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1. That is a p______ of my family. He can see s______ books on the desk.

2. I c______ see my CDs on it. Mike is b______ the door.

3. -Where is your backpack?

-It’s u______ the bed.


1. -Where’s my soccer ball?

-________ under the bed. A. It B. Is C. It’s D. Its 2. -Who is Tina?

- ________ girl next to the table. A. A B. The C. An D. / 3. - ________ behind ________?

―My alarm clock.

A. What’s, the chair

B. Where’s, the chair

C. What are, the chair

D. Where are, a chair

4. Where are _ pens? Are _ in the drawer?

A. my; they

B. /; they

C. your; you

D. his; them

5. They are my friends. I love _very much.

A. them

B. they

C. the them

D. he and she

III. 连词成句

1. is, your, where, game, computer _____________________?

2. they, under, the, are, bed _____________________?

3. these, to, take, sister, your, please, things _______________________.

4. the, is, the, baseball, under, chair _______________________.

5. bring, can, here, you, some, things _____________________?


1.________ love ________ English friends. (my, I)

2. ________ is an English student. ________name is David. (he, his)

3. That girl is Anna’s young si ster. ________ loves ________ very much. (she, her)

4. Mr Zhang, ________ math teacher, ________love him. (we, our)

5. -What are those?

-________ are ________ books. (their, they)

V. 单句改错,找出每句中的一处错误并改正

1. Where is your computer games?

2. There are a book and two pens on the desk.

3. I am need my ID card and my notebook.

4. These are her pencils cases.

5. This is a picture on my family.

VI. 从右栏中选出左栏各句的答语

1. Are you Tom? A. Yes, she is.

2. What’s your name? B. It’s her p encil case.

3. What’s that on the chair? C. No, Tom is my brother.

4. Is she your aunt? D. 605-7068.

5. What’s your phone number? E. My name is Ron.

VII. 句型转换

1. His baseball is under the table. (变为一般疑问句) ___________________?

2. His dresser is next to his bed. (变为否定句)____________________.

3. My keys are on the sofa. (对划线部分提问)____________________?

4. Mike is behind the door. (对划线部分提问)____________________?

5. Can you bring your books here? (肯定回答)____________________.

VIII. 完形填空

Look, this is __1__ bedroom. It is __2__old house, but it is very nice. There __3__ a clock and some pictures __4__ the wall. There is __5__ on the desk. His backpack is __6__ the chair. His coat is on the bed. Where is __7__ baseball? It is __8__ the door. What’s that? Oh, __9__ a cat!It __10__ a hat.

1. A. Jim B. Jims C. Jims’ D. Jim’s

2. A. a B. an C. the D. the

3. A. is B. am C. are D. be

4. A. at B. on C. in D. for

5. A. keys B. a set of keys C. a set of key D. keies

6. A. on B. in C. between D. out

7. A. a B. the C. an D. \

8. A. behind B. in C. under D. between

9. A. That’s B. It C. Its D. It’s

10. A. look like B. look C. looks like D. look after

IX. 想想,画画,写写

同学们,你们有自己的书房(study)吗?请你把它画出来,并以My Study为题,向我们作一简单介绍。OK?

要求:图画简单、明了;作文语句流畅,无语法错误, 不少于6句话。
