省东台市南沈灶镇中学九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Colour》Reading 1教学案

总 课 题 课 题 9A Unit2 Colours
第 课 型

课 时 授
Colours (Reading A)
知识目标: To understand what colours represent
教学目标 教学重点
能力目标:To recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions 情感目标: To match colours to the characteristics The same as the aims. 教 教 (学) 过 动 程 自主个案 (学) 活
预习导学 moods colours Blue is good for the _________ and body. And it calm colours represents ________. White is the colour of __________.You should wear white when you feel _ ___________. These colours give you a happy and _______ _feeling. warm colours Orange represents __________. It can bring you _______ and _____ you up.Yellow can remind you a _________, ________ day. It is also the colour of _________. Green can give you ____________ because it represents energetic colours strong colours 教学过程 Teaching steps: Step 1: Revision Revise different kinds of colours by asking students: What’s your favourite colour? Step 2: Presentation . Tell students that different colours can give people different feelings. Let students enjoy a series of pictures, including different kinds of colours and let students discuss: What’s your feeling after looking at the pictures? Encourage students to say as much as possible. Step 3: Reading comprehension ______________ a nd ________. It is also the colour of _________ and the colour of mone y and _________. Red represents _ ________ and it is the colour of __________ and ________ feeling . rep resents

Choose the most suitable person for BBC Company . Step 4: Speak up Present opinions of choosing the most suitable person Greet with the teacher freely. ! Have a free talk with th e teacher freely. 课内研讨 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Blue can make us feel ____________ (peace) 2. They were full of __________ (sad) when they saw the earthquake on TV. 3. You should have a rest if you feel _______ ____ (stress). 4. A good diet is very important for children’s __________ (grow). 5. Green can make you feel _________ (energy). 训练巩固 cheer …up to argue with creative enough take action make a decision pay attention
1.“Would you please ___________the red words on the blackboard?”said the teac her. 2.It’s impolite to _____________________with others. 3.Is your monitor________________________to think of this wonderful idea? 4.The girl is feeling a little bit blue today.Let’s go to her and ____________. 5.I found it di fficult to ________________________only by myself.I should talk about it with my parents or teachers first 拓展延伸 翻译下列句子 1.老师应当公平地对待每个学生 Teachers should ________________________________to each of their students. 2.看来他很难作出决定 It seems that he ___________________ ____________________ 3.他今天心情不好 4.蓝色代表悲伤。 Blue________________________________ ____________ 教(学)后记(我的问题,体悟,收获)
He is ______________________today

