。20xx年3月公司通过ISO9001:20xx国际质量管理体系认证。 公司奉行“团结、务实、开拓、创新”的企业精神,“快速、准确、安全、周到、”的服务方针公司经营十余年来,已深得广大客户的信任和支持。 公司自1993年成立以来,在董事长、总经理陈德军的正确领导下,在广大客户的支持和关怀下,在全体员工的艰苦奋斗和顽强拼搏下,先后荣获上海市松江区民营企业20xx至20xx年度的《信得过企业》、《先进企业》荣誉称号;20xx年,公司荣获《中国物流十大影响力品牌》称号,公司董事长、总经理陈德军先生个人荣获《中国品牌建设十大杰出企业家》荣誉称号。 申通快递介入电子商务配送业务已经开始起步,并计划为新业务斥资千万,一套全新的标准化流程和服务标准已经设计完毕,软件系统也已具备代收货款功能,与几大电子商务网站的谈判正在进行。


优秀学生个性自我介绍范文 在校学生个性的自我介绍 不负所望,本人是一个性格开朗的人,很喜欢笑,很喜欢与人沟通,交朋友,对每一件事物都很热情,责任感较强。可能是因为基因的遗传,本人特别爱好于体育,特别是羽毛球,篮球等。很高兴能参加三下乡,希望在这个义工活动中认识许多不同的朋友和让我得到实践的经验。 我是来自计算机技术系08软件技术web的周燕玲。出生的时候是在炎热的天气,那时有许多的小燕子落在屋檐上一唱一和,就改了“燕”字,可能是因为家人都希望我长大后是一位玲珑,活泼开朗的女孩,所以就改了“玲”字。从小到大,我都很喜欢这个名字,因为这是我的亲人给我的一种期望,真的感谢他们所赋予给我的。 不负所望,本人是一个性格开朗的人,很喜欢笑,很喜欢与人沟通,交朋友,对每一件事物都很热情,责任感较强。可能是因为基因的遗传,本人特别爱好于体育,特别是羽毛球,篮球等。很高兴能参加三下乡,希望在这个义工活动中认识许多不同的朋友和让我得到实践的经验。 以上是我的自我介绍,希望大家能够多方面地了解我,并且在工作中多多关照,谢谢! 小学生个性自我介绍范文 Hello!大家好,我叫王晓,现在在xx市xx小学五年级学习。 我有一张圆圆的脸,一双乌黑的眼睛,短头发。我今年12岁了,

不小了吧?却总也脱不掉那满脸的稚气。 我的爱好就是爱看书。说起看书,我还有一段小故事呢!那天,我看见我的一个同学买了一本《苦儿流浪记》,这本书我已经向往了许久,可是爸爸始终没有答应我的要求。我的自尊心很强,从小到大几乎没有央求过别人,这次,我硬着头皮,只好向他去借。谁知,他说可以是可以,可得拿动物图书跟与交换,我只好把书给他,向他要了那本《苦儿流浪记》。 我的缺点就是爱掉“金豆豆”。咳,你可别笑,这也是我的爱好哩!养的宠物死了,哭!受同学欺负,哭!考试不好,哭!看书看到感人处,鼻子一酸,又落下两排“大珍珠”。不过,我丝毫不觉得难为情,古人云:“当笑则笑,当哭则哭,无须掩饰。” 要说我不爱的,就数运动了。体育成绩自然不好了。三年级时,垒球扔个四五米顶天了,成绩还没过70分。不过,这个缺点,以后我要改。 我这个人,不仅爱哭爱笑,爱读书爱剪纸,还爱交朋友。你愿意和我交个朋友吗? 表达小学生个性自我介绍 大家好,我叫巫旖梦,今年10周岁,就读于梅州市梅师附小501班。 从我一踏进学校这个神圣的地方起,我就下定决心要努力学习,做个让老师满意的好学生,让家长放心的好孩子。 我现在担任班里的中队长和副班长,还是学校的大队劳动委员。


Design features(定义特征): the distinctive features of human language that essentially make human language distinguishable from languages of animals. Synchronic(共时的): said of an approach that studies language at a theoretical “point” in time. Diachronic(历时的): said of the study of development of language and languages over time. Prescriptive(规定式): to make an authoritarian statement about the correctness of a particular use of language. Descriptive(描写式): to make an objective and systematic account of the patterns and use of a language or variety. Competence(语言能力): unconscious knowledge of the system of grammatical rules in a language. 对于一门语言的语法规则系统的无意识获得的知识。Performance(语言运用):

the language actually used by people in speaking or writing. 人们说话写作时实际使用的语言。 Langue(语言): the language system shared by a “speech community”. 一个“语言社团”共有的语言系统。 Parole(言语): the concrete utterances of a speaker. 说话人实际说的话语。 Phonology(音系学): the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of language. It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur. International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标): a set of standard phonetic symbols in the form of a chart (the IPA chart), designed by the International Phonetic Association since 1888. It has been revised from time to time to include


网络科技公司简介范文5篇Introduction of network technology company 编订:JinTai College

网络科技公司简介范文5篇 小泰温馨提示:写作是运用语言文字符号以记述的方式反映事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息、实现交流沟通的创造性脑力劳动过程。本文档根据写作活动要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:网络科技公司简介范文 2、篇章2:网络科技公司简介范文 3、篇章3:网络科技公司简介范文 4、篇章4:网络科技公司简介范文 5、篇章5:网络科技公司简介范文 网络公司不仅仅是提供域名注册、空间租用、网站开发、网站建设与网络营销活动策划相关的企业组织。下面是网络科技公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 篇章1:网络科技公司简介范文

支付宝(xxx有限公司是国内领先的独立第三方支付平台,是阿里巴巴集团的关联公司。支付宝致力于为中国电子商务提供“简单、安全、快速”的在线支付解决方案。 支付宝公司从20xx年建立开始,始终以“信任”作为产 品和服务的核心。不仅从产品上确保用户在线支付的安全,同时让用户通过支付宝在网络间建立起相互的信任,为建立纯净的互联网环境迈出了非常有意义的一步。 支付宝提出的建立信任,化繁为简,以技术的创新带动 信用体系完善的理念,深得人心。在六年不到的时间内,为电子商务各个领域的用户创造了丰富的价值,成长为全球最领先的第三方支付公司之一。截止到20xx年12月,支付宝注册用户突破5.5亿,日交易额超过25亿元人民币,日交易笔数达 到850万笔。 支付宝创新的产品技术、独特的理念及庞大的用户群吸 引越来越多的互联网商家主动选择支付宝作为其在线支付体系。 目前除淘宝和阿里巴巴外,支持使用支付宝交易服务的 商家已经超过46万家;涵盖了虚拟游戏、数码通讯、商业服务、机票等行业。这些商家在享受支付宝服务的同时,还是拥有了一个极具潜力的消费市场。


小学生个人简介 小学生个人简介的自我介绍(1) 本人在校热爱祖国,尊敬师长,团结同学,乐于助人,是老师的好帮手,同学的好朋友。我学习勤奋,积极向上,喜欢和同学讨论并解决问题,经常参加班级学校组织的各种课内外活动。 在家尊老爱幼,经常帮爸爸妈妈做家务是家长的好孩子,邻居的好榜样。 小学几年我学到了很多知识,思想比以前有了很大的提高,希望以后能做一个有理想,有抱负,有文化的人,为建设社会主义中国做出自己的努力。 当然我也深刻认识到自己的不足,学习不是很勤奋,有时候做事情会只有三分钟热情,我相信只要克服这些问题,我就能做的更好。 本人能自觉遵守小学生守则,积极参加各项活动,尊敬师长,与同学和睦相处,关心热爱集体,乐于帮助别人,劳动积极肯干,自觉锻炼身体,经常参加并组织班级学校组织的各种课内外活动。 本人品德兼优、性格开朗、热爱生活,有较强的实践能力和组织能力。 学习之余,走出校门,本人珍惜每次锻炼的机会,与不同的人相处,让自己近距离地接触社会,感受人生,品味生活的酸甜苦辣。 短暂小学就要离去,我对自己的这六年的学习和生活做个总结。首先,小学让我懂得了学习的作用,不在于死记硬背,而是寓教于乐,关爱生活,虽然我学习进步的不是很快,但我知道学习是终生要奋斗

的事,我爱小学的学习生活。 其次,我培养了独立思维的好习惯。我知道以后的路很长,我要独立思考人生的苦与乐,我从许多老师身上学到了这些人生哲理,不是夸大其词,仅仅是发自内心的感受,要敢于面对错误,毕竟我很小,但我要独立思考自己的将来,把握自己的命运,走自己的路,让别人去说吧。 最后,我要感谢我父母,是他们让我对学习和生活有了更大的憧憬,我知道上完小学,以后的学海更需要我的耐力和毅力,是长辈们给了我这份信念,相信自己,我会大声说出我能行,万岁我的小学生活。 小学生个人简介的自我介绍(2) 大家好,我先自我介绍一下我姓陈,名叫松,是一个很平常的男孩,胖胖的的脑袋瓜子,留着一头帅气的头发。那浓浓的眉毛下嵌着一双炯炯有神的大眼睛。那高高的鼻梁似乎没怎么引人注意,反而是那叽叽喳喳的大嘴巴惹人喜欢。我现在虽上了五年级,但身高只有米。我正为我的身高烦恼呢。 我在班上算不上尖子生。但要是比体育项目的,那我可就是名列前茅了。(对不起,说得有些骄傲了)。我也是个”路见不平,拔刀相助“的人,只要朋友有难,我第一个冲过去帮助他,所以,我的知己才越来越多。可能也正是这样,我忙帮多了,头脑昏了,帮的倒忙也越来越多。 记得那一次,由于语文考试成绩是差上加差,最多也只是90分。老师大发雷霆,简直要置我们于死地,作业要我们把考卷(连短文)


对比语言学的定义、起源与发展 对比语言学(Contrastive Linguistics的定义 1、语言学中的比较与对比 比较是人类认识事物、研究事物的一种基本方法,也是语言学研究的一种基本方法。如果说,语言学的根本任务是对语言的某种现象加以阐述的话,那么要对某一语言现象作出阐述,总是需要对这一现象的种种表现加以比较和分析(Harlmann1980:22。因而,按其本质来说,对比语言学也是一种比较,不过是一种具有特定含义的语言学中的比较。下面,先让我们来看看对比语言学的比较,与语言学中其他分支的比较有什么不同,从而使我们能够确定对比语言学在整个语言学中的位置,及其与其他语言学研究的联系。 在进行语言学比较时,根据比较对象的不同,可以沿两条轴线来进行。一方面,可以选择共时或历时的语言现象来进行比较;另一方面,可以选择在某一语言内部或各种语言之间的语言现象来进行比较。这两条轴线的互相交叉,便形成了如下四个象限,这四个象限将语言学研究分成四大类性质和目的不同的比较。

象限I代表了同一语言内部的共时比较。这类比较是对某一语言在其历史发展的某一阶段(特别是现时阶段的语音、语法和词汇等系统的内部构成成分及组织结构的比较。 在共时语言学研究中,要对某一语言的某一结构系统进行描述,就必须对这一结构系统里的各种语言现象加以比较分析。例如,如果我们要研究一种语言的语音系统,我们就要比较这个系统里的各个音素的发音部位和方法有什么不同,它们的声学物理属性有什么不同,在音节中的分布又有什么不同的规律,我们就必须比较这个语言中各类词的语法作用有什么不同,组合搭配有什么特点,等等。而且,要确定一个语言中的词可以区分为哪几个词类,这本身就要进行大量的形态、语义、语法特征等方面的比较。因此可以说,同一语言内的共时比较是语音学、语法学、词汇学等构成当代语言学主流的各个分支学科的一种主要研究方法。 象限Ⅱ代表了同一语言内部的历时比较。这类比较是对某一语言在其历史演变的不同阶段的语音、语法和词汇等系统加以比较,从而使我们了解这一语言的发展历史,找出其基本发展演变规律。例如,通过对英语的历时比较,语言学家一般认为,英语的演变经历了古英语、中古英语、早期现代英语和现代英语等四个阶段。其语法演变的总趋势表现为从一个综合型的语言逐步向一个分析型的语言发展,即词的屈折变化逐渐减少,语法意义的表达越来越多地依赖语序以及介词等语法作用词的运用。这类比较是对某一语言的语言史及其分科(如词源学、古今比较语法学等研究的主要方法。 象限Ⅲ代表了不同语言之间的历时比较。这类比较是对不同语言(一般是亲属语言在各个历史发展阶段的语音、语法和词汇等系统进行比较,其目的主要是探讨语言之间的历史联系,并据此对世界上的语言进行谱系分类,重建或构拟某一组亲属语的共同原始语(proto-language,找出它们之间的某些共同发展规律. 例如,语言学家通过对印欧语系诸语言之向的历时比较研究,使我们能够大致了解这些语言在历史演变过程中的关系,推断出原始印欧语的大致形式。不同语言之间的历时比较往往


get around/round to: do (something that you have intended to do for a long time.) e.g: I was meaning to see that film but I just never got around to it. 我一直想看那部电影,但始终还是没能去看。 just as well/as well: suggesting that something will be a good thing to do/or that it was luckily that something was done or happened. 正好,幸好,不妨 e.g: “Shall I phone to remind him? ” “That would be just as well.” It was just as well you’re not here. You wouldn’t like the noise. get by (Line 3): be good enough but not very good; manage to live or do things e.g: It is a bit hard for the old couple to get by on a small amount of pension. 如果我们坚持到底,我们就能熬过难关。 We’ll get by if we hold on to the end. get across: be understood Did your speech get across to the students? get away with: run away without being punished The teller had been stealing money from the bankand got away with it. 这个出纳一直在偷银行的钱却能侥幸逃脱。 get through (Line 45): come successfully to the end e.g: We’ve stored enough food and fuel to get through the cold winter. 为了度过寒冬,我们已经储备了足够的食物和燃料。 make it (Line 9) : be successful, fulfill the purpose e.g: Having failed for thousands of times, he eventually made it. 她最后成功地成为了一家大公司的总裁。 She finally made it as a CEO of a big corporation. haul (Line 16) v. transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. e.g: These farmers haul fruits and vegetables to the market on a cart in the early morning every day. v. pull or drag sth. with effort or force e.g: A crane has to be used to haul the car out of the stream. long-overdue (Line 20) adj. Being something that should have occurred much earlier. e.g: Changes to the tax system are long overdue .She feels she’s overdue for promotion. supplement (Line 21) v. add to sth. in order to improve it (followed by with) e.g: 1) Forrest does occasional freelance to supplement his income. 2) The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A. supplementary adj. additional, auxiliary spray (Line 22): v. force out liquid in small drops upon (followed by with) eg: I’ll have to spray the roses w ith insecticide to get rid of the greenfly. freelance (Line 23) adj. doing particular pieces of work for different organizations rather than working all the time for a single 自由职业者的 e.g: Most of the journalists I know are/work freelance.


系统集成公司简介范文 系统集成商是指具备系统资质,能对行业用户实施系统集成的企业。下面是系统集成公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 系统集成公司简介范文1 广州系统集成公司,专业为客户提供结构化布线系统、网络技术工程、程控交换机系统安装、监控安防系统、一卡通系统、音视频系统、机房建设等系统方案设计、施工及维护的服务。 “全面满足,不断超越,永创新高,打造行业领跑者形象”,公司一直秉承“以市场为导向、以客户为中心”的发展理念,以“团结、务实、拼搏、创新”为宗旨,不断苦练内功,随时为广大客户提供最优质的产品与服务。 系统集成公司长久以来一直努力的目标,就是协助客户建立最具竞争力的信息化系统,即协助客户去规划、建设和维护高性能的网络系统、可靠的网络安全建设、智能建筑系统等。并在业界树立了良好的口碑和有了很好的发展。如今,开建智能的服务网络覆盖多个地方并都设有办事机构。自建立以来,开建智能坚持的目标从不曾改变,凭借着其日益成熟的经营理念和专业水平,开建智能必将协助客户获取更强的竞争力。 专业而经验丰富的技术人力资源。开建智能的全体员工拥有专业的技术知识,并在大型系统、结构化网络系统、远程通讯、办公自动化、系统技术支持,和软件编写方面拥有丰富的经验。

系统集成公司简介范文2 中国电信集团系统集成有限公司成立于1996年,是中国电信集团公司的全资子公司。公司旨在为大客户提供ICT整体解决方案、为电信运营商提供应用软件开发和IT服务支撑、为中小企业客户提供综合信息化服务。 公司依托于中国电信全国垂直一体化的三级营销服务体系和运行维护体系,凭借中国电信丰富的网络资源、专业的电信及IT技术、优秀的技术团队、广泛的客户资源和行业知识,致力于为电信运营商、政府、金融、企业提供网络基础设施建设、网络升级及改造、网络管理服务、网络及设备代维服务、设备租赁、应用软件集成及开发、IT 服务支撑等“一站式”服务。 公司在为电信运营商、全国性大客户进行一系列大型网络建设和服务的过程中,归纳总结了一整套项目管理方法,形成了独特、完善的项目管理体系和实力强大的核心团队。公司通过了ISO9001(2000)质量管理体系认证。同时,还获得了信息产业部颁发的“计算机信息系统集成一级资质”和“通信信息网络系统集成甲级资质”,是国内第一家拥有“双一级”资质的系统集成企业。 公司将站在客户的角度思考客户的业务运营,通过对客户业务运营流程以及信息化需求的全面理解,为客户提供创新而适用的综合信息化解决方案和ICT支撑服务,提升客户价值,与客户共同成长。 系统集成公司简介范文3 联通系统集成有限公司是中国联通的全资子公司,注册资金亿元,


☆基本信息 姓名:X X X毕业院校:安徽大学专业:通信工程 性别:男出生年月:1986.10 民族:汉 联系电话:137xxxxxxxx 0551-386xxxx 籍贯:安徽省亳州 联系地址:皖合肥市安徽大学磬苑校区2005级通信工程(230601) 电子邮箱:xxxxxxxxxxx ☆求职意向(技术类) ☆教育经历2005年9月-2009年7月安徽大学通信工程(本科)工学学士☆个人技能 英语方面通过CET-4,并具有基础的英语听说读写能力 日语方面日语初级水平,简单会话 计算机方面通过国家计算机二级C;掌握简单的C语言及汇编语言编程; 熟练使用Protel DXP 进行PCB电路设计;熟练使用Ms Office等常用办公软件 ☆实践经历 2007.09 –-2008.01 参加创新实验《多功能节电控制器》的研究与制作2008.07—2008.09 参加“2008安徽大学第二届机器人剧场赛”,并获季军和最佳啦啦队奖2008.09.01—09.15 专业实习:合肥大蜀山发射台、安徽四创电子股份有限公司2005.10—2008.03 院学生会治保部副部长、权益部部长 2007.07 参加2007年安徽大学暑期社会实践重点团队并获暑期社会实践先进个人2008.04至今院团委宣传委员兼院团学新闻中心主任 2008.04至今创建安徽大学XX协会,并担任第一任会长 2008.05至今班级XXX(如班长、生活委员等) ☆所获证书 2008年9月获“2008安徽大学第二届机器人剧场赛”,季军和最佳啦啦队奖2007—2008学年获安徽大学学习优秀奖三等、团学工作奖一等、“优秀学生干部标兵”2005—2006学年获安徽大学“优秀学干” 2006—2007学年获安徽大学“优秀团员”、“社会活动积极份子”、获院“优秀学生会干部”2007年获安徽大学“优秀团干”、“暑期社会实践先进个人” ☆所修课程 基础课:电路分析基础、线性电子线路、通信电子线路、脉冲与数字电路、信号与线性系统、电磁场与电磁波、EDA技术、数字信号处理、单片机原理、微机原理与接口技术 核心课:通信原理、程控交换原理、通信网基础、数字移动通信、光纤通信原理、C语言程序设计☆自我评价 积极乐观、为人诚实、做事认真细心、能吃苦耐劳、较强的学习能力、注重理论联系实践; 较强的组织协调能力、活动策划能力、人际交往能力、强烈的责任感和团队合作精神


articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)--the study of the production of speach sounds. acoustic phonetics:(声学语言学) --the study of physical properties of speech sounds. Allophones(音位变体)--the different phones which cab represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of taht phoneme. consonant(辅音):a major category of sound segments produced by a closure in the vocal tract,or by a narrowing which is so marked that air can not escape without producting audible friction. compositionality(综合性原则):the meaning of a sentence should be viewed from both the grammatical structure and the word meaning.In other words,the meaning of a sentence depend on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined. cooperative principle(合作原则):1,Maxim of Quantity.2,maxim of Quality.3,Maxim of relatiob.4,Maxim of manner. Constatives(叙事句):a constative sentence is a description of what the speaker is doing at the time of speaking.It can be said to be ture or false. Endocentric(向心结构):is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents,i,e,a word or a group of words,which serves as a definable centre or head. Exocentric(离心结构):it refers to a group of syntactionally related words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole,that is,there is no definable "center" or "head" inside the group


手游公司简介范文1 随着手游功能的开发,90%手机上玩游戏的也越来越多了。下面是手游公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 手游公司简介范文1 深圳市手游界网络有限公司 手游tv是一家关注手机游戏行业发展、为移动开发者、发行商、移动游戏行业提供高价值的业内新闻资讯、数据报告等的公司。公司位于深圳市南山区科技园。 手游tv的主要产品是游戏助手。 手游tv是untiy及国内多家知名游戏媒体的合作伙伴。 手游公司简介范文2 梦想手游 公司概况 “梦想手游”是国内新兴的、专注于移动游戏的发行商。总部设立在广州,核心团队汇聚了数十名拥有手游发行和运营经验的专业人才。 发展历史 从手机游戏的发行、运营到营销各个环节,人员配置,深谙国内ios及安卓平台发行模式。梦想手游已获得国内机构逾亿元投资,在2014年发行数款重量级手游产品,将占据中国手游发行市场一席之地。 金鹰卡通核心动漫ip手游《哪鹅快跑》今日正式上线。日前,金鹰卡通高调宣布将投2亿打造哪鹅ip产业链,而《哪鹅快跑》的上线也意味着梦想手游正式入局金鹰卡通动漫生态圈。

手游公司简介范文3 宝开游戏公司(popcap games),是休闲游戏的开发商和发行商,在2000年由john vechey, brian fiete 和jason kapalka共同建立,总部位于美国的西雅图,截至2009年,已发展到180多个员工。 popcap【宝开】的出名作游戏是bejeweled(宝石迷阵),一个转换宝石的消除类游戏,因该款游戏在2002年获得了cgw hall of fame奖项。 2011年7月,popcap被美国电子游戏产业巨头艺电(ea)收购。 [1] 2014年3月为了适应在移动游戏中为玩家提供在线服务,以及开发新ip的需求宝开进行了裁员。 手游公司简介范文4 中国手游集团有限公司(即中国手游)是国际领先的移动游戏开发商与发行商,专注于移动游戏的开发及发行。 cmge中国手游于2012年9月25日登陆美国纳斯达克(nasdaq:cmge),cmge中国手游是国内首家登陆纳斯达克的手机游戏公司。 cmge中国手游以“公正尽责合作创新”为企业价值观,坚持“用户第一”的理念,致力于为用户提供出色的产品和有效的服务,持续创新,提升玩家体验,创造手机游戏与社会文化相融合的环境,从而实现“移动游戏快乐生活”的品牌倡导。 企业文化 愿景:成为国际一流的移动游戏开发商与发行商 价值观:公正尽责合作创新 品牌倡导:移动游戏快乐生活!


第一节语言的本质 一、语言的普遍特征(Design Features) 1.任意性 Arbitratriness:shu 和Tree都能表示“树”这一概念;同样的 声音,各国不同的表达方式 2.双层结构Duality:语言由声音结构和意义结构组成(the structure of sounds and meaning) 3.多产性productive: 语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层 结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences) 4.移位性 Displacemennt:可以表达许多不在场的东西,如过去的经历、将 来可能发生的事情,或者表达根本不存在的东西等 5.文化传播性 Cultural Transmission:语言需要后天在特定文化环境中 掌握 二、语言的功能(Functions of Language) 1.传达信息功能 Informative:最主要功能The main function 2.人际功能 Interpersonal:人类在社会中建立并维持各自地位的功能 establish and maintain their identity 3.行事功能 performative:现实应用——判刑、咒语、为船命名等Judge, naming,and curses 4.表情功能 Emotive Function:表达强烈情感的语言,如感叹词/句 exclamatory expressions 5.寒暄功能 Phatic Communion:应酬话phatic language,比如“吃了没?” “天儿真好啊!”等等 6.元语言功能 Metalingual Function:用语言来谈论、改变语言本身,如 book可以指现实中的书也可以用“book这个词来表达作为语言单位的 “书” 三、语言学的分支 1. 核心语言学 Core linguistic 1)语音学 Phonetics:关注语音的产生、传播和接受过程,着重考察人类语 言中的单音。Its main focus is on the articulation, transmission and reception of human sounds, especially isolated sounds 2)音位学Phonology:从功能的角度出发对出现在某种特定语言中的语音及其 组合、分布规律进行研究的语言学分支。The branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns from function perspective. 3)形态学 Morphology:研究单词的内部构造the internal structure of words 4)句法学 Syntax:研究组词造句的规则the rules governing the combination of words into sentences.

十佳优秀学生自我介绍 优秀十佳大学生自我介绍

十佳优秀学生自我介绍优秀十佳大学生自我介绍 在竞选十佳大学生时,要想秀出自己的话,还是需要讲点技巧的,让我们一起来探讨一下应该如何介绍自己吧!以下是小编为你整理的十佳大学生自我介绍,希望大家喜欢。十佳大学生自我介绍篇1 尊敬的各位老师,各位同学: 大家下午好!我叫徐姗,是09级生物师范班学习委员,同时担任我院学生通讯社社长,学工助理,校博物馆讲解队队长等职务。 向院里提出“十佳大学生”的申请,是因为我和在座的各位同学一样,都觉得这是一份可贵而难得的荣誉,并且十分渴望得到她,这是我心里的实话,如若不然,现在也不会勇敢地站在这里了。我想,作为一个学生,一个学生干部,除了希望自己能够尽己所能没有遗憾地完成该做的事情以外,其实更希望的是能够被别人肯定,从而拥有继续努力下去的信心。我想,喜欢荣誉不是一个人的错,在追求荣誉的过程中获取到更有价值的东西,才是关键的意义之所在! 进入湖大之后,终于感觉到足够的自由空间,那时候,我笑称自己如鱼得水,因为有着那么多的时间去做自己喜欢的事情,有那么多的平台去展示自己,有那么多的机会去结识许多志趣相投的朋友。 在学习方面,迄今为止,我已经以较高的分数通过了大学英语四六级考试以及计算机二级考试,并且获得三等奖学金。 在活动方面,刚入校不久,我代表院里参加了校建国六十周年演讲暨普通话风采大赛,初露锋芒,捧回一个二等奖。与楚才学院一位学长合作,全程英语主持了校第四届英语朗诵大赛,随后在校第四节英语翻译大赛口译中获得第五名。院级辩论赛,挑战着心里的胆怯,担任了辩论队四辩的角色,却意外获得最佳辩手。在英语学习月期间,主持了英语电影配音大赛,并且在英语风采大赛中获得了一等奖。 在工作方面,有幸加入校英语广播电台,主持每周二的英语广播节目,被评为优秀工作人员。后来,学校博物馆招聘讲解员,经过层层的筛选,我成为了其中一位,并且做了讲解队队长。在此期间,接待了无数国内专家学者、巴西孔子学院等国外高校访问团、各学院回访校友,中小学师生以及武汉周边市民,并且与武汉科技大学讲解团队进行了相互的访问,组队与武汉市博物馆纪念馆一起参加讲解员大赛促进交流与学习。去年12月份,院内三大组织新闻部合并为学生通讯社,承蒙大家的抬举,让我做了社长。接手工作以来,我一直紧密团结社内成员,在幕后竭尽全力、默默无闻地为学院做着各种新闻宣传报道工作,在校网站校报的发稿量相比于往年有明显的提高。我们积极与校记者团合作,向楚天都市报、楚天金报等校外媒体投发我院的宣传稿件,也获得了一定的成效。作为班上的学习委员,对于班上的各项事务,我一直尽职尽责地去做,并且时常与班主任以及其他班委交流,积极为班级建设献计献策。 我时刻牢记一个中共党员所要起到的先锋模范带头作用,积极要求上进,严格要求自己的行为,在生活中与老师和同学们相处地十分融洽。 我习惯去反省与思考,也自知在很多方面还做的不够。今天来参加”十佳大学生”的评选演讲,,一方面的想法也是想知道在我身边那么多优秀的学生,他们是怎样走过的这些大学时光,我与他们的差距究竟在于哪里,还需要在那些方面去努力。 熊老师总笑我是一匹野马,我在心里很感激这样一句评价,因为真的很感谢老师能这样去理解我。然而我希望,自己不仅仅是一匹野马,更希望是一匹有分寸,有理性,有闯劲,却又不失棱角的野马。最最重要的是做一匹能被在座的各位伯乐所赏识的马。谢谢大家!十佳大学生自我介绍篇2
