

1.【Unit One (2)】I wouldn't _____________ my money into his company.

A discover

B invent

C draw

D invest



2.【Unit One (2)】This is George, __________ class you will be taking.

A which

B where

C whose

D whom



3.【Unit One (2)】He turned over in his head the idea __________ by David.

A proposed

B proposing

C to be proposed

D having proposed



4.【Unit One (2)】____________ I'm afraid of is their attitude to me.

A What

B Why

C Who

D Which



5.【Unit One (2)】I don't think we should ___________ any more time to this question.

A spend

B cost

C devote

D waste



6.【Unit One (2)】Rising job losses are likely to __________ future sales.

A cut into

B look for

C come across

D insist on


7.【Unit One (2)】I'm filled with _____________ to go back home.

A desire

B search

C opportunity

D praise



8.【Unit One (2)】The laws __________ everyone no matter that their races or colors are.

A laugh at

B apply to

C lift up

D object to


9.【Unit One (2)】Do you know __________?

A what he's reading

B what is he reading

C what does he read

D he reads what



10.【Unit One (2)】His speech is so boring that nearly half the ___________ dozed off (打瞌睡).

A readers

B audience

C authors

D speakers


11.【Unit One (2)】By the end of next year, I ___________ $ 1,000.

A will having saved

B will have saved

C will saved

D have saved



12.【Unit One (2)】This is a ___________ regarding China in your eyes.

A secret

B service

C suspect

D survey


13.【Unit One (2)】The tea is hot; he ____________ here before.

A is

B will have been

C had been

D may have been



14.【Unit One (2)】If I were you I __________ plant some trees around the house.

A will

B would have

C would

D will have


15.【Unit One (2)】If we ___________ these marks (分数) up, we'll get

a total of 90.

A hold

B add

C turn

D make



16.【Unit One (2)】Some people waste food, ___________ others haven't enough.

A as

B while

C which

D where



17.【Unit One (2)】 - I don't care much for fish. - ______________.

A Me neither.

B I'm so sorry.

C I think so too.

D I care.



18.【Unit One (2)】- What do you think of Peter?- _______________.

A I can only speak for myself.

B I'm quite interested.

C I find him OK.

D That's not true.



19.【Unit One (2)】 - Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? - ___________________.

A Neither, thank you.

B Yes, both.

C Why not?

D Sure, I would



20.【Unit One (2)】 - Are you keen on music? - __________.

A That's great.

B I hope so too.

C Me either.

D No, not particularly.



21.【Unit One (2)】For the first time in our marriage, I had decided to spend my holiday alone, without my wife. We had not 1 . My common sense told me that all habits – even good ones – should be broken from time to time. Doing everything together with my wife had become very much of a habit with me. So I had gone off to Italy 2 my own to spend three weeks at a hotel at the seaside. I had hoped it would be nice and warm. But actually it was 35 in the shade, 3 enough to roast an ox. I walked about in shorts, my bald head 4 with a handkerchief, sweating and thirsty. And all the time I had to think of my wife, who had gone to the mountains of North Wales and was doubtless enjoying herself very much. Why had I, with my sensitive English skin, gone to Italy of all places? At night, I was kept 5 by two bands playing like mad in the bar downstairs.

·E. hot B. awake C. on D. covered E. quarreled

·C. hot B. awake C. on D. covered E. quarreled

·A. hot B. awake C. on D. covered E. quarreled

·D. hot B. awake C. on D. covered E. quarreled

·B. hot B. awake C. on D. covered E. quarreled

正确答案:1-E, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B


22.【Unit One (2)】When a man is taller and stronger than other men, he is sometimes called a giant. Many people think of Chamberlain as a giant.

He is so tall that he has a special, extra-long bed to sleep in and a special car with enough space for his long legs. During his playing days, Wilt was paid about $200 000 a year. That was what the president of the United States earned for being president. At that time, it was more than any other athlete in the entire history of sports had ever been paid. Wilt played for the Los Angeles Lakers team. He helped to make it the best team in the Western Division of the National Basketball Association, which is a group of the very finest professional teams in the world. Wilt owns a beautiful apartment building in Los Angeles and another one in New York. He owns racehorses (赛马). He wears fine clothes. He owns an English Bentley car. When Wilt was just seven years old, he took a job. He did not tell his mother or father, but one day his mother found out. She looked out into the street and saw Wilt lifting crates for a milkman. Mrs. Chamberlain told the milkman that Wilt was only seven. She said he shouldn’t be lifting those heavy milk crates. “I thought he was twelve”, said the milkman.



· A. T B. F


· A. T B. F


his job each year as Wilt earned playing basketball.

· A. T B. F

·Wilt Chamberlain could be such a famous basketball player only

because he played for the finest professional team.

· A. T B. F

·According to the passage, the word “honesty” best describes

Wilt’s desire to work when he was seven.

· A. T B. F


23.【Unit One (2)】Soldiers returning home from World War II were usually eager to go on with their lives. For most, that meant starting a family. Between 1946 and 1960, 63 million babies were born in the United States, up 22 million from the fifteen-year period before that. this big jump in the birth rate came to be known as the baby boom (婴儿潮). Before the war, American children were raised very strictly. They were often told to be "seen and not heard." After the war, however, young parents raised their children according to different ideas. Dr. Benjamin Spock's Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, published in 1946, emphasized flexibility (灵活性) in raising children. Spock encouraged parents to listen to their children and respond to their wishes. New parents quickly made Dr. Spock's book the best-selling book in US history. By 1952, sales had reached 4 million copies per year for the next eighteen years. Critics (批评家) who believed that the old ways of raising children were best accused Spock of being too permissive. They thought his ideas would spoil children. But Spock opposed strict discipline because he thought there were was "no such thing as a bad boy." By this he meant that, although a child's behavior may be bad, the child is not. Millions of baby-boom parents were influenced by Spock's advice, which brought a revolution in the way children were raised.


· A. how children were raised before World War II B. the benefits of strict discipline on children C. the impact of baby boomers on the economy D. the change of the way the baby boomers were raised

·What can be implied about the baby boom from the first paragraph?

· A. Baby boom happened during World War II B. Most of the baby boomers were from the soldier's families. C. There are about 85 million babies born in the baby-boom period. D. The birth rate of the baby boom was increased by 15%.



· A. many children born during the war time were born bad B. parents should be strict with their children C. there are bad child behaviors but no bad children D. spoiling the children is a good way to educate children


· A. allowing great freedom B. being limited C. involving long time D. enjoying happiness


· A. critics of Spock B. parents of baby boomers C. supporters of Spock D. baby-boomer children


大学远程教育学院 《程序设计基础(C)》课程作业 :袁洋学号: 2 年级:2017春学习中心:紫金港校区—————————————————————————————第1章C语言的基本构成 由add、main、scanf、printf函数组成, 调用了scanf、printf两个系统函数。 保留字:int、return。 自定义标识符:add、a、b、c、x、y、z。 第2章输入输出程序设计 1.用printf输出一个中空的五角星。 #include void main() { printf(" * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * * * * * * *\n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * *\n"); printf(" * * * \n"); printf(" * * * * \n"); printf(" * * * * \n"); printf(" * * * * \n"); } 2.仿照例子2.2,定义一个字符数组,从键盘输入一字符串,然后输出的程序。 #include void main() { char charshuz[20];

puts(gets(charshuz)); } 3.从键盘输入十六进制整数,转化为八进制数输出。 #include void main(){ int shiliu; scanf("%x",&shiliu); printf("%o\n",shiliu); } 4.只定义两个整型数据并赋值,实现两个整型数的互换。 #include void main() { int a,b,swap; scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b); printf("a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b); swap=a; a=b; b=swap; printf("a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b); } 5.从键盘上输入一个整数,分别输出8、16进制数的程序。 #include void main() { int a; scanf("%d",&a); printf("%o %x\n",a,a); } 6.从键盘上输入一个整数,分别输出它的个位数,十位数,百位数。 #include void main() { int integer; do { printf("请输入一个三个数:"); scanf("%d",&integer); if (integer<100 || integer >=1000) printf("请重新输入,\n"); }while(integer<100 || integer >=1000); printf("输入的整数为:%d,百位为:%d,十位为:%d,个位为:%d。\n",integer,integer/100,integer%100/10,integer%100%10); }


第3章 Word文字编辑(单选题) (其实我所给的这些典型题目就是期末考试题或统考题,因此必做。参考答案在另一个Word文档中) 一. Word 概述 1、Word具有的功能是__C__。 A.表格处理 ---- Word既能处理文字又能处理表格 B.绘制图形 ---- 它有一个绘图工具,能绘制图形,并提供了“图文混排功能”。 C.自动更正 ---- 对写错的英文单词具有“自动更正”功能 D.以上三项都是 [解析]略 2、通常情况下,下列选项中不能用于启动Word的操作是__D____。

A.双击Windows桌面上的Word快捷方式图标 B.单击"开始"→"程序"→"Microsoft Word" C.单击任务栏中的Word快捷方式图标 D.单击Windows桌面上的Word快捷方式图标 --- 单击是不能启动应用程序的 [解析]顺便说一下:Word程序启动后会自动建一个名为“文档1”的文档,然后供你输入、编辑和排版文字。 3、在Word中,用快捷键退出Word的最快方法是___C___。(请看提示) +F4 +F5 +F4 ------- 记一下:一般的应用程序均可Alt+F4退出。 +Shift [解析] 按Alt+F4可快速退出Word系统(参考)。但一般关闭Word,可在Word 的"文件"菜单中操作,也可选择窗口右上角的关闭按钮。

4、下面关于Word标题栏的叙述中,错误的是__B____。 A.双击标题栏,可最大化或还原Word窗口 ---- 在第2章出现过此问题,一般窗口均适用 B.拖曳标题栏,可将最大化窗口拖到新位置 ---- 若窗口已最大化,则不能拖动窗口。 C.拖曳标题栏,可将非最大化窗口拖到新位置 标题栏显示所运行的软件名称Microsoft Word及其所打开的文档名称 [解析]略 5、Word的"文件"命令菜单底部显示的文件名所对应的文件是___C___。 A.当前被操作的文件 B.当前已经打开的所有文件 C.最近被操作过的文件 ---- 对,而且最多只能设置为9个,在“工具”/“选项”中设置


浙大远程教育英语第六次 在线作业答案 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Six (2)】She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father. A need to look after B had to look after C should have looked after D would have to look after 正确答案:B 2.【Unit Six (2)】The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value. A trust B aim C supply

D chance 正确答案:B 3.【Unit Six (2)】_____________ these experiments are interesting and useful, it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much. A When B While C Unless D Until 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Six (2)】The president as well as a number of professors ____________ asked to attend the party. A was B were


英语(2)第1次 您的本次作业分数为:100分题 1. In considering people for jobs, we give ________ to those with some experience. A conference B review C preference D apology 正确答案:C 2.They are preparing for war on a large ________. A bank B size C degree D scale 正确答案:D 3.There was nothing in the letter of ________ importance. A peculiar B necessary C basic D particular 正确答案:D 4.I’m surprised by the sense of ________ he has with children. A easiness B ease C rest D alarm 正确答案:B 5.Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, ________ schools in the south are relatively poor. A which B as C for D while 正确答案:D 6. I really hope to discuss and ________ the problems with you. A explain B explore C experience D export



浙江大学远程教育学院习题集 课程代码名称_1803074兽医微生物学与免疫学_ 年级专业(层次)_动物医学专升本 绪言 一、填空题 1. 1683年荷兰人用自制的显微镜首次观察到微生物。 2. 法国科学家利用弯颈瓶试验证明“自然发生论”是荒谬的,他是微生物学、生理学与免疫学的主要奠基人。 3. 微生物的发展可概括为三个阶段:、和等。 二、名词解释 1. 微生物 2. 微生物学 3. 兽医微生物学 三、简答题 1. 微生物有何特点? 2. 微生物的种类有哪些? 3. 巴斯德的主要贡献是什么? 4. 柯赫的主要贡献是什么? 第一章细菌的形态与结构 一、填空题 1. 测定细菌大小的单位通常是。 2. 细菌的形态有、和等三种基本类型。 3. 球菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为、、、 和等。 4. 杆菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为、和。 5. 螺旋状菌分为和两种。 6. 细菌的基本结构包括、、和等。 7. 细菌的特殊结构有、、和等。 二、名词解释 1. 细菌 2. 菌落 3. 原生质体 4. 球状体 5. 细菌L型 6. 间体 7. 核体

8. 荚膜 9. S层 10. 鞭毛 11. 菌毛 12. 芽孢 三、简答题 1. 绘出细菌的基本结构和特殊结构图。 2. 比较革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌细胞壁的结构及化学组成的差异。 3. 叙述细菌核体与真核细胞核的异同。 4. 试述鞭毛的结构功能。 5. 菌毛的本质、分类及功能如何? 6. 叙述芽孢的结构、功能及对外界环境抵抗力强的原因。 7. 常用的细菌染色方法有哪些? 8. 什么是革兰氏染色?有何意义?其染色机制如何? 第二章细菌的生理 一、填空题 1. 细菌细胞的代谢过程包括、、和等四个步骤。 2. 细菌物质主要通过、、和等方式进出细菌细胞。 3. 细菌细胞结构的组装有两种方式:和。 4. 细菌以进行无性繁殖。 5. 根据生长曲线,细菌生长繁殖分为、、和等四个时期。 6. 细菌的生长繁殖条件主要有:、、、和等。 7. 根据细菌对氧的需要,可将细菌分为、和等。 8. 根据细菌对温度的适应范围,可将细菌分为、和等。 二、名词解释 1. 世代时间 2. 生长曲线 3. 培养基 4. 厌氧培养基 三、简答题 1. 形成细菌个体的代谢过程有何特点? 2. 试绘制细菌的生长曲线图,并说明各时期的特点。 3. 根据营养、状态和功能的差异,可将培养基分为哪些种类?各有何用途? 4. 病原菌对氧气和温度的需求有何特点? 5. 试述主要的细菌生化反应的原理及用途。 第三章消毒与灭菌 一、填空题 1. 对微生物影响较大的物理因素包括:、、、、微波和滤过等。 2. 高温灭菌法可分为灭菌法和灭菌法两类。 3. 干热灭菌法包括:和两类。 4. 常见的湿热灭菌法有:、和。 5. 影响消毒剂作用的因素主要有:、、


第6章计算机网络基础(单选题) 完成下列题目,这些题目与期末考试题或将来的统考题类似,请同学们认真做一遍。注意:上传你所做的答案后就可以下载我的参考答案。 一.计算机网络的形成与发展、网络的分类、网络拓扑结构、资源共享 1、计算机网络是___A___相结合的产物。 A.计算机技术与通讯技术 B.计算机技术与信息技术 C.计算机技术与电子技术 D.信息技术与通讯技术 [解析]应该选A。又问:计算机网络是计算机与___B___相结合的产物。(A.各种协议 B.通信技术 C.电话)答:选B。 2、下列有关计算机网络叙述错误的是___D___。 A.利用Internet网可以使用远程的超级计算中心的计算机资源 -- 对,属于资源共享 B.计算机网络是在通信协议控制下实现的计算机互联 C.建立计算机网络的最主要目的是实现资源共享 D.以接入的计算机多少可以将网络划分为广域网、城域网和局域网 [解析]网络划分为广域网、城域网和局域网是按网络所覆盖的范围来划分的,所以D是错的。 3、最早的(第一阶段)计算机网络系统,有____A____个主机。 A.1 --- 以一台主机为中心的远程联机系统, B.2 C.10 D.几十台 [解析]略。 4、____B____被认为是Internet的前身。(请看解析) A.万维网 B.ARPANET --- 是美国国防部早期研究开发的一个网络,称为“阿帕网” C.HTTP D.APPLE [解析]略。 5、当前普遍使用的Internet IP版本是____C____。(参考p.225) A.IPv6 --- 下一代网络的IP版本为IPv6 B.IPv3 C.IPv4 ---目前使用网络的IP版本为IPv4,在IPv4中,IP地址为32位 D.IPv5 [解析]略 6、LAN通常是指___B___。 A.广域网 B.局域网 C.资源子网

浙大远程英语作业Unit 9

Unit Nine 1. Writing 你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容: 1. 接到朋友的来信; 2. 你对旅游的安排计划及理由; 3. 表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。 Dear David, I’m glad to know you want to make a tour in China. Now I’m living in Shanghai, and there are so many famous place here. I have made a plan for your visit in Shanghai. First we can go to the Peples’ Square,the most famous place place in Shanghai. Then we can go to Y u Garden, which I think you have heard before. If you have enough time ,you can visit Expo 2010. And you are welcome to stay at my home for several days. I’m looking forward to your coming to Shanghai.I am sure you will like this city. Y ours, Wang Ming 2. Choose the best answer to each of the following items. 1) The university is trying to make more accommodation(住处) ___b____ for the residents. A. afford B. available C. apparently D. approximately 2) The difference between the public and private services is very ___a___ in this country. A. sharp B. difficult C. vast D. wide 3) ____b___ of the two boys has passed the history examination. A. None B. Neither C. Nor D. No 4) We have to put the trip off. It’s too expensive and ____c___ the weather is not fine. A. therefore B. however C. on the other hand D. afterwards 5) John will take a job wherever he can find ___d____. A. any B. that C. some D. one 6) Mary varies her appearances, as well as her hair color, ___a____ on the mood she is in. A. depend B. depending C. hold D. holding 7) We know that sun eclipse will ___a____the weather on the earth. A. influence B. identify C. impress D. locate 8) The difference between the public and private schools is very ___b____ in this area. A. wide B. sharp C. difficult D. loose 9) ____a___ of the boys has passed the test; they’ve got such bad luck. A. Either B. All C. Neither D. No 10) She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really ___d____ her. A. hurt B. damage C. harm D. spoil 3.Read the following passages and decide which of the following is the best answer to each of the questions or statements.


2017浙大远程管理信息系统在线作业 窗体顶端 您的本次作业分数为:97分 1.【第1章】对管理信息系统进行综合,我们可以了解到,管理信息系统是由多个功能子系统组成的,这些功能子系统又可以分为业务处理、运行控制、管理控制和()几个主要的信息处理部分。 A 财务管理 B 信息管理 C 人力资源管理 D 战略管理 正确答案:D 2.【第1章】DSS是以下哪个术语的简称? A 决策支持系统 B 群体决策支持系统 C 智能决策支持系统 D 管理决策系统 正确答案:A 3.【第1章】管理信息系统的应用离不开一定的环境和条件,这里所说的“环境”具体指的是()。 A 组织所处的自然环境 B 组织所处的社会环境 C 组织内外各种因素的综合 D 组织所处的自然环境和社会环境的综合

正确答案:C 4.【第1章】按照不同级别管理者对管理信息的需要,通常把管理信息分为以下三级()。 A 公司级、工厂级、车间级 B 工厂级、车间级、工段级 C 厂级、处级、科级 D 战略级、战术级、作业级 正确答案:D 5.【第1章】从管理决策问题的性质来看,在运行控制层上的决策大多属于()的问题。 A 结构化 B 半结构化 C 非结构化 D 以上都有 正确答案:A 6.【第1章】EDPS是以下哪个术语的简称? A 电子数据处理系统 B 单项数据处理阶段 C 综合数据处理阶段 D 管理信息系统 正确答案:A 7.【第1章】()反映了某个企业、组织或部门所涉及的数据本身的内容,同时也反映了数据之间的联系。 A 数据库 B 数据文件(表)

C 文件系统 D 数据结构 正确答案:A 8.【第1章】局域网与使用调制解调器进行计算机通信的远程网相比,它的信息传送速度要()。 A 高得多 B 低得多 C 差不多 D 无法比较 正确答案:A 9.【第1章】数据库是比文件系统更高级的一种数据组织方式。 正确错误 正确答案: 对 10.【第1章】DSS是在人和计算机交互的过程中帮助决策者探索可能的方案,为管理者提供决策所需的信息。 正确错误 正确答案: 对 11.【第1章】通常认为,管理信息系统主要解决结构化的决策问题,而决策支持系统则以支持半结构化和非结构化问题为目标。 正确错误 正确答案: 对 12.【第1章】组织内对管理信息系统的理解和认识程度,对管理信息系统的应用有着重要影响 正确错误


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 浙江大学远程教育本科毕业论文 远程教育学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目中小企业会计制度设计问题探讨姓名与学号年级与专业学习中心指导教师朱娜713115192019 13 秋会计学萧山学习中心叶雪芳老师1 1/ 44

浙江大学远程教育学院本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信承诺书 1.本人郑重地承诺所呈交的毕业论文(设计),是在指导教师的指导下严格按照学校和学院有关规定完成的。 2.本人在毕业论文(设计)中引用他人的观点和参考资料均加以注释和说明。 3. 本人承诺在毕业论文(设计)选题和研究内容过程中没有抄袭他人研究成果和伪造相关数据等行为。 4. 在毕业论文(设计)中对侵犯任何方面知识产权的行为,由本人承担相应的法律责任。 毕业论文(设计)作者:朱娜2015 年11月11日2

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 论文版权使用授权书本论文作者完全了解浙江大学远程教育学院有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交本论文的复印件和电子文档,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权浙江大学远程教育学院可以将论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索和传播,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编论文。 毕业论文(设计)作者签名:年月日3 3/ 44

浙大远程 普通语言学 在线作业答案

1.According to its________ A meaning B function C position D sound 正确答案:C 单选题 2.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula "S→NP VP". A hierarchical B linear C treediagram D vertical 正确答案:B 单选题 3.Which of the following is NOT included in the advantages of a constituent structure tree? A It reveals the linear word order of a sentence. B It shows the hierarchical structure of a sentence. C It illustrates the syntactic category of each structural constituent. D It emphasizes the main suprasegmental features of a sentence. 正确答案:D 单选题 4.Of the following items, which one does not belong to the same syntactic category? A the student B liked C anidea D the linguistic lecture 正确答案:B 单选题


翻译: 请将下列五句英文分别翻译成中文。 1. Some people take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas, shops, dance halls and restaurants. 有些人对乡村的事物不感兴趣:对他们来说,幸福在于城镇的电影院、商店、舞厅和餐馆。 那些热衷于城镇的电影院、商店、舞厅和餐馆的人对乡村的事物不感兴趣。 2. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. 很快到了我的朋友帶杰克去散步的时间了。 3. To mark students' test papers, a checking machine is used. 为了给学生的试卷评分,用了一台阅卷机。 4. Whoever disobeys the law will be punished. 违者必罚。 5. With all his savings gone, he started to look for a job. 他用完了所有的存款,然后開始找工作了。 写作:请按照要求完成一篇英文作文,字数不少于80字。 标题:Parents Are the Best Teachers 内容需包括以下方面: 1.提出“父母是最好的老师”的观点,你的看法; 2.解释其中的原因; 3.重申观点。 As we all know, in our life, we have many different teachers, but the best teachers, I think, are our parents. My view is based on such reasons. They are the first people we meet. They teach us how to eat, and then how to walk. They teach us to speak, and they give us communication skills and so many others. They try their best to teach us, and develop our own learning skills. On the other hands, their words and actions will deeply affect our minds and decisions. Leading by example is an important way our parents teach us social skills, morals and how to get along with others. I believe that most of us have seen a public-interest advertisement on CCTV. The scene is about below: a young mother comes back home, after busy working for a whole day, she feels very tired. But she still washes feet carefully for her mother. All these have been seen by her little son behind the door. After his mother finish, the little child carries a basin of water slowly for his mother, and said “Mum please wash your feet.” All these tell us that the parents’ good actions will give a good example for their children. In our life, we follo w many people to study. Because every person we meet has something that we can learn. However, the greatest teachers in our lives will be our parents, because they were our first and most important teachers.


第4章电子表格Excel 2010(单选题) 完成下列题目,这些题目与期末考试题或将来的统考题类似,请同学们认真做一遍。注意:上传你所做的答案后就可以下载我的参考答案。 一.Excel 2010概述 1、Excel 2010是___C___。 A.数据库管理软件 B.文字处理软件 C.电子表格软件 ---电子表格软件主要用于处理数据 D.幻灯片制作软件 [解析]略 2、Excel 2010所属的套装软件是___D___。 A.Lotus2010 B.Windows 7 C.Word2010 D.Office2010 [解析]Office2010套装软件有许多组件,它们是Word 2010、Excel2010、Powerpoint 2010、Outlook 2010、Publisher 2010等,其中前面4个组件就是本课程要学的。 3、Excel 2010工作簿文件的默认扩展名为____B____。 A.docx B.xlsx C.pptx D.mdbx [解析]看p.142。在Excel 2010中建立的文件称为工作簿文件,其扩展名为xlsx。每个工作簿文件都由许多张工作表组成(默认下为三张工作表,分别为:Sheet1、Sheet2、Sheet3),数据就存放在每张工作表的单元格中。 4、在Excel 2010中,每张工作表是一个___B___。 A.一维表 B.二维表 C.三维表 D.树表 [解析]选B。在该二维表中,列用字母A、B、C…序号来表示,行用1、2、3..序号表示。 5、在Excel 2010主界面窗口(即工作窗口)中不包含___B___。 A.“插入”选项卡 B.“输出”选项卡 C.“开始”选项卡 D.“数据”选项卡 [解析]看图示。 6、Excel 2010的工作窗口有些 地方与Word 2010工作窗口是不同的,例如Excel 2010有一个编辑栏(又称为公式栏),它被分为左、中、右三个部分,左面部分显示出___A___。(请看图示)(请参考p.136) A.活动单元格名称 B.活动单元格的列标 C.活动单元格的行号 D.某个单元格名称 [解析]请看图示


您的本次作业分数为:100分词汇结构 1.【Unit Six (2)】She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father. A need to look after B had to look after C should have looked after D would have to look after 正确答案:B 词汇结构 2.【Unit Six (2)】He is no better at English __________ I am. A as B so C than D lest 正确答案:C 词汇结构 3.【Unit Six (2)】___________________, the less time you have to see them. A The more people you know B More you know people C The more you know people D More people you know 正确答案:A 词汇结构 4.【Unit Six (2)】__________ Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defense. A As B If C Though D So

词汇结构 5.【Unit Six (2)】Kelly loved her husband _____________ he drank too much. A despite that B in spite of C for fear that D now that 正确答案:A 词汇结构 6.【Unit Six (2)】Studies in the US show girls are _____________ better on spoken tasks than boys. A ordinarily B slightly C supply D fashionably 正确答案:B 词汇结构 7.【Unit Six (2)】The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value. A trust B aim C supply D chance 正确答案:B 词汇结构 8.【Unit Six (2)】The reason for all the changes being made ___________ to us yet. A has not explained B do not explain C has not been explained D were not explained


您得本次作业分数为:100分 单选题 1、【全部章节】增加会计科目次序必须由()。 A上级至下级逐级增加 B下级至上级逐级增加 C任意方式增加 D根据单位得具体情况增加 正确答案:A 单选题 2、【全部章节】帐务系统中,数据恢复功能可将软盘上备份得( )拷贝到机器内。 A 程序 B 凭证、科目、帐薄等 C DOS D系统 正确答案:B 单选题 3、【全部章节】如果就是往来业务,在输入会计凭证时,另外还必须输入业务发生( )。 A 金额 B 往来单位 C数量 D 地点 正确答案:B 单选题 4、【全部章节】已记帐得凭证,如果在结帐前发现有录入错误,可以用下列方法调整()。A下个月处理 B 编制调整凭证 C不作处理 D 直接修改凭证 正确答案:B 单选题 5、【全部章节】数据备份必须有两份,并()存放。 A分处 B 归档 C统一 D 加密 正确答案:A 单选题 6、【全部章节】一张报表得设计步骤为():1、编制报表2、报表输出3、新表登记4、格式设计5、公式定义6、项目定义 A 3→4→5→6→1→2 B 6→5→4→3→2→1 C1→2→3→4→5→6 D1→2→5→6→4→3 正确答案:A

7、【全部章节】记帐凭证审核不能由谁来完成()。 A 输入员 B审核员 C财务科长 D 财务主管 正确答案:A 单选题 8、【全部章节】开展会计电算化条件之一就就是要有良好得基础工作,这基础工作主要包括哪两个方面()。 A硬件基础与管理基础 B 人员基础与硬件基础 C 管理基础与会计基能 D 会计基础与硬件基础 正确答案:C 单选题 9、【全部章节】执行()以后,若发现输入得凭证有误,必须到下月做调整凭证,纠正帐目数据. A记帐 B审核 C 凭证汇总 D结帐 正确答案:D 单选题 10、【全部章节】会计电算化系统文档视同会计档案保管,保管期截止至该系统停止使用或有重大修改后()年。 A 一 B 二 C 三 D四 正确答案:C 单选题 11、【全部章节】会计电算化一词较正确得解释为( )。 A 计算机会计工作 B 财务软件加计算机设备 C财务软件 D 计算机设备 正确答案:A 单选题 12、【全部章节】如果就是外币业务,在凭证输入时,还必须输入外币金额与()。 A 汇率 B 日期 C 单价 D币种


浙江大学是一所历史悠久、声誉卓著的高等学府。经过近120年的建设与发展,浙江大学已成为一所特色鲜明,在海内外有较大影响的 综合型、研究型、创新型大学。 浙江大学是教育部批准开展现代远程教育的64所高校之一,也是卫 生部确定的全国远程医学教育首批示范试点单位。自1998年开始现代远程教育试点,目前浙江大学远程教育已设有20多个专业,涉及文学、经济学、管理学、教育学、医学、法学、工学、农学等学科, 是学科涉及面较广、开设专业较多的网络院校之一。办学以来,浙江 大学远程教育秉承“求是创新”的校训,坚持以质量为本,以规范求 发展,在社会上赢得了良好的声誉。 一、招生对象及条件 主要面向具有国民教育系列大专或大专以上毕业证书的在职从业人 员。 二、入学方式 1.免试入学 凡具有国民教育系列本科及以上学历者,可免试参加学习。 2.测试入学 凡不符合免试入学条件者,均须参加由浙江大学命题并组织的入学测 试。入学测试大纲及模拟试题可从学院网站 —>“远程教育”—>“远程招生”—>“入学考试”栏目下载。 三、选课、课程考核与免修

学院按专业教学计划规定的毕业zui低学分和参考性学习计划第,一 学期进行统一配课,学生根据配课进行学习。从第二学期起,学生在 配课的基础上,可依照专业教学计划要求进行网上选课。 课程考核分考试和考查两种,其中考试根据不同课程要求,采用闭卷、闭卷(复习专用纸)和开卷等多种形式。课程考试成绩由考试成绩和 学习过程评价成绩构成,学习过程评价成绩约占该门课程总成绩的25%。考试不及格或缺考的课程,有一次免费重考的机会。 凡在学院专科毕业后5年内续读本科,或已在浙江大学修读并通过考 试的课程,或入学前5年内获得全国高等教育自学考试合格证的课程,可在专业教学计划范围内按学院有关规定申请课程免修。免修课程学分数累计不超过25学分。 四、教学模式及学习方式 浙江大学远程教育实行弹性学制和学分制,采用宽带互联网、数字多媒体和移动通信等现代教育技术组织教学。学生可自行安排学习进 度,学习形式自主灵活。 在任何时间和地点,学生都可通过互联网访问学院网站进行学习,或使用移动终端设备(如Android手机、iPhone和iPAD等)基于客户端访问学院移动学习平台,并下载课件与教材学习、在线答疑与讨论等完成学习过程。 在学习过程中,学生应保持积极的学习态度,掌握计算机与互联网基 本操作技能,熟悉网络学习平台,认真学习“远程学习入门”课程及 《学生手册》规定,了解院历、教学计划、课程考试计划、课程免修、


第2章 Windows操作系统及其应用(单选题) 完成下列题目,这些题目与期末考试题或将来的统考题类似,请同学们认真做一遍。注意:上传你所做的答案后就可以下载我的参考答案。 一.操作系统概述、Windows 7的启动与关闭 1、Windows操作系统的主要功能是__B____。 A.实现软、硬件转换 B.管理计算机系统所有的软、硬件 C.把源程序转换为目标程序 D.进行数据处理 [解析]操作系统属于系统软件,它的主要功能是:管理系统所有的软件和硬件资源。 2、关于Windows 7操作系统,下列说法正确的是___C___。 A.是用户与软件的接口 B.不是图形用户界面操作系统 C.是用户与计算机的接口 D.属于应用软件 [解析]略 3、Windows 7操作系统的特点不包括___D___。 A.图形界面 B.多任务 C.即插即用 (英文为Plug-and-Play ,缩写为PnP ) D.卫星通信 [解析]略 4、Windows 7系统提供的用户界面是___D___。 A.交互式的问答界面 B.显示器界面 C.交互式的字符界面 D.交互式的图形界面 [解析]DOS操作系统是一个命令行界面操作系统,而Windows 7操作系统是一个交互式的图形用户界面系统,图形用户界面简称为GUI。 5、装有Windows 7系统的计算机正常启动后,我们在屏幕上首先看到的是__A____ 。 A.Windows 7的桌面 B.关闭Windows的对话框 C.有关帮助的信息 D.出错信息 [解析]略 6、下列关于Windows 7的“关闭选项”说法中错误的是__BB___。 A.选择“锁定”选项,若要再次使用计算机一般来说必须输入密码 B.计算机进入“睡眠”状态时将关闭正在运行的应用程序 C.若需要退出当前用户而转入另一个用户环境,可通过“注销”选项来实现 D.通过“切换用户”选项也能快速地退出当前用户,并回到“用户登录界面” [解析]参考p.44。关闭计算机时若选择“睡眠”功能,则在开机后将恢复原有程序的运行状态。


您的本次作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Four (2)】She didn't know ____________ information had been known by the public. A how much B how many C however D how old 正确答案:A 2.【Unit Four (2)】The weight of the moon is only about ___________ of the earth. A one eighty B one the eighty C one of the eighty D one eightieth 正确答案:D 3.【Unit Four (2)】Why does your brother want a new job ____________ he's already got a very good one? A where B when C which D that 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Four (2)】Canceling the conference will make a very bad ___________. A impression B program

C pressure D imagination 正确答案:A 5.【Unit Four (2)】___________ way shall we go? By the stream(小溪) or through the wood? A Which B what C Whose D How 正确答案:A 6.【Unit Four (2)】Ten minutes ___________ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call. A seem B seems C seemed D seeming 正确答案:B 7.【Unit Four (2)】We hope that most students will make a _____________ transition (过渡) into college. A rough B real C solid D smooth 正确答案:D
