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Words from the chair

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the debate of class 12 01, SIC (Science of Information and Calculation). I’m the chair of t he competition, Luoxiang.

First, let me introduce the teacher presenting to our debate, Yaoxiao fei, with applause.

Then, here are the two teams for the competition, the positive team please! the negative team please! with applause

Now I would like to introduce the positive team standing for ‘IQ is more important than EQ’. And the negative team standing for ‘IQ is more important than EQ’.

Now the chair would like to see all the distinguished guests have yo ur smart phones silenced and keep order for the favor of the debating teams, thank you.

Now I declare the debate begins.

We’re heading to the first round: Knowing the both sides,

All the debaters, please be aware that you’re forbidden to make your own point while inferring the opposite points and vice-versa.

First, one of the volunteering debaters from the positive side will h ave 1 minute to infer the points of the negative side, please,

Thank you, and then the negative side, please,

Thanks for the inference made the both sides,

Now the positive side will have 3 minutes to make your point, please, Thank you,and the negative side, please,

We’ve saw some impressive points from the both sides; now let’s mov

e on to the next round:

Inquiring and countering,

Now we’re heading to the procedure of inquiry,

The fourth debater of the negative side, you will have 2 minutes to a ddress your inquiry to the first debater of the positive side, now pl ease,

Now the fourth debater of the positive side will have 2 minutes to ad dress your inquiry to the first debater of the negative side, please, Thanks to the first and fourth debater from the both sides, now let’

s move on to the procedure of ‘conversation and counter’. The secon

d debaters from th

e both sides will have 2 minutes for your statement , the second debater from the positive side should make the points an d question first, then the chance goes to the negative side, after th at we will head to the alternating procedure till the exhaust o

f time. While the questioner get stuck in logic loops or stated paradoxes, th e debater bein

g questioned may break the loops or using paradoxes as a part of your points.


2014/5/8 22:04:29

If one debates’ time is exhausted, the other one will have his/her t ime without the statements or points for the opposite.

Now let’s get it started,

Thanks for the brilliant and fierce debates,

Now we’re heading to the procedure of cross-examination,

The third debaters from the both sides will question all the debaters from the other side, and each question should be completed in 15 sec onds with certain debaters to answer them, the time limit for answeri ng will be 30 seconds and the total time limit will be 3 minutes, let ’s begin,

Now the third debater from the positive side, please,

Thank you; and the third debater from the negative side, your voice p lease,

Thanks to the cross-examination the third debaters from the both side s has made,

Now we’re at the procedure of ‘summarizing the examination’,

The third debater from the positive side will have 2 minutes for exam ination summary, please,

Thank you, and the third debater from the negative side, now you have the floor,

Thank you,

Now the end of round two comes, and with a clear feature made for the both sides, we’re now heading to round 3,

In round 3 the directors from the both sides will have 2 minutes to d iscuss the situations of the debate with the debaters, but the transi tion of debaters’ seats are not in order, now let the clock ticks, Directors from the both sides, please,

Since the discussion has been in place, we’re anticipating a more br illiant and impressive round 4,

Now let’s get the round of fierce started,

First, the positive side will have the floor and free alternations wi ll be followed, with the total time for each side limited to 4 minute s,

Please be advised that the alternation of time is signed by the sit d own of the debater, and debater are able to give up their times,

The chair would like to ask a favor from the guests that please do no t applause for the debaters, thanks,

Now, the positive side, please,

Fantastic voices has been heard, thanks for all the brilliant debater s,

Now we’re heading to the last round of the debate,
