C-algebras associated to product systems of Hilbert bimodules

C-algebras associated to product systems of Hilbert bimodules
C-algebras associated to product systems of Hilbert bimodules

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D TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS OF HILBERT BIMODULES AIDAN SIMS AND TRENT YEEND Abstract.Let (G,P )be a quasi-lattice ordered group and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of Hilbert bimodules.Under mild hypotheses we as-sociate to X a C ?-algebra which we call the Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra of X .Our construction generalises a number of others:a sub-class of Fowler’s Cuntz-Pimsner algebras for product systems of Hilbert bimodules;Katsura’s formulation of Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of Hilbert bimodules;the C ?-algebras of ?nitely aligned higher-rank graphs;and Crisp and Laca’s boundary quotients of Toeplitz algebras.We show that for a large class of product systems X ,the universal representation of X in its Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra is isometric.1.Introduction In this article we introduce and begin to analyse a class of C ?-algebras,which we call Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebras,associated to product systems of Hilbert bimodules.This work draws on and generalises a substantial body of previous work in a number of related areas:results of [14,16,18,24,26]on C ?-algebras associated to Hilbert bimodules;the study of C ?-algebras associated to product systems in [9,10,12,15];the theory of C ?-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs [19,28,30];and the theory of Toeplitz algebras (and quotients thereof)associated to quasi-lattice ordered groups [6,7,22,25].Consequently,putting our results in context and indicating their signi?cance requires some discussion.1.1.C ?-algebras associated to Hilbert bimodules.Let A be a C ?-algebra.A Hilbert A –A bimodule (or C ?-correspondence over A )is an A –A bimodule X equipped with an A -valued inner product ·,· A such that:X is complete in the norm x 2=

x,x A ;and the left action of A on X is implemented by a homomorphism φof A into the C ?-algebra L (X )of adjointable operators on X .

In [26],Pimsner associated to each Hilbert A –A bimodule X two C ?-algebras O X and T X .He showed that,as the notation suggests,the C ?-algebras O X generalise the Cuntz-Krieger algebras O A associated to {0,1}-matrices A in [8],and the algebras T X generalise their Toeplitz extensions T O A .According to [26],a representation of X in a C ?-algebra B is a pair (π,ψ)where π:A →B is a C ?-homomorphism,ψ:X →B is linear,and the pair carries the Hilbert A –A bimodule structure on X to the natural Hilbert B –B bimodule structure on B .Pimsner proved that T X is universal for representations of


X,and that O X is universal for representations satisfying a covariance condition now

known as Cuntz-Pimsner covariance,and in particular is a quotient of T X.

In the spirit of Coburn’s Theorem for the classical Toeplitz algebra[5],Fowler and

Raeburn proved a uniqueness theorem for T X[16,Theorem3.1].A key example in their work,and an informative application of Pimsner’s ideas,is related to graph C?-

algebras.A directed graph consists of a set E0of vertices,a set E1of edges,and maps

r,s:E1→E0,called the range and source maps,which give the edges their direction:

the edge e is directed from s(e)to r(e).When we discuss graphs and their C?-algebras here,we follow the conventions of[27].

Fowler and Raeburn used their analysis of T X to investigate graph algebras by asso-

ciating a Hilbert c0(E0)–c0(E0)bimodule X(E)to each directed graph E.Previously

[20,21]C?-algebras had been associated to directed graphs E which are row-?nite(each

vertex receives at most?nitely many vertices)and have no sources(each vertex receives at least one edge).In[16],Fowler and Raeburn showed that for such graphs,T X(E)can

naturally be thought of as a Toeplitz extension of the graph C?-algebra C?(E)of[20].

They observed that E is row-?nite precisely when the homomorphismφ:A→L(X(E))

which implements the left action takes values in the algebra K(X(E))of generalised com-pact operators on X(E)and that E has no sources precisely whenφis injective.As

Pimsner’s theory does not require that the left action be by compact operators,Fowler

and Raeburn’s results suggested what is now the accepted de?nition of the graph C?-

algebra of a non-row-?nite graph[13].Results of Exel and Laca[11]were used to prove

a version of the Cuntz-Krieger uniqueness theorem for arbitrary graph C?-algebras in

[13],and direct methods were used to extend a number of other graph C?-algebraic

results to the non-row-?nite setting in[2].

Via the connection between graph C?-algebras and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras discussed

above,the uniqueness theorems of[2,13]suggested an alternate approach to Cuntz-Pimsner algebras whenφis not injective.Speci?cally,when interpreted in terms of

representations of the bimodule X(E),the gauge-invariant uniqueness theorem of[2]

suggested that one could weaken Pimsner’s covariance condition to obtain a covariance

condition for which the universal C?-algebra satis?es the following two criteria:that the universal representation is injective on A(in Pimsner’s theory,this requires thatφ

is injective);and that any representation of the universal C?-algebra which respects the

gauge action of T and is injective on A is faithful.

In[18],Katsura identi?ed such a covariance condition:it is the de?ning relation for a relative Cuntz-Pimsner algebra(see[14,24])with respect to a certain ideal of

A.Katsura’s universal algebra O X satis?es the two criteria set forth in the preceding

paragraph,and under Katsura’s de?nition,O X(E)~=C?(E)for arbitrary graphs E. 1.2.C?-algebras associated to product systems.Let P be a semigroup with iden-

tity https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c9265303.html,rmally,a product system over P of Hilbert A–A bimodules is a semigroup

X= p∈P X p such that each X p is a right-Hilbert A–A bimodule,and x?A y→xy determines an isomorphism of X p?A X q onto X pq for all p,q∈P\{e}.These objects

were introduced in this generality by Fowler in[12]as generalisations of the continu-ous product systems of Hilbert spaces introduced by Arveson in[1]and their discrete analogues introduced by Dinh in[9,10].

C?-ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS3 In[12],Fowler considered a class of compactly aligned product systems X over semi-groups P arising in quasi-lattice ordered groups(G,P).Inspired by work of Nica[25] and of Laca and Raeburn[22]on Toeplitz algebras associated to quasi-lattice ordered groups,Fowler introduced and studied what he called Nica covariant representations of X and the associated universal C?-algebra T cov(X).When P=N Nica covariance is

.Fowler’s main theorem[12,The-automatic and T cov(X)coincides with Pimsner’s T X


orem7.2]gave a spatial criterion for faithfulness of a representation of T cov(X).This theorem generalised both Laca and Raeburn’s uniqueness theorem[22,Theorem3.7] for C?(G,P)and Fowler and Raeburn’s uniqueness theorem[16,Theorem3.1]for the Toeplitz algebra of a single Hilbert bimodule.

In[12]Fowler also proposed a Cuntz-Pimsner covariance condition for representa-tions of compactly aligned product systems and an associated universal C?-algebra O X. Fowler de?ned a representationψof a product system X to be Cuntz-Pimsner covariant if its restriction to each X p is Cuntz-Pimsner covariant in Pimsner’s sense.Fowler showed that his Cuntz-Pimsner covariance condition implies Nica covariance under the hypothe-ses that:each pair of elements of P has a common upper bound;each X p=


forces j X(a)=0.Moreover examples of[30,Appendix A],when interpreted in terms of product systems,show that if A does not act compactly on the left of every X p, Fowler’s O X may not satisfy criterion(B).Indeed,the examples of[30,Appendix A] show that the same problems persist even if,in Fowler’s de?nition of O X,we replace Pimsner’s covariance condition with Katsura’s.The situation is less clear when pairs in P need not have a common upper bound because in this case we have fewer guiding examples.We take the approach,di?erent from Fowler’s,that N O X should always be a quotient of T cov(X).The situation is then clearer:the C?-algebra which is universal for representations satisfying both Nica covariance and Fowler’s Cuntz-Pimsner covariance will not satisfy(A)if there exist p,q∈P with p∨q=∞.

The approach that N O X should be a quotient of T cov(X)is justi?ed by examples in isometric representation theory for quasi-lattice ordered groups.Fowler[12]showed that when each X p is a1-dimensional Hilbert space and multiplication in X is implemented by multiplication of complex numbers,his T cov(X)agrees with the C?-algebra C?(G,P) universal for Nica covariant representations of P[6,22,25].Crisp and Laca have recently studied what they call boundary quotients of Toeplitz algebras associated to quasi-lattice ordered groups[7].Their results show that the relationship between their boundary quotient and C?(G,P)is often analogous to the relationship between the Cuntz algebras and their Toeplitz extensions.In particular if G=F n is the free group on n generators,and P=F+n is its positive cone,then C?(G,P)is isomorphic to the Toeplitz extension T O n of O n and Crisp and Laca’s boundary quotient is isomorphic to O n itself.

More generally,[7,Theorem6.7]shows that when G is a right-angled Artin group with trivial centre(and P is its positive cone),the associated boundary quotient is simple and purely in?nite.Regarded as a statement about a C?-algebra associated to the product system over P with1-dimensional?bres,simplicity is equivalent to(B). Hence boundary quotients provide important motivation and a good test-case for our theory when G=Z k.In particular,the results of Section5.4suggest that we are on the right track for fairly general quasi-lattice ordered groups.

1.3.Outline of the paper.In this paper we combine ideas of[12,14,18]with intuition drawn from the theory of k-graph C?-algebras[30]to associate what we call a Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra N O X to a broad class of compactly aligned product systems X of Hilbert bimodules.This N O X is universal for a class of representations which we refer to as Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner covariant(or CNP-covariant for short).By de?nition these are the representations which are Nica covariant in the sense of Fowler,and also satisfy a Cuntz-Pimsner covariance relation which looks substantially di?erent from Fowler’s (but agrees with Fowler’s under a number of additional hypotheses on X).Our ultimate aim is to verify that N O X satis?es both(A)and(B)above.

Our main result,Theorem4.1,shows that our C?-algebra N O X satis?es(A).In Sec-tions5.2,5.3and5.4,we present evidence that it also satis?es(B).In Section5.2,we prove that our construction agrees with Katsura’s when P=N,and in Section5.3,we show that given a k-graphΛand the associated product system X(Λ)as constructed in[28],our N O X coincides with the Cuntz-Krieger algebra C?(Λ)of[30].The gauge-invariant uniqueness theorems[30,Theorem4.2]and[18,Theorem6.2]then imply that our de?nition satis?es(B).In Section5.4we prove that our Cuntz-Pimsner covariance

C?-ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS5 relation is compatible with the de?ning relations for Crisp and Laca’s boundary quo-tients[7].In particular,Crisp and Laca’s uniqueness theorem[7,Theorem6.7]shows that N O X satis?es(B)when G is a right-angled Artin group with trivial centre and X is the product system over P with1-dimensional Hilbert spaces for?bres and multipli-cation implemented by multiplication of complex numbers.

We show in Section5.1that N O X coincides with Fowler’s O X when[12,Proposi-tion5.4]suggests that it might—namely when each pair in P has a common upper bound,and eachφp is injective withφp(A)?K(X p).

Acknowledgements.It came to our attention in the late stages of preparation of this manuscript that Toke Carlsen,Nadia Larsen and Sean Vittadello were also considering the question of a satisfactory notion of Cuntz-Pimsner covariance for representations of product systems.We thank them for many helpful and insightful comments on this manuscript which have signi?cantly clari?ed both our ideas and our exposition of them. We also thank Iain Raeburn for a number of helpful discussions.


In this section,we recall the de?nitions and notation described in[12,Section1]. 2.1.Hilbert bimodules.We attempt to summarise only those aspects of Hilbert bi-modules of direct relevance to this paper.We refer the reader to[3,23,31]for more detail.

Let A be a C?-algebra,and let X be a complex vector space carrying a right action of A.Suppose that ·,· A:X×X→A is linear in the second variable and conjugate linear in the?rst variable and,for x,y∈X and a∈A,satis?es:

(1) x,y A= y,x ?A;

(2) x,y·a A= x,y A a;

(3) x,x A is a positive element of A;and

(4) x,x A=0??x=0.

The formula x = x,x A 1

span{x?y?:x,y∈X}is an essential ideal of L(X) whose elements we refer to as generalised compact operators on X.

A right-Hilbert A–A bimodule is a right-Hilbert A module together with a homomor-phismφ:A→L(X).We think ofφas implementing a left action of A on X,so we typically write a·x forφ(a)x.Becauseφ(a)∈L(X)for all a∈A,we automatically have a·(x·b)=(a·x)·b for all a,b∈A and x∈X.

An important special case is the bimodule A A A with inner product given by a,b A= a?b and right-and left-actions given by multiplication in A.The C?-algebra L(A A A)is


isomorphic to the multiplier algebra M(A),and the homomorphism that takes a∈A to left-multiplication by a on X is an isomorphism of A onto K(A A A).

We form the balanced tensor product X?A Y of two right-Hilbert A–A bimodules as follows.Let X⊙Y be the algebraic tensor product of X and Y as complex vector spaces.Let X⊙A Y be the quotient of X⊙Y by the subspace spanned by vectors of the form x·a⊙y?x⊙a·y where x∈X,y∈Y and a∈A.The formula

x1⊙y1,x2⊙y2 A= y1, x1,x2 A·y2 A

determines a bounded sesquilinear form on X⊙A Y.Let N=span{n∈X⊙A Y: n,n A=0A}.Then z+N =inf{ z+n,z+n A 1/2:n∈N}de?nes a norm on (X⊙A Y)/N,and X?A Y is the completion of(X⊙A Y)/N in this norm.

If X and Y are right-Hilbert A–A bimodules and S∈L(X),then there is an ad-jointable operator S?1Y(with adjoint S??1Y)on X?A Y determined by(S?1Y)(x?A y)=Sx?A y for all x∈X and y∈Y.The formula a→φ(a)?1Y there-fore determines a homomorphism of A into L(X?A Y).The notation X?A Y always refers to the right-Hilbert A–A bimodule in which the left action is implemented by this homomorphism.

2.2.Semigroups and product systems of Hilbert bimodules.Let P be a discrete multiplicative semigroup with identity e,and let A be a C?-algebra.A product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules is a semigroup X= p∈P X p such that:

(1)for each p∈P,X p?X is a right-Hilbert A–A bimodule;

(2)the identity?bre X e is equal to the bimodule A A A;

(3)for p,q∈P\{e}there is an isomorphism M p,q:X p?A X q→X pq satisfying

M p,q(x?A y)=xy for all x∈X p and y∈X q;and

(4)multiplication in X by elements of X e=A implements the actions of A on each

X p;that is ax=a·x and xa=x·a for all p∈P,x∈X p and a∈X e.

For p∈P,we denote the homomorphism of A to L(X p)which implements the left

action byφp,and we denote the A-valued inner product on X p by ·,· p

A .

By(2)and(4),for p∈P,multiplication in X induces maps M p,e:X p?A X e→X p and M e,p:X e?A X p→X p as in(3).Each M p,e is automatically an isomorphism by[31, Corollary2.7].We do not insist that M e,p is an isomorphism as this is too restrictive if we want to capture Pimsner’s theory(which does not require that

C?-ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS7 and P is a subsemigroup of G;P∩P?1={e};and with respect to the partial order p≤q??p?1q∈P,any two elements p,q∈G which have a common upper bound in P have a least upper bound p∨q∈P.We write p∨q=∞to indicate that p,q∈G have no common upper bound in P,and we write p∨q<∞otherwise.

Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.We say that X is compactly aligned if,for all p,q∈P

such that p∨q<∞,and for all S∈K(X p)and T∈K(X q),we haveιp∨q

p (S)ιp∨q



K(X p∨q).Note that this condition does not imply compactness of eitherιp∨q

p (S)or




2.3.Representations of product systems and Nica covariance.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.Let B be a C?-algebra,and letψbe a function from X to B.For p∈P,letψp=ψ|X


.We callψa representation of X if

(T1)eachψp:X p→B is linear,andψe is a C?-homomorphism;

(T2)ψp(x)ψq(y)=ψpq(xy)for all p,q∈P,x∈X p,and y∈X q;and

(T3)ψe( x,y p


)=ψp(x)?ψp(y)for all p∈P,and x,y∈X p.

Remark2.1.Our de?nition agrees with Fowler’s[12,De?nition2.5]:condition(4)of the de?nition of a product system together with(T1)–(T3)ensures that each(ψe,ψp) is representation of X p in the sense of Pimsner.It then follows from Pimsner’s results (see[26,p.202])that for each p∈P there is a homomorphismψ(p):K(X p)→B which satis?esψ(p)(x?y?)=ψp(x)ψp(y)?for all x,y∈X p.

We say that a representationψof X is Nica covariant if

(N)For all p,q∈P and all S∈K(X p)and T∈K(X q),

ψ(p)(S)ψ(q)(T)= ψ(p∨q) ιp∨q p(S)ιp∨q q(T) if p∨q<∞


Results of[12]show that there exist a C?-algebra T cov(X)and a Nica covariant rep-resentation i of X in T cov(X)which are universal in the sense that:

(1)T cov(X)is generated by{i(x):x∈X};and

(2)ifψis any Nica covariant representation of X on a C?-algebra B then there is a

unique homomorphismψ?:T cov(X)→B such thatψ??i=ψ.

3.Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner covariance and the Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra In this section we present our de?nition of Cuntz-Pimsner covariance for a compactly aligned product system X.We then introduce the Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra N O X. To present our de?nition we begin by introducing a collection of bimodules X p,p∈P which we associate to a product system X over P.The X p do not form a product system;rather,they play a r?o le similar to that played by the setsΛ≤m for a locally convex k-graph in[29].We?rst recall some standard notation for direct sums of Hilbert modules.

Let J be a set,let X j be a right-Hilbert A–A bimodule for each j∈J,and let X= j∈J X j.LetΓc(J,X)be the space of all?nitely-supported sections x:J→X;that is


x(j)∈X j for all j∈J.The formula x,y A= j∈J x(j),y(j) A de?nes an A-valued inner-product onΓc(J,X).The completion ofΓc(J,X)in the norm arising from this inner product is called the direct sum of the X j and denoted j∈J X j.Endowed with pointwise left-and right-actions of A, j∈J X j is itself a right-Hilbert A–A bimodule. Let X be a right-Hilbert A module,and let I be an ideal of A.Let X·I denote {x·a:x∈X,a∈I}.It is well-known that

(3.1)X·I={x∈X: x,x A∈I}=

C?-ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS9 Since p=e,each M p,r is an isomorphism,and the result follows. Example3.3.LetΛbe a?nitely aligned k-graph and let X=X(Λ)be the corresponding product system over N k as in[28].Then A=c0(Λ0),and for n∈N k,I n=

span{δμ:μ∈Λm,s(μ)Λe i=?whenever m i

In the language of[29,30],this spanning set is familiar:δμ∈X m·I n?m if and only if μ∈Λm∩Λ≤n.That is,as a vector space, X n=c0(Λ≤n).

We thank Sean Vittadello for pointing out a simpli?cation of the proof of the following Lemma.

Lemma3.4.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules,and?x p,q,r∈P such that pr≤q and p=e.Then X pr·I(pr)?1q is invariant underιpr p(S)for all S∈L(X p). Proof.If x∈X p,y∈X r and i∈I(pr)?1q,then

ιpr p(S)(xy·i)=(Sx)(y·i)=((Sx)y)·i∈X pr·I(pr)?1q

by de?nition ofιpr p,axiom(3)for product systems,and associativity of multiplication in X.Since vectors of the form xy·i where x∈X p,y∈X r and i∈I(pr)?1q span a dense subspace of X pr·I(pr)?1q,and sinceιpr p(S)∈L(X pr)is bounded and linear,the result follows. Remark3.5.Sinceιr e=φr,each X r·I r?1q is also invariant underιr e(a)for all a∈K(X e). Notation3.6.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.Recall thatιq p is the zero homomorphism from L(X p)to L(X q)when p≤q.Lemma3.4implies that for all p,q∈P with p=e there is a homomorphism from L(X p)to L( X q)determined by

S→ r≤qιr p(S)for all S∈L(X p).

We denote this homomorphism by ιq p;it is characterised by( ιq p(S)x)(r)=ιr p(S)x(r). As with theιq p,when p=e,we write ιp e for the homomorphism from K(X e)to L( X q) obtained from φp and the isomorphism K(X e)~=A.

Remark3.7.Note that ιq p(S)is the zero operator on those summands X r·I r?1q of X q such that p≤r.Thus ιq p can alternatively be characterised by

ιq p(S)= r≤q,p≤r0L(X r·I r?1q) ⊕ p≤r≤qιr p(S)|X r·I r?1q .


In particular,given S∈L(X p)and q∈P such that p≤q,we have ιq p(S)=0

L(e X q)

To formulate our Cuntz-Pimsner covariance condition,we require another de?nition. De?nition3.8.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group.We say that a predicate statement P(s)(where s∈P)is true for large s if:for every q∈P there exists r∈P such that q≤r and P(s)holds for all s≥r.


We now present our de?nition of Cuntz-Pimsner covariance.We give a de?nition only in the situation that the homomorphisms φq:A→L( X q)are all injective.We will see in Lemma3.15that this is automatically true for extensive classes of product systems. We will also see in Example3.16that this is a necessary assumption for our de?nition to satisfy criterion(A)of Section1.2.

De?nition3.9.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules in which the homo-morphisms φq of De?nition3.1are all injective.Letψbe a representation of X in a C?-algebra B.We say thatψis Cuntz-Pimsner covariant if (CP) p∈Fψ(p)(T p)=0B for every?nite F?P,and every choice of generalised compact operators{T p∈K(X p):p∈F}such that p∈F ιs p(T p)=0for large s. Remark3.10.The idea is that as the indices q∈P become arbitrarily large,the associ-ated X q approximate the“boundary”of the product system.That is(CP)is intended to encode relations that we would expect to hold if we could let all the K(X p)act on the boundary of X.

Our primary object of study in this paper will be the C?-algebra which is universal for representations which are both Nica covariant and Cuntz-Pimsner covariant.

De?nition3.11.We shall call a representation which satis?es both(N)and(CP)a Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner covariant(or CNP-covariant)representation.

Proposition3.12.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules such that the homomor-phisms φq of De?nition3.1are all injective.Then there exist a C?-algebra N O X and a CNP-covariant representation j X of X in N O X such that:

(1)N O X=

C?-ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS11 representation then it is,in particular,a Nica covariant representation of X and it follows from[12,Theorem6.3]that there is a homomorphismψ?:T cov(X)→B such thatψ=ψ??i X.Sinceψis Cuntz-Pimsner covariant,we have I?ker(ψ?),and it follows thatψ?descends to a homomorphismΠψ:N O X→B,establishing(2).

All that remains to be proved is the uniqueness claim,for which we give the following standard argument.If(C,ρ)is another such pair then(2)for N O X implies that there is a homomorphismΠρ:N O X→C such thatΠρ(j X(x))=ρ(x)for all x.Statement(2)for C implies that there is a homomorphismΠj X:C→N O X such thatΠj X(ρ(x))=j X(x) for all x.Applications of(1)then show thatΠρandΠj X are surjective and are mutually inverse. Remark3.13.No obvious notation for the homomorphismΠψof Proposition3.12(2) occurred to us.We were loathe to re-de?ne Fowler’s notationψ?:ourΠψis induced from Fowler’sψ?by regarding N O X as a quotient of T cov(X),so employing the same notation would lead to confusion in any situation where representations of both T cov(X) and N O X are discussed.We settled onΠψon the basis that it might bring to mind the integrated formπ×ψof a representation(π,ψ)of a single bimodule.

Remark3.14.It should be emphasised that N O X may di?er from Fowler’s O X even should our notion of Cuntz-Pimsner covariance and Fowler’s coincide.The algebras N O X and O X will only coincide for product systems such that:the two versions of Cuntz-Pimsner covariance are equivalent;and Cuntz-Pimsner covariance implies Nica covariance.

We conclude this section by showing that the hypothesis that the φq are all injective is automatic for broad classes of product systems;but we also show by example that there exist product systems for which this hypothesis fails.

Speci?cally,we shall show that the φq are all injective whenever theφq are all injective, and also whenever the quasi-lattice ordered pair(G,P)has the property that every nonempty bounded subset of P contains a maximal element in the following sense.

(3.5)If S?P is nonempty and there exists q∈P such that p≤q for all p∈S,then there exists p∈S such that p≤p′for all p′∈S\{p}.

Lemma3.15.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.If eachφp is injective, or if P satis?es(3.5),then φq:A→L( X q)is injective for each q∈P. Proof.Suppose?rst that eachφp is injective.Then X p~=X p for all p and this isomor-phism intertwines φp andφp,so the φp are injective.

Now suppose that P satis?es(3.5).Fix a∈A\{0}and q∈P.We must show that φq(a)=0;that is,φp(a)|X p·I p?1q=0for some p≤q.We haveφe(a)=0because φe(a)(a?)=aa?=0.Let S={p∈P:p≤q,φp(a)=0}.Then S is nonempty,and is bounded above by q.Since P satis?es(3.5),it follows that S contains a maximal element p.Since p∈S,we haveφp(a)=0,so we may?x x∈X p such thatφp(a)x=0. Since p is maximal in S,if e


Let {μλ:λ∈Λ}be an approximate identity for I p ?1q .By the preceding paragraph,{φp (a )x ·μλ}λ∈Λis norm-convergent to φp (a )x =0,so there exists λ∈Λsuch that φp (a )x ·μλ=0.Setting y =x ·μλ,we have y ∈X p ·I p ?1q and φp (a )y =0.That is φp (a )|X p ·I p ?1q =0,so φq (a )=0by de?nition.

The hypotheses of Lemma 3.15are not just an artifact of our proof.To see why,consider the following example.Example 3.16.Let G =Z ×Z ,and let P =((N \{0})×Z )∪({0}×N ).Then P is a subsemigroup of G satisfying P ∩?P ={(0,0)}.The partial order ≤on G de?ned by m ≤n ??n ?m ∈P is the lexicographic order on Z ×Z ,and in particular (G,P )is a quasi-lattice ordered group.Note that (G,P )does not satisfy (3.5):let S denote the subset S ={0}×N .Then S is bounded above by (1,0),but has no maximal element.Consider the right-Hilbert C 2module C 2C 2with the usual right action and inner-

product.Then L (C 2C 2)=K (C 2C 2)~=C 2:the element (z 1,z 2)∈C 2acts by point-wise left multiplication on C 2C 2.De?ne homomorphisms φS ,φP \S :C 2→L (C 2C 2)by φS =id C 2

and φP \S (z 1,z 2)=(z 1,z 1).We write X S (respectively X P \S )for C 2C 2regarded as a

right-Hilbert C 2–C 2bimodule with left action implemented by φS (respectively φP \S ).There are isomorphisms

X S ?C 2X S ~=X S

determined by (z 1,z 2)?C 2(w 1,w 2)→(z 1w 1,z 2w 2),X S ?C 2X P \S ~=X P \S

determined by (z 1,z 2)?C 2(w 1,w 2)→(z 1w 1,z 1w 2),X P \S ?C 2X S ~=X P \S

determined by (z 1,z 2)?C 2(w 1,w 2)→(z 1w 1,z 2w 2),and X P \S ?C 2X P \S ~=X P \S determined by (z 1,z 2)?C 2(w 1,w 2)→(z 1w 1,z 1w 2);

to see this,one checks that each of these formulae preserves inner-products of elementary tensors.

For p ∈S ,let X p =X S ,and for p ∈P \S ,let X p =X P \S .With multiplication maps de?ned as above,X is a product system over P .Note that for p ∈P ,φp =φS if p ∈S ,and φp =φP \S if p ∈S .Since L (X p )=K (X p )for all p ,the left action of C 2on each ?bre is by compact operators,and in particular X is compactly aligned.

We have (0,1)≤p for all p ∈P \{(0,0)}.Since ker(φ(0,1))={0},it follows that

I p ={0}for p =(0,0).Hence X

q =X q and φq =φq .In particular, φ(1,0)=φ(1,0)=φP \S is not injective.

Observe that ιs (0,0)((0,1))=0L (e X s )for large s .Hence every representation ψof X satisfying (CP)satis?es ψe ((0,1))=0.In particular the algebra universal for such representations does not satisfy criterion (A)of Section 1.2.

Remark 3.17.Subject to failure of the hypothesis of Lemma 3.15,Example 3.16is as well-behaved as possible:(G,P )is countable and totally ordered,and the natural order topology is discrete;A and the X p are all ?nite-dimensional,so that in particular the action on each ?bre is by compact operators;and each X p is essential as a left A -module in the sense that φp (A )X p =X p .

4.Injectivity of the universal CNP-covariant representation

In this section we prove our main theorem.

C?-ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS13 Theorem4.1.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.Suppose that the ho-momorphisms φq of De?nition3.1are all injective.Then the universal CNP-covariant representation j X:X→N O X is isometric: j X(x) = x for all x∈X.In particular, the conclusion holde if eachφp is injective,or if P satis?es(3.5).

We now introduce a modi?cation,based on the X p,of Fowler’s Fock representation. Notation4.2.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a product

system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.As on[12,page340],we let F(X)= p∈P X p,and call it the Fock space of X.We also de?ne F(X)= p∈P X p,and call it the augmented Fock space of X.

Fowler shows[12,page340]that for x∈X p there is an adjointable operator l(x)on F(X)determined by

(l(x)y)(q)= x(y(p?1q))if p≤q


He shows further that l:X→L(F(X))is a Nica covariant representation of X.The next lemma shows that we obtain a parallel result if we replace F(X)with F(X). Lemma 4.3.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.

(1)Let p,q,r∈P,with q≤r,and let x∈X p and z∈X q·I q?1r.Then xz∈

X pq·I(pq)?1pr.

(2)For p∈P and x∈X p,there is an adjointable operator l(x)∈L( F(X))which


( l(x)y)(q)= x(y(p?1q))if p≤q


for all y∈ F(X).Moreover if y∈ F(X)satis?es y(s)=0for all s≥p,then l(x)?y=0.

(3)The map x→ l(x)of(2)is a Nica covariant representation of X in L( F(X)). Proof.To prove(1),write z=z′·i where z′∈X q and i∈I q?1r?A=X e.By associativity of multiplication in X and condition(4)of the de?nition of a product system we have xz=x(z′·i)=(xz′)·i∈X pq·I(pq)?1(pr).

For(2),observe that each X q is a sub-module of F(X),and that the restriction of l(x) to this submodule agrees with l(x).Since l(x)is an adjointable operator on F(X),the ?rst part of(2)follows.For the second part,observe that by linearity and continuity of l(x)?,we may assume that y has just one nonzero coordinate.That is,we may assume that there exists r∈P such that r≥p and y(s)=0for s=r.For z∈ F(X),we then have

l(x)?y,z A= y, l(x)z A= s∈P y(s),( l(x)z)(s) e X s A= y(r),( l(x)z)(r) e X r A=0 by the?rst part of(2).


For (3),recall that l satis?es (T1)–(T3)and (N).It follows that l does as well.

Let B be the C ?-algebra generated by { l (x ):x ∈X }?L ( F (X )).Let I e F (X )be the

ideal in B generated by p ∈F l (p )(T p ):F ?P is ?nite ,

T p ∈K (X p )for each p ∈F ,and

p ∈F ιs p (T p )=0for large s .

Let q e F (X ):B →B/I e F (X )denote the quotient map.Then ψ:=q F (X )? l is a CNP-

covariant representation of X in B/I F (X ).Proposition 4.4.Let (G,P )be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A –A bimodules.Suppose that each φq is injective.Then q F (X )? l :X →B/I F (X )is faithful on A .

Proof.We must show that I e F (X )∩ l (A )={0}.

For a ∈A ,the restriction l (a )|e X q of l (a )to the q -summand of F (X )is given by l (a )x = φ

q (a )x .Since φq is injective and hence isometric,it follows that the operator norm l (a )|e X q is equal to the C ?-norm a of a ∈A .It therefore su?ces to show that (4.1)for each ψ∈I e F (X )and each ε>0there exists s ∈P such that ψ|e X

s <ε.We do this in stages.Let K ?I e F (X )be the subset K =

p ∈F

l (p )(T p ):F ?P is ?nite ,T p ∈K (X p )for each p ∈F ,and

p ∈F ιs p (T p )=0for large s .Then K is a subspace of I e F (X ),and a continuity argument shows that for each ψ∈

span { l (x ) l (y )?:x,y ∈X }.Consequently,

I e F (X )=

K,x,y,x ′,y ′,∈X }.Fix k ∈

x y x ′ y ′ for all s ′≥r ′.Let r =

p (y ′)p (x ′)?1r ′≥q .Then for each s ≥r ,we have p (x ′)p (y ′)?1

s ≥r ′,and hence

l (x ) l (y )?k l (x ′) l (y ′)?|e X s <ε.Now suppose that p (y ′)∨q =∞.Then s ≥q implies s ≥p (y ′),so Lemma

4.3(2)implies that l (y ′)?|e X s =0.Consequently r =q satis?es l (x ) l (y )?k l (x ′) l (y ′)?|e X s =0for every s ≥r .

The assertion (4.1)now follows by linearity and continuity.



Remark 4.5.Since

each summand of F (X )is a sub-module of F (X ),it was not necessary to introduce F

(X )at all.Essentially the argument of Proposition 4.4is valid if we work instead with Fowler’s l :X →F (X )followed by the appropriate quotient map.However using F (X )makes the argument clearer,and helps give some intuition for the signi?cance of the X

p .Proof of Theorem 4.1

.Proposition 4.4together with he universal property of N O X im-plies that j X is injective on X e =A .As j X |X e is a C ?-homomorphism,it follows that j X is isometric on A .For any x ∈X ,we therefore have

x 2= x,x A = j X ( x,x A ) = j X (x )?j X (x ) = j X (x ) 2,

completing the proof. Remark 4.6.Note that N k ,and indeed every right-angled Artin semigroup,satis?es (3.5),so Theorem 4.1applies when P is any of these semigroups.

Remark 4.7.Theorem 4.1shows that if each φ

q is injective,and in particular if P

satis?es (3.5),then N O X satis?es criterion (A)of Section 1.2.In the next section,we

will show that it also satis?es (B)in a number of motivating examples.We will achieve this indirectly by combining Theorem 4.1with the uniqueness theorems of [7,18,30].We have not veri?ed (B).This is done in [4]for certain pairs (G,P )using a careful analysis of the ?xed-point algebra N O δX =


(2)Ifφp(A)?K(X p)for each p∈P,andψis Cuntz-Pimsner covariant in the

sense of[12,De?nition2.5],thenψsatis?es(CP).

Proof.We begin with some observations which we will use to prove both(1)and(2).Let a∈A.Recall that X e is equal to A,and thatφe(a):X e→X e is the left-multiplication operator b→ab,which we denote by L a∈K(X e).Every element T of K(X e)can be written as T=L a for some a∈A(see[31,Lemma2.26]).By de?nition ofιp e,we have (5.1)ιp e(L a)=φp(a)for all p∈P,a∈A.

We now prove(1)and(2)separately.

For(1),let p∈P and a∈A,and suppose thatφp(a)∈K(X p).We must show that

ψe(a)?ψ(p)(φp(a))=0.Equation(5.1)implies thatιs e(L a)?ιs p(φp(a))=0L(X

s)for all

s≥p.Since each pair in P has a least upper bound,it follows that for each q∈P,we haveιs e(L a)?ιs p(φp(a))=0L(X


for all s≥p∨q.

Since eachφp is injective,we have I p={0}for p=e.Hence X p=X p and ιq p=ιq p for all p≤q∈P.Thus ιs e(L a)? ιs p(φp(a))=0for large s.Sinceψsatis?es(CP),we deduce thatψ(e)(L a)?ψ(p)(φp(a))=0.A straightforward computation using an approximate identity for A and thatψe is a homomorphism shows thatψ(e)(L a)=ψe(a).Hence ψe(a)=ψ(p)(φp(a)),andψis Cuntz-Pimsner covariant in the sense of[12,De?nition2.5]. Now for(2),?x a?nite subset F?P and compact operators T p∈K(X p),p∈F such that p∈F ιs p(T p)=0for large s.An inductive argument using that every pair in P has a least upper bound shows that there is a least upper bound q= F for F in P.Since eachφp is injective,we haveιs q injective for s≥q,so we must have p∈Fιq p(T p)=0.

We may assume without loss of generality that e∈F,and rearrange to obtain p∈F\{e}ιq p(T p)=?ιq e(T e).As observed above,T e=L a for some a∈A,so(5.1) implies thatιq e(T e)=φq(a).Since the left action of A on X q is by compact operators, we haveφq(a)∈K(X q),and hence Fowler’s Cuntz-Pimsner covariance condition forces (5.2)ψ(q) p∈F\{e}ιq p(T p) =?ψe(a).

Since A acts compactly on the left of each X p,[26,Corollary3.7]shows that each ιq p(T p)∈K(X q),and the argument of[26,Lemma3.10]shows thatψ(q)(ιq p(S))=ψ(p)(S). Hence(5.2)implies that

p∈F\{e}ψ(p)(T p)=?ψe(a).

Sinceψe(a)=ψ(e)(L a)=ψ(e)(T e),we have p∈Fψ(p)(T p)=0.Soψsatis?es(CP). Corollary5.2.Let(G,P)be a quasi-lattice ordered group,and let X be a compactly aligned product system over P of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules.Suppose that each pair in P has a least upper bound.Suppose that eachφp:A→L(X p)is injective with φp(A)?K(X p).Letψ:X→B be a representation of X.Thenψis CNP-covariant if and only ifψ(p)?φp=ψe for all p∈P.

Proof.Since eachφp(A)?K(X p),the conditionψ(p)?φp=ψe for all p∈P is precisely the Cuntz-Pimsner covariance condition of[12,De?nition2.5].Proposition5.4of[12]

C?-ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED TO PRODUCT SYSTEMS17 implies that ifψis Cuntz-Pimsner covariant in this sense,then it is also Nica covariant. Hence the result follows from Proposition5.1.

5.2.Katsura’s C?-algebras associated to Hilbert bimodules.Let X be a right-Hilbert A–A bimodule.There is a product system X?over N of right-Hilbert A–A bimodules such that X?0=A,and X?n=X?n for1≤n∈N.For nonzero m,n,the isomorphism M m,n:X?m?X?n→X?m+n implementing the multiplication in the system is the natural isomorphism X?m?X?n~=X?m+n.As N is totally ordered,X?is compactly aligned.

If(ψ,π)is a representation of X,then there is a representationψ?of X?given by ψ?e=πandψ?n=ψ?n for n≥1.This representation is automatically Nica covariant, and every representation of X?is of this form.Proposition2.11of[12]says that if the homomorphismφ:A→X implementing the left action is injective or takes values in K(X)thenψis covariant in Pimsner’s sense if and only ifψ?is Cuntz-Pimsner covariant in Fowler’s sense.Hence Pimsner’s O X[26]and Fowler’s O X?[12]coincide.

A key goal of our construction was to achieve the same outcome with respect to Kat-sura’s reformulation of Cuntz-Pimsner covariance for a single Hilbert bimodule.That is,given an arbitrary Hilbert bimodule X,we desire that N O X?should coincide with Katsura’s O X[17,18].

Recall that if I?A is an ideal in a C?-algebra,then I⊥denotes the ideal{a∈A:ab= 0for all b∈I}.Recall also that Katsura’s O X is the universal C?-algebra generated by

a representation(i A,i X)of X such that i(1)

X (φ(a))=i A(a)for all a∈ker(φ)⊥such that


Proposition5.3.Let X be a right-Hilbert A–A bimodule.Let(i A,i X)be the universal

representation of X on O X,and j X?be the universal representation of X?on N O X?.

(1)There is an isomorphismθ:O X→N O X?satisfyingθ(i A(a))=j X?(a)and

θ(i X(x))=j X?(x)for all a∈A and x∈X.

(2)Let(π,ψ)be a representation of X and letψ?be the corresponding Nica covariant

representation of X?.Then(π,ψ)is covariant in the sense of Katsura if and

only ifψ?satis?es(CP).

Proof.Statement(2)follows from(1)and the universal properties of O X and N O X?,

so it su?ces to prove(1).

We have ker(φ)?ker(φ?1n?1)for n≥1,so I n is equal to A if n=0and is

equal to ker(φ)if n=0.Let(j0,j1)denote the representation of X determined by the universal representation of X?on N O X?.If a∈ker(φ)⊥∩φ?1(K(X)),then φ1(a)= 0ker(φ)⊕φ(a).Let S=φ(a)∈K(X).Then ι10(φ0(a))? ι11(S)=0,and it follows

that ιn0(φ0(a))? ιn1(S)=0for all n≥1.Since j X?satis?es(CP),we therefore have j0(a)?j(1)1(S)=0;that is j0(a)=j(1)1(φ(a)).Thus(j0,j1)is covariant in the sense of Katsura,and the universal property of O X implies that there is a homomorphism θ:O X→N O X determined byθ?i A=j0andθ?i X=j1.Moreover,θis surjective because

N O X=


5.3.Cuntz-Krieger algebras of?nitely aligned higher-rank graphs.In this sec-tion,we use the notation and conventions of[30]for higher-rank graphs.In[28],a product system X(Λ)over N k of right-Hilbert c0(Λ0)–c0(Λ0)bimodules is associated to each k-graphΛ.WhenΛis row-?nite and has no sources,the homomorphismφp

implementing the left action of c0(E0)on X(Λ)p is an injective homomorphism into the compact operators on X(Λ)p.Corollary4.4of[28]shows that C?(Λ)coincides with O X(Λ)as de?ned in[12]and hence with N O X(Λ)by Proposition5.1.A key goal of our construction is to extend this to arbitrary?nitely aligned k-graphs and the correspond-

ing compactly aligned product systems of bimodules.We show in this section that we have achieved this aim.

We brie?y recall some salient point about k-graphs from[30].A k-graph is a countable categoryΛtogether with a functor d:Λ→N k satisfying the factorisation property:for all m,n∈N k andλ∈d?1(m+n)there exist uniqueμ∈d?1(m)andν∈d?1(n)such

thatλ=μν.Each d?1(n)is denotedΛn.The elements ofΛ0are called vertices,and are in bijection with the objects ofΛ,so the codomain and domain maps in the category Λdetermine maps r,s:Λ→Λ0.Forμ,ν∈Λ,we write MCE(μ,ν)for the collection {λ∈Λ:d(λ)=d(μ)∨d(ν),λ=μμ′=νν′for someμ′,ν′∈Λ}.For n∈N k,we write

Λ≤n for the set{λ∈ m≤nΛm:d(λ)

a Toeplitz-Cuntz-KriegerΛ-family if

(CK1){s v:v∈Λ0}is a set of mutually orthogonal projections;

(CK2)sμsν=sμνwhenever s(μ)=r(ν);and

(CK3)s?μsν= μμ′=νν′∈MCE(μ,ν)sμ′s?ν′for allμ,ν∈Λ.

It is called a Cuntz-KriegerΛ-family if it additionally satis?es

(CK4) λ∈F(s v?sλs?λ)=0for all v∈Λ0and all nonempty?nite exhaustive sets F?r?1(v).

The Cuntz-Krieger algebra C?(Λ)is the universal C?-algebra generated by a Cuntz-


Theorem4.2and Proposition6.4of[28]show that Nica covariant representations of X(Λ)are in bijective correspondence with Toeplitz-Cuntz-KriegerΛ-families.To describe this bijection,we must brie?y recall the de?nition of X(Λ)(see[28]for details). For n∈N k,we endow c c(Λn)=span{δλ:λ∈Λn}with the structure of a pre-Hilbert c0(Λ0)-bimodule via the following formulae:(a·x·b)(λ):=a(r(λ))x(λ)b(s(λ));and (v)= s(λ)=v

x,y c



(1)There is an isomorphismθ:C?(Λ)→N O X satisfyingθ(sλ)=j X(δλ)for all


(2)Letψ:X→B be a Nica-covariant representation of X,and let{tλ:λ∈Λ}be

the corresponding Toeplitz-Cuntz-KriegerΛ-family tλ=ψ(δλ).Thenψsatis?es De?nition3.9if and only if{tλ:λ∈Λ}satis?es the Cuntz-Krieger relation[30, De?nition2.5(iv)].

Proof.Statement(2)follows from(1)and the universal properties of C?(Λ)and N O X. So it su?ces to prove(1).

For eachλ∈Λ,let jλ=j X(δλ),so{jλ:λ∈Λ}is a Toeplitz-Cuntz-KriegerΛfamily which generates N O X.We claim that{jλ:λ∈Λ}is a Cuntz-KriegerΛ-family.

Fix v∈Λ0and a?nite exhaustive set F?vΛ.We must show that

μ∈F(j v?jμj?μ)=0.

For a subset G?F,we will denote by∨d(G)the element μ∈G d(μ)of N k.If λ,μ∈Λsatisfyλ=μμ′for someμ′∈Λ,we say thatλextendsμ.Recall from [28]that for a nonempty subset G of F,MCE(G)denotes the set{λ∈Λ:d(λ)=∨d(G),λextendsμfor allμ∈G}.Recall also that∨F:= G?F MCE(G)is?nite and is closed under minimal common extensions.We have

μ∈F(j v?jμj?μ)=j v+ ? =G?F



(δv?δ?v)+ ? =G?Fλ∈MCE(G)(?1)|G|j(∨d(G))X(δλ?δ?λ).



Since j X(Λ)satis?es(CP)it su?ces to show that for each q∈N k there exists r≥q such that for all s≥r we have

ιs e(δv?δ?v)+ ? =G?Fλ∈MCE(G)(?1)|G| ιs∨d(G)(δλ?δ?λ)=0.

For this,?x q∈N k,let r=q∨(∨d(F))and?x s≥r.Since X s=⊕t≤s


The factorisation property implies thatτextends eachμin G if and only if there exists λin MCE(G)such thatτextendsλ.The factorisation property also implies that if there does exist such aλ∈MCE(G)then it is necessarily unique.We therefore have μ∈G ιs d(μ)(δμ?δ?μ) (δτ)= λ∈MCE(G) ιs∨d(G)(δλ?δ?λ) (δτ)

Since the?xed nonempty subset G of F in the preceding paragraph was arbitrary,we may now calculate:

μ∈F ιs e(δv?δ?v)? ιs d(μ)(δμ?δ?μ) (δτ)

= ιs e(δv?δ?v)+ ? =G?F (?1)|G| μ∈G ιs d(μ)(δμ?δ?μ) (δτ)

= ιs e(δv?δ?v)+ ? =G?Fλ∈MCE(G)(?1)|G| ιs∨d(G)(δλ?δ?λ) (δτ).

Since F is exhaustive,there existsν∈F such that MCE(τ,ν)=?;sayττ′∈MCE(τ,ν). Since d(ν),d(τ)≤s,we have d(ττ′)≤s.Sinceτ∈Λ≤s,this forces d(τ′)=0,soτextendsν.Thus(5.4)implies that

μ∈F ιs e(δv?δ?v)? ιs d(μ)(δμ?δ?μ) (δτ)

= μ∈F\{ν}( ιs e(δv?δ?v)? ιs d(μ)(δμ?δ?μ)) ιs e(δv?δ?v)? ιs d(ν)(δν?δ?ν) (δτ)=0,

establishing(5.3).Hence{jλ:λ∈Λ}is a Cuntz-KriegerΛ-family as claimed.

Since the jλgenerate N O X,the universal property of C?(Λ)implies that there is a surjective homomorphismθ:C?(Λ)→N O X satisfyingθ(sλ)=jλ=j X(δλ)for all λ∈Λ.By Theorem4.1,we have j v=0for all v∈Λ0.Sinceθintertwines the gauge actions of T k on N O X and C?(Λ),the gauge-invariant uniqueness theorem for C?(Λ) [30,Theorem4.2]therefore implies thatθis an isomorphism.

5.4.Boundary quotients of Toeplitz algebras.In this section,we consider product systems whose?bres are isomorphic to C C C.Nica covariant representations of such product systems amount to Nica covariant representations of(G,P)in the sense of [6,22,25].This prompts us to explore the connection between our N O X and the boundary quotients of T(G,P)studied by Crisp and Laca in[7].

The?rst part of the following proposition follows from results of Fowler and Raeburn [15],but we include it for completeness.We?rst make the following de?nition:if(G,P) is a quasi-lattice ordered group,we say that a?nite subset F of P is a foundation set for P if,for every q∈P there exists p∈F such that p∨q<∞.

Notation5.5.Given a semigroup P,we denote by C P the product system of right-Hilbert C–C bimodules determined by X p=C C C for all p with multiplication in X given by multiplication of complex numbers.As a notational convenience,when we are regarding a complex number z as an element of C P p,we shall denote it z p.


涂料用聚四氟乙烯类PVEF-A树脂产品说明书 产品性能: 涂料用聚四氟乙烯类PVEF-A树脂。它是四氟乙烯与其它带官能团的碳氢烯烃在溶剂中的共聚产物,其大分子链的羟基官能团可以与二异氰酸酯反应,形成交联网状结构,这种网状结构大分子即是涂料的成膜物质。 涂料用聚四氟乙烯类PVEF-A树脂有优异的不粘性、耐腐蚀性、耐气候老化性、低摩擦等性能。同时由于不同官能团的碳氢烯烃构成链段的存在而表现出一定的溶解性、可交联性、润湿附着性和流平性。 涂料用聚四氟乙烯类PVEF-A树脂对外界条件的阻抗性能,表现出远超非含氟聚合物涂料的优势和具有常温固化的性质。 产品用途: 涂料用聚四氟乙烯类PVEF-A树脂,主要是制备各种建筑物的外墙涂料,它具有耐候性和自洁性,奉命长不变色的特点;同时适用于大型建筑金属构件的防锈蚀,特别适合苛刻环境条件下的耐酸、耐碱和氧化剂的耐腐蚀涂层以及各种交通工具(火车、汽车、轮船、飞机等)壳体涂料。 因此它广泛应用于石油、化工、机械、制冷、军事、航空、航天、有色金属、电子等国民经济建设领域。 产品技术条件 本产品符合晨光J/CGY标准

使用及注意事项: 使用:聚四氟乙烯类涂料用树脂PVEF-A鉴定配方。 1、白漆配方: *A+B+稀释剂混合均匀后,涂料应在8小时内用完; **稀释剂加入量视刷涂、喷涂实际情况而定; ***本鉴定配方由于用户实际使用条件非我方控制,故此信息不含担保。 2、操作:按鉴定配方PVEF-A树脂中分别加入A组份中的各组份(颜料、助剂),通过分散研磨的制漆工艺得到的白色涂料。然后采用线棒涂膜方式在打磨干净的马口铁板上进行涂膜,涂膜厚度由线棒涂膜器确定为60μm左右。完成涂膜后2小时表干,24小时实干,5天涂膜完全固化,进行测试数据。 3、测定结果: 4、注意事项:操作人员应配备个人防护用品,例如:活性碳吸附式面罩、口罩、耐溶剂手套、防护服、护目镜等。作业区应具有良好通风环境,远离明火、热源。本产品可与有机颜料或无机颜料配色或调色。 包装、贮存、运输: 1、本品包装在经检查合格的容器内,20Kg/桶,或与用户协商进行包装。 2、本品是溶剂型液体,应严格按国家劳动总局颁布的《危险化学品安全监察规程》进行保管、运输和使用,严禁与易燃物、可燃物、氧化剂混装混运。 3、本品应在阴凉、通风处贮存、运输和使用,严禁野蛮装卸。


苏泊尔电饭煲说明书 篇一:苏泊尔电压力锅说明书下载 苏泊尔电压力锅故障_苏泊尔电压力锅使用方法 土拨鼠装修百科苏泊尔电压力锅:详细介绍了苏泊尔电压力锅信息。包括对苏泊尔电压力锅口碑、价格、配件、售后的介绍,以及苏泊尔电压力锅的使用说明和故障排除的介绍。土拨鼠装修百科让你花最少的钱装最美的家。苏泊尔电压力锅怎么样 苏泊尔电压力锅是苏泊尔股份有限公司生产的小家电产品。苏泊尔压力锅是苏泊尔的创业产品,而苏泊尔的电压力锅是结合了传统高压力锅跟电饭锅两种产品的特点,然后加以创新形成了市场内第一款电压力锅。苏泊尔电压力锅具备了电饭煲、汤锅、蒸锅等多功能传统炊具的功能,并且相对压力锅的不安全大大提高了安全系数。苏泊尔电压力锅的出现被称为中国厨房革命。 作为以压力锅起家的苏泊尔,其生产的电压力锅集结了苏泊尔科技与创新。独有的专利智能压力感应系统,时刻控制锅内的压力,让食材入味。引进精准的温控技术,智能感温,根据不同事物所需要的温度与压力设定调节,在不破坏食物的口感的同时,也保证了营养效果。苏泊尔电压力锅在上市之初就已经将其的安全作为主打宣传。苏泊尔通过对传统压力锅的研究分析,独创三大安全系数,拟用了电饭煲的

弹性压力控制,采用动态密封对开合处进行密封。保证了密封烹饪。独创压力智能调节,监控锅内压力,然后不断的调节。锅内压力超出安全范围,就转换为泄气模式,不让锅内的压力超过临界点从而达到解决压力锅易爆炸的安全问题。这就是苏泊尔自主研发的可调节式烹饪模式 苏泊尔电压力锅按照功能分为精控火候全智能系列、美食家系列、质感系列、美味系列等几个系列。采用的内胆都是陶晶内胆,特点就是不占耐磨,能够均匀的加热,减少传统不锈钢内胆粘黏的清洗繁琐。互联安全锁功能保证了安全,精煮无忧。智能排气键,能急速下降开启前的锅内压力。采取利双内盖,保温安全双重,省电省心。每种系列压力锅都有多种模式选择和多种美式烹饪,能充当日常的电饭煲跟压力锅外,还可以煮粥、炖煲、熬汤等。苏泊尔电压力锅故障 常见的苏泊尔电压力锅故障及维修方法1、无法合盖 合盖方法错误:按照说明书正确方法 止开阀卡主止开板:使用尖细物体将止开阀痛下去,或者转动限压阀至排气,在取下密封胶为摆正:摆正密封胶锅体变形:更换或者维修锅体2、无法开盖 锅内气体未排完,导致被锁住:排气止开板螺纹损坏:更换3、食物煮不熟食物的搭配比例不对:按照说明书上的参考数值搭配食材


目录 聚四氟乙烯系列 一、F4覆铜箔板类 ●聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4B—1/2)………………………………………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BK—1/2)………………………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BM—1/2)………………………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BMX—1/2)[新品推荐]………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BME—1/2)[新品推荐]………… ●介电常数2.94覆平面电阻铜箔高频层压板[新品推荐]……………………●金属基聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4B—1/AL.CU)[新品推荐]…………… ●绝缘聚四氟乙烯覆铜箔板(F4T—1/2)…………………………………………复合介质基片系列 一、TP类 ●微波复合介质覆铜箔基片(TP—1/2)…………………………………………二、TF类

●聚四氟乙烯陶瓷复合介质覆铜箔基片(TF—1/2)…………………………… 二、F4漆布类………………………………………………………………………… ●防粘布(F4B—N) ●绝缘布(F4B—J) ●透气布(F4B—T) 聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板F4B—1/2 本产品是根据微波电路的电性能要求,选用优质材料层压制成,它具有良好的电气性能和较高机械强度,是一种优良微波印制电路基板。 技术条件 外观符合微波印制电路基板材料国、军标规定指标 型号F 4B255 F 4 B265 介电常数 2.55 2.65 常规板面尺寸(mm)300×250 380×350 440×550 500×500 460×610 600×500 840×840 1200×1000 1500×1000 特殊尺寸可根据客户要求压制 铜箔厚度0.035mm 0.018mm 厚度尺寸及公差(mm)板厚0.17、0.25 0.5、0.8、1.0 1.5、2.0 3.0、4.0、5.0 公差±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.05 ±0.06 板厚包括两面铜箔厚度,特殊尺寸可根据客户要求压制 机 械性能翘 曲 度 板厚(mm) 翘曲度最大值mm/mm 光面板单面板双面板 0.25~0.5 0.03 0.05 0.025 0.8~1.0 0.025 0.03 0.020


苏泊尔电压力锅故障维修培训 电压力锅故障维修培训 浙江绍兴苏泊尔生活电器有限公司品管部 QA 鲍寒统 分页标题备注 提纲 一、新品CYSB**YC<5介绍 二、新品CYSB**YC<5维修 三、各型号的线路板差异 四、工作原理 五、产品故障及维修 分页标题备注 一、新品介绍 CYSB40/<50/60YC<5 一、YC<5爆炸图——1 一、YC<5原理图——2 分页标题备注 一、YC<5拆上盖的方法-3 三、打开以上两颗螺钉,然后面盖用饭勺刮开,同FC3拆面盖方法 一、取出旋钮上盖组件 二、拧出两颗螺钉 一、取出旋钮上盖组件 二、拧出两颗螺钉 拆开面盖时注意防止线拉断分页标题备注

二、新品YC<5维修-4 显示屏进气 此边缘四周重新打胶 此处胶是否打好 引线出来要理好,一根一个格此密封圈是否装到位,装到面盖后是否有间隙其皱现象 分页标题备注 二、新品YC<5维修-<5 显示9><>E0 1、此螺钉下面叠一个垫片 2、磁钢是否装配到位 分页标题备注 二、新品YC<5维修-6 上盖和中板间隙大 如果有拧动扭簧压板上螺钉,拧回去的时候注意此螺钉一定要拧紧, 如果未拧紧会造成上盖变形。如果维修后还是不行需要换内衬,对扭簧压板头部整型 分页标题备注 二、新品YC<5维修-7 溢锅、钢球漏气 分页标题备注 此为NG的推杆密封圈未装到位的此为NG的推杆密封圈未装到位的 此为OK的推杆密封圈装到位的 1、推杆密封圈未装配到位(本身不良) 2、采温柱里的热敏电阻未插到位,导热硅脂不够,热敏电阻不良。 3、钢球或者球座有破损、磕碰

4、维修的时候把增压块的3个卡脚削平 < 5、电磁阀推力不足(本身和电磁铁压板卡死) 削此卡脚,一定要和客户说明 分页标题备注 二、维修注意 先扣这边 注意十字顶柱的位置 分页标题备注 三、YD1和YD2灯板差异——1 YD1灯板 222002091 灯板/CYSB<50YD1-DL01 22200207<5 灯板/CYSB40YD1-DL01 22200<561<5 灯板/CYSB40YD1-DL01/升级 升级的是V3程序,4、<5、6通用;老的为V1程序<5、6通用,4单独 YD2灯板 222002100 灯板/CYSB<50YD2-DL01 222002098 灯板/CYSB<50YD2-DL01 灯板/CYSB40YD2-DL01 V1程序<5、6通用,4单独分页标题备注 三、YD3灯板电源板差异——2 电源板 222002076 电源板/CYSB40YD1-DL02 所有美味系列改进前后都通用


1.开盖。先用手握紧锅盖手柄, 顺时针方向旋转锅盖至限位 边, 然后向上取下锅盖。 2.取出内锅, 将食物和水放入内锅中, 食物和水不得超过内锅高度的4/5; 水中易膨胀食物不得超过内锅高度的3/5; 食物和水不得少于内锅高度的1/5。( 4l、 5l、 6l最大煮米量分别是8杯、 10杯、12杯; 1杯米配1杯水, 用户可根据不同米质及个人口味适当调整水量。) 3.将内锅放入外锅内。放入前, 先把内锅及发热盘抹干净, 外锅内及发热盘表面不得放入杂物; 放入后, 左右轻轻旋转内锅, 保持内锅与发热盘接触良好。 4.合盖。 o检查密封圈是否已放入锅盖内侧铝盖板上( 注意有正反面) 。 o 手握钢盖手柄, 盖上锅盖, 然后逆时针旋转内锅盖至扣合位置, 并听到”咔嚓”扣合声。 o放置好限压放气阀, 将限压放气阀拨到”密封”位置, 并检查浮子是否落下( 未加热工作前浮子阀是落下的) 。 5.烹调完成后的开盖方法: o按一下”保温/取消”键, 退出保温状态。 o将限压放气阀拨到”排气”位置放气, 直至浮子阀落下。

﹡如果煮流质食物( 粥类、汤类、粘性液体) 不能拨动限压阀放气, 必须自然冷却至浮子阀落下后才能开盖, 否则粘性液体会在排气管喷出。 o拨下电源插头。 o用手握紧锅盖手柄, 顺时针方向旋转锅盖至限位边, 然后向上 提起锅盖, 即可取用。 6、设定参数及启动加热。(以下适合数码显示型) o接通电源, 显示器显示”0000” o按”功能选择”键, 选择所需功能, 相应功能灯点亮, 3秒后自动开始工作, 时间数码上下跳动, 当压力达到5kpa时, 压力显示数码窗口显示实时锅内压力, 进入保压时, 时间数码窗口显示保压时间, 并倒计时至完成。 o如需设定预约定时时间( 倒计时) , 先按一下”预约定时”键, 显示器递增0.5小时, 预约灯亮; 循环设置, 可设定预约定时最长12小时。选定所需的功能之后, 相应功能灯点亮, 预约灯点亮, 时间显示窗口显示预约时间。预约时间倒计时完成后, 预约灯灭, 电压力锅自动开始工作至完成。 o本产品各功能已设定最佳烹调时间, 如果您想改变保压时间, 可在选定功能后5秒内按”保压调节”键, 即可在电脑预置时间内的±50%内调节( 时间窗口会显示出来) , 电脑将按您设定的保压时间完成工作。


图一 大米饭 准备的材料 大米六杯 标记了剂量单位的杯子是以电饭锅内德剂量为标准的。一杯80cc是一个人份的标准。 做法: 把大米洗好,放入锅内,倒水至锅内的剂量线6,盖好电饭锅盖按菜单键。如果想要吃比较粘的大米饭,比一般的饭粘,比高压锅蒸出的饭粘,选择醋饭按键,然后按白米快熟按键(白米的情况,水量线到白米线,醋饭的情况,水量线到醋饭。 注意:模式转换到保温时,请把米饭搅拌均匀。 参考:新大米的水量线应该比锅内水量线低,旧大米的水量线比锅内水量线高。(按照各家庭的喜好调节水量) 图一.2 豌豆饭???? 准备材料: 大米3杯. 豌豆一杯半,清酒一大勺. 盐1.5小勺 制作方法: 1.????????????????? ???. 1.用盐水把豌豆洗干净,水倒掉. 2.??????????????? ????????‘????’????3??????????. 2.2把洗干净的米放入锅内,加入清酒和盐后,加入水,直到‘????’(白米高压)水位3为止. 3.???????????????? ?????????????. 3.在上面放上豌豆, 合上盖子,按????按钮,选择“??/??”杂谷玄米后 按”????/????”(压力做饭/白米快熟) 按钮. 4.模式转换到保温时,请把米饭搅拌均匀。 图一.3.大麦饭??? 准备材料: 大米2杯,大麦1杯 制作方法: 2. 先用一杯大麦做成大麦饭. 3. 把大米洗干净后和大麦饭一起放入锅内,加入水到刻度3. 4. 合上盖子,按菜单按钮(??),选择杂谷,玄米” 后按????/????(压力做饭/白米快熟) 按钮. 5. 模式转换到保温时,请把米饭搅拌均匀。 图二1 ???五谷饭 准备材料: 米1.5杯,盐一小勺.小米3分之一杯,江米2分之一杯.豆(或红豆)3分之一杯,高梁3分之一杯. ?????制作方法 1. ?, ??, ?, ?, ?????????????????????. 把米.江米. 小米.豆.高梁一起洗干净,淋干水后放在箩筐里.


C-P T F E交联聚四氟乙 烯说明 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

交联聚四氟乙烯(C-PTFE)系列产品 一、材料特性 交联聚四氟乙烯(C-PTFE)是以聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)为基材,在高温特殊条件下利用辐射交联技术通过特殊工艺加工的产品。C-PTFE具有耐高温、耐溶剂、耐化学溶剂、耐辐照、机械性能优异等一系列优点。与PTFE相比,C-PTFE 样品外观更透明且其耐磨性和耐辐照性能明显提高。 众所周知,PTFE最大缺点是不耐磨,摩擦系数在所有高分子材料中最小,一般依靠添加青铜粉、玻璃纤维、碳纤维等材料来提高PTFE耐磨性。与PTFE 相比,C-PTFE的耐磨性能提高1000倍以上,将其添加到常规PTFE中制成棒材、板材、薄膜、或者自润滑材料,可以显着改善材料的耐磨性能,且不影响原有加工工艺。 C-PTFE耐高温、耐溶剂、耐化学溶剂、机械性能优异,其具有许多独特的性能。与PTFE相比,C-PTFE的耐辐照性提高100倍以上,其高耐辐射性能可以在射线场、外太空等领域具有重要的应用。 二、物性指标 PTFE C-PTFE1C-PTFE2 外观不透明半透明透明 摩擦系数0.20 12002000 耐磨性1(初始设定 值) 110150 耐辐照性1(初始设定 值) 三、包装规格 提供粉末样品(100g),片材(,, mm,, 等不同厚度规格) 四、应用领域 C-PTFE具有耐高温、耐溶剂、耐化学溶剂、耐辐照、机械性能优异等一系列优点。与PTFE相比,C-PTFE的透明度增加,耐磨擦损耗性、耐压缩性、耐辐照性明显提高,综合性能优异。C-PTFE在高精度办公机械,通讯机械 (各种轴承,密封垫,滑动轴承),家用电器 (各种压缩机密封垫),卫星通信设备,半导体设备,汽车 (滑动轴承,高温轴承),飞机,火箭等 (衬垫、密封部件),精密


苏泊尔电压力锅菜谱 1、无水蘑菇红烧肉的做法 用料:猪五花肉(1000g),蘑菇(150g),大葱(2根),老姜(1块),桂皮(1片),冰糖(25g),盐1汤匙(15g),料酒2汤匙(30ml),老抽2汤匙(30ml)。 做法:将猪五花肉切成大块,葱切长段,姜切大片,蘑菇洗干净。将所有用料放入电压力锅内,定时15—20分钟,香喷喷的蘑菇红烧肉出锅。 2、红焖肉炖土豆 主料:五花肉(1000g)、土豆(两个) 配料:大料、花椒、葱、姜、盐、老抽、料酒、白糖 方法:将切好的五花肉放入锅内。再将土豆连同配料一起放入锅内,无需放水。翻一下搅均即可。注:17分钟-20分钟左右。 3、番茄牛腩 主料:牛腩(两斤)、土豆(两个)、胡萝卜(两根) 配料:番茄沙司、老抽、盐、鸡精、白糖、大料、葱、姜 制作过程:首先把切好的牛腩放入锅内,不用放水。放入土豆、胡萝卜及同配料,翻匀即可。35分钟左右。 4、水煮活鱼 主料:活鱼、豆腐、洋葱、粉条 配料:水煮活鱼料、盐、料酒 方法:首先将水煮活鱼料用炒勺翻炒,在锅底放上生菜叶,再把活鱼放上,连同豆腐、洋葱、粉条一起放入锅中。加盐(少许)料酒(少许)放水不要超过4/5。注:25分钟-30分钟左右。 5、蒸地瓜 主料:地瓜1斤 配料:水100ML

方法:将地瓜洗净放入锅内加入水,盖上盖调到米饭档工作,经过17分钟后,自动保温、自动泄压。 6、排骨煲仔饭 主料:排骨(精排500g),大米(300g) 配料:精盐、色拉油、葱丝、白糖、姜、鸡精、老抽 方法:将排骨洗净,放入压力锅中,加入适量的调料,选择排骨键,大约15分钟。开盖放入洗好的大米,加入适量的水,选择米饭类,大约15分钟左右,制作完毕后,即可排气食用。 7、红烧鸡脖子 用料:鸡脖子八根 配料:姜、糖、老抽、料酒、白醋、树椒、盐、味素、油 方法:鸡脖子切块,姜切片。用蹄筋键将锅烧热,放入少许油烧开。姜片、花椒面、鸡脖子放入锅中炖至变色,放入糖、老抽、白醋等配料不加水。盖锅盖调到“肉类/鸡”键。 8、西红柿鸡蛋汤 主料:鸡蛋2个、柿子1个 配料:盐少许、味精少许、香油少许 方法:将内胆中倒入水,按下汤键,待水开后,泄压,打开盖,放入柿子。待水再次开后,将鸡蛋搅均,轻轻倒入锅中。当第三次开锅后,放入配料,即可食用。 9、大骨棒汤 主料:大骨棒壹个 配料:盐、味素、大料、料酒、酱油 方法:将骨棒用温热水洗净,连同配料一起放入锅内加热。选择汤类键。时间为30-60分钟左右。原汤原味,不腻、营养高。


阀组系列产品 1.VX-32型三阀组 2.M364W-420P-35/54型三阀组 3.M564W-320P-54五阀组 4.EFZ-320C(P)型二阀组 5.引压接头

VX-32型三阀组 使用说明书 北京远东仪表有限公司 1 用途 VX-32型三阀组可与本公司与美国EMERSON TM公司合资生产的1151、3051系列等差压变送器配合使用,其作用是从引压点将信号引入差压变送器正负测量室使引压点与测量室接通或断开。 2 基本参数 a. 公称压力:32MPa b. 环境温度:-30℃~+93℃ c. 介质温度:≤150℃ d. 重量:约2.5kg e. 外形尺寸:230×120×180mm f. 材质:1C r18 Ni 9Ti 3. 基本结构与工作原理 3.1 基本结构(如图1) 图 1 3.2 工作原理 M364W型三阀组由两端的引压阀和中间的平衡阀组成,三个阀结构相同,均采用聚四氟乙烯填料和9Cr18阀瓣,通过手柄旋转阀杆可实现阀门的开启与关闭。关闭二引压阀、打开平衡阀时,正负测量室相通。打开二引压阀、关闭平衡阀时,两引压管分别与正负测量室相通、两输出端压力不同。引压阀一开一闭、打开平衡阀时,两输出端压力相同。 4 安装方法 将三阀组装有聚四氟乙烯密封圈的二出压孔对准差压变送器法兰侧面1/4ANPT引压孔,均匀旋紧四条

螺栓,以保证密封。 5 注意事项 本产品出厂前已经打压试验合格,请不要任意松动零件,调整、维护请在专业人员指导下进行。 6 成套性 使用说明书 1份 检验合格证 1份 密封垫圈外径24.5mm内径19mm厚2mm 2件 螺栓 7/16-20UNF-2A 1″ 4件 焊接管接头 2件 7. 订货须知 根据选用的压力变送器量程代号。选择三阀组型号(见表) 8. 售后服务 本产品自发售之日起18个月内,在用户完全按使用说明书规定使用的情况下,如出现不符合技术要求的质量问题,我公司负责修理或更换。


摘要 电饭煲,又称作电锅、电饭锅,是大家耳熟能详的家用电器,使用方便,清洁卫生,还具有对食品进行蒸、煮、炖等多种操作功能。常见的电饭锅分为保温自动式、定时保温式以及新型的微电脑控制式三类。普通电饭煲主要由发热盘、限热器、保温开关、杠杆开关、限流电阻、指示灯、插座等组成。 本次课程设计,任务是设计一个微机控制电饭煲的系统智能电饭煲主要由电源部分和控制电路组成,电源部分为220V交流电经过变压器和整流桥后变为一定幅值的直流电,再经过稳压芯片LM7805,输出为+5V的直流电,作为单片机控制部分的电源,控制部分的控制方法大致为:用户按下启动键之后,系统设置一定的加热时间,本系统的加热时间是10分钟,当加热时间到达10分钟或当电热盘温度达到预定的警报限制的要求后,由蜂鸣器和二极管组成的报警系统开始报警,一段时间后,如果没有人员切断电流,系统自动将继电器的开关打开,以切断电热盘的电源,关键词:单片机电饭煲定时报警

目录 第一章概述 (3) 1.1 设计任务 (3) 1.2 设计思路 (3) 第二章硬件部分介绍 (5) 2.1 单片机介绍 (5) 2.2 电源电路 (6) 2.3 液晶显示电路 (7) 2.4 温度检测部分 (10) 2.5 光电隔离电路 (12) 2.6 继电器控制电路 (13) 2.7 其他硬件部分介绍 (15) 第三章程序设计 (17) 3.1 LCD显示定时时间程序简介 (17) 3.2 DS18B20程序 (20) 3.3其他程序 (23) 总结 参考文献

第一章概述 1.1 设计任务 微机控制电饭煲系统的设计任务如下: 1.人工操作启动,键盘应设置加热,停止,时间+,时间-选择等 2.加热10分钟,可以用液晶显示屏来显示加热时间。 3.加热完成后报警,通过温度传感器或定时器判断加热是否完成,如果完成,单片机发出信号,控制蜂鸣器响。 4.自动或人工切断电流,一旦加热完成,除了报警之外,还应该在一定时间之后切断加热电流,确保电饭煲设备以及其他事物的安全,避免因为电流引起火灾。 1.2 设计思路 智能电饭煲主要由电源部分和控制电路组成,电源部分由220V交流电经变压器再通过整流桥变为直流电,作为稳压芯片7805的输入,7805的输出为5V的直流电,为单片机系统提供电源,控制部分的控制方法大致为:用户按下启动键之后,系统自动设定加热时间,本系统的加热时间是10分钟,当加热时间到达10分钟或当电热盘温度达到预定的警报限制的要求后,继电器的开关打开,以切断电热盘的电源,同时单片机系统中的蜂鸣器响来达到报警的功能,当下降到一定的温度范围后通电加热,闭合继电器。以使电热盘始终保持在适合的温度范围内。除此之外,对任务书中做出一点改进,即用户可以根据需要自己加时间或者减时间,每按一次改变时间按键,时间减少或增加1分


在氟塑料中,聚四氟乙烯消耗最大,用途最广,它是氟塑料中的一个重要品种。聚四氟乙烯的化学结构是把聚乙烯中全部氢原子被氟原子取代而成。 产品名称:聚四氟乙烯 英文名:Polytetrafluoroethylene 别名:PTFE;铁氟龙;特氟龙;teflon;特氟隆;F4;塑料之王;テフロン(日语)【英文缩写为PTFE,商标名Teflon?,中文译名各地不同:大陆译为特富龙?,香港译为特氟龙?,台湾译为铁氟龙?】 分子式:[CF2CF2]n 生产方法:聚四氟乙烯由四氟乙烯经自由基聚合而生成。工业上的聚合反应是在大量水存在下搅拌进行的,用以分散反应热,并便于控制温度。聚合一般在40~80℃,3~26千克力/厘米2压力下进行,可用无机的过硫酸盐、有机过氧化物为引发剂,也可以用氧化还原引发体系。每摩尔四氟乙烯聚合时放热171.38kJ。分散聚合须添加全氟型的表面活性剂,例如全氟辛酸或其盐类。 用途:可制成棒、板、管材、薄膜及各种异型制品,用于航天、化工、电子、机械、医药等领域。 备注: 聚四氟乙烯[PTFE,F4]是当今世界上耐腐蚀性能最佳材料之一,因此得"塑料王"之美称。它能在任何种类化学介质长期使用,它的产生解决了我国化工、石油、制药等领域的许多问题。聚四氟乙烯密封件、垫圈、垫片. 聚四氟乙烯密封件、垫片、密封垫圈是选用悬浮聚合聚四氟乙烯树脂模塑加工制成。聚四氟乙烯与其他塑料相比具有耐化学腐蚀与耐温优异的特点,它已被广泛地应用作为密封材料和填充材料。 具有高度的化学稳定性和卓越的耐化学腐蚀能力,如耐强酸、强碱、强氧化剂等,有突出的耐热、耐寒及耐摩性,长期使用温度范围为-200-+250℃,还有优异的电绝缘性,且不受温度与频率的影响。此外,具有不沾着、不吸水、不燃烧等特点。悬浮树脂一般采用模压,烧结的办法成型加工,所制得的棒、板或其他型材还可进一步用车刨、钻、铣等机加工方法加工。棒材再经车削牵伸可制成定向薄膜。 ------------------------------------------------------ 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)特性:


1.聚四氟乙烯 聚四氟乙烯是用于密封的氟塑料之一。聚四氟乙烯以碳原子为骨架,氟原子对称而均匀地分布在它的周围,构成严密的屏障,使它具有非常宝贵的综合物理机械性能(表14—9)。聚四氟乙烯对强酸、强碱、强氧化剂有很高的抗蚀性,即使温度较高,也不会发生作用,其耐腐蚀性能甚至超过玻璃、瓷、不锈钢以至金、铂,所以,素有“塑料王”之称。除某些芳烃化合物能使聚四氟乙烯有轻微的溶胀外,对酮类、醇类等有机溶剂均有耐蚀性。只有熔融态的碱金属及元素氟等在高温下才能对它起作用。 聚四氟乙烯的介电性能优异,绝缘强度及抗电弧性能也很突出,介质损耗角正切值很低,但抗电晕性能不好。聚四氟乙烯不吸水、不受氧气、紫外线作用、耐候性好,在户外暴露3年,抗拉强度几乎保持不变,仅伸长率有所下降。聚四氟乙烯薄膜与涂层由于有细孔,故能透过水和气体。

聚四氟乙烯在200℃以上,开始极微量的裂解,即使升温到结晶体熔点327℃,仍裂解很少,每小时失重为万分之二。但加热至400℃以上热裂解速度逐渐加快,产生有毒气体,因此,聚四氟乙烯烧结温度一般控制在375~380℃。 聚四氟乙烯分子间的德华引力小,容易产生键间滑动,故聚四氟乙烯具有很低的摩擦系数及不粘性,摩擦系数在已知固体材料中是最低的。 聚四氟乙烯的导热系数小,该性能对其成型工艺及应用影响较大。其不但导热性差,且线膨胀系数较大,加入填充剂可适当降低线膨胀系数。在负荷下会发生蠕变现象,亦称作“冷流”,加入填充剂可减轻蠕变程度。 聚四氟乙烯可以添加不同的填充剂,选择的填充剂应基本满足下述要求:能耐380℃高温即四氟制品的烧结温度;与接触的介质不发生反应;与四氟树脂有良好的混入性;能改善四氟制品的耐磨性、冷流性、导热性及线膨胀系数等。常 用的填充剂有无碱无蜡玻璃纤维、石墨、碳纤维、MoS 2、A1 2 3 、CaF 2 、焦炭粉及 各种金属粉。如填充玻璃纤维或石墨,可提高四氟制品的耐磨、耐冷流性,填充MoS 2 可提高其润滑性,填充青铜、钼、镍、铝、银、钨、铁等,可改善导热性,填充聚酰亚胺或聚苯酯,可提高耐磨性,填充聚苯硫醚后能提高抗蠕变能力,保证尺寸稳定等。在相同的温度条件下,填充后的聚四氟乙烯其抗压强度(表 14-10)、压缩弹性模量(表14-11)、抗弯强度(表14-12)、硬度(表14-13)、摩擦系数和耐磨耗性(表14-14)、热导率(表14-15)均比纯四氟乙烯高。但抗拉强度和伸长率则有所下降,线膨胀系数(表14-15)也减小。 表14-10不同温度下加填充剂前后聚四氟乙烯的抗压强度① (Pa)


苏泊尔电饭煲“冷饭加热”功能介绍 ——小功能,大用处 有些家庭为了方便和省时,在早上或中午经常会多煮一些米饭放到晚上吃,或者偶尔也会出现吃不完的剩饭,扔掉觉得可惜……以上这两种情况,一般家庭都会把米饭重新热一下再食用。可是大家知道吗热饭也是有讲究的,如何掌握好热饭的技巧,让冷饭也能热出美味来,且看以下娓娓道来。 首先,让我们先来看,家庭常常用来热饭的一下几种方法: 1,米饭煮好之后让剩余的米饭长时间处于保温状态 优点:省事,想什么时候吃都可以; 缺点:电饭煲长时间处于工作状态,浪费电。另外,米饭长时间处于保温状态,米饭水汽挥发较快,米饭的口感也不如刚煮好的时候好吃; 2,采用电饭煲上“保温”功能热饭 优点:相比第一种要省电,锅里的剩饭想吃的时候再加热; 缺点:耗时,由于“保温”功能的功率较低,热饭的速度较慢,时间长; 3,利用电饭煲上“煮饭”功能热饭 优点:相对“保温”功能热饭速度快,省时; 缺点:米饭容易产生焦糊,这是因为“煮饭”功能为全功率加热,而冷饭中含的水分较少,如果采用“煮饭”功能去热饭,容易使米饭焦糊,影响口感;

4,用蒸煮的方式热饭,如蒸笼、蒸锅等,缺点是较为麻烦,需要将冷饭盛出,另外米饭的湿气大,口感不佳; 综合以上几种热饭的方法,大家是否觉得都不是特别满意呢 那么,如何让冷饭热出美味,如刚煮好的米饭一样好吃 苏泊尔电饭煲特设的“冷饭加热”功能,默认12分钟智能加热程序,轻轻一按,美味米饭手到擒来,让你再也不用为冷饭不好吃或者要扔掉而发愁。 苏泊尔电饭煲的“冷饭加热”功能,采用低功耗间歇性加热,热饭结束后自动转为保温,热饭速度比使用”保温“功能更快,因此“冷饭加热”具有省电、快捷、米饭效果更好的优点。“冷饭加热”功能的优点: 1,热饭更快捷,更简单 理由是:苏泊尔电饭煲的“冷饭加热”功能采用的全功率间歇性加热,加热完成自动保温,而如果用“保温”功能热饭,功率低,热饭的速度也较慢。 2,冷饭再加热的口感更好 理由是:苏泊尔电饭煲的“冷饭加热”功能则通过判断冷饭中水分的含量,设定并保持最佳的锅底温度加热,使得热出来的米饭松软可口,效果无异于刚煮好的米饭。 以下为苏泊尔特设有“冷饭加热”功能的主打产品: “冷饭加热”功能使用小贴士:


苏泊尔球釜说明书 篇一:苏泊尔电磁炉说明书 苏泊尔电磁炉说明书 每一种厨房,都是一面镜子,照映出属于你的最美姿态。每一种厨房,都是主人生活最 真实的写真,照映出内心最真实的表情。或者尊贵,或者沉稳,或者精炼,或者务实,或者 张扬??人生百味,尽在其中。不过如果家中的厨房被油烟所覆盖,相信下厨将会成为一种 煎熬,所以解决厨房油烟机问题成了人们首要的考虑因素。面对这个问题电磁炉应运而生,由于电磁炉使用方便快捷,安全实用,并且没有明火, 受到不少消费者的青睐,而今天万维家电网为大家带来的就是一款具有超强性价比的苏泊尔 c19s08电磁炉,这是一款家电下乡中标产品,售价仅为239元,下面我们就来了解一下这款 电磁炉。包装十分精美随机赠送一个专用汤锅 苏泊尔汤锅采用进口优质不锈钢材质,长时加热不发黑,防锈防腐更安全。电磁炉使用说明书保修卡以及售后网点苏泊尔电磁炉外形设计 苏泊尔电磁炉细节特写电磁炉的排气孔电磁炉的侧边排气孔底部采用防滑设计,保证电磁炉的稳固篇二:

苏泊尔电磁炉维修手册大全苏泊尔电磁炉维修手册大全电磁加热原理电磁灶是一种利用电磁感应原理将电能转换为热能的厨房电器。在电磁灶内部,由整流 电路将50/60hz的交流电压变成直流电压,再经过控制电路将直流电压转换成频率为 20-40khz的高频电压,高速变化的电流流过线圈会产生高速变化的磁场,当磁场内的磁力线 通过金属器皿(导磁又导电材料)底部金属体内产生无数的小涡流,使器皿本身自行高速发热, 然后再加热器皿内的东西。 1.2 458系列筒介 458系列是由建安电子技术开发制造厂设计开发的新一代电磁炉,介面有led发光二极管显示模式、led数码显示模式、lcd液晶显示模式、vfd 莹光显示模式机种。操作功能有加热 火力调节、自动恒温设定、定时关机、预约开/关机、预置操作模式、自动泡茶、自动煮饭、 自动煲粥、自动煲汤及煎、炸、烤、火锅等料理功能机种。额定加热功率有700~3000w的不 同机种,功率调节范围为额定功率的85%,并且在全电压范围内功率自动恒定。200~240v机种 电压使用范围为160~260v, 100~120v机种电压使用范围为90~135v。全系列机种均适用于50、


上海市凌桥环保设备厂有限公司 PTFE针刺毡聚四氟乙烯覆膜滤袋的使用说明书 一、产品特点 本滤袋产品所使用的100%PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)长、短纤维;基布、缝纫线及微孔薄膜均由本公司自行研制、开发并批量生产,系国内首创,达到国际先进水平。 本产品采用PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)长纤维做成高强低伸型基布,铺以PTFE短纤维进行高密度针刺加工,经过高温热定性以后表面覆合PTFE薄膜。最终产品具有低收缩率,优秀的过滤性能,良好的耐腐蚀性和尺寸稳定性,可以在高温(不高于260℃)、酸、碱气氛的环境中长期使用。 二、产品适用范围及使用局限 本滤袋产品适用于气、固两相流的分离,具有除尘效率高、排放浓度低,对粉尘比电阻的适用范围宽等优点,其优良的性能可以满足国内外的环境保护要求,具有广泛的适用性。 本滤袋产品不适用于气、固、液三相流的分离,换言之,在待处理气体中除固体颗粒物以外,不能含有游离状液滴;处理气体的温度要在其露点温度10~20℃以上;保证滤料表面没有结露的液体。如果做不到以上几点,在生产工艺相应改变或在除尘工艺中必须作相应处理,满足以上几点,否则没有好的处理效果,直接的结果是产生“糊袋”,滤袋的运行阻力急剧升高,除尘器处理风量减少,,滤袋寿命降低,等等。 本滤袋产品处理气体温度上限不得超过滤料的允许温度,超温可能造成滤料材质融化或损坏,影响滤料的使用寿命或过滤效果。 特别注意:聚四氟乙烯薄膜对油雾的处理效果较差,使用中应避免在混有油雾的烟气环境中使用,如不可避免时,应在除尘系统中具备相应措施。 三、产品的储存注意事项 在产品安装使用前,滤袋必须存放在包装箱内。包装箱应放在通风、干燥、清洁的室内,包装箱离地面应在100mm以上,地面不得有积水并有防雨、防潮措施。如果是纸质包装箱则叠放层数不得超过规定,并在拿取滤袋不得使用钓钩、手钩搬取包装箱,包装箱不得踩踏。 四、产品的安装注意事项 滤袋在安装前,必须在现场打开包装箱,检查滤袋有无损坏、表面覆膜有无脱落,滤袋在搬、拿过程中始终要请拿轻放,尽量减少滤袋的折叠次数和作用在折叠处的压力。


苏泊尔电压力锅维修 苏泊尔电压力锅维修 (1) 收藏人:fqf0460 2010-12-13 | 阅:8134 转:24 | 来源 | 分享 今天接修一台苏泊尔电压力锅,用户说是只保温、烧不开水不冒气。拆开逐一检查定时器、温度保险、电炉丝、加热控制的继电器都是好的。插上插头扭动定时器后测电炉丝有220V,好的嘛,加水加热却一直烧不开,用表一直监测电炉丝电压时有时无,测继电器线圈电压才2。7V,后测桥堆、12V稳压管、滤波电容都没问题,去掉继电器线圈一脚后电压恢复为12V,最后取下220V降压用的1UF电容一测才100多NF,用彩电上的S校正电容两个并联换上后就OK~吃皮了~第一次修电压力锅还算顺利,特写出来与大家交流~~~ 电压力锅的常见故障维修 (2) 收藏人:fqf0460 2010-12-13 | 阅:3352 转:57 | 来源 | 分享 一。机械调节型电压力锅 1。无电源。(指接通电源后,灯不亮,不发热)此故障主要在电源线入端的故障。A。可测熔断器是否已开路,如是,换上一相应的熔断器,故障可排除。如熔断器未开路,则可测量锅底中心的145度温控器,该温控器失灵开路也会出现该故障。该故障应注意的还有以下部件: a。电源线是否不通。(开路)b。是源线的接口处(讲座)是否熔掉而不通。 2。电源指示灯亮,但不发热。此故障主要在发热盘部份的故障,常见是因发热盘已烧毁(开路)。

3。开机加热到一会,水还未开就跳保温。此故障的原因有几个:A.旋扭开关(即定时器)部位的接触不好,虽然已扭到煮食的部分但并未接通,使得电路只由保温开关控制在60度。B。压力开关失灵,不通,这样即使定时器接触良好,但在压力未到的情况下,压力开关已误动作(跳开),而使电路处于保温状态,水煮不开。 4。开机一加热一会,整机就自动断开电源,灯也不亮了。此故障主要是锅底145度的温控器故障,失灵。只加热未到温度就断开电源,温度降下之后以可通电,换上该温控则行。 5。定时器不转了,饭常烧焦。目前市场上的机械型压力锅的定时器大致分为两种:发条式的定时器和电机型的定时器。以下直称A。B。A型定时器式压力锅出现该故障一方面是定时器内部停止了转动,已损坏。另一方面是由于某些小动物窜入留下的粪便卡住了定时器内的转动牙轮,后种的故障可清理该杂物以排除故障。B型定时器压力锅在该故障里的原因主要是因定时器内的小电机已烧掉。无法转动而未能在指定的保压时间内断开。注:B型定时器的转动是由压力开关控制的,所以要注意一点是会否压力开关失灵,(只通不断)或是锅子本身漏气而使锅内压力不足以使压力开关跳开. 6.锅子漏气漏气可分几种: A.锅顶漏气:1。锅顶的塑料外壳已裂开,锅顶的压针压不信出气柱。(指旧式锅顶其压针接连着塑料外壳);2。出气柱的顶端有太多的杂物使得压针未能压死出气温柱。;3。锅内压力太大或失灵,在压力开关未跳开之前,已超过了正常压力,锅顶自动被顶起排气。; 4。内胶圈已裂开而漏气,(注:新锅顶都有排气、密封两档,应注意该项)B.浮子漏气:1.浮子胶圈已老化残损而漏气。2.平柄中的保险杆位置不正,在浮子升起时顶住了,使得浮子未能完全升起透气。3.浮子固定的胶圈裂开而漏气。 C.胶圈漏气(锅盖周围):1.胶圈正老化,残旧失去密封性;2.是否是同换胶圈的胶圈与锅子不配时导致漏气。3.锅内胆是否摔过而变形。电脑型点压力锅常见的故障代码解 E1,E2传感失灵 E3,E4传感失灵 1.现E1/E2故障代码出现该故障首先要测量传感器(即发热盘中心的传感器),查看是否断路或开路,如正常则可拆开控


企业简介 我厂是生产微波印制电路基板的专业厂家,是在电子信息材料领域集科研、生产和经营于一体的经济实体,其主导产品有聚四氟乙烯玻璃漆布覆铜箔板系列、微波复合介质基片系列,微波电子器件及绝缘、防粘漆布类。并广泛应用于航天、航空、卫星通讯、导航、雷达、电子对抗、3G通信、北斗卫星系统、纺织、服装和食品等领域。经过多年的发展2009年元月本厂在工业园区征地50余亩,新建标准厂房11000平方米,新添五条生产线,已形成年产覆铜箔板800吨、微波复合介质基片1500平方米的生产能力,并多次与国家重点工程配套成功,受到航天、航空及中国载人航天工程办公室等部门的表彰。荣获“国家级重点新产品”称号。企业2001年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。2007年通过UL认证。本厂是江苏省高新技术企业、江苏省AAA 级资信等级企业、“重合同、守信用”企业。在科研上依托国内大专院校及科研单位力量,成立了省级工程技术研究中心,企业现有工程技术人员46人,其中具有高级职称人员9人,随着我国通信事业的发展,企业本着以提高产品质量为中心,以顾客为关注焦点,不断满足顾客需求来实现企业与顾客更广泛、更完美、更持久的合作。 为使新老客户对我厂产品有更多的了解,并广泛选用,特编此说明书,以便订货使用。

目录 聚四氟乙烯系列 一、F4覆铜箔板类 ●聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4B—1/2)………………………………………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BK—1/2)………………………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BM—1/2)………………………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BMX—1/2)[新品推荐]………… ●宽介电常数聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4BME—1/2)[新品推荐]………… ●介电常数2.94覆平面电阻铜箔高频层压板[新品推荐]……………………●金属基聚四氟乙烯玻璃布覆铜箔板(F4B—1/AL.CU)[新品推荐]…………… ●绝缘聚四氟乙烯覆铜箔板(F4T—1/2)…………………………………………复合介质基片系列 一、TP类 ●微波复合介质覆铜箔基片(TP—1/2)…………………………………………二、TF类 ●聚四氟乙烯陶瓷复合介质覆铜箔基片(TF—1/2)……………………………二、F4漆布类………………………………………………………………………… ●防粘布(F4B—N) ●绝缘布(F4B—J)


苏泊尔电压力锅的压力传感机制. 手头也是一个苏泊尔电压力锅,犯了"通病",按照骑行者老兄发表的帖子维修,详见【家电维修论坛】https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c9265303.html,/thread-84736-1-1.html 苏泊尔电压力锅的一个通病! 苏泊尔, 压力锅, 指示灯 故障现象为通电后指示灯闪烁并嘀嘀报警,按键失灵无法加热。偶尔又能正常工作! 一般情况下均为给控制电路供电的降压电容(为1微法)容量减小所致!! *************底部&控制合.jpg 实际上就是把照片中底部控制合里的那个黄色1uF电容换掉即可,一般都是由于此类纸介电容高温老化导致容量减小所致. 本着格物致知穷尽事理的精神,干脆一拆到底,彻底弄清楚其工作机制,后来发现所谓广告吹嘘的xxx苏泊尔电压力锅,有点名不副实,实际上就是个加压的电饭锅再加个单片机控制.(整个单片机控制合位于前面板,单片机使用的是Holtek的HT46R47 8bit带8位A/D的MCU.遥控电扇,暖风机上常见)

*************电脑板及按键.jpg *************单片机型号.jpg 可能出于安全考虑,其铭牌最大工作压力是80KPa这个值是略小于一般普通压力锅1.2KG/cm^2(117.6KPa).所以我个人感觉其加压沸点要小于传统压力锅.唯一比较有新奇的收

获便是弄清楚了其压力电传感机制是如何做到不加盖不烧和过压断电的. 这个秘密机制一半在锅盖上,一半在锅把手上.右侧把手里面有一个干簧管.既然有干簧管,那控制磁铁一定藏在对应的锅盖一边,一开始我仅仅认为这个干簧管只是检测锅盖手机否卡到位, *************把手内藏干簧管.jpg


重要事项 危险 ,也不能在自来水龙不可将电饭锅主体浸入水中头下冲洗。 电饭煲正在工作时,不要盖住其蒸汽孔和调压器。 警告 在将产品连接电源之前,请先检查产品所标电压与当地的供电电压是否相符。 产品必须插入有接地的插座,且务必确保其已稳固插入。 如果插头、电源线、内胆或煲身已经损坏,请勿再使用本产品。 本产品不打算由肢体不健全、感觉或精神上有障碍或缺乏相关经验和知识的人(包括儿童)使用,除非有负责他们安全的人对他们使用本产品进行监督或指导。 应照看好儿童,确保他们不玩耍该产品。

不要让儿童接触到电源线。切勿将电源线悬挂在放置本产品的桌子或工作台的边上。将插头接入插座之前,应确保加热元件、温度传感器和内胆外侧是洁净、干燥的。.如果密封圈损坏,请勿在使用产品。 请勿用浸湿的手插接产品插头或控制面板上的任何按钮。 切勿将本产品连接至外部定时器,以免发身危险。 电饭煲正在工作时,切勿将脸或手靠近调压器或蒸汽孔。 米饭煮沸时,切勿打开锅盖。 煮饭过程结束后,切勿立即打开锅盖,而要等到电饭煲内的蒸汽完全释放再打开。定期检查蒸汽孔,确保其不会被堵塞。 有关任何涉及心脏起搏器或其它植入装置的问题,请在使用本产品之前咨询医生。注意 仅使用附送的饭勺,不要使用尖锐的器具。切勿将电饭煲暴露在高温之下也不要将电饭煲放在正在工作或仍在发热的炉具或炊

具上。 将插头接入插座和打开电饭煲之前,一定要先放入内胆。 如果很长时间不用,请务必拔下电饭煲的电源插头。 一定要先让电饭煲冷却,才能进行清洁或移动。 不要将内胆直接放在火上煮饭。. 如果本产品使用不当、用于专业或专业用途或未按本用户手册中的说明进行操作,则本产品的保修将会失效,并且对于因此而造成的损失,厂家拒接承担任何责任。将电饭煲放在稳固、平整且水平的表面上。产品工作时,可接触到表面会发热。只能触摸控制面板。 小心煮饭期间从蒸汽孔和调压器排出的热蒸汽或再打开盖子时从电饭煲中冒出的热蒸汽。 煮饭期间,切勿提起及移动电饭煲。 切勿将产品直接暴晒于阳关下。 切勿将金属物体或异物插入蒸汽孔和调压器。
