Deformation Twinning in Nanocrystalline Aluminum

Deformation Twinning in Nanocrystalline Aluminum
Deformation Twinning in Nanocrystalline Aluminum

DOI: 10.1126/science.1083727

, 1275 (2003);


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w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m

that are normally FCC,such as gold,to maintain local,close-packed arrangements that are compatible with the constraints imposed by the surrounding environment.This result establishes a physically useful connection between dislocations and grain boundaries,the two most fundamental mi-crostructural elements underpinning the be-havior of polycrystalline materials.

References and Notes

1.A.P.Sutton,R.W.Balluf?,Interfaces in Crystalline Materials (Clarendon Press,Oxford,1995).

2.J.Schi?tz,F.D.Di Tolla,K.W.Jacobsen,Nature 391,561(1998).

3.H.Van Swygenhoven,M.Spaczer,A.Caro,Acta Ma-ter.47,3117(1999).

4.S.X.McFadden,R.S.Mishra,R.Z.Valiev, A.P.Zhilyaev,A.K.Mukherjee,Nature 398,684(1999).

5.H.Van Swygenhoven,Science 296,66(2002).

6.V.Yamakov,D.Wolf,S.R.Phillpot,A.K.Mukherjee,H.Gleiter,Nature Mater.1,45(2002).

7.Y.Wang,M.Chen,F.Zhou,E.Ma,Nature 419,912(2002).

8.J.D.Rittner,D.N.Seidman,K.L.Merkle,Phys.Rev.B 53,R4241(1996).

9.W.Krakow, D. A.Smith,Ultramicroscopy 22,47(1987).

10.K.L.Merkle, Phys.51,C1-251(1990).11.F.Ernst et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.69,620(1992).


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13.K.L.Merkle,J.Phys.Chem.Solids 55,991(1994).14.J.D.Rittner,D.N.Seidman,Phys.Rev.B 54,6999


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19.T.J.Balk,K.J.Hemker,Phil.Mag.A 81,1507(2001).

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24.Here,we specify the boundary using the CSL notation

(25),where ?refers to the reciprocal density of coincident sites of two interpenetrating lattices re-lated by a rotation,?.



26.D.G.Brandon,Acta Metall.14,1479(1966).


Mater.Sci.Forum 207-209,209(1996).

28.This work is supported by the U.S.Department of

Energy,in part by the Of?ce of Basic Energy Sciences,Division of Materials Sciences,under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

26February 2003;accepted 15April 2003

Deformation Twinning in Nanocrystalline Aluminum

Mingwei Chen,1*En Ma,2Kevin J.Hemker,1Hongwei Sheng,2

Yinmin Wang,2Xuemei Cheng 3

We report transmission electron microscope observations that provide evi-dence of deformation twinning in plastically deformed nanocrystalline alumi-num.The presence of these twins is directly related to the nanocrystalline structure,because they are not observed in coarse-grained pure aluminum.We propose a dislocation-based model to explain the preference for deformation twins and stacking faults in nanocrystalline materials.These results underscore a transition from deformation mechanisms controlled by normal slip to those controlled by partial dislocation activity when grain size decreases to tens of nanometers,and they have implications for interpreting the unusual mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline materials.The extremely high strength and hardness of nanocrystalline materials relative to their coarse-grained counterparts suggest that normal dislocation activity—the dominant plastic deformation mode of ductile coarse-grained materials—is suppressed in nanocrys-talline grains.The resulting high strength of nanocrystalline materials may give rise to unique plastic deformation mechanisms

that are not seen in coarse-grained materials (1–7).Twinning in aluminum,which has been suggested by recent molecular dynamics (MD)simulations (7,8),is an interesting case.Deformation twins have been observed in face-centered cubic (fcc)metals,such as copper and nickel (9–11),when deformed at subambient temperatures and/or high strain rates,but deformation twins have not been experimentally confirmed in single or poly-crystalline pure aluminum (7,8,11,12),even when shock-loaded at low temperatures (13,14).The appearance of Shockley partial dis-locations at a crack tip of aluminum has been regarded as an indication of deformation twinning (15),but supporting evidence for this claim has not been forthcoming.

Nanocrystalline aluminum films with thickness of ?200and ?400nm were pre-pared by physical vapor deposition of pure aluminum (99.9%)onto oxidized (001)sili-con and sodium chloride substrates that were cooled with liquid nitrogen.The deposition was performed at a pressure of ?5?10?8torr and a deposition rate of 5to 10nm/min.To suppress columnar grain structures,we interrupted the deposition for 1min at ?20-nm thickness intervals during film growth.Texture was negligible in these films,as in-dicated by x-ray diffraction analysis.The as-deposited films had grain sizes in the range of 10to 35nm (Fig.1A).High-resolution trans-mission electron microscope (HRTEM)ob-servations with a point-to-point resolution of 0.2nm revealed that most of the nanograins were separated by high-angle boundaries and

that no grain boundary phases were present in these samples.Occasionally,growth twins were observed with the twin boundary ap-pearing as a perfectly flat interface (Fig.1B).Such sharp interfaces have been previously


Department of Mechanical Engineering,2Depart-ment of Materials Science and Engineering,3Depart-ment of Physics and Astronomy,Johns Hopkins Uni-versity,Baltimore,MD 21218,USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:mwchen@,

Fig.1.Microstructure of as-prepared nanocrys-talline aluminum.(A )Bright-?eld TEM micro-graph showing nanocrystalline grains with sizes ranging from 10to 35nm.No dislocations or deformation twins can be seen.(B )HRTEM image of a growth ?3{111}twin boundary (marked by a white arrow).

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observed in deposited or annealed aluminum and have been referred to as the ?3{111}twin boundary (16,17).

The nanocrystalline aluminum films were deformed by microindentation and by manual grinding to allow the introduction of large plastic strains and to facilitate TEM observa-tions of the deformation defects.We chose these methods because the thin films cannot be tested in compression,and they fail with little plastic deformation in tension (18).The indented samples were thinned from the back using tripod polishing,dimpling,and finally low-temperature ion milling.The insert in Fig.2A shows a bright-field TEM micro-graph of a micro-indent with the fourfold

geometry.No cracks can be seen,even at the corners of the indent,indicating that the for-mation of the indent is fully plastic.Around the edges of the indent,planar defects with two parallel flat boundaries were seen in a number of grains and were identified as de-formation twins.The width and orientation of the twin bands vary from grain to grain.The twinning seems to occur preferentially in smaller grains and propagates across the en-tire grain.An example is shown in the HRTEM micrograph of Fig.2B,together with a fast Fourier transform (FFT)pattern.The deformation twin can be recognized by the mirror symmetry between the band and the matrix in the atomic resolution image,in which the bright spots correspond to individ-ual atomic columns.The twin boundaries are determined to be parallel to one set of the {111}planes.In addition,the HRTEM image reveals that the deformation twin boundaries are several atomic planes thick,caused by twinning dislocations that are tilted relative to the electron beam and not clearly imaged.A large number of dislocations rather than de-formation twinning were found in coarse-grained aluminum deformed under the same indenter as shown in Fig.2C,confirming the grain-size dependence of the twinning mechanism.

To rule out the possibility that deforma-tion twinning can only be induced under the very high pressures generated by a diamond indenter (19),we used a different deforma-tion scheme.Freestanding nanocrystalline aluminum films were released from sodium chloride substrates and manually ground into small fragments with an agate mortar and pestle in pure methanol for ?1min.This procedure is generally used to crush materials for TEM observations by applying complex stresses.These stresses are much lower than those generated by a sharp diamond indenter.The original film thickness was ?200nm,whereas the thickness of the fragments used for subsequent TEM observations was mea-sured to be less than 100nm by electron energy loss spectroscopy.The reduction in thickness appears to result from large plastic deformation,and the bright-field TEM mi-crograph in Fig.3A illustrates the features of the heavily deformed nanocrystalline alumi-num.The high density of planar defects that is shown in this figure is not seen in the as-deposited samples and is found to appear preferentially in smaller grains.Some of the defects were confirmed to be deformation twins by HRTEM.In these cases,multiple narrow twins often resided in a single grain,and the twinning planes were determined to be of the {111}type (Fig.3B).The FFT pattern of Fig.3B demonstrates the twin re-lationship among the bands and the matrix (Fig.3C).The multiple twins are highlighted in the Fourier-filtered image (Fig.3D)for


Fig. 2.(A )TEM micrograph of deformation twins around an indent in nanocrystalline alu-minum.The inset shows the indent with the fourfold geometry.(B )HRTEM micrograph showing a deformation twin in (A)with parallel boundaries.This atomic resolution image cor-responds to the [110]direction and illustrates the mirror symmetry between the twin and the matrix.The morphological feature of the grain boundary at the twin band indicates that the twinning results in plastic deformation.The inset shows a FFT pattern con?rming the twin relationship between the band and the matrix.(C )Dislocations with a grain boundary (GB)around an indent in coarse-grained pure alumi-num and no evidence of deformation


Fig.3.TEM micrographs of nanocrystalline alu-minum deformed by manually grinding.(A )A high density of planar defects in a bright-?eld image.Such defects are not observed in the as-deposited nanocrystalline aluminum.(B )Multiple deformation twins and stacking faults in a [110]-oriented nanograin.(C )The FFT pat-tern showing the twin relationship among the narrow bands and matrix.(D )A Fourier-?ltered image from inside the white box in (B)for a close-up view of the deformation twins (T)and stacking faults (S).



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selected region in Fig.3B.Stacking faults,dislocations,and microbands were also ob-served in the samples.

The TEM observations provide direct experimental evidence confirming the MD predictions of twinning during plastic defor-mation of nanocrystalline aluminum (7,8).Regarding the twinning mechanism of fcc materials,several models have been proposed in which deformation twins are created by stacking faults led by 1/6?112?Shockley partial dislocations (20–23).The preference for twinning and stacking fault formation in nanocrystalline grains can be understood by comparing the critical shear stress needed to nucleate a perfect dislocation (1/2?110?)with an approximation of the source size equal to the grain size (D ),?N ,with that required to initiate the Shockley partial (1/6?112?)twinning dislocation to generate stacking faults and deformation twins,?p .Such a comparison can be made using for-mulations given by classical dislocation the-ory (22,23),where

?N ?

2??b N




?P ?

2??b P D ??b P


Here ?is the shear modulus (?35GPa for aluminum),?is the stacking fault energy [104to 142mJ/m 2for aluminum (7)],and b N and b P are the magnitudes of the Burgers vectors of the perfect dislocation and the Shockley partial dis-location,respectively.The parameter ?reflects the character of the dislocation [??0.5and 1.5for edge and screw dislocations,respectively (23)]and contains the scaling factor between the length of the dislocation source and the grain size.The grain boundaries are taken as dislocation sources,as predicted by computer simulations for nanocrystalline grains (6–8,12,24).When the grain size becomes smaller than a critical value,D c ,determined by equating Eqs.1and 2

D c ?

2??(b N ?b P )b P



?p becomes smaller than ?N .Taking ??1,the estimated D c is approximately 10to 15nm for aluminum.For simplicity,this model for nanocrystalline materials does not include the influence of elastic anisotropy,the small Peierls-Nabarro stress,localized stress con-centrations,and the interactions of disloca-tions with grain boundaries.Nevertheless,the predictions given by this simple model shed light on the experimentally observed trends in several ways.First,twinning becomes a pre-ferred deformation mode in aluminum with a grain size on the order of 10nm,which is consistent with our HRTEM observations of deformation twins in the grains with sizes of

?10to 20nm.The model also provides a physical explanation of the preferential gen-eration of partial dislocations,which results in the formation of stacking faults and defor-mation twins in nanocrystalline grains as sug-gested by computer simulations (6–8,12,24).Second,the ?p estimated from Eq.2is much higher than ?N in large aluminum grains,which is in agreement with the dom-inance of the normal dislocation plasticity in conventional aluminum.Third,for other fcc materials with lower ?and higher ?,the D c values are much larger and can be used to interpret the observation that deformation and growth twins are found in nanocrystalline copper and nickel (9,25–27)at D c values that are more than twice that of aluminum.Fourth,the generation of twin interfaces and stacking faults offers an alternative interpre-tation to dislocation pile-up at grain bound-aries to explain the continuous grain-size strengthening,as suggested by Eq.2,and the strain hardening of nanocrystalline materials (25–27).

References and Notes

1.J.R.Weertman et al .,Mater.Res.Soc.Bull.24,44(1999).

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3.H.Van Swygenhoven,Science 296,66(2002).

4.S.X.McFadden,R.S.Mishra,R.Z.Valiev, A.P.Zhilyaev,A.K.Mukherjee,Nature 398,684(1999).

5.M.Murayama,J.M.Howe,H.Hidaka,S.Takaki,Science 295,2433(2002).

6.J.Schi?tz,F.D.Di Tolla,K.W.Jacobsen,Nature 391,561(1998).

7.V.Yamakov,D.Wolf,S.R.Phillpot,A.K.Mukherjee,H.Gleiter,Nature Mater.1,45(2002).

8.V.Yamakov,D.Wolf,S.R.Phillpot,H.Gleiter,Acta Mater.50,5005(2002).

9.J.Y.Huang,Y.K.Wu,H.Q.Ye,Acta Mater.44,1211(1996).



11.J.A.Venables,in Deformation Twinning ,R.E.Reed-Hill,J.P.Hirth,H.C.Rogers,Eds.(Gordon &Breach,New York,1964),pp.77–116.

12.K.W.Jacobsen,J.Schi?tz,Nature Mater.1,15(2002).13.G.T.Gray III,Acta Metall.36,1745(1988).

14.G.T.Gray III,J.C.Huang,Mater.Sci.Eng.A145,21





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18.M.A.Haque,M.T.A.Saif,Scripta Mater.47,863





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23.J.P.Hirth,J.Lothe,Theory of Dislocations (Krieger


24.H.Van Swygenhoven,P.M.Derlet,A.Hasnaoui,Phys.

Rev.B 66,024101(2002).


Kung,Scripta Mater.44,1475(2001).


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Wang,Acta Mater.51,387(2003).

28.We thank F.R.N.Nabarro for valuable discussion.

This work was partially supported by the NSF (Divi-sion of Material Research grant 210215)and was conducted at the Electron Microscopy Center at Johns Hopkins University.The Johns Hopkins Electron Microscopy Facility is made possible by grants from the W.M.Keck Foundation and NSF.

21February 2003;accepted 4April 2003Published online 24April 2003;10.1126/science.1083727

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n -Type Conducting CdSe Nanocrystal Solids

Dong Yu,Congjun Wang,Philippe Guyot-Sionnest*

A bottleneck limiting the widespread application of semiconductor nanocrystal solids is their poor conductivity.We report that the conductivity of thin ?lms of n -type CdSe nanocrystals increases by many orders of magnitude as the occupation of the ?rst two electronic shells,1S e and 1P e ,increases,either by potassium or electrochemical doping.Around half-?lling of the 1S e shell,a peak in the conductivity is observed,indicating shell-to-shell transport.Introducing conjugated ligands between nanocrystals increases the conductivities of these states to ?10?2siemens per centimeter.During the past decade,it has become appar-ent that solids of monodispersed nanocrystals provide the opportunity for developing mate-rials with novel properties (1,2).In particu-lar,semiconductor nanocrystals (3)offer

great promise for fabricating optoelectrical devices (4–6).In these “artificial atoms,”the inorganic cores allow precise tuning of the discrete electronic states by size confinement.To stabilize against sintering,retain solubili-ty,and maintain good optical properties,the surfaces are capped by organic ligands,as in the prototypical CdSe system (7).However,these ligands and traps on the nanocrystal surfaces are thought to inhibit electronic

James Franck Institute,University of Chicago,5640South Ellis Avenue,Chicago,IL 60637,USA.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:pgs@,

R E P O R T S, SCIENCE VOL 30023MAY 20031277

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程序设计基础 课程实践目标要求 一、课程实践目标 程序设计基础课程实践是督促和检验学生程序设计综合能力的教学环节,通过课程实践使学生综合使用所学过的C语言程序设计知识,掌握结构化程序设计的基本思路和方法,在所掌握的基本知识和技能的基础上,进一步提高自学能力和查找资料的能力,解决一定程度的复杂的结构化程序设计问题,加深对所学知识的理解与掌握,增强学生利用自己所学知识解决实际问题的能力,为以后的程序开发打下基础。 课程实践的目的和要求: 1、使学生巩固和加强《C语言程序设计》课程的理论知识。 2、使学生掌握C语言的基本概念、语法、语义和数据类型的使用特点。 3、使学生掌握C语言程序设计的方法及编程技巧,能正确使用C语言编写程序。 4、进一步理解和运用结构化程序设计的思想和方法;学会利用传统流程图或N-S图表示算法。 5、使学生掌握调试程序的基本方法及上机操作方法。 6、掌握书写程序设计开发文档的能力,使学生学会撰写课程实践总结报告。课程实践的思想和方法还可以作为学生做毕业论文时的参考资料。 7、通过查阅手册和文献资料,培养学生独立分析问题和解决问题的能力。为学生做毕业设计打好基础。 8、初步掌握开发一个小型实用系统的基本方法:结合实际应用的要求,使课程实践既覆盖知识点,又接近工程实际需要。通过激发学习兴趣,调动学生主动学习的积极性,并引导他们根据实际编程要求,训练自己实际分析问题的能力及编程能力,并养成良好的编程习惯。 9、培养学生的创新能力和创新思维。学生可以根据指导书和相关文献上的参考算法,自己设计出相应的应用程序。 10、培养学生良好的程序设计风格。在实际编程中,为了提高编程质量,对空行、空格和注释均有要求。学生在课程实践书写代码时,应该严格按要求处理,以便建立良好的程序设计风格。 二、课程实践内容 1.基本要求 ⑴课程实践题目选一,可以协商合作,但每名同学必须完成每个功能函数,甚至每条语句的作用。只有了解了整个程序设计思路,每个函数、设置每条语句的作用,才达到开“计算机与程序设计语言”这门课的目的。


JOIN IN 学生用书1 Word List Starter Unit 1.Good afternoon 下午好 2.Good evening 晚上好 3.Good morning 早上好 4.Good night 晚安 5.Stand 站立 Unit 1 6.count [kaunt] (依次)点数 7.javascript:;eight [eit] 八 8.eleven [i'levn] 十一 9.four [f?:] 四 10.five [faiv] 五 11.flag [fl?g] 旗 12.guess [ges] 猜 13.jump [d??mp] 跳 14.nine [nain] 九 15.number ['n?mb?] 数字 [w?n] 一 ['sevn] 七 18.six [siks] 六 19.ten [ten] 十 20.three [θri:] 三 21.twelve [twelv] 十二 22.two [tu:] 二 23.your [ju?] 你的 ['zi?r?u] 零、你们的 Unit 2 [bl?k] 黑色 [blu:] 蓝色 [kɑ:] 小汽车 28.colour ['k?l?] 颜色 29.door [d?:] 门 30.favourite [feiv?rit]javascript:; 特别喜爱的 [gri:n] 绿色 [d?i:p] 吉普车 ['?:rind?] 橙黄色 k [pi?k] 粉红色 35.please [pli:z] 请 36.purple ['p?:pl] 紫色 [red] 红色 38.white [wait] 白色 39.yellow ['jel?u] 黄色 Unit 3 40.blackboard ['bl?kb?:d] 黑板 [buk] 书 42.chair [t???] 椅子 43.desk [desk] 桌子 44.pen [pen] 钢笔 45.pencil ['pensl] 铅笔 46.pencil case [keis] 笔盒 47.ruler ['ru:l?] 尺、直尺 48.schoolbag [sku:l] 书包 49.tree [tri:] 树 50.window ['wind?u] 窗、窗口 Unit 4 51.brown [braun] 棕色 [k?t] 猫


常用整流二极管 型号VRM/Io IFSM/ VF /Ir 封装用途说明1A5 600V/1.0A 25A/1.1V/5uA[T25] D2.6X3.2d0.65 1A6 800V/1.0A 25A/1.1V/5uA[T25] D2.6X3.2d0.65 6A8 800V/6.0A 400A/1.1V/10uA[T60] D9.1X9.1d1.3 1N4002 100V/1.0A 30A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D2.7X5.2d0.9 1N4004 400V/1.0A 30A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D2.7X5.2d0.9 1N4006 800V/1.0A 30A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D2.7X5.2d0.9 1N4007 1000V/1.0A 30A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D2.7X5.2d0.9 1N5398 800V/1.5A 50A/1.4V/5uA[T70] D3.6X7.6d0.9 1N5399 1000V/1.5A 50A/1.4V/5uA[T70] D3.6X7.6d0.9 1N5402 200V/3.0A 200A/1.1V/5uA[T105] D5.6X9.5d1.3 1N5406 600V/3.0A 200A/1.1V/5uA[T105] D5.6X9.5d1.3 1N5407 800V/3.0A 200A/1.1V/5uA[T105] D5.6X9.5d1.3 1N5408 1000V/3.0A 200A/1.1V/5uA[T105] D5.6X9.5d1.3 RL153 200V/1.5A 60A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D3.6X7.6d0.9 RL155 600V/1.5A 60A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D3.6X7.6d0.9 RL156 800V/1.5A 60A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D3.6X7.6d0.9 RL203 200V/2.0A 70A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D3.6X7.6d0.9 RL205 600V/2.0A 70A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D3.6X7.6d0.9 RL206 800V/2.0A 70A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D3.6X7.6d0.9 RL207 1000V/2.0A 70A/1.1V/5uA[T75] D3.6X7.6d0.9 RM11C 1000V/1.2A 100A/0.92V/10uA D4.0X7.2d0.78 MR750 50V/6.0A 400A/1.25V/25uA D8.7x6.3d1.35 MR751 100V/6.0A 400A/1.25V/25uA D8.7x6.3d1.35 MR752 200V/6.0A 400A/1.25V/25uA D8.7x6.3d1.35 MR754 400V/6.0A 400A/1.25V/25uA D8.7x6.3d1.35 MR756 600V/6.0A 400A/1.25V/25uA D8.7x6.3d1.35 MR760 1000V/6.0A 400A/1.25V/25uA D8.7x6.3d1.35 常用整流二极管(全桥) 型号VRM/Io IFSM/ VF /Ir 封装用途说明RBV-406 600V/*4A 80A/1.10V/10uA 25X15X3.6 RBV-606 600V/*6A 150A/1.05V/10uA 30X20X3.6 RBV-1306 600V/*13A 80A/1.20V/10uA 30X20X3.6 RBV-1506 600V/*15A 200A/1.05V/50uA 30X20X3.6 RBV-2506 600V/*25A 350A/1.05V/50uA 30X20X3.6 常用肖特基整流二极管SBD 型号VRM/Io IFSM/ VF Trr1/Trr2 封装用途说明EK06 60V/0.7A 10A/0.62V 100nS D2.7X5.0d0.6 SK/高速 EK14 40V/1.5A 40A/0.55V 200nS D4.0X7.2d0.78 SK/低速 D3S6M 60V/3.0A 80A/0.58V 130p SB340 40V/3.0A 80A/0.74V 180p SB360 60V/3.0A 80A/0.74V 180p SR260 60V/2.0A 50A/0.70V 170p MBR1645 45V/16A 150A/0.65V <10nS TO220 超高速


J a v a编程基础知识点汇总及习题集答案 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

目录 第一章 Java入门 (2) 第二章 Java基础 (5) 第三章条件转移 (14) 第四章循环语句 (20) 第五章方法 (26) 第六章数组 (33) 第七章面向对象 (42) 第八章异常 (63) 第一章 Java入门 知识点汇总 1、JAVA 三大体系 Java SE:(J2SE,Java2 Platform Standard Edition,标准版),三个平台中最核心的部分,包含Java 最核心的类库。 JavaEE:(J2EE,Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition,企业版),开发、装配、部署企业级应用,包含Servlet、JSP、JavaBean、JDBC、EJB、Web Service等。 Java ME:(J2ME,Java 2

Platform Micro Edition,微型版),用于小型电子设备上的软件开发。 2、JDK,JRE,JVM的作用及关系作用 ★JVM:保证Java语言跨平台 ★JRE:Java程序的运行环境 ★JDK:Java程序的开发环境 关系 ★JDK:JRE+工具 ★JRE:JVM+类库 3、JDK环境变量配置 path环境变量:存放可执行文件的存放路径,路径之间 用逗号隔开 classpath环境变量:类的运行路径,JVM在运行时通过classpath加载需要的类 4、重点掌握两个程序 :Java编译器工具,可以将编写好的Java文件(.java)编译成Java字节码文件(.class); :Java运行工具,启动Java虚拟机进程,运行编译器生成的字节码文件(.class) 5、一切程序运行的入口public static void main (String args []){ World!”); } 课堂笔记


1.塑封整流二极管 序号型号IF VRRM VF Trr 外形 A V V μs 1 1A1-1A7 1A 50-1000V 1.1 R-1 2 1N4001-1N4007 1A 50-1000V 1.1 DO-41 3 1N5391-1N5399 1.5A 50-1000V 1.1 DO-15 4 2A01-2A07 2A 50-1000V 1.0 DO-15 5 1N5400-1N5408 3A 50-1000V 0.95 DO-201AD 6 6A05-6A10 6A 50-1000V 0.95 R-6 7 TS750-TS758 6A 50-800V 1.25 R-6 8 RL10-RL60 1A-6A 50-1000V 1.0 9 2CZ81-2CZ87 0.05A-3A 50-1000V 1.0 DO-41 10 2CP21-2CP29 0.3A 100-1000V 1.0 DO-41 11 2DZ14-2DZ15 0.5A-1A 200-1000V 1.0 DO-41 12 2DP3-2DP5 0.3A-1A 200-1000V 1.0 DO-41 13 BYW27 1A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-41 14 DR202-DR210 2A 200-1000V 1.0 DO-15 15 BY251-BY254 3A 200-800V 1.1 DO-201AD 16 BY550-200~1000 5A 200-1000V 1.1 R-5 17 PX10A02-PX10A13 10A 200-1300V 1.1 PX 18 PX12A02-PX12A13 12A 200-1300V 1.1 PX 19 PX15A02-PX15A13 15A 200-1300V 1.1 PX 20 ERA15-02~13 1A 200-1300V 1.0 R-1 21 ERB12-02~13 1A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-15 22 ERC05-02~13 1.2A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-15 23 ERC04-02~13 1.5A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-15 24 ERD03-02~13 3A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-201AD 25 EM1-EM2 1A-1.2A 200-1000V 0.97 DO-15 26 RM1Z-RM1C 1A 200-1000V 0.95 DO-15 27 RM2Z-RM2C 1.2A 200-1000V 0.95 DO-15 28 RM11Z-RM11C 1.5A 200-1000V 0.95 DO-15 29 RM3Z-RM3C 2.5A 200-1000V 0.97 DO-201AD 30 RM4Z-RM4C 3A 200-1000V 0.97 DO-201AD 2.快恢复塑封整流二极管 序号型号IF VRRM VF Trr 外形 A V V μs (1)快恢复塑封整流二极管 1 1F1-1F7 1A 50-1000V 1.3 0.15-0.5 R-1 2 FR10-FR60 1A-6A 50-1000V 1. 3 0.15-0.5 3 1N4933-1N4937 1A 50-600V 1.2 0.2 DO-41 4 1N4942-1N4948 1A 200-1000V 1.3 0.15-0. 5 DO-41 5 BA157-BA159 1A 400-1000V 1.3 0.15-0.25 DO-41 6 MR850-MR858 3A 100-800V 1.3 0.2 DO-201AD


第三部分程序设计基础 3.1 程序、程序设计、程序设计语言的定义 ⑴程序:计算机程序,是指为了得到某种结果而可以由计算机等具有信息处理能力的装置执行的代码化指令序列,或者可以被自动转换成代码化指令序列的符号化指令序列或者符号化语句序列。 ⑵程序设计:程序设计是给出解决特定问题程序的过程,是软件构造活动中的重要组成部分。程序设计往往以某种程序设计语言为工具,给出这种语言下的程序。程序设计过程应当包括分析、设计、编码、测试、排错等不同阶段。 ⑶程序设计语言:程序设计语言用于书写计算机程序的语言。语言的基础是一组记号和一组规则。根据规则由记号构成的记号串的总体就是语言。在程序设计语言中,这些记号串就是程序。程序设计语言有3个方面的因素,即语法、语义和语用。 3.2 高级语言和低级语言的概念及区别 ⑴高级语言:高级语言(High-level programming language)是高度封装了的编程语言,与低级语言相对。

它是以人类的日常语言为基础的一种编程语言,使用一般人易于接受的文字来表示(例如汉字、不规则英文或其他外语),从而使程序编写员编写更容易,亦有较高的可读性,以方便对电脑认知较浅的人亦可以大概明白其内容。 ⑵低级语言:低级语言分机器语言(二进制语言)和汇编语言(符号语言),这两种语言都是面向机器的语言,和具体机器的指令系统密切相关。机器语言用指令代码编写程序,而符号语言用指令助记符来编写程序。 ⑶区别: 高级语言:实现效率高,执行效率低,对硬件的可控性弱,目标代码大,可维护性好,可移植性好低级语言:实现效率低,执行效率高,对硬件的可控性强,目标代码小,可维护性差,可移植性差 了解知识:CPU运行的是二进制指令,所有的语言编写的程序最终都要翻译成二进制代码。越低级的语言,形式上越接近机器指令,汇编语言就是与机器指令一一对应的。而越高级的语言,一条语句对应的指令数越多,其中原因就是高级语言对底层操作进行了抽象和封装,


二极管封装大全 篇一:贴片二极管型号、参数 贴片二极管型号.参数查询 1、肖特基二极管SMA(DO214AC) 2010-2-2 16:39:35 标准封装: SMA 2010 SMB 2114 SMC 3220 SOD123 1206 SOD323 0805 SOD523 0603 IN4001的封装是1812 IN4148的封装是1206 篇二:常见贴片二极管三极管的封装 常见贴片二极管/三极管的封装 常见贴片二极管/三极管的封装 二极管: 名称尺寸及焊盘间距其他尺寸相近的封装名称 SMC SMB SMA SOD-106 SC-77A SC-76/SC-90A SC-79 三极管: LDPAK

DPAK SC-63 SOT-223 SC-73 TO-243/SC-62/UPAK/MPT3 SC-59A/SOT-346/MPAK/SMT3 SOT-323 SC-70/CMPAK/UMT3 SOT-523 SC-75A/EMT3 SOT-623 SC-89/MFPAK SOT-723 SOT-923 VMT3 篇三:常用二极管的识别及ic封装技术 常用晶体二极管的识别 晶体二极管在电路中常用“D”加数字表示,如: D5表示编号为5的二极管。 1、作用:二极管的主要特性是单向导电性,也就是在正向电压的作用下,导通电阻很小;而在反向电压作用下导通电阻极大或无穷大。正因为二极管具有上述特性,无绳电话机中常把它用在整流、隔离、稳压、极性保护、编码控制、调频调制和静噪等电路中。 电话机里使用的晶体二极管按作用可分为:整流二极管(如1N4004)、隔离二极管(如1N4148)、肖特基二极管(如BAT85)、发光二极管、稳压二极管等。 2、识别方法:二极管的识别很简单,小功率二极管的N极(负极),在二极管外表大多采用一种色圈标出来,有些二极管也用二极管专用符号来表示P极(正极)或N极(负极),也有采用符号标志为“P”、“N”来确定二极管极性的。发光二极管的正负极可从引脚长短来识别,长


五年级下英语月考试卷-全能练考-Join in剑桥英语 姓名:日期:总分:100 一、根据意思,写出单词。(10′) Fanny:Jackie, ________[猜] my animal,my ________最喜欢的 animal.OK? Jackie:Ok!Mm…Has it got a nose? Fanny:Yes,it’s got a big long nose,…and two long ________[牙齿]. Jackie:Does it live in ________[美国]? Fanny:No,no.It lives ________[在] Africa and Asia. Jackie:Can it ________[飞]? Fanny:I’m sorry it can’t. Jackie:Is it big? Fanny:Yes,it’s very big and ________[重的]. Jackie:What ________[颜色] is it?Is it white or ________[黑色]? Fanny:It’s white. Jackie:Oh,I see.It’s ________[大象]. 二、找出不同类的单词。(10′) ()1 A.sofa B.table C.check ()2 A.noodle,k C.way ()3 B.wolf C.lion ()4 C.write ()5 A.tree C.grass ()6 A.big B.small C.other ( )7 B.listen C.brown


1N 系列常用整流二极管的主要参数
反向工作 峰值电压 URM/V 额定正向 整流电流 整流电流 IF/A 正向不重 复浪涌峰 值电流 IFSM/A 正向 压降 UF/V 反向 电流 IR/uA 工作 频率 f/KHZ 外形 封装
型 号
1N4000 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 1N5100 1N5101 1N5102 1N5103 1N5104 1N5105 1N5106 1N5107 1N5108 1N5200 1N5201 1N5202 1N5203 1N5204 1N5205 1N5206 1N5207 1N5208 1N5400 1N5401 1N5402 1N5403 1N5404 1N5405 1N5406 1N5407 1N5408
25 50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000
常用二极管参数: 05Z6.2Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=6~6.35V,Pzm=500mW,


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□变更 变更项目原登记内容申请变更登记内容 □备案 分公司 □增设□注销名称 注册号/统一 社会信用代码登记机关登记日期 清算组 成员 负责人联系电话 其他□董事□监事□经理□章程□章程修正案□财务负责人□联络员 □申请人声明 本公司依照《公司法》、《公司登记管理条例》相关规定申请登记、备案,提交材料真实有效。通过联络员登录企业信用信息公示系统向登记机关报送、向社会公示的企业信息为本企业提供、发布的信息,信息真实、有效。 法定代表人签字:公司盖章(清算组负责人)签字:年月日

附表1 法定代表人信息 姓名固定电话 移动电话电子邮箱 身份证件类型身份证件号码 (身份证件复印件粘贴处) 法定代表人签字:年月日

附表2 董事、监事、经理信息 姓名职务身份证件类型身份证件号码_______________ (身份证件复印件粘贴处) 姓名职务身份证件类型身份证件号码_______________ (身份证件复印件粘贴处) 姓名职务身份证件类型身份证件号码_______________ (身份证件复印件粘贴处)


Join In剑桥小学英语(改编版)入门阶段Unit 1Hello,hello第1单元嗨,嗨 and mime. 1 听,模仿 Stand up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down 站起来说"嗨" 拍手坐下来 Good. Let's do up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down 好. 我们来再做一遍.站起来说"嗨"拍手坐下来 the pictures. 2 再听一遍给图画编号. up "hello" hands down 1 站起来 2 说"嗨" 3 拍手 4 坐下来说 3. A ,what's yourname 3 一首歌嗨,你叫什么名字 Hello. , what's yourname Hello. Hello. 嗨. 嗨. 嗨, 你叫什么名字嗨,嗨. Hello, what's yourname I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello,hello.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比. 我叫托比 . 嗨,嗨,嗨. I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello, let's go! 我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨, 我们一起! Hello. , what's yourname I'm 'm Toby. 嗨.嗨.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比.我叫托比. Hello,hello,hello. I'm 'm Toby. Hello,hello,let's go! 嗨,嗨,嗨.我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨,我们一起! 4 Listen and stick 4 听和指 What's your name I'm Bob. 你叫什么名字我叫鲍勃. What's your name I'm Rita. What's your name I'm Nick. 你叫什么名字我叫丽塔. 你叫什么名字我叫尼克. What's your name I'm Lisa. 你叫什么名字我叫利萨. 5. A story-Pit'sskateboard. 5 一个故事-彼德的滑板. Pa:Hello,Pit. Pa:好,彼德. Pi:Hello,:What's this Pi:嗨,帕特.Pa:这是什么 Pi:My new :Look!Pi:Goodbye,Pat! Pi:这是我的新滑板.Pi:看!Pi:再见,帕特! Pa:Bye-bye,Pit!Pi:Help!Help!pi:Bye-bye,skateboard! Pa:再见,彼德!Pi:救命!救命!Pi:再见,滑板! Unit 16. Let's learnand act 第1单元6 我们来边学边表演.




常用整流二极管型号和参数 05Z6.2Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=6~6.35V,Pzm=500mW, 05Z7.5Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=7.34~7.70V,Pzm=500mW, 05Z13X硅稳压二极管 Vz=12.4~13.1V,Pzm=500mW, 05Z15Y硅稳压二极管 Vz=14.4~15.15V,Pzm=500mW, 05Z18Y硅稳压二极管 Vz=17.55~18.45V,Pzm=500mW, 1N4001硅整流二极管 50V, 1A,(Ir=5uA,Vf=1V,Ifs=50A) 1N4002硅整流二极管 100V, 1A, 1N4003硅整流二极管 200V, 1A, 1N4004硅整流二极管 400V, 1A, 1N4005硅整流二极管 600V, 1A, 1N4006硅整流二极管 800V, 1A, 1N4007硅整流二极管 1000V, 1A, 1N4148二极管 75V, 4PF,Ir=25nA,Vf=1V, 1N5391硅整流二极管 50V, 1.5A,(Ir=10uA,Vf=1.4V,Ifs=50A) 1N5392硅整流二极管 100V,1.5A, 1N5393硅整流二极管 200V,1.5A, 1N5394硅整流二极管 300V,1.5A, 1N5395硅整流二极管 400V,1.5A, 1N5396硅整流二极管 500V,1.5A, 1N5397硅整流二极管 600V,1.5A, 1N5398硅整流二极管 800V,1.5A, 1N5399硅整流二极管 1000V,1.5A, 1N5400硅整流二极管 50V, 3A,(Ir=5uA,Vf=1V,Ifs=150A) 1N5401硅整流二极管 100V,3A, 1N5402硅整流二极管 200V,3A, 1N5403硅整流二极管 300V,3A, 1N5404硅整流二极管 400V,3A,


有限合伙企业登记注册操作指南 风险控制部 20xx年x月xx日

目录 一、合伙企业的概念 (4) 二、有限合伙企业应具备的条件 (4) 三、有限合伙企业设立具备的条件 (4) 四、注册有限合伙企业程序 (5) 五、申请合伙企业登记注册应提交文件、证件 (6) (一)合伙企业设立登记应提交的文件、证件: (6) (二)合伙企业变更登记应提交的文件、证件: (7) (三)合伙企业注销登记应提交的文件、证件: (8) (四)合伙企业申请备案应提交的文件、证件: (9) (五)其他登记应提交的文件、证件: (9) 六、申请合伙企业分支机构登记注册应提交的文件、证件 (9) (一)合伙企业分支机构设立登记应提交的文件、证件 (10) (二)合伙企业分支机构变更登记应提交的文件、证件: (10) (三)合伙企业分支机构注销登记应提交的文件、证件: (11) (四)其他登记应提交的文件、证件: (12) 七、收费标准 (12) 八、办事流程图 (12) (一)有限合伙企业创办总体流程图(不含专业性前置审批) (12) (二)、工商局注册程序 (15)

(三)、工商局具体办理程序(引入网上预审核、电话预约方式) (16) 九、有限合伙企业与有限责任公司的区别 (16) (一)、设立依据 (16) (二)、出资人数 (16) (三)、出资方式 (17) (四)、注册资本 (17) (五)、组织机构 (18) (六)、出资流转 (18) (七)、对外投资 (19) (八)、税收缴纳 (20) (九)、利润分配 (20) (十)、债务承担 (21) 十、常见问题解答与指导 (21)


《C语言程序设计》教学基本知识点 第一章C语言基本知识 1.C源程序的框架 尽管各个C源程序的功能千变万化,但框架是不变的,主要有:编译预处理、主函数()、函数n()等,主函数的位置不一定在最前面,可以在程序的中部或后面,主函数的名字固定为main。 2.C语言源程序的书写规则: (1)C源程序是由一个主函数和若干个其它函数组成的。 (2)函数名后必须有小括号,函数体放在大括号内。 (3)C程序必须用小写字母书写。 (4)每句的末尾加分号。 (5)可以一行多句。 (6)可以一句多行。 (7)可以在程序的任何位置加注释。 3.语句种类 语句是程序的基本成分,程序的执行就是通过一条条语句的执行而得以实现的,根据表现形式及功能的不同,C语言的基本语句可以分为五大类。 (1)流程控制语句 流程控制语句的功能是控制程序的走向,程序的流程有三种基本结构:顺序结构、分支结构和循环结构,任何复杂的程序都可以由这三种基本结构复合而成。其中后两种结构要用特定的流程控制语句实现。 (2)表达式语句 表达式语句的形式是:表达式;,即表达式后跟一分号“;”,分号是语句结束符,是一个语句必不可少的成分。表达式和表达式语句的区别在于表达式代表的是一个数值,而表达式语句则代表一种动作。最常见的表达式语句是赋值语句。 (3)函数调用语句 函数调用语句实际上也是一种表达式语句,形式为:在一次函数调用的小括号后面加上一个分号。 (4)空语句 空语句的形式就是一个分号,它不代表任何动作,常常作为一个意义转折点使用。 (5)复合语句 复合语句从形式上看是多个语句的组合,但在语法意义上它只相当于一个语句,在任何单一语句存在的地方都可以是复合语句。注意复合语句中最后一个语句末尾的分号不能少。复合语句右大括号后面没有分号。 4.运算符 用来表示数据各种操作的符号称为运算符。运算符实际上代表了一种类型数据的运算规则。不同的运算符具有不同的运算规则,其操作的数据类型必须符合该运算符的要求,运算结果的数据类型也是固定的。 根据参加操作的数据个数多少,可以将C语言的运算符分为单目运算符,双目运算符和三目运算符(三目运算符只有条件运算符一个)。 根据运算对象和运算结果的数据类型可分为算术运算符、关系运算符、逻辑运算符等。 5.表达式 表达式是由常量、变量、函数,通过运算符连接起来而形成的一个算式。一个常量,一个变量或一个函数都可以看成是一个表达式。 表达式的种类有: 算术表达式、关系表达式、逻辑表达式、赋值表达式、字位表达式、强制类型转换表达式、逗号


→客户提供:场所证明租赁协议身份证委托书三张一寸相片 →需准备材料:办理税务登记证时需要会计师资格证与财务人员劳动合同 →提交名称预审通知书→公司法定代表人签署的《公司设立登记申请书》→全体股东签署的《指定代表或者公共委托代理人的证明》(申请人填写股东姓名)→全体股东签署的公司章程(需得到工商局办事人员的认可)→股东身份证复印件→验资报告(需到计师事务所办理:需要材料有名称预审通知书复印件公司章程股东身份证复印件银行开具验资账户进账单原件银行开具询证函租赁合同及场所证明法人身份证原件公司开设临时存款账户的复印件)→任职文件(法人任职文件及股东董事会决议)→住所证明(房屋租赁合同)→工商局(办证大厅)提交所有材料→公司营业执照办理结束 →需带材料→公司营业执照正副本原件及复印件→法人身份证原件→代理人身份证→公章→办理人开具银行收据交款元工本费→填写申请书→组织机构代码证办

理结束 →需带材料→工商营业执照正副本复印件原件→组织机构正副本原件及复印件→公章→公司法定代表人签署的《公司设立登记申请书》→公司章程→股东注册资金情况表→验资报告书复印件→场所证明(租赁合同)→法人身份证复印件原件→会计师资格证(劳动合同)→税务登记证办理结束 →需带材料→工商营业执照正副本复印件原件→组织机构正副本原件及复印件→税务登记证原件及复印件→公章→法人身份证原件及复印件→代理人身份证原件及复印件→法人私章→公司验资账户→注以上复印件需四份→办理时间个工作日→办理结束 →需带材料→工商营业执照正副本复印件原件→组织机构正副本原件及复印件→公章→公司法定代表人签署的《公司设立登记申请书》→公司章程→股东注册资金情况表→验资报告书复印件→场所证明(租赁合同)→法人身份证复印件原件→会计师资格证(劳动合同)→会计制度→银行办理的开户许可证复印件→税务登记证备案办理结束


软件工程基础部分知识点总结 知识点一软件工程的基本概念 1、软件定义:是计算机系统中与硬件相互依存的另一部分,是包括程序、数据以及相关文档的完整集合。 1)程序是软件开发人员根据用户需求开发的、用程序设计语言描述的、适合计算机执行的指令(语句)序列。 2)数据是使程序能够正常操作信息的数据结构。 3)文档是与程序开发、维护和使用有关的图文资料。 国标(GB)计算机软件的定义:与计算机系统的操作相关的计算机程序、规程、规则以及可能有的文件、文档及数据。 2、软件特点: 1)软件是一种逻辑实体,而不是物理实体,具有抽象性,是计算机的无形部分; 2)软件的生产与硬件不同,它没有明显的制作过程; 3)软件在运行、使用期间不存在磨损、老化问题; 4)软件的开发、运行对计算机系统具有依赖性,受计算机系统的限制,这导致了软件移植的问题; 5)软件复杂性高,成本昂贵; 6)软件开发涉及诸多的社会因素 3、软件的分类: 按照功能可以分为:应用软件、系统软件、支撑软件(或工具软件)

1)应用软件是为解决特定领域的应用而开发的软件。 2)系统软件是计算机管理自身资源,提高计算机使用效率并为计算机用户提供各种服务的软件。 3)支撑软件是介于系统软件和应用软件之间,协助用户开发软件的工具软件。 4、软件危机:是指在软件的开发和维护过程中所遇到的一系列严重问题。软件危机主要体现在以下几个方面: ①软件开发的实际成本和进度估计不准确 ②开发出来的软件常常不能使用户满意 ③软件产品的质量不高,存在漏洞,需要经常打补丁 ④大量已有的软件难以维护 ⑤软件缺少有关的文档资料 ⑥开发和维护成本不断提高,直接威胁计算机应用的扩大 ⑦软件生产技术进步缓慢,跟不上硬件的发展和人们需求增长 5、软件工程:此概念的出现源自软件危机。软件工程是指应用计算机科学、数学及管理科学等原理,以工程化的原则和方法来开发与维护软件的学科。 1)研究软件工程的主要目的就是在规定的时间、规定的开发费用内开发出满足用户需求的高质量的软件系统(高质量是指错误率低、好用、易用、可移植、易维护等)。 2)软件工程的三个要素:方法、工具和过程。 ①方法:完成软件工程项目的技术手段;


Starter Unit Good to see you again知识总结 一. 短语 1. dance with me 和我一起跳舞 2. sing with me 和我一起唱歌 3. clap your hands 拍拍你的手 4. jump up high 高高跳起 5.shake your arms and your legs晃晃你的胳膊和腿 6. bend your knees 弯曲你的膝盖 7. touch your toes 触摸你的脚趾8. stand nose to nose鼻子贴鼻子站 二. 句子 1. ---Good morning. 早上好。 ---Good morning, Mr Li. 早上好,李老师。 2. ---Good afternoon. 下午好。 ---Good afternoon, Mr Brown. 下午好,布朗先生。 3. ---Good evening,Lisa. 晚上好,丽莎。 ---Good evening, Bob. 晚上好,鲍勃。 4. ---Good night. 晚安。 ----Good night. 晚安。 5. ---What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? ---I’m Bob./ My name is Bob. 我叫鲍勃。 6. ---Open the window, please. 请打开窗户。 ---Yes ,Miss. 好的,老师。 7. ---What colour is it? 它是什么颜色? 它是蓝红白混合的。 ---It’s blue, red and white. 皮特的桌子上是什么? 8. ---What’s on Pit’s table? ---A schoolbag, an eraser and two books. 一个书包,一个橡皮和两本书。 9. ---What time is it? 几点钟? 两点钟。 ---It’s two. 10.---What’s this? 这是什么? ---My guitar. 我的吉他。





S WITCHING D IODES Power Dissipation Max Avg Rectified Current Peak Reverse Voltage Continuous Reverse Current Forward Voltage Reverse Recovery Time Package Part Number P a (mW) I o (mA) V RRM (V) I R @ V R (V) V F @ I F (mA) t rr (ns) Bulk Reel Outline 200mW 1N4148WS 200 150 100 2500 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 4 5000 SOD-323 1N4448WS 200 150 100 2500 @ 7 5 0.72/1.0 @ 5.0/100 4 5000 SOD-323 BAV16WS 200 250 100 1000 @ 7 5 0.8 6 @ 10 6 5000 SOD-323 BAV19WS 200 250 120 100 @ 100 1.0 @ 100 50 5000 SOD-323 BAV20WS 200 250 200 100 @ 150 1.0 @ 100 50 5000 SOD-323 BAV21WS 200 250 250 100 @ 200 1.0 @ 100 50 5000 SOD-323 MMBD4148W 200 150 100 2500 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-323-1 MMBD4448W 200 150 100 2500 @ 7 5 0.72/1.0 @ 5.0/100 4 3000 SOT-323-1 BAS16W 200 250 100 1000 @ 7 5 0.8 6 @ 10 6 3000 SOT-323-1 BAS19W 200 250 120 100 @ 100 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOT-323-1 BAS20W 200 250 200 100 @ 150 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOT-323-1 BAS21W 200 250 250 100 @ 200 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOT-323-1 BAW56W 200 150 100 2500 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-323-2 BAV70W 200 150 100 2500 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-323-3 BAV99W 200 150 100 2500 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-323-4 BAL99W 200 150 100 2500 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-323- 5 350mW MMBD4148 350 200 100 5000 @ 75 1.0 @ 10 4 3000 SOT-23-1 MMBD4448 350 200 100 5000 @ 75 1.0 @ 10 4 3000 SOT-23-1 BAS16 350 200 100 1000 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 6 3000 SOT-23-1 BAS19 350 200 120 100 @ 120 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOT-23-1 BAS20 350 200 200 100 @ 150 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOT-23-1 BAS21 350 200 250 100 @ 200 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOT-23-1 BAW56 350 200 100 2500 @ 70 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-23-2 BAV70 350 200 100 5000 @ 70 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-23-3 BAV99 350 200 100 2500 @ 70 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-23-4 BAL99 350 200 100 2500 @ 70 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOT-23-5 BAV16W 350 200 100 1000 @ 75 0.86 @ 10 6 3000 SOD-123 410-500mW BAV19W 410 200 120 100 @ 100 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOD-123 BAV20W 410 200 200 100 @ 150 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOD-123 BAV21W 410 200 250 100 @ 200 1.0 @ 100 50 3000 SOD-123 1N4148W 410 150 100 2500 @ 75 1.0 @ 50 4 3000 SOD-123 1N4150W 410 200 50 100 @ 50 0.72/1.0 @ 5.0/100 4 3000 SOD-123 1N4448W 500 150 100 2500 @ 7 5 1.0 @ 200 4 3000 SOD-123 1N4151W 500 150 75 50 @ 50 1.0 @ 10 2 3000 SOD-123 1N914 500 200 100 25 @ 20 1.0 @ 10 4 1000 10000 DO-35 1N4148 500 200 100 25 @ 20 1.0 @ 10 4 1000 10000 DO-35 LL4148 500 150 100 25 @ 20 1.0 @ 10 4 2500 Mini-Melf SOT23-1 SOT23-2 SOT23-3 SOT23-4 SOT23-5 SOT323-1 SOT323-2 SOT323-3 SOT323-4 SOT323-5
