

Honesty Is the Best Policy

It is usually better to be honest than dishonest. Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone, but usually telling the truth is less hamful than lying. Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings, cause distrust and ruin your reputation.

One of the worst things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience. Even if on one discovers the lie, you will know about it, and it will bother you for a long time. Is a lie worth all that guilt? Another problem occurs when you lie to someone, and he learns the truth and discovers your lie. Then you will really be in trouble. He will be angry because you were dishonest with him, and he will not feel that he can trust you any more. It is a very sad thing to lost someone’s trust. If you lie a lot, eventually you may gain a reputation as a liar. And once you have gained a reputation as a liar, it is very hard to get rid of it. On the other hand, if you are a very honest person, people will trust you, and you will be known for your honesty. Do you still rember the boy who cried wolf for several times? In the end nobody. Believed him and all his sheep were eaten by the wolf. All that his lies brought him was shame and unhappiness.

Honesty makes you happy and gains a good reputation. A good reputation is better than money in the bank.

True Friends

Friends play a very important part in everyone’s life. Friendship usually develops during childhood. New friends are made when you progress through school. Those frieends that you make as a student can usually last long. Friends influence your developmen, maturity and sense of responsibility. A familiar expression is ―You can tell a lot about a person by knowing who his friends are‖. Friendship is based on common interests. If you like sports, most of oyur friends are likely to be athletic. If you enjoy reading and shopping, most of your frends do the same.

Some people call you their friends for the wrong reasons. These people are not real friends. They are superficial, only ―friends‖ on the outside, not the inside where it counts. Superficial friends only want to be your friends if it is to their advantage. True friends are there whether you are rich or poor. It is easy to have many so-called ―friends‖ if you are rich.

True friends are difficult to find. You can consider yourself licky if you have one true friend. The true friend is eager to help you whenever necessary. True friends support you, take your side, and build up your confidence.

Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

There is a proverb that goes ―Honesty is the best policy.‖ and it seems as true as it was when it was first coined. The most important element in human relationships, whether business or personal, is trust. If you break that trust and are found out, the relationship will be damaged or destroyed. Futhemore,

if your dishonesty is not discovered, you will have to go to great lengths to conceal it. A breach of trust can quickly grow as you tell lie after lie in an effort to conceal your original deceit. Soon even you may be unable to distinguish the truth. This it is better to stick to the truth.

However, telling lies is often a way of communicationg appropriately with others. This kind of lying is not morally wrong and does not affect our integrity as good human beings. For example, there is a polite formula we use when we meet a person for the first time. We say, ―Your name has been ringing in my ears for a long time.‖ when in fact we have never heard of the person before. But without these nice words, the conversation might not start well. When we meet someone we don’t know, we say, ―Nice to meet you!‖perhaps actually we are not so pleased to meet them. But this kind of expression is indispensable in creating a friendly atmosphere. Sometimes for the sake of politeness, we are obliged to take our feelings.

It is practically unwise to be honest all the time especially when we are dealing with dishonest people. To be dishonest with them does not hurt our credibility. So long as we don’t hurt others, telling lies is an acceptable practice. Therefore, we can say that honesty is not always the best policy. It depends.

Haste Makes waste

Many people believe that the faster the better, because they can save

time in this way. However, as a matter of fact, the trsult is far less than being satisfactory and quite often goes to the opposites. I’d like to say haste makes waste. There are two reasons for it.

Firstly, when one is in a hurry he’s likely ot be heedless and careless. He cannot judge the situation fully and react correctly. Therefore he cannot get what he readily aims at. Secondly, haste may allow accidents to take place. In that case, it will hinder one from reaching his destination.

Consider the following situation which tells something. Suppose a student is expected to show up and give his presentation at class soon. He is in such a hurry that he may leave his presentation at home or on his way rushing to school he may unfortunately have an accident.

Haste makes waste. Everything has its rules in it. We can not strain our efforts and ignore the rules. Remember: Take heed and you will surely speed. It doesn’t mean we can just sit and wait it to happen. Instead, we should try our est and at the same time comply with the objective rules.

The Best Age to Be

Each age has its pleasure, and its pains. The happies person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. A child finds pleasure in doing almost anything. But a child has

his pains: he is not free as he wishes, as he thinks people are.

A young man becomes free from the discipline of school and parents, when he starts to earn his his own living; but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. He has to work hard if he wants to live comfortably. If he breads the laws of the society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may be put into prison. If he works hard, he may have a happiness of seeing his own success.

Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be, but the old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life. And perhaps best of all, they can have the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, seeing outher to continue the fight.


Success is life depends to great extent on what we mean by success. To some people, money is the only real indication of achievement in the modern world and therefore their estimation of success is based on the state of their bank balance and the power that goes with it. Their life is devoted to making money and they are at a loss to understand people whose ideas are different from their own. There are people, however, who consider their lives successful if they’re doing what they enjoy doing that may not bring them any great financial reward. A man who spends his time gardening maght

consider himself successful if the flowers blossomed and his trees gave fruit, and nursing, teaching, running a youth club all bring their own kind of success to those engaged in them. Success can be found in painting a picture nobody will eever see. Sailing a boat, watching the stars, collecting stamps-almost anything that involves personal endeavor can give you a sense of success. The great thing is to believe that success is not necessarily public.

The Rabbit and the Fox

Once there was a very naughty rabbit. He liked to play tricks. And this made other beasts angry. But it was very difficult to catch him.

One day a fox said to a wolf, ―Let’s think of a way to catch the rabbit for our supper.‖ After a while, the wolf said, ―I’ve got an idea. You go back home and get into bed. I’ll go to the rabbit and tell him that you are dead. Then he’ll come near you to see if you are dead or not. You can then jump up and catch him.‖

―That’s a good idea,‖ said the fox. ―I’ll do that.‖ The fox ran home and got into bed. The wolf went to the rabbit’s house. He stood at the door and called. ―Mr.Rabbit, Mr. Rabbit!‖

―What is it?‖said the rabbit.

―Have you heard the fox is dead?‖ said the wolf, then he went away.

―Really? I haven’t heard anything about it.‖ the rabbit said to himself. So he decided to go and see if it was true. He went to the fox’s house. He

looked in through the window, and there he saw the fox lying in bed. He opened the door and went in. he looked at the fox and said, ―Mr. Wolf says Mr. Fox is dead, but he doesn’t look like a dead fox. You can always tell if a fox is dead, for the dead fox always opens his mouth.‖

When the fox heard this, he thought, ―I’ll show him that I’m dead.‖ So he opened his mouth.

When the rabbit saw the fox open his mouth, he knew that the fox was not dead. He jumped up and ran out of the house as fast as he could.


A dream is made up of a series of mind-pictures that form during sleep. The people and actions in these pictures seem real to the person who is dreaming.

When a person is asleep, he has little or no control over his mind. Then ideas and feelings come out to form the mind picture known as dreams.

Dream may be influenced by different things that are present during sleep. If a person is cold, he may dream that he is out in a snowstorm. Worries or anger may also influence the content of a dream.

Some people think that they seldom dream, and other people are quite sure that they do not dream at all. Studies of human sleep have shown, though, that everyone dreams every night. If a person thinks he does not dream, it is because he does not remember dreaming when he wakes up.

Usually, a person may dream three to seven times for a total of one to two hours of dreaming every night.

Not only does everyone dream, but it seems that we all need to dream. One theory is deaming gives us a chance to escape from the rules of our real world. In dreams we can see our wishes come true. We can be rich, powerful, and successful.

The seasons

The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In spring, nature wakes from her long winter sleep. The trees are filled with new life, the earth is warmed by the rays of the sun, and the weather gets gradually milder. The woods and forests are filled with the songs birds. The sky is blue and cloudless. At night millions of stars shine in the darkness.

When summer comes, the weather gets warmer still and sometimes it’s very hot. It’s the farmer’s busy season——he works in his fields from morning till night. The grass must be cut and the hay must be made, while the dry weather lasts.

Autumn brings with its harvest-time, when the crops are gathered in and the fruit is picked in the orchards. The days get shorter and the nights longer. The woods turn yellow, and leaves begin to fall from the trees.

When winter comes, we spend more time indoors because outdoors it’t

cold. Rivers and lakes are frozen, and the roads are sometimes covered with slippery ice or deep snow.

Mother’s Love

Only a mother’s love is selfless love. Anyone can see how sincerely mothers love their children. When you were a baby, your mother protected you as much as she could. In your waking hours she held you in her arms. Whenever you made the least noise, she stopped her work to attend to you. Sometimes, when she slept at night, the least stir on your part would awake her, she gave her whold heart to you.

When you were old enough to go to school you might think it was natural, but your mother would never forget that day. When the weather grew a little colder, she would think that you might be wearing too little clothing. When it became a little warmer, she would be afraid that you wre wearing too much. When there was anything nice to eat in the family, she would wish you were at home to eat it. When she heard of your good health and work at school, she would feel happy. In case your health and work were not very good, she would feel sorry for you – even more sorry than you felt yourself. When you went home for a vacation, she would make your bed and prepare foods for you as if you were a guest. When you were about to go back to school at the end of a vacation she prepared something for you to take back. If you searched the trunk carefully you might find some tears in a corner,

which your mother had shed for your leaving.

Talking aobut Sports

A: What about cycling?

B: Well, as you can see, cycling is one of the most pleasant forms of physical exercise, especially cycling in the country.

A: Why do you like that?

B: Because of the fresh air. Besides, cycling tests our endurance.

A: What about country sports? Do you like them?

B: Do you mean sports like hunting, shooting and fishing?

A: Yes.

B: I don’t approve of killing animals for sport. And I don’t approve of boxing and bullfighting either. I don’t call these real sports.

A: Lots of people would disagree with you!

B: No doubt, but I still don’t like thme.

A: What about aquatic sports? Do you like sailing?

B: Yes, it’s a marvellous sport! I also like swimming and I’m very fond of rowing. For me the great sporting event of the year is the Boat Race. I watch that every year with great pleasure.

A: So do I.


Children as young as 11 are suffering lung damage from too much smoking.

A survey of 10,500 London schoolchildren aged between 11 and 15 shows lung damage and illness from smoking. The research was carried out by a hospital team led by professor Guz. The team was worried that most reports on the dangers of smoking have concentrate on adults. The scientists wanted to find out how children were affected and whether they understood smoking could make them seriously ill. The number of adults has gone down steadily, but the number of children smoking remained constant. This is mainly because children find in hard to believe that health wamings apply to them. The research was carried out n 13 Hounslow secondary schools. Analysis showed 15 per sent of regular smokers coughed every day. Even a little exercise, brought on breathlessness among 40 percent of regular smokers aged 11 to 13.

But Professor Guz’s team was surprised at the children’s ignorance of the damage caused by smoking. Both non-smokers and smokers knew cigarettes could cause cancer, but few know of the other health risks.

Professor Guz said: ―We believe that health education may be improved by making full use of knowledge concerning the breathing disorders in children who are regular smokers. This information must be presented early, even at primary school.‖

Teacher-Student Relationship

A good teacher-student relationship is essential to teaching and learning.

Only with a good relationship can they cooperate well, that is, the teacher’s teaching can achieve the desired effect, and students can do well in their studies.

This ideal relationship depends on the mutual efforts of both sides. First, students should respect their teachers and what their teachers do for them. They must be polite to teachers should also be kind, patient and impartial to all students. They should be responsible for their teaching and ready to help any student who is in trouble. They must also be kind and patient to each student no matter whether he does excellently or badlly. Partiality and prejudice are not recommendable.

Of course, things sometimes are not so siimple; unhappy misunderstanding may arise now and then. In this case, both sides should make efforts to remove it. They can explain what they think to each other and learn to think more for other people. If both sides treat each other in a friendly way, misunderstandings will be easily cleared up.

The Education of TV Children

Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours everyday, so they cannot go to a regular school. How do they get an education?

In Hollywood, where many TV shows are made, about forty teachers give lessons for the children in the shows. They teach wherever their pupils are working.

The teacher’s job is very important. She is responsible for making sure that the child works only the pemitted hours each week; she is responsible for making sure that the child learns the required subjects. She makes sure, too, that the child gets enough rest and play, along with his education.

Child actors are required to attend classes twenty hours each week. California law says that they must be taught from September to the middle of June. If they do not get good marks in school they are not permitted to continue working in TV shows.

TV children are usually good pupils, and most of their teachers like this special kind of work. Their classes are held in many interesting places. Sometimes the ―classroom‖is a Mississippi river boat. Sometimes it is the inside of a spaceship. Often the pupils become famous stars.


Reading is very important for enriching one’s knowledge. If people who can read don’t keep reading, they will only have an empty mind. The world is changing rapidly. Great progress is made in every field. Different people have different experiences and opinions about everything. All these can be written in books. The books are treasures of human race. Reading makes people not only wise but also informed.

There are so many books in the world. Even if a person read all his life and didn’t do anything else, he couldn’t read all the books published. On ther

hand, some books are not useful. Some books are even harmful. Therefore, it is quite necessary for everyone who begins to read to choose good books. The books chosen should be beautiful in both content and language.

Another thing is that one should pay attention to the method used when reading books. Some books that are useful to one’s profession should be read attentively and prpeatedly. If the book belongs to the person, he can even make marks in the margin of each page, writing down his own opinions. Some books are only fancy stories and we can just read them in our leisure time. In this way we can obtain and enjoy what is interesting from most of the books we read.

It’s Never Too Late for Success

Some parent worry very much that their children will amount to mothing since they are given to daydreaming in decision, and they show no promise of being a doctor, lawyer or manager. Meanwhile the teenagers themselves also despair of the future and the success for they are constantly scomed and blamed.

But the truth is that many of the greater finures were practically beatniks, when they were teenagers. Mozart never showed talent in any direction whatsoever during his formative years until he was 22 when he suddenly became fired with a great passion for music. Edison finally attracted worldwide attention for his great contribution although his teacher had tried

to get him out of the class saying that his brain was addled.

Therefore, it’s never too late for success. Teenagers, however disappointing and disappointed, have that one special advangage over the greatest men-alive—time. They surely can arrive at the peak of their career in the near future as long as they avail themselves of valuable time and exert themseles to accomplish their share of work carefully and persistently.

Learning English

As we all know, English is the most widely used language in the world. It’s important for us to study English well. But how?

I like English as well as maths and physics. At the beginning of my English study, I spent a lot of time in memorizing the grammatical rules of English. I wasn’t interested in listening or speaking. Many times the marks I got in English tests were not as good as those in my maths tests, so I dicided to change my way of study.

From then on, I have begun to pay attention to listening. In my spare time, I often listen to English tapes and watch some English programmes on TV, I try my best to grasp the main idea.

Reading is an important step in learning English well. I read text books, and other reading materials. When I am free, I often read English magazines and newspapers. Although there are lots of new words, I often go through what I read without paying much attention to the new words or difficult

sentences. In this way, I’ve improved my reading comprehension. How glad I am! The more I read, the more I understand; the more I understand, the more I read.

Recently, I have also been trying to write. Though I often make mistakes, I am not discouraged. I’m determined to study English well. I’m sure I will know it well in the future.

Practice Makes Perfect

We all know that practice makes perfect is a very popular saying both in Chinese and in English. It means that when you want to learn some knowledge, you have to repeat them many times, and then you may remember what you learn. Also we can say the more you know something, the better you can do it. Whether we study or work, those words are very useful to us.

We can take English study as an example. When we want to learn some new words or some good sentences by heart, we will read them and write them again and again until we can remember, but once we remembered, we can use them skillfully whereas when you are afraid that you cannot remember some words and you do not want to try your best, you will not remember them well. However when you take an English examination and come across some words meanings and usage you don’t remember, what will you feel at that time? You must regret. So English study means that you have

to practice more and more.

Still we can look at another example in learning. When we have heard the same story for many times we can remember it very well and we can recite it to others. At the same time, we can also imagine some stories according to what we have heard. So in our study and life, we should bear in our minds the sentence: ―Practice Makes Perfect.‖ In this way we can study well and live a better life.

The Teacher-Student Relationship

The relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad, helpful or harmful. Either way, the relationship can affect the student for the rest of his life. A good teacher student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the student and will make the teacher’s job worthwhild. A bad relationship can discourage the student from learning and make teaching an umpleasant task.

In order to have a good teacher-student relationship, it is important that the teacher and the student respect each other. If the teacher is too strict, he frightens the student. The student will not learn well. On the other hand, if the teacher is too frinedly, the student may become lazy and stop working as hard as possible. The teacher’s attitude and approach should be in between. He should encourae the student without forcing or pushing him to learn. He needs patience and understanding. It is part of the teacher’s job to help

develop a good positive attitude in his students. As for the student, in order to have a good relationship with his teacher, he must always show his proper respect. He should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. If he learns form the teacher modestly, he will be able to profit fully from his teacher’s knowledge and assistance.

In conclusion, a good teacher-student relationship can be mutually beneficial. The student gains knowledge eagerly and enjoyably, and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.


A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. They watch birds, hunt animals, climb mountains, raise flowers, fish, ski, skate and swim, they paint pictures, go to concerts, collect everything from books to butterflies, and from sheels to stamps.

People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship, knowledge and relaxation. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a satisfying hobby. Besides, hobbies can help a person’s mental and physical health. Doctors have found that hobbies are valuable in helping patients recover from physical or mental illness.

In early times, most people were too busy making a living to have many hobbies. But some persons did enjoy hoobies. The ancient Egyptians played games with balls made of wood, and some Greeks and Romans collected

things. People today have more time than ever before for hobbies. Machines and automation have reduced the amount of time they must spend on their jobs.

Once a famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying ―so le t’s take up a hobby and be really a happy man!‖

My Favorite Program

With the living standards of people rising year by year, television is now playing a very important role in people’s lives and TV programs have been an essential part of our environment. Of many TV programs, news broadcast, sports competition, talk shows are to my liking, and my favorite program is ―Animal World‖, which is broadcasted on CCTV.

In this program, a large quantity of animals are introduced. The variety of animals ranges from large to smeall, and from herbivore to carnivore. There are animals swimming in the water, running on the land and flying in the sky. From this program I can also get to know smoething about the most precious animals in the world.

For many years I have regarded ―Animal World‖as my favorite TV program because it is both interesting and instructive. When the program is on TV, it is not only showing some very beautiful pictures but also telling many new things and what the animals feed on, how the butterfiles grow up and even how the ants share their work. I’m so impressed by this program

that I can tell you many things about animals. I think it is hard to imagine a world without animals.


《英语听力》课程教学大纲 第一部分听力阶段 一、课程性质、课程目标与教学要求 听力课是英语教学中四项基本技能之一也是中国学生的一个难点。突破这个难关不仅有助于其它单项技能的训练同时也为培养学生的英语交际能力奠定一个良好的基础。听力课是英语专业的基础课目的是系统地训练和培养学生的英语视听和说的能力并在四年之通过专业四、八级考试。视听说能力是语言交际必不可少的手段之一也是中学教学中课堂教学的重要部分。因此培养具有一定听说能力并能用英语作为课堂教学语言的合格中学教师和相当水准的英语翻译人才是学院英语专业听力课程教学目的之所在。听力课是一门综合了语音、词汇、语法、惯用法、背景知识、记忆以及概括能力的学科它要求学生通过这门课的学习增长语言知识提高语言技能以及扩大知识面。听力课不同于书面语教学它要求学生注意力集中养成良好听力习惯提高英语语感包括音的辨别、句子结构的分析、容的判断乃至短期和长期记忆的提高等。 二、关于教材与学习参考书的建议 本课程所使用教材 1、 Listen This Way Book I II III IV 2、《听力教程》第一、二、三、四册主要参考书 1、《八级听力训练》. 2、《VOA听力教程》。 3、《BBC听力教程》 4、《托福听力基础教程》 5、《英语专业四级听写与听力理解》6、《TOEFL听力模考题精选》 7、《初级Listen to This》、《中级Listen to This》Listen This Way 这套教材涉略广泛攘括了家庭教育、环境保护、儿童理财等方方面面。但该套教材难度梯度区分不大特别是第一册的教材对于大一的新生来说难度偏大所以教学进度得放慢此外教师应适当补充难度较适合学生的材料如《初级Listen to This》、《托福听力基础教程》以便培养学生的学习兴趣、树立学生的自信心。《听力教程》这套教材学生普遍反映太难且每单元的容量颇大较适合大二以上学生使用建议为学生订一套难度接近Listen This Way的课外补充教材。 三、课程教学容纲要 第一学期 Unit 1 Can I Take a Message I 2学时 Unit 2 Can I Take a Message II 2学时 Unit 3 Clear or Cloudy 2学时 Unit 4 Can time More Backward 2学时 Unit 5 Flying In and Out. 2学时 Unit 6 By Bus or By Train 2学时 Quiz Unit 7 This Way or That Way 2学时 Unit 8 Cash or Cheque 2学时 Unit 9 Toward Better Health I 2学时 Unit 10 Toward Better Health II 2学时 Mid-term Exam Unit 11 The Interview’s Eye 2学时 VOA Special English 2学时 VOA Special English 2学时


《商务英语听力I 》课程标准 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:180020 适用专业:商务英语学时数:36 学分:2 先修课程:无 后续课程: 《商务英语听力II》、《商务英语口语II》、《英语口译》 课程归口:商务英语专业 二、课程性质 本课程是商务英语专业的专业必修课。通过系统而专门的商务英语听力单项和综合训练,培养学生的快速反应、归纳、记录等能力,使学生掌握基本的听力技能,了解相关背景知识,为后续课程《商务英语听力II》和《英语口译》以及将来从事的涉外活动打下良好的听力基础。 三、课程教学目标 1、能力目标 ①能听懂英语国家人士就学生熟悉的题材所作的较为浅易的讲话和日常生活的交谈,要求学生能够抓住讲话和交谈的中心大意; ②能利用网络资源进行英语听说训练;能利用网络搜索、阅读相关资料; ③能基本听懂英语语速为每分钟150-200个词的商务英语涉外业务活动包括商务旅行、产品介绍、会展、接待、宴会等的一般交谈和简短讲话,辨别商务活动中讲话人的态度和语气,理解特定情景中

语言的含义; ④能选择听力材料中关键的词和句子并做简要笔记; ⑤能归纳并复述所听材料的大意; ⑥能快速反应所听材料中的数字、时间、地名等关键性信息; ⑦能在15 分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的录音材料(词数140-160 个,共念四遍。第一、四遍的语速为每分钟80-100 个词,第二、三遍根据分句或句子停顿),错误率不超过10%。 2、知识目标 ①掌握英语听力训练的方法和途径; ②掌握预期、猜测、抓住要点和连贯记忆等基本的听力技能; ③了解从事商务活动中的文化差异,如饮食文化差异; ④掌握英语的连读方法和易混淆的音素; ⑤掌握和商务会议、商务旅行、商务宴请、产品推介等相关的商务英语术语和交际功能语言; ⑥掌握所听材料的背景知识。 3、素质目标 ①具备良好的自我学习与提升的能力; ②具备良好的理解能力、沟通能力和团队协作能力; ③拥有良好的职业道德,具备良好的抗压能力。


学情分析:在我们班,大多数学生的英语听力很差,尤其是来自农村的学生。即使是学生熟悉的简单的单词,学生们也不一定听得懂。所以,英语听力确实是我们学生学英语基础的一大顽疾。以下是我在教学中使用的方法。 第一,多听。可能有的老师不赞同这一观点,但我认为多听确实是正确的,切实可行的方法。因为听多了,就自然熟悉了英语的语音,语调,语感。不过,听力训练也真的存在技巧和效率问题。 第二,边听边记。训练听力如果只要求听懂大概意思,然后知道诸如when,where,what,why 等引起的一些基本问题,那是远远不够的,那根本达不到训练的目的。要把听到的内容一字不差地记录下来。当然,这对于初学者来说确实很困难,但切实可行的方法不一定都是操作简单的方法。其具体方法是先听一遍大概意思,然后开始记录。先从记一个个的单词开始,渐渐地才能记词组,然后才能记录长长的句子。遇到不明白的单词就推敲意思,推敲不出来的就根据读音及拼写形式来推敲,实在推敲不出来的就空着。这样关了录音机后就会发现自己的记录漏洞百出,于是抱着词典把不懂的地方依次仔细检查。当然这是最浪费时间的。但查完后你就会惊喜地发现许多原来不明白的地方已经渐渐明朗起来,有时甚至可以豁然开朗了。然后再检查语法错误。这样边听边记边查词典和检查语法错误,自然而然地扩大了词汇量,这样认真地反复地听,久而久之就会形成对语言的一种感觉,当然听力也就大大提高了。 不过听写确实有难度,基础差的同学有可能听完一遍文章后,只能写出几个单词,但慢慢地就能写句子了。这个过程比较费时,完成一篇文章的听写,不知不觉一个多小时就过去了。表面上看这样做很浪费时间,但确实行之有效。 第三,先抓英语基础,再促听力发展。英语听力训练首先是英语的训练。所以要练好听力,必须要有扎实的英语基础知识。这就好象是唱歌,首先要学会识谱,有乐感,否则就唱不出好歌。训练听力更是如此,首先要学好音标,拼读规则,把握好单词、句子重音,掌握语调,精通语法。这样,听起来障碍才会减少,否则将事倍功半,甚至徒劳无功.. 第四,由简到繁,循序渐进。英语听力不同于音乐等其他学科,它与汉语的关系不象其他语言那么直接、密切。所以,我们得用相应独特的方法,要先简后繁,先短后长,先一词一词地停顿听,再一句一句地停顿听,最后不停顿听。这样,听力就会渐渐好起来了。 第五,天天听。听力是一个长期的反复的实践活动。几天、一两个月不可能把听力训练好,它具有反复性、长期性。 第六,多形式听。训练英语听力可以听广播,磁带,电视,听英语歌曲,也可以进英语角听,还可以和外国人亲自交谈或通过远程视频听..。 1 / 1


英语听力教学的方法与技巧 第一节《标准》与初中英语听力教学 一、《标准》对初中听力教学的分级要求 shan 听力分级目标解读 1. 3 ~ 5 分级听力的综合能力目标 (1) 语音语调的辨音判断能力: a. 辨别并判断不同句式的语调对意义的影响; b. 通过重音强调判断说话意图。 (2) 通过听力材料上下文推断词义、理解大意的能力。 (3) 听力识别理解能力: a. 识别语篇中关联句子之间的意义联系,理解因果联系; b. 归纳听力大意,识别段落主题; c. 理解情节、人物和事件; d. 理解初级广播英语。 (4) 听力记忆能力:训练学生在速听过程中的快速记忆能力,要求学生在思想上始终绷紧 “信息线” (what/who/whom/where/when/whose/which) 、“方式线” (how) 、“因果线” (why) ,听力训练因此思路清晰,目标明确。 (5) 听力反应能力:提取信息观点,听后记录简单信息,根据连续指令完成任务。 2. 听力教学应遵循的原则: 听法指导原则、整体理解原则、真实生活化原则、听力难度i + I 原则( 听力材料难度超出学生现有水平) 、激发兴趣原则、任务型设计原则等。 3. 3 ~ 5 级听力训练的年级特点 一年级的听力训练应充分体现启蒙性,即从听力的基本功抓起,听音辨词义、听调辨句意、听令表行为、听后写单句、听曲唱歌谣、听篇知大意。具体的操作方式有:听音写数字、听音 选图、听音标号排序、听写单句、听音猜谜、听唱歌曲、听后画图、听后用肢体语言表达、听 令做事、听后填表格、听后回答等。 二年级听力教学应体现听力的技巧性,包括听辨技巧、听力记忆技巧、听短文抓大意和抓主要信息的技巧、初级英语教学节目的听读和听后记录技巧、任务型听后做的技巧等。 三年级听力教学应体现听力的形成性,即形成听力的基本技能和基本能力,包括快速听 音会意能力、听段落提取字面信息的能力(what/who/whom/where/when/whose/which) 、听后深层次因果理解(why) 能力、听后的行为能力(how) 、在听力材料的上下文中猜词理解大 意的能力、听语段快速记录能力和听大意提取观点的能力。 第二节听力训练的策略运用 初中听力教学要让学生过听力训练的三关,即单词、句子和语篇,并把语流的识别作为突


高考英语听力(听取信息)必记词汇.txt单身很痛苦,单身久了更痛苦,前几天我看见一头母猪,都觉得它眉清目秀的什么叫残忍?是男人,我就打断他三条腿;是公狗,我就打断它五条腿!高考英语听力(听取信息)必记词汇 1、月份 12 months: Abb. January Jan. February Feb. March Mar. April Apr. May May. June Jun. July Jul. August Aug. September Sep(t). October Oct. November Nov. December Dec. 2、星期 Seven days: Abb. Sunday Sun. Monday Mon. Tuesday Tue. Wednesday Wed(s). Thursday Thu. Friday Fri. Saturday Sat. 3、交通 Traffic, plane, bus, car, train, subway(underground), boat, ship, taxi, transportation, timetable, journey, speed, 4、货币(钱) U. S Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar (HK$), yuan, RMB¥ , pound (£), pocket change, coin, check, cash, credit card, bank, 5、地点(情景用语) 餐馆(restaurant)用语: meal, menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich, soup, dish, beer, soft drink, fully booked,等; 医院(hospital)用语: take medicine, temperature, pill, headache, fever, blood pressure, waiting room, 等;宾馆(hotel)用语: single room, double room, room number, room service, check in, check out, lift / elevator等; 邮局(post office)用语: mail, deliver, stamp, envelope, telegram, postage等; 机场(airport)用语: flight, take off, land, luggage, China Airline, information desk, boarding, customs, departure time, arrival,等; 车站(station)用语: round trip, single trip, sleeping car, ticket, fair, conductor, 等; 商店(shop)用语:


英语听力课程教学大纲 课程编号: 一、说明 (一)课程性质 必修课 (二)教学目的 通过专门系统的、严格的听力技能训练,培养学生听力兴趣、听力理解能力和正确的听音方法,为他们今后使用英语进行交际和工作奠定坚实的基础。 (三)教学主要内容 英语数字、时间、新闻等。 (四)教学时数 128学时 (五)教学方式 在教学过程中坚持精听和泛听相结合,课内外相结合,循序渐进。 (六)适用对象 英语专业大一、大二学生 二、教学内容及安排 第一学期 Unit 1 Happy New Millennium 教学要点: 如何抓住听力内容大意。 教学时数: 4学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: The time ball Part III: Word of the millennium Part IV: Short talks on Listening skills -- Focus on the Main Idea 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 2 Net Changes Life (1) 教学要点: 如何做笔记。 教学时数: 4学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: Network Part III: Online shopping Part IV: Short talks on Listening skills -- Don’t Attempt to Write Too Much

掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 3 Net Changes Life(2) 教学要点: 如何听取细节。 教学时数: 2学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: Net changes dorm life Part III: Global multi-media giant Part IV: Language study and language appreciation 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 4 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (1) 教学要点: 如何听英语数字。 教学时数: 2学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: In Brazil and France Part III: Life here and there Part IV: Short talks on listening skills -- Be Careful with Numbers 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 5 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (2) 教学要点: 如何听英语数字。 教学时数: 2学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: The world’s six billionth inhabitant Part III: The biggest cities in the world Part IV: Language study and language appreciation 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 6 From Place to Place 教学要点: 如何听英语对话。 教学时数:


商务英语听力 篇一:商务英语口语学习商务英语口语学习球经济一体化步伐加快,越来越多的外企进入中国,中国与其他国家的贸易往来也日益频繁,无论是本国企业还是涌入中国的跨国公司都急需一大批既懂商务知识又会英语技能的商务英语专业人才。可是能真正成为这样的人才却不是一件容易的事情。一、巩固商务英语口语基础并提高学好音标,注意非音段层面的发音技巧的练习。模仿标准的语音语调,注意连读、弱读、失去爆破、音的同化等语言现象,解决普遍的发音问题,克服错误的发音习惯。可选择磁带、广播,电影中自己喜欢的声音模仿,而且材料要实用,要符合自己的兴趣和学习需求。同时,练习时要大声,要遵守先慢后快原则,口齿清楚,使口腔肌肉得到最充分的锻炼,以养成正确的发音习惯。ABC360有真人外教进行一对一的在线教学,可以帮助学生更好的发音。二、增加自信,突破心理障碍提高语言基本功的同时,需要逐渐树立起自信心。由于传统英语教育过于强调准确性,再加上传统文化中害怕出错丢面子等种种不利于英语口语学习的障碍心理,阻碍了口语流利性的提高。一些学生性格内向,缺乏自信,没有勇气,不善沟通与交流。而经过在ABC360和外教长期的全程英语课程与对话,可以使学生说英语越来越自然,不会觉得不好意思。三、有意识的培养商务文化知识导入商务文化意识,在情境中练习。第一,补充商务知识。一方面注意商务词汇的扩展。另一方面注意学习专业知识,了解、熟悉异国的政治制度、经济环境、法律体系、经营习惯以及商业价值观,培养过硬的外语运用能力。第二,提高商务情景中的表达和沟通能力。ABC360的外教除了是经验丰富的专业老师之外,也多许多本身有商务方面的教育背景,对学生商务方面知识的拓展有很大帮助。四、利用丰富的网络资源提高商务英语听力水平听是输入,说是输出,沟通要顺利进行缺一不可。因此,听力理解水平的高低直接影响口语交际的质量,因此,利用网络丰富的资源,搜索相关的听力和视频材料,以及口碑较好的系列商务英语口语素材。不过想要在工作的时候流利的说出一口英语需要一个漫长的过程,如果真的想学就一定能学好。篇二:商务英语听力与会话课程标准《商务英语听力与会话》课程标准课程代码:2212014 适用专业:商务英语专业一、课程性质 1、课程性质商务英语专业的培养目标是:培养德、智、体、美等方面全面发展,具有扎实的英语语言基础与专业技能和比较熟练的


中考英语听力失分的主要原因 很多学生对自己的听力不是很满意,很想提高,但又不知道应该采用何种方法。高分旨在帮助学生分析听力不好的原因,并提出相应的建议。听力不好是结果,想提高听力,首先要分析自己听力不好的原因,找到原因后再对症下药,才能做到标本兼治,收到良好的效果。 根据我个人的学习和教学经验,听力不好主要是由于以下几个原因造成的: 1.自己的发音不够准确。 假设我们的发音能做到和标准音完全一样,那么只要你能听懂自己的发音,就一定能够听懂录音材料的标准音。我们发音不准确主要有以下几个原因:第一、一些同学音标基础不是很好,所以导致单词发音不准确。 试想如果我们错把单词A读成B,那么听到正确的A单词的发音时,我们是不可能反应出来别人所说的是A的。 第二、不良的学习习惯造成发音不准确。 有很多同学音标基础很好,但是由于养成了不良的学习习惯,导致发音不准确,进而导致听力障碍。例如,有些同学养成了发音跟着感觉走的习惯,看见生词很少查音标。英语(论坛)单词的拼写和读音是有规律可循的,但不是所有的单词都符合规律。如果这个单词的发音符合规律,那么万事大吉,如果不符合规律,就会造成发音不准,进而导致听力障碍。 第三、对连读、弱读、失去爆破、音的同化等知识缺少了解和练习。 单词在句子中由于受到其它单词的影响,发音会发生变化。如果不了解这种变化,我们也会感到听力困难。常见的变化形式有: 连读:前面的单词以辅音结尾,后面的单词以元音开头,在讲话时通常会发生连读。如:anapple,读成anapple。 弱读:指的是元音的弱化。为了加快语速,或者由于单词在句子中处于次要地位,我们在讲话时往往不发字典里标的强读音,而发弱读音。如am读成/m,m/Can读成/kn/ 失去爆破:两个爆破音相遇,前一个爆破音只按照其发音部位形成阻碍,但不爆破,稍作间息后立刻过渡到后一个音的发音部位并爆破。如:sitdown,“t”就失去爆破,我们听不到这个音,只能感到中间有些间息而已。 同化:同化是指在快速讲话时,某两个音相遇后因互相影响,而发生音变。


浅谈如何进行英语听力教学 在运用英语语言技能时,听力作为理解技能的一种,不仅在升学考试中占有较大的分值(占试卷总分百分之二十),而且对培养学生英语综合素质的能力发展也具有重要意义。针对教学过程中如何排除语音、语速、理解给听力造成的障碍,如何行之有效地提高学生英语听力质量,本人结合自己的日常教学实践,谈一谈粗浅的认识。 1.加强基本功训练 1.1能正确地读单词。从起始年级开始,教师首先让学生掌握读音规则,引导学生发现单词拼写与发音的关系,提高单词拼写与发音的准确率。让学生多听语言地道,语音、语调纯正的听力材料,多模仿标准的英语发音。 1.2丰富词汇量。让学生多阅读各种类型题材的文章,积累各个领域的词汇,为听作好准备。 1.3让学生学好语法知识。语法结构是句子的框架,熟练掌握语法知识,有助于学生正确理解所听内容。 1.4给学生多介绍英语国家或地区的语言文化背景知识(包括风土人情,史地常识和风俗礼仪等),以加强学生对英语国家文化的了解。 2.加强听说结合训练 英语与我们所学的汉语一样,是一门交际性语言,理解和表达是交际的两个方面,听与说密不可分。因此,听力教学应让学生在听懂的基础上围绕听的材料说,在说的同时提高听的能力,教师可采用听后复述、听后回答、听后讨论等多种方式进行。

总而言之,听力教学应融讲解与检测为一体,坚持听、说、读、写相结合的原则,循序渐进的进行。其目的是为了培养学生听的方法,培养英语语感,特别强调培养学生在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力。 3.营造和谐氛围,扩大听的渠道 传统教学中听的活动一般局限在以句型、对话为中心的教学中,着重于语言形式的听辨和记忆,信息的输入量明显不足。而平时做的听力技巧专项训练,多是测试性题目,目的性太强,做得多了,很容易引起学生的疲倦、排斥、甚至反感,从而失去对听力的兴趣。在课堂上,教师应该坚持尽可能地用英语教学,包括问候、课堂用语、评价、布置作业,并且也要求学生努力在课堂上尽可能说英语,不要担心学生做不好,事实证明,用不了多长时间,学生完全能听懂你的指令、要求,甚至还能学会你的一些用语。给学生一个良好的语言环境,让他感到身处异域,而自己能应付自如地与人交流,从而获得一定的成就感。比如,在上课刚开始5分钟内,规定为“free talk”自由对话时间,可安排师生对话,或同学间问答,对于表现出色的给予适当的评价和鼓励。这种训练形式灵活多变,而且不受课本限制,内容丰富,对学生来说是一种新的挑战。 4.加强听力技巧指导 首先,要积极培养学生良好的心理素质。智力活动的最佳情绪背景是兴趣和愉快的相互作用。当人的情绪处于紧张或厌倦的状态时,易产生对抗心理。简言之,就是当学生的情绪有较大的波动时,是很难听懂东西的。所以,听力训练应在学生身心保持松弛的状态下进行,这样才能取得听力理解的最佳效果。学生良好的心理素质可以通过训练来培养。在课堂上尽量创造轻松、愉快、和谐的课堂气氛。消除学生紧张感,使他们在心理上和精神上松弛下来。教师应告诫学生莫抱怨自己笨、听不懂,引导他们做好心理调试准备。听时要保持心理平静,思想集中,力心放松,不要过多考虑结果,要树立信心,使听力在轻松愉快的心情中开始,在使理解心百倍的心情中结束。转第二,要训练学生,抢阅试题的动机。要求学生利用一切机会,如听录音前空隙或播放内容指令时间快速阅读题干,捕捉一切可以从题干得到的信息,预测听


1.Coal will remain China’s fundamental energy source, both for production and consumption. 2.In China, for a long time, due to the restrictions of the natural environment, economic development and traditional ideas, China’s rural education is less developed than that in the city. 3.Chinese scientists have developed a new kind of sophisticated underwater robot which could be used for seabed mining surveys. 4.A total of 272 artifacts from the British Museum, representing the ancient civilizations around the world, have been on show as of Saturday at the Capital Museum of Beijing. 5.In an example of new technology blending with old traditions, sending seasonal text message greetings have become essential for many Chinese people. 6.With the theme of “Better City, Better Life”, Shanghai World Expo is expected to attract more than 70 million visitors from home and abroad. 7.The preparation and organization of Shanghai World Expo 2010 will involve a lot of work including construction, operation, security, tourist management, etc. 8.With China’s membership in the WTO, Shanghai is pledging to improve the local foreign trade system in an effort to turn the city into an international trade center by 2010.


英语听力说课稿 外语系杜璇 各位领导,专家好: 我要说课的内容是《英语听力教程》第二册第一单元Under the Same Roof,我授课的班级是英语11-1和11-2班。本单元总授课时数为四课时,本次说课是第一二课时。我会从本课程的地位与作用,教材分析,教学目标,重点难点,教学方法,教学步骤等几个方面进行分析: 一、本课程的地位与作用 英语听力课是英语专业必修课, 是一门重要的学科基础课,乃听说读写译之首。只有听懂了,才有可能进行基本的交流。因此,本课程旨在对学生进行系统、严格、全面的听力训练,培养学生较强的听力理解能力,发展学生的听力技巧,提高实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下扎实的语言基本功底,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结能力,为培养学生的英语交际能力和今后从事英语教学或与英语有关的工作奠定良好的基础。二、说教材 本门课程所用教材为高等教育出版社出版的《英语听力教程2》(Listen this way),其为面向21世纪课程教材(普通高等教育“九五”国家级重点教材),适用于本专科一年级下学期。在此之前,学生们已经学习了《英语听力教程1》(Listen this way),这为本册的学习起到了一定的铺垫作用,学生也已掌握了一定的听力技巧。此册以单项技能训练为主,配有一定量的综合训练,内容丰富,题材围绕家庭,教育,工作等方面,贴近实际,由近及远,循序渐进,涉及面较宽,为全面提高学生的英语听力水平起到了一定的促进作用。 我要说课的是第一单元Under the Same Roof,在同一屋檐下。由于学生刚过完寒假从家返校,内心多多少少还会有对家的依恋,本单元所讲述的家庭方面的词汇,表达方式及不同人对于爱情,婚姻及家庭生活的观点在一定程度上正好可以引起其共鸣,激发其学习热情,为以后将要学习的教育,选择与机遇等单元做铺垫。 三、说教学目标,重难点 大一学生经过半年的听力训练,已掌握了一定的听力技巧,能听懂一些简单的文章,但对于一些细节的把握上还不够准确,瞬间记忆能力较差。因此,根据本单元的结构和内容,结合一年级学生的认知结构及其心理特征,我制定了以下教学目标:


商务英语听力 【课程代码】 【课程中文名称】商务英语听力 【课程英文名称】Business English Listening 【学分】1 学分【总学时】 26 学时【讲授学时】 26学时 一、 教学目标 本课程教学目标为:了解更多更高层次的商务活动;理解如会展、物流、金融、投资、贸易、股票等商务活动基本程序;形成一定的商务活动中的语言交际能力;掌握获取商务信息的基本途径和方法。 二、 课程描述 本课程的主要内容包括:通过学习本课程,学生对各种商务活动如新闻报道、新闻发布会、市场调查、市场分析、股票行情分析、政治文化等因素对商务活动的影响分析等将有进一步的了解。 本课程以商务交际为语境,培养学生在商务领域中分析问题、解决问题、获取信息的能力,使学生能够运用所学到的商务知识为日后进入这一领域做好必备工作。 三、 课程性质及教学对象 商务英语听力中级是全校外语类选修课程,本课程面向全校文理学生开设。开课1个学期,共26学时。 四、 教材选用 1.选用教材:《商务英语听力》(Business English: Successful Listening)第三册(虞苏美主 编,高等教育出版社,2001) 2.学生使用教材说明: A 需要学生购买教材 B 教师根据教材内容发放活页材料 3.参考教材:《商务英语精读》(1-4册),张逸,高等教育出版社,2001 《商务英语泛读》(1-4册),吴长墉,高等教育出版社,2001 《商务英语口语》(1-4册),杨乾龙,高等教育出版社,2001

《商务英语写作》(1-2册),张春柏,高等教育出版社,2001 《商务英语词汇手册》,张春龙,高等教育出版社,2001 五、 教学内容 Introduction Unit 1 Part I Passage A. Hong Kong Electronics Fair Passage B. First China Private Enterprises Fair Part II Passage A. Fortune Global Forum (1) Passage B. Fortune Global Forum (2) Part III Passage A. “Shanghai Five” Passage B. APEC 【参考学时】 4 学时 【参考资料】[Internet, newspapers, radio and TV programs] Unit 2 Part I Passage A. EMS Sets to Speed up Passage B. Background of DHL Worldwide Express Part II Passage A. Introduction of DHL-Sinotrans Passage B. Philosophy of DHL-Sinotrans Part III Passage A. DHL Is Facing Fierce Competition Passage B. UPS to Extend Its Delivery Service 【参考学时】 4 学时 【参考资料】[Internet, newspapers, radio and TV programs]


相信凡是考mti的,对于“精听”这个词都不陌生。“精听”是什么意思?就是说:首先,找篇材料,bbc也好,voa也罢,又或cnn什么的;其次,从头到尾听一遍,把握大意;然后逐句听,边听边写,尽量把每个词写出来,听不懂空着,最后改正;最后,与原文对照、修改,然后对于听错的、听不出来的地方重新听。对于里面不认识的单词,事后要整理,然后时常复习。 以上,大体是我所理解的“精听”,现在对于这个方法,我突然想说点什么。一直以来心中都存有一些疑惑,不如让我写出来,请大家共同探讨一下。 首先,我想说明一点,我之所以挑这个方法的“刺”,并不是怕辛苦。大概是2010年的时候听说这个方法,2011年真正开始使用,坚持的时间不长,不到一年,我忘了边听边写写完了多少草稿纸和笔记本,总之当时整理的时候是很厚的一打,直到后来发现其中的问题,改换方法才结束。必须承认的是,这个方法是有用的,不过对我来说,效果并不明显,也许你会说:“之所以效果不明显,是因为你坚持的时间不够长……”,我不否认这个可能性。我只想说: 第一,人有惰性,大多数人不能坚持用这个方法每天听,十年如一日(我没说错吧);第二,这个方法太浪费时间,不管听懂的还是听不懂的,都要写下来,我当时练习时用的材料一直都是5分钟的bbc,全部写完改完整理完要1个半小时以上,这还是轻车熟路的情况下,最初的时候都是2小时以上;第三,效率!大多数人不是在闲来无事之余才练听力的,大多数人练听力的同时背负着一个重大的包袱——考研!每天24小时接近一半用来睡觉,剩下的时间除却吃饭上厕所,还要做真题、背单词、背政治、阅读以及专业课等等,如果还要拿出2个小时“精听”,能坚持下来的都是神。 或许有人说:“你坚持不下来,不代表别人坚持不下来,你做不


《大学英语听力》课程标准 英文名称:English Listening 课程编号: 适用专业:学前英语教育学分数: 2 一、课程性质 大学英语听力是学前英语教育专业设置的一门重要的专业必修课程。英语听力教学是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。该课程通过对学生进行听力技能的训练,提高学生的听力理解水平和对语言运用的分析理解能力。 二、课程理念 (一)课程所属学科分析 英语听力课程是英语专业的一门专业基础及必修课程,是听、说、读、写、译五大基本语言技能之一。听力课是为了训练学生的技能而开设的,属于语言输入方面的技能训练课程。在英语专业培养计划中,基础听力课安排主要是训练听力基本技能,为学生听说交际能力的培养打下基础。 (二)课程授课对象分析 由于长期应试教育观念与传统教学方法的影响,听力和口语能力极为薄弱,一方面听不懂,另一方面不敢讲、讲不出、讲出来别人也听不懂,根本无法进行有效的交流。此外学生英语基础普遍较差,没有掌握学习方法,不能进行自主学习。 (三)课程内容选择分析 《全新版大学英语听说教程》结合真实、典型和实用的听力材料,对学生进行各种听力技能的系统训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结、信息处理及记录和记忆等听力理解能力,为培养学生全面的英语交际能力奠定良好的听力基础;结合听力教材内容,展开口语练习,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力,让学生了解英美等国家的文化背景和生活习俗。 (四)课程学习要求的分析 使学生掌握一定的听力技巧和方法,培养学生提高听力水平的能力,引导学生辨听易混淆的音素、单词、结构,选择关键词句,归纳大意,推测内容,释意复述,短时记忆,听写技能,掌握新闻要点。在教学过程坚持精听与泛听相结合,课内听与课外听相结合,循序渐进,使学生能基本听懂英语的授课和演讲,英语国家或中央台的英语新闻节目。 (五)课程考核目标和方法分析 本课程考核包括两部分:形成性考核和课程终结考试。课程总成绩采用百分制,形成性考核占20%,课程终结考试占80%。形成性考核参照省校有关“英语听力(4)形成性考核内容要求”。终结性考核实行统一命题考试,考试内容是在限定时间内就规定的听力材料进行测试,其目的在于检查学生的听力理解能力和听力技巧,形式为闭卷。 三、课程目标 (一)课程总目标 2000年,教育部颁布《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,对高职高专教育英语课程研究在培养学生英语语言应用能力方面作了进一步重要指导。《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》指出,"加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力"是高职高专英语课程的教学要求,教学中要特别注意"不仅应打好语言基础,更要注重培养实际使用语言的技能","要特别注意加强听说技能的培养"。目前我校英


课程单元教学设计 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost. 滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. it’s none of your business.

关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 一基本信息 学生:应用英语09级一班和二班 (学生特点:大一学生,高中学习侧重英语语法与写作,听力、口语相对薄弱)课程说明:第一学期(日常交际篇)要求学生在听懂不同情景的短篇对话、幽默故事和短文的基础上,着重训练复述、问答的能力;能判断不同听力材料的听力技 巧。 第二学期(涉外活动篇)难度适当提高,以商务材料为主,逐步过渡到以话 题为中心,在听懂语言材料的基础上进行适量讨论和评述。听力和听说材料 的难度和长度逐渐提高,提示逐渐减少。 第三学期( 涉外业务篇) 内容涉及询价报价、谈判、付款方式、包装、保 险、运输、索赔等涉外业务活动的各个方面,让学生通过听力和情景模拟熟 悉上述场景所运用的基本语言。 课程目标:培养具有商贸知识的应用型英语人才,主要为外贸进出口业、物流港口外轮代理业、旅游酒店服务行业培养管理、服务第一线的实用人才。 课堂教学材料:1《商务英语听力》主教材选用高等教育出版社出版的《新编商务英语 听力》,共四册,有“日常交际篇”、“涉外活动篇”、“涉外业务篇”及 “综合篇”。本学期使用《新编商务英语听力Ⅰ》,在完成教学要求基 础上,适当补充各类主题的听力材料,以培养学生“听”的兴趣。 2 VOA special English 3 英语动画video 二单元设计 本次课标题: Unit 3 Food & Drinks (第二部分:提升阶段) (本册是商务英语的基础,涉及商务活动的日常交际,本单元主题是围绕商务活动的饮食方面,本次课程是饮食方面听力的第二次课,在第一次热身课堂基础上,为学生对该话题的提升训练而设计的。) 教学目标: 1 能力目标: ◆能听懂英语国家人士就饮食主题所作的讲话和交谈,能抓住所听语段中的关键 词,理解话语之间的逻辑关系(涉及内容:点餐、中西饮食对比、中西饮食文 化介绍); ◆能自主判断不同听力材料所适用的听力技巧


大学英语听力教学心得 庞静 相对于其他正规院校的本科生来说,高职生的英语基础较差,平均水平不高。从英语听力课的教学来看,其不足主要表现为词汇量少,语音语感较差,知识面窄,独立进行分析判断能力不足,从而反应较慢。除此之外,高职生在英语听力学习方面的不足还表现为缺乏良好的英语听力的自我控制能力和逻辑思维能力,缺乏良好的听力习惯,缺乏应有的自学能力,这一切都无形中构成了高职生英语听力学习的障碍。在我上的大学英语听力的部分系部表现的特别明显。教材是教学的依据,教材的选用和利用对于教学来讲意义重大。虽说我们学校的大学英语听力选用了不同的教材——外语系选用的大学英语听力;人文系选用的英语教程;音乐美术系选用的实用英语。但由于系部不同班级的学生水平也参差不齐,所以因材施教显得尤为重要。 外语系学生相对英语成绩相对较好,大部分学生的学习积极性都比较高。处在这个竞争愈来愈激烈的社会中,他们强烈地感受到自身的不足,从而有着很高的学习积极性。但同时也有相当一部分同学由于种种原因或自卑不前,或自满松懈,或心不在焉,学习态度和学习成绩均和前者有着很大差距,形成两极分化。外语系选用的教材中每个单元由三部分组成:第一部分通常是语音练习,它对于纠正学生的发音很有帮助。教师在完成这一部分的听力练习之后可以接着让学生跟读,模仿,从单词到长句,循序渐进。同时讲解相应的发音规则。第二部分通常是对话和短文。由于部分学生基础较差,如果按照机械的程序从讲解词汇,介绍背景,播放录音直至完成练习,他们会感到十分吃力。于是我一般在讲完词汇和介绍完背景之后,先把所要播放的录音内容概述一下,当然语速要慢。这样可以给学生留下一定的适应时间,帮助他们理解接下来的内容。第三部分是口头练习,这一部分往往会被忽略,我认为这是十分可惜的。不妨让学生根据所听的内容编排对话,复述大意或进行主题讨论,将听与说结合,把听到的内容用自己的语言表达出来。语言是交流的工具,而交流则包涵了由听到说的过程。听是说的基础,听最终要服务于说。 人文系现在的英语教程听力没个单元有不同的话题,围绕这个话题从report 来引出话题,这部分比较简单。然后10个段对话,1个长对话,1个短文听力。这部分听完,再简单讲解一下基本上要花一节课的时间。对于学生的认知,45分钟都在不停的听,做题目无疑会走神,事倍功半,往往是开始20分钟效率特别高,然后就思想松散了听的有一句没一句的。休息5分钟后按照课本内容是听电影片段做填词。这部分联系简单但由于是原声电影说话的语速很快而且连读,省略都很多,加之听力疲劳。所以效果也不佳。我觉得还是听与说要结合交替进
