


1. 【阅读理解】 My friend named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a lovely boy was walking around the shining car. "Is this your car, sir?" he asked.

Paul answered. "Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas. "The boy was surprised, "You mean your brother gave it to you and it did cost you nothing? Sir, I wish..." He hesitated (犹豫). Of course Paul knew what the boy wanted, but what the boy said surprised him greatly. "I wish," the boy went on, "that I could be a brother like that." Paul looked at the boy in surprise, and then he said, "Would you like to take a ride in my car?" "Oh yes, I'd love to." the boy answered.

After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, "Sir, would you mind stopping in front of my house?"

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. "Will you stop where those two stairs are?" the boy asked.

He went up to the stairs. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled (跛腿的) brother. He sat on the stair and pointed to the car.

"There he is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a dollar. And some day I'm going to give you one just like it…then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas windows that I've been trying to tell you about. "

Paul got out and lifted Buddy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed elder brother climbed in behind him and the three began an unforgettable holiday ride.

1小题1.Why was the boy surprised?

ABecause he saw Paul coming out of his office.

BBecause Paul gave a car to his brother.

CBecause Paul told him about the car.

DBecause Paul received a Christmas present.


2小题2.Why did the boy ask Paul to stop his car in front of his house?

ABecause he wanted to show that he had a rich friend.

BBecause he wanted to show his neighbors the big car.

CBecause he wanted to let his brother ride in the car.

DBecause he wanted to tell his brother about his wish.


3小题3.Who was crippled in the passage?


BThe lovely boy.

CThe boy's brother.

DPaul's brother.



短文为我们讲述了一个小男孩的故事,他看到 Paul 有一辆漂亮的汽车,当他知道这是 Paul 的哥哥送给他的时候,他也想做一个这样的哥哥,送给他的残疾的弟弟一辆汽车,让他能看到圣诞节橱窗里美丽的东西。

1. 细节理解题。根据短文的第二段 Paul answered, "Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas." The boy was surprised. "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't

cost you nothing?" 可知,当 Paul 告诉这个男孩这辆车是他的哥哥送给他的时候,他感到很惊奇。故选C。

2. 细节理解题。根据短文的倒数第二段的内容 "There he is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent (美分). And some day I'm going to give you one just like it. 可知,这个男孩让 Paul 把车开到他家的前面,是为了让他残疾的弟弟看看,告诉他的弟弟有一天他也会为他买一辆这样的车。故选D。

3.细节理解题。根据文中 He was carrying his little crippled (跛腿的) brother. He sat on the stair and pointed to the car. "There he is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs." 可知,那个男孩的弟弟是残疾的。故选C。

2. 【阅读理解】 Have you ever read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? It was written by Lewis Carroll. He was an English writer, poet, scientist, photographer, and priest. His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and Lewis Carroll was his pen name. He was born in 1832 and died in 1898.

He is most famous for writing two children's fantasy books about a young girl called Alice. They were titled Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1872).

He also wrote two famous poems called "The Hunting of the Snake" and "The Jabberwocky". What is important about these poems is that he made up many new words to use in them. He was an expert at "word play" and used words in many different ways. Some of these ways were quite new. And this has influenced members of the literary elite who are well educated about English. Many people still study his work and his life today.

Although they seem to have been written for children, Lewis Carroll's books and poems have been enjoyed by people of all ages. If you have not read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which is also referred to by the short title Alice in Wonderland, you should read it soon. No matter how old you are, you will find it exciting and enjoyable.

1小题1.Who wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

ACharles Dodgson.



DJane Fleeb.


2小题2.How many poems did Lewis Carroll write?






3小题3.From the passage, we know ____ like reading Alice in Wonderland. Aonly children

Byoung people

Conly adults

Dpeople of all ages


4小题4.According to the passage, we can infer Lewis Carroll was ____. Aa woman writer

Ba Japanese writer

Can American writer

Dan imaginative writer




1. 细节理解题。根据第一段第一、二句 Have you ever read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? It was written by Lewis Carroll. 和第四句 His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and Lewis Carroll was his pen name. 可知 Charles Dodgson 写了《爱丽丝梦游仙境》故选A。

2. 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句 He also wrote two famous poems called "The Hunting of the Snake" and "The Jabberwocky". 可知刘易斯?卡罗尔写了两首诗。故选B。

3. 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句 Although they seem to have been written for children, Lewis Carroll's books and poems have been enjoyed by people of all ages. 可知各个年龄段的人喜欢读《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。故选D。

4.细节理解题。根据第三段第二句 What is important about these poems is that he made up many new words to use in them. He was an expert at "word play" and used words in many different ways. Some of these ways were quite new.(这些诗最重要的是他编造了许多新词用在其中。他是“文字游戏”的专家,用词的方式多种多样。其中一些方法是相当新的)可知刘易斯?卡罗尔是富有想象力的作家。故选D。

3. 【阅读理解】 Welcome to our holiday Activity Courses

We offer holiday activity courses for young people aged between 7~15 years old and operate during every school holiday except Christmas. We have a track: record of excellence and have been delivering holiday activity courses for over 20 years.

Master Chef

Master Chef is a practical cooking experience for young people who want to try their hand in the kitchen. You will be taught tips and techniques (技能) as well as cooking something different every day. We, will supply everything, and all you need is a willingness to try something new.

Cost: $140

Musical Theatre

The young people will have the chance to develop their acting and singing skills through many exciting workshops. They will learn basic singing techniques, improve acting skills and create plays to develop their creativity.

At the end of the week children will perform to parents in Prep Hall at 3:20 pm.

Cost: $135

Water Sports

We take Children to the Marine Lake for water sports. Activities include sailing, windsurfing and power boasting.

We will supple wetsuits and children should bring their own footwear, swimwear and a T-shirt. A packed lunch will be provided. Transport to the Marine Lake is by school minibus.

Cost: $160


Judo—meaning "gentle way" is a modern martial art (武术) and Olympic sport. The Judo course is led by a fully trained instructor and it is open to all levels; beginners are welcome.

Cost: $160

Children attending the course are on holiday; so it is important for them to have lots of fun and make new friends while learning new skills. With so many fantastic courses on offer, we are Wirral's leading Holiday Activity Course Provider.

We look forward to welcoming you!

1小题1.What's the cost of Master Chef?






2小题2.Which course provides a packed lunch?

AMaster Chef.

BMusical Theater.

CWater sports.



3小题3.The passage in a(n) ____.








1. 根据 Master Chef 课程介绍的最后一句 Cost: $140 可知学厨师的费用140元。故选A。

2. 根据 Water Sports 课程的介绍的第二段第二句 A packed lunch will be provided.(午餐提供一顿盒饭)可知Water Sports(水上运动)提供盒装午餐。故选C。

3. 根据标题及文中所述的内容,提及的活动内容及课程价格,可知此文是一则广告。故选D。


柴门中学2017-2018学年下学期冀教版八年级英语期末试题 Class: Name: Marks:(满分100分) 一. 单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. —What’s the of your country, Tim? — More than thirty-five million. A. value B. name C. advantage D. population ( ) 2. —Why not consider the Internet for interesting information? — Good idea! A. search B. searches C. searched D. searching ( ) 3. It was of you to fight against the robber (抢劫者) just now. We’re all proud of you. A. brave B. foolish C. crazy D. pleasant ( ) 4. The writer in translating this book into Chinese last month. A. succeeded B. created C. divided D. appeared ( ) 5. Tina has lived in China for two years, and she knows Chinese. A. a little of B. a little C. a bit of D. both B and C ( ) 6. Mark didn’t wake up his friend called him this morning. A. before B. while C. until D. after ( ) 7. Jack the empty bottle on the floor and threw it into the dustbin. A. opened up B. picked up C. rang up D. moved up ( ) 8. Jenny I believe Tom’s words, because he always tells lies. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Not only; but also ( ) 9. The boy’s parents since he was three years old. He has to live with his grandparents. A. died B. dead C. were dying D. have been dead ( )10. It’s difficult the poor man that new house. A. for; afford B. of; afford C. for; to afford D. of; to afford ( )11. Judy seldom goes to the history museum, she? A. is B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t ( )12. My friend told me that she for Shanghai on June 5th. A. leave B. leaves C. will leave D. would leave ( )13. — Where is your mother, Kim? —She Hangzhou. She’ll come back this weekend. A. goes to B. has gone to C. will go to D. has been to ( )14. If you drive too fast on the road, it an accident. A. cause B. causes C. caused D. will cause ( )15. —Do you know , Li Ming? — Of course! In 2012. A. where were the 30th Olympic Games held B. when London hosted the 30th Olympic Games C. which record was broken at the Olympic Games D. how many medals did they get at the Olympic Games


2017—2018学年度下学期期末素质教育测评试卷 八年级英语 (时间:120分钟满分:120分) 一、听力(共二节,计25分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后面对应一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出与所听对话内容相符的图片的最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟的答题时间并阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 第二节(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 听下面7段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,完成第6至7小题。

( ) 6. When did Tony go to work in the old people’s home? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last summer. ( ) 7. What did Tony do for the old people? A. Read newspapers. B. Told stories. C. Cleaned the rooms. 听第7段材料,完成第8至9小题。 ( ) 8. Where are they going tomorrow? A. To the science museum. B. To the art museum. C. To the space museum. ( ) 9. How are they going there? A. Ride their bikes. B. Take the subway. C. Take the bus. 听第8段材料,完成第10至11小题。 ( ) 10. What time did Lucy call Jack yesterday evening? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00. ( ) 11. Who was Jack with? A. His father. B. His mother. C. His friend. 听第9段材料,完成第12至14小题。 ( ) 12. What is Karen going to do using the computer? A. To play games. B. To check the e-mail. C. To buy things. ( ) 13. Where is Karen’s e-pal from? A. Australia. B. French. C. Canada. ( ) 14. What does Karen like doing? A. Traveling. B. Making friends. C. Cooking. 听第10段材料,完成第15至17小题。 ( ) 15. Where is the new library? A. On Ocean Road. B. Next to the museum. B. In London School. ( ) 16. What can they do in the video reading room? A. Listen to tapes. B. Borrow some books. C. Search the Internet. ( ) 17. When can they see a free film? A. On Tuesdays. B. On Saturdays. C. On Sundays. 听第11段材料,完成第18至20小题。 ( ) 18. Why hasn’t Amy done her math homework yet? A. Because it’s too difficult for her. B. Because she wants to wait for Daniel. C. Because she wants to watch TV first. ( ) 19. When are they going to meet after school? A. At four o’clock. B. At five o’clock. C. At six o’clock. ( ) 20. What subject can Amy help Daniel with? A. English. B. Science. C. Physics. 听第12段材料,完成第21至25小题。 ( ) 21. How long has the writer been living in the Taihe village?


I. 听句子,从A-E五幅图中选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。听完每句话后,你将有5秒钟的答题时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每句话读两遍。 1. Mario fell off his bike and hurt one of his legs. 2. Watching TV for too long is not good for our health. 3. Let’s play basketball after school. 4. Could you lend me your dictionary? 5. Have you ever been to Shanghai by plane? II. 听短对话,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 6. M: Could you please sweep the floor, Betty? W: Yes, I can. But I must fold my clothes first. 7. M: What’s the weather like in Daye today? W: It’s cloudy. But it rained heavily yesterday. 8. M: Hello, Gina. Long time no see. W: Yes. I had a bad cold last wee k and had to stay at home. 9. M: Alice, you missed the bus this morning, didn’t you? W: Yes. I got to the bus stop at eight. But the bus left fifteen minutes ago. 10. M: Why does Lily feel tired today? W: Because she did her homework late last night and didn’t get


初二英语下期末试卷 Ⅰ句子理解:你将听到五个句子,根据你所听到的句子选择适当的答语。(5分) ( )1.A.Several years ago . https://www.360docs.net/doc/3416790069.html,st two years C.For about ten years ( )2.A.Speaking B.I‘m LiP ing C.I don‘t know ( )3.A.Nothing serious B.I‘m a stranger too C.Thank you all the same ( )4.A.It was a pleasure B.What a good idea . let‘s go C.We enjoyed ourselves ( )5.A.No hurry .Take your time ,please. B.All right .I‘m glad too C.Hold on fpr a moment, please Ⅱ.对话理解:你将听到五段对话及十个问题,根据你所听到的对话和对话后的问题选择正确答案(10分) ( )6.A. last Wednesday B.next Tuesday https://www.360docs.net/doc/3416790069.html,st Friday ( )7.A.Because she doesn‘t like its tasts. B.Because she likes beer C.Because she is afraid of getting drunk ( )8A knife spoon .B knife fork C.knife fox ( )9.A.He use a fork with his left hand and a knife with his right hand B.He uses forks with both of his hands C.He uses both the knife and fork with his hand ( )10.A.Music B.Art C.Picture ( )11.A. A song B.A film C.A TV play ( )12. A.Park B.Film C.Zoo ( )13.A.At 8:oo B.At 8:30 C.At 9:oo ( )14.A.cotton B.wood C.cloth ( )15.A.It‘s made in Shanghai B.It‘s made o f cotton Cit;s made in Jinan Ⅲ.短文理解:你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容选择下面问题的正确答案。(5分)( )16.M rs .Black‘s home is in _________. A.a small town B.a big city C.a small city ( )17.How old is Jack ? He is ________. A.twelve B.twenty-one C.twenty ( )18.The small town is ________the city . A.far from B.near C.beside ( )19.When Jack left his telephone his mother because ________ A.angry B.glad C.sad ( )20.Jack didn‘t telephone his mother because __________. A.he had no telephone B.his mother had no telephone C.he didn‘t like his mother 笔试部分(80分) Ⅰ按要求写出下列单词的适当形式(每小题1分,共10分) 1.Radio(复数)______ 2.Busy(副词)_______ 3.Sun (形容词)______ 4.Thirty(序数词)_____ 5.Better(反义词)_____ 6.Write(名词) _________


n .选择填空(20分) ( )16. Every one ____ h ere. No one is away. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )17. Please ____ call me Dann y. I'm Mary. A. not B. don ' C. n ot to D. does n't ( )18. --- Would you like to go boating ? A. Yes, please B. No, I like C. Yes, I 'like to D. No, I dlike ( )19. If you don 't know the way, you can ___ the policema n for help. A . speak B. tell C. ask D. say ( )20. They are too heavy. Do you n eed ____ help ? A .any B. a C. many D. some ( )21. If it doesn 'train, we ____ a football match. A .are havi ng B. will have C. have D. are have ( )22. _____ you ____ f ree next Saturday ? A .Will, are B. Will be C. Do, be D. Have, bee n ( )23. We ____ waste water. A .must B. shouldn't C. need n't D. can ' ( )24. When school was over yesterday, it ______ . A .was snowing B. is snowing C. sno wed D. has sno wed ( )25. I would like _____ a teacher. A. be B. to C. to be D. not be ( )26. ---What did Tom say ? ---Tom said ______ well in speak ing. A .he think he did B. he thinks he did C. he thought he did D. he thought he does ( )27. I dlike to ______ t he message to Jim for you. A .put on B. tur n on C. pass on D. work on ( )28. If you want to get good grades, you must be ____ all the time. A」azy B. busy C. hard-work ing D. stressed out


八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案2019 第 I 卷(共90分) I.听力测试。(共30分) 第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。听 一遍。 1. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Have a nice trip. C. You’re so kind. 2. A. Yes, I think so. B. Yes, they do. C. That’s all right. 3. A. I am washing clothes. B. I was calling my friend. C. I help mom clean the house. 4. A. Yes, it is. B. That’s amazing. C. No, it isn’t. 5. A. Since three years ago. B. Only once. C. For three weeks. 6. A. Never mind. B. You’re quite right. C. My pleasure. 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听一遍。 7. A. Boring. B. Fantastic. C. Tiring. 8. A. About 10 meters. B. About 20 kilometers. C. About 10 kilometers. 9. A. At home. B. In the supermarket. C. In the library. 10. A. Because he did too much homework.


八年级下学期英语期末试卷及答案 五、选择填空 A. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换划线部分的选项。 (共4小题,每小题1分,计4分) A. in style B. one more C. return it D. took place 26. Let’see another one on the line. 27. When will you give it back to me. 28. The murder happened about thirty years ago. 29. Her clothes are always fashionable. B. 从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每小题1分,计17分) 30. There ____ a meeting at 4 o’clock this afternoon. A.will haveB.will beC.will to be 31. The man doesn’t have ____, so he is _____. A.enough friends, lonely enoughB.friends enough, enough lonelyC.enough friends, alone enough 32. Mother ____ while father ______ his car. A.was cooking, washedB.cooked, was washingC.was cooking, was washing 33. I was never ______receive a _______result from my science teacher.


1. In my home town it’s in July , but it’s even in August. A. hotter ; hottest B. hot ; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot ; hotter 2. He many photos on his last school trip . A. takes B. took C. take D. taking 3. ----- shall I make it ? ----- You must peel three bananas first . A. How B. What C. Where D. Which 4. The number of students in my class is the same as in . A. she’s B. she C. her D. hers 5. All of us stopped when the teacher came in . A. talking B. to talk C. saying D. to say 6. Sally is going to learn an instrument this year . A. play B. to playing C. played D. to play 7. -----What is Tony doing vacation ? ------He is his little cousin . A. for ; babysit B. for ; babysitting C. on ; babysat D. on ; babysiting 8. -----Would you like to help me the heavy box ?-------sure . A. carries B. carrying C. carry D. carried 9. ----- do they come to school ? ------They the subway . A. How ; by B. What ; take C. How ; take D. What ; by 10. ----Can you come to my birthday party ? ----- . I have to study for a math test . A. No problem B. Sure , I’d love to C. Yes , I can D. Sorry , I can’t Ⅱ. 完形填空 We are going to take a test today . It will show if we are 1 to get in an honours class next year . But , I don’t think it is 2 for me . It is the maths part-my favourite . We took the test by computer . There 3 52 questions for us to do in one hour . The boy behind me 4 nervous . The girl to my left was nervous , 5 . But , 6 I began answering the questions , I saw the whole thing 7 a game . I tried to 8 easy ways to do the maths problems . At the end of the test , my score was 307 . But what does it mean ? I have no idea . I asked my friend John . He got 227 . When he knew my score , he said ,”Oh my God . You ‘re a genius !”So , I asked 9 people , and got the same answers . Finally , I walked up to Lauren . “David ! How did you do on the MAP test ?” I answered , “If I 10 you , will you kill me ?” 1.A. enough smart B. too smart C. smart enough D. very smart 2. A. hard B. easy C. different D. interesting 3. A. was B. had C. were D. have 4. A. was looking B. looked C. looks D. was looked 5. A. either B. also C. yet D. too 6. A. when B. after C. before D. while 7. A. for B. of C. to D. as 8. A. look B. look of C. find D. search 9. A. other B. another C. the other D. others 10. A. told B. am telling C. will tell D. tell


( ) 1. I think difficult for us to learn a foreign language well. A. it B. that C. this ( ) 2. She often provides food and clothes the homeless children. A. of B. with C. for ( ) 3. Teenagers sho uldn’t be allowed . A. to drive B. drive C. to driving ( ) 4. Have you even seen him ? A. before B. ago C. just now ( ) 5. Why don’t you an English club to practice English? A. to join;to speak B. join;speaking C. join;to speak ( ) 6. —Where is your father? —He Australia and he Sydney for two weeks. A. has been to;has been in B. has gone to;ha s been in C. has been in;h as been to ( )7.Joe to Shanghai last year. A. has gone B.went C.goes ( )8.This pair of shoes from England A.are B.is https://www.360docs.net/doc/3416790069.html,e ( )9.His father________his hometown for twenty years.He really


八年级英语期末测试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 一、 单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填 入 题前括号内。 ( )1.Those terrible things happened _______ me again. A.to B.in C.on D.with ( )2. ---Have you ever been back to place where you were born,Ma Yun? --- No, It ’s shame, but I ’m too busy with my work all the time. A. a;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;an ( )3.How ________the result is! We can ’t believe it. A.amazing B.interested C.difficult D.annoyed ( )4.________ of them is good at English,but they both do well in Chinese. A.Both B.Neither C.Each D.All ( )5.We must work harder next term. There will be ________ subjects, so we will_______ time for each subject. A.less;more B.less;less C.more;less D.more;fewer ( )6.Those boys broke Mr Read ’s window.When they saw Mr Read get

八年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版 (3)

2019学年八年级英语下学期期末试题 听力部分 Ⅰ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 1.A. clever B. climber C. collector 2.A. look after B. run after C. take after 3.A. in the face of B. at the end of C. in the front of 4.A. He was too nervous to speak. B. He was very nervous, but he could speak. C. He can’t speak if he is nervous. 5.A. Julia is taller than her teacher. B. Julia is the tallest student in her class. C. Julia is the tallest girl in her class. Ⅱ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 6.A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Why not lie down and have a good rest. C. I disagree with you. 7.A. About 6,300 kilometers long B. For many years. C. About 5,200 meters away from here. 8.A. Yes, he has B. Yes, please. C. Not yet. 9.A. I think it’s exciting. B. I think so. C. I’m afraid I can’t. 10.A. That’s all right. B. OK, I will. C. I think so. Ⅲ.听第一段对话和问题,回答11——13题,听第二段对话和问题,回答14——15题(5分)


田家炳实验中学2012至2013学年度第二学期期末检测 八年级英语试题(卷) (全卷共4页,总分120分,答题时长120分钟:) 第Ⅰ卷(共55分) Ⅰ.单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. There ________more school buildings in ten years . A.will B.will be C.is D.will have ( ) 2. people got injured in the train accident last year . A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Three hundreds ( ) 3. If Tom to Xi’an tomorrow , his sister will be happy. A. go B. goes C. will go D. is going ( ) 4. Mike is supposed to school before 7:30 every day . A. get B. gets C. getting D.to get ( ) 5. I found a funny dog I was walking on the Fifth Street . A. until B. when C. while D. if ( ) 6. Could you tell me ________ last night? A.what you were doing B.what were you doing C.what you are doing D.what are you doing ( ) 7. What he in the class at 9:00 yesterday morning ? A. is , doing B. is , do C. was , doing D.did, do ( )8. My sister takes a great interest _______ stamps. A. to collecting B. in collecting C. to collect D. collecting ( )9. I find ______ useful to learn how to use a computer.. A.that B.this C.its D.it ( )10. This new car _______ me $ 5000. A.spent B.cost C.took D.paid ( )11. ---Tom didn’t c atch the early bus yesterday, _____he? ‘ ---______, so he arrived late. A.didn’t; Yes B.didn’t; No C.did; Yes D.did; No ( )12. You can eat all kinds of food in Singapore, ___________ Chinese food, India food, Western food and Japanese food. A. likes B. as C. such as D. for example ( )13. ---Would you like to travel to Singapore or Australia? ---_________. I’d like to travel to Taiwan. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All ( )14. I need some money. I’m going to _______ the newspaper for a holiday job. A. look for B. look after C. look up D. look through ( )15. Don’t forget _______ tomorrow morning, will you? A. to wake up me B. waking up me C. to wake me up D. waking me up ( )16.The teacher said the earth______ around the sun. A. traveled B. travels C. will travel D. had traveled ( )17. How much did you pay ________ that bike? A. over B. off C. on D. for ( )18. They are singing to _______ money for poor children in rural areas. A. have B. raise C. take D. collect ( )19. If you don’t study English all the time, you’ll have a difficult time ______ it in the future. A. studying B. to study C. to studying D.study ( )20.Don’t bring food to the party. If you do, the teacher will ________ . A. take them away B. take it away C. take away it D.take away them Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分) Coke(可乐)is one of 16 drinks in the world. A lot of people enjoy 17__ it. But now people begin to believe that it’s not a good drink for health. There is lots of 18 in the coke. Having much sugar is 19 for people. And it also has some caffeine(咖啡因)in it. The caffeine can get people into the habit(习惯)of drinking more coke when they feel 20 . If they don’t drink coke they 21 bad. And 22 thing is some people can’t work or study 23 drinking several cups of coke every day. More and more people want to cut down the coke they drink and ask 24 help from the doctors. If you like drinking coke very much, I think you must have the Coke Habit. In fact drinking more fruit and vegetable juice is 25_ for you. ( )21. A. more popular B. most popular C. popular D. the most popular ( )22.A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drinks ( )23.A. salt B. pepper C. sugar D. juice ( )24.A. good B. well C. tired D. bad ( )25.A. hungry B. fine C. thirsty D. excited ( )26.A. will feel B. are feeling C. felt D. feel ( )27.A. bad B. worse C. the worst D. the worse ( )28.A. not B. without C. with D. after ( )29.A. to B. for C. on D. at ( )30.A. good B. well C. best D. better Ⅲ. 阅读理解(25分) (A) Our life is becoming more and more comfortable. But have you heard a sound “Help! ”from the rare(稀有的)animals? Animals are good friends of man. They make our world colorful, so they are very important. We should try our best to protect(保护)them. However, I heard that some rare animals are injured by people these days. It makes me sad. The rare animals are in danger. Why do people do so? Firstly, some people are poor in the knowledge of protecting animals. Secondly, they don’t care about anima ls at all. If we go on doing so, the rare animals will die out. We should remember that it’s everyone’s duty to protect the rare animals. For the benefit(利益)of the rare animals and ourselves, let’s learn to protect the rare animals and keep them from being injured. 根据短文内容,判断正(A)误(B)。 ( ) 31. The animals are good friends of man. ( ) 32. The animals are not very important to us. ( ) 33. The writer was happy when he heard some rare animals are injured ( ) 34. The rare animals are in danger, because some people don’t care about animals.
