



















Section I Use of English


Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points)

American cities are___(1)____other cities around the world.In every country,cities reflect the___(2)____of the culture.Cities contain the very___(3)____aspect of a society:opportunities for education,employment,and entertainment.They also contain the very worst parts of a society:violent crime,racial conflict and poverty.American cities are changing,just___(4)____American society.

After World War II,the population of___(5)____large American cities decreased; however.the population in many Sun Belt cities___(6)____.Los Angeles and Houston are cities___(7)____population increased.These population shifts to and from the city ___(8)____the changing values of American society.During this time,in the___(9)____ 1940s and early1950s,city residents became wealthier,more prosperous.They had more children.They needed more___(10)____.They moved out their apartments in the city ___(11)____their own homes.They bought houses in the___(12)____,areas near a city where people live.These are areas___(13)____many offices or factories.During the 1950s the American"dream"was to have a house on the outskirts.Now things are changing.The children of the people who left the cities in the1950s are now ___(14)____.They,___(15)____their parents,want lo live in the cities.___(16)____ continue to move to cities in the Sun Belt.Cities are___(17)____and the population is increasing in such states as Texas,Florida,and California.Others are moving to more ___(18)____cities of the North-east and Midwest,such as Boston,Baltimore and Chicago.Many young professionals,doctors,lawyers,and executives are moving back into the city.They prefer the city'___(19)____the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage;or they just___(20)____the excitement and opportunities which the city offers.A new class is moving into the cities-a wealthier, more mobile class.

1.[A]different from[B]similar to[C]better than[D]worse than









11.[A]buying[B]buy[C]to buy[D]bought





16.[A]Some[B]All[C]Several[D]Lots of



19.[A]than[B]better than[C]rather than[D]to


Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Reading the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B, C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40points)


In the19th century,there used to be a model of how to be a good person.There are all these torrents of passion flowing through you.Your job,as captain of your soul,is to erect dams to keep these passions in check.Your job is to just say no to laziness,lust,greed, drug use and the other sins.

These days that model is out of fashion.You usually cant’change your behaviour b y simply resolving to do something.Knowing what to do is not the same as being able to do it.Your willpower is not like a dam that can block the torrent of self-indulgence.It’s more like a muscle,which tires easily.Moreover,you’re a social being.If everybody around you is overeating,you’ll probably do so,too.

The19th-century character model was based on an understanding of free will.Today, we know that free will is bounded.People can change their lives,but ordering change is not simple because many things,even within ourselves,are beyond our direct control.

Much of our behaviour,for example,is guided by unconscious habits.Researchers at Duke University calculated that more than40percent of the actions we take are governed by habit,not actual decisions.Researchers have also come to understand the structure of habits—cue,routine,reward.

You can change your own personal habits.If you leave running shorts on the floor at night,that’ll be a cue to go running in the morning.Don’t try to ignore your afternoon snack craving.Every time you feel the cue for a snack,insert another routine.Take a walk.

Their research thus implies a different character model,which is supposed to manipulate the neural networks inside.

To be an effective person,under this model,you are supposed to coolly examine your own unconscious habits,and the habits of those under your care.You are supposed to

devise strategies to alter the cues and routines.Every relationship become slightly manipulative,including your relationship with yourself.You’re trying to arouse certain responses by implanting certain cues.

This is a bit disturbing,because the important habitual neural networks are not formed by mere routine,nor can they be reversed by clever cues.They are burned in by emotion and strengthened by strong yearnings,like the yearnings for admiration and righteousness.

If you think you can change your life in a clever way,the way an advertiser can get you to buy an air freshener,you’re probably wrong.As the Victorians understood,if you want to change your life,don’t just look for a clever https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a10773772.html,mit to some larger global belief.

21.Which of the following is a key element in the19th-century character model?





22.The19th-century model supposedly does not work because__________.

[A]it has worked unsatisfactorily most of the time

[B]the comparison of free will to a dam is groundless

[C]what one wishes to do should be considered carefully

[D]there were many other factors beyond one’s control

23.What is the main implication of the research at Duke University?

[A]Habit is key to one’s behaviour.

[B]One’s behaviour is difficult to change.

[C]Both habit and will power are important.

[D]Habit has an unidentified structure.

24.According to the new character model,personal behaviour could be altered through

[A]cues to manipulate the habitual neutral responses.

[B]cues to stop all the former unconscious habits.

[C]techniques to devise different physical cues.

[D]techniques to supplement old routines.

25.We learn from the passage that the new character model__________.

[A]has been used change behaviour successfully

[B]deals better with emotional aspects of behaviour

[C]stresses the neutral and psychological aspects of habit change

[D]can bring about changes in one’s life like what advertisers do


“I’m a little worried about my future,”said Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.He should be luck.All he had to worry about was whether to have an affair with Mrs. Robinson.In the sixties,that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome.

Hoffman’s modern counterparts are not so fortunate.The Mrs.Robinsons aren’t

sitting around at home any more,seducing graduates.They are out in the workplace, doing the high-powered jobs the graduates want,but cannot get.For those fresh out of university,desperate for work but unable to get it,there is a big imbalance between supply and demand.And there is no narrowing of the gap in sight.

The latest unemployment figures show that746,000of18-24year-olds are unemployed—a record rate of18per cent.Many of those will have graduated this summer.They are no panicking yet,but as the job rejections mount up,they are beginning to feel ashamed.

Of course,it is easy to blame the Government and,in particular,the target that Labour has long trumpeted—50per cent of school-leavers in higher education.That was not too smart.The Government has not only failed to meet its target—the actual figure is still closer to40per cent—but it has raised expectations to unrealistic levels.

Parents feel as bably let down as the young people themselves.Middle-class families see their graduate offspring on the dole queue and wonder why they bothered paying school fees.Working-class families feel an even keener sense of disappointment.For many such families,getting a child into university was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. It represented upward social and financial mobility.It was proof that they were living in a dynamic,economically successful country.That dream does not seem so rosy now.

Graduate unemployment is not,ultimately,a political problem ready to be solved. Job-creation schemes for graduates are very low down in ministerial in-trays.If David Cameron’s Conservatives had a brilliant idea for guaranteeing every graduate a well0paid job,they would have unveiled it by now.It is a social problem,though a more deep-seated social problem than people perhaps realize.

26.The author begins with an episode from The Graduate in order to_______.

[A]support the fact that more women are working now

[B]show that few graduates started working right after graduation

[C]demonstrate that these were much fewer graduates than now

[D]emphasize the sharp contrast between now and then

27.With regard to job opportunities for young graduates,the author sounds_______.





28.The author is_______the Labour Government’s target:50%of school leavers in

higher education.

[A]in favour of

[B]doubtful about

[C]strongly critical of

[D]mildly critical o f

29.Which of the following statements about parents’feelings is correct?

[A]Working-class parents feel just as disappointed.

[B]Parents and their children feel equally disappointed.

[C]Middle-class parents feel more disappointed.

[D]Parents feel more disappointed than their children.

30.Towards the end of the passage,the author implies that_________.

[A]there will be job-creation schemes for graduates

[B]graduate unemployment is more of a political issue

[C]graduate unemployment is both a political and a social issue

[D]the Conservatives are doing far from enough to solve the issue


Concern for the environment in the US extends back into the nineteenth century, when nature lovers and sports enthusiasts first sought protection for areas of exceptional natural beauty or significance.But it was not until the late1960's that environmental concerns entered the mainstream of American political debate.By then many Americans had come to the conclusion that more development was not necessarily desirable, especially if it meant more polluted air,dying lakes and rivers,and a landscape strewn with unsightly waste,and crowded with sprawling construction projects.In May of1970, several environmental groups staged the first Earth Day celebration,designed to heighten public awareness of environmental problems.The success of that initial effort led to it becoming a regular annual event.

During the1950s and1960s,industrial and vehicle pollution levels had become a serious threat to public health,so the environmental movement of this period focused heavily on restoring and ensuring the cleanliness of basic air and water supplies.Rapidly expanding development pressures were also spurring efforts to preserve unique lands and threatened wildlife habitats,and to protect the endangered species supported by them before they vanished into extinction.It is generally accepted that the environmental protection movement was so successful because of its grass roots support;groups of activists in hundreds of towns that took the initiative in cleaning up their own communities.During the1970s,this local activism reinforced support for the passage of key laws at the national level,such as the Clean Water Act,Clean Air Act,Endangered Species Act,and National Environmental Policy Act,which together have constituted the foundation for environmental;standards in the US ever since.

In addition to this national legislation,the year after the first Earth Day,by executive order,President Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA);an organization dedicated to restoring and protecting the environment.The EPA spearheaded many contemporary efforts to protect the environment,but it was not working alone.It was allied with a wide variety of distinctly different and separate organizations ranging from a small number of well-funded high-profile national and international organizations to many thousands of smaller special interest groups and even individuals working at the local level.Thanks to the additional help of environmentally conscious political figures in the mold of Teddy Roosevelt,who nearly a century before established the first national parks in the USA,the movement gained momentum.The EPA has now become one of the government's largest and most influential regulatory agencies.Through its own efforts and in cooperation with other organizations,it has earned a large measure of credit for protecting and restoring the quality of the environment in the United States.

Although one might assume that the cause of environmental protection would engender universal support,it does have its detractors.One criticism that has been leveled against the movement is the claim that its predictions about the dire consequences of environmental damage have often been in error.Environmentalists counter this assertion by pointing out that their warnings have often brought about changes on the part of the public,the government and private industry,and that these changes prevented the predictions from being realized.However,just as it is often very difficult to gauge the impact of human activity on something as complex as the environment,it is equally difficult to determine which side is right in this debate.Because environmental issues cover such a wide range of concerns,this is a question that must be considered on a case by case basis.These voices of dissent have demonstrated to environmentalists the need to apply quantitative methods in assessing the extent of the destruction they have witnessed, or the degree to which their work has been manifested in actual improvement of the environment.

31.On which of the following does the passage mainly focus?

[A]Earth Day’s impact on the environmental movement.

[B]How to protect the environment of the planet.

[C]The environmental protection movement,and how it began.

[D]The success of the EPA in protecting natural resources.

32.The word spurring in Paragraph2is closest in meaning to______.





33.According to Paragraph2,why was the environmental protection movement so widely successful?

[A]It protected plants and animals people cared about.

[B]It functioned well at the local level.

[C]It voted unsympathetic politicians out of office.

[D]It forced ratification of important national laws.

34.The word spearheaded in Paragraph3can be best replaced by_______.





35.According to Paragraph4,what was a common criticism of the environmental protection?

[A]It suggested measures that would harm the economy.

[B]Its predictions could not be prevented through practical action.

[C]That it lacked the support needed to make any real progress.

[D]The environmental damage it claimed was not seen.


Helplessness and passivity are central themes in describing human depression. Laboratory experiments with animals have uncovered a phenomenon designated“learned helplessness.”Dogs given inescapable shock initially show intense emotionality,but later become passive in the same situation.When the situation is changed from inescapable to escapable shock,the dogs fail to escape even though escape is possible.Neurochemical changes resulting from learned helplessness produce an avoidance-escape deficit in laboratory animals.

Is the avoidance deficit caused by prior exposure to inescapable shock learned helplessness or is it simply stress-induced noradrenergic deficiency leading to a deficit in motor activation?Avoidance-escape deficit can been produced in rats by stress alone,i.e., by a brief swim in cold water.But a deficit produced by exposure to extremely traumatic events must be produced by a very different mechanism than the deficit produced by exposure to the less traumatic uncontrollable aversive events in the learned-helplessness experiments.A nonaversive parallel to the learned helplessness induced uncontrollable shock,e.g.,induced by uncontrollable food delivery,produces similar results.Moreover, studies have shown the importance of prior experience in learned helplessness.Dogs can be“immunized”against learned helplessness by prior experience with controllable shock. Rats also show a“mastery effect”after extended experience with escapable shock.They work far longer trying to escape from inescapable shock than do rats lacking this prior mastery experience.Conversely,weanling rats given inescapable shock fail to escape shock as adults.These adult rats are also poor to nonaversive discrimination learning.

Certain similarities have been noted between conditions produced in animals by the learned-helplessness procedure and by the experimental neurosis paradigm.In the latter, animals are first trained on a discrimination task and are then tested with discriminative stimuli of increasing similarity.Eventually,as the discrimination becomes very difficult, animals fail to respond and begin displaying abnormal behaviors:first agitation,then lethargy.

It has been suggested that both learned helplessness and experimental neurosis involve inhibition of motivation centers and pathways by limibic forebrain inhibitory centers,especial in the septal area.The main function of this inhibition is compensatory, providing relief from anxiety or distress.In rats subjected to the learned-helplessness and experimental-neurosis paradigms,stimulation of the septum produces behavioral arrest, lack of behavioral initiation and lethargy,while rats with septal lesions do not show learned helplessness.

How analogous the model of learned helplessness and the paradigm of stress-induced neurosis are to human depression is not entirely clear.Inescapable noise or unsolvable problems have been shown to result in conditions in humans similar to those induced in laboratory animals,but an adequate model of human depression must also be able to account for the cognitive complexity of human depression.

36.The primary purpose of the passage is to_________.

[A]propose a cure for depression in human beings

[B]discuss research possibly relevant to depression in human beings

[C]criticize the result of experiments which induce depression in laboratory animals

[D]raise some questions about the propriety of using laboratory animals for research

37.The author raises the question at the beginning of Paragraph2in order to_________.

[A]prove that learned helplessness is caused by neurochemical changes

[B]demonstrate that learned helplessness is also caused by nonaversive discrimination


[C]suggest that further research is needed to determine the exact cause of learned


[D]refute a possible objection based on an alternative explanation of the cause of

learned helplessness

38.It can be inferred from the passage that rats with septal lesions(in Paragraph4)do not show learned helplessness because__________________..

[A]such rats were immunized against learned helplessness by prior training

[B]the lesion blocked communication between the limbic forebrain inhibitory centers

and motivation centers

[C]a lack of stimulation of the septal area does not necessarily result in excited


[D]the lesions prevented the rats from understanding the inescapability of the

helplessness situation

39.The author cites the“mastery effect”(in Paragraph2)primarily in order to________.

[A]prove the avoidance deficit caused by exposure to inescapable shock is no caused

by shock per se but by the inescapability

[B]cast doubts on the validity of models of animal depression when applied to

depression in human beings

[C]explain the neurochemical changes in the brain which cause learned helplessness

[D]argue that learned helplessness is simply a stress-induced noradrenergic deficiency

40.Which of the following would be the most logical continuation of the passage?

[A]An examination of techniques used to cure animals of learned helplessness.

[B]An explanation of the connection between septum and the motivation centers of

the brains of rats

[C]A proposal for an experiment to produce learned helplessness and experimental

neurosis in humans

[D]An elaboration of the differences between human depression and similar animal


Section III Writing


Carefully read the following passage and write a short composition of about250to300 words.You should write the composition on the ANSWER SHEET.Note that your score will be awarded mainly on the base of content,logic,style and language.(30%)

The five-game clash pitting man against machine was over in March2016,with Google's artificial intelligence program winning the series.The program—called AlphaGo—took four of five games against Korean Lee Sedol,an18-time world champion of the board game Go.

[Note:Go围棋] Why is this achievement of science helpful or disastrous to human beings?An argumentative is expected to support your viewpoint.

The end of the test


初三英语期末考试 时间:100分钟满分:130分 听力部分(20分) 一、听问题,选答案。读一遍。(5分) ( )1. A. Once a year. B. For a long time. C. Next year. ( )2. A. That’s right. B. Good idea. C. No, I don’t. teacher. ( )3. A. In his office. B. Very funny. C. He’s a ( )4. A. No. don’t say so.B. Thank you. C. We’d love to. ( )5. A. No, not at all. B. Yes, please open it. C. No, don’t open it, please. 二、听对话。选出最佳选项。读一遍。(5分) ( )1. How will the woman get to the railway station? A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. ( )2. How old is the man now? A. 22 years old. B. 24 years old. C. 26 years old. ( )3. Where are they talking? C. On the phone. A. In the classroom. B. At the girl’s home. ( )4. When is it now? A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning. ( )5. When did Mike go back home last night? A. At 8:45. B. At 9:15. C. At 9:45. 三、听第3段材料,选出最佳选项。读两遍。(10分) ( )1.Wen did Mr. Smith’s friend give him a cat? A. two months ago B. one month ago C. two weeks ago D. one week ago ( )2. Mr. Smith asked his cook to give to his cat every day. A. a piece of cake B. a pound of fish C. a pound of meet D. a bowl of rice ( )3. Mr. Smith didn’t believe his cook because . A. the cat was becoming thinner and thinner. B. the cat wanted to run away. C. he didn’t like him. D. he wanted to prove. ( )4. Mr. Smith got the cat from . A. his friend B. the market C. the street D. the house ( )5. From the story, we know ate the meat. A. Mr. Smith B. the eat C. the cook D. Nobody 听下面的短文。短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。 6. What did David do well in when he was young? A、Basketball. B、Football. C、Tennis 7.Why did he stop playing football? A、Because he didn’t like it at all. B、Because he went to work in a city. C、Because there was no team. 8.What happened to David then? A、He was badly ill. B、He began to get fat. C、He got stronger and stronger. 9.What did he decide to do then? A、To play tennis.


注意事项:2017 级高一入学考试英语试题 时间:90 分钟满分:150 分 10. Laura couldn’t help the jellyfish. They sparkled like jewels. A. watched B. to watch C. watch D. watching 11. One Saturday morning he walked Blossom Street as usual. A. face to face B. from time to time C. up and down D. here and there 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B 铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A 后的方框涂黑。 2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 一、单项填空(共15 小题:每小题1 分,满分15 分) 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Seal stopped singing and floods of tears. A. burst into B. set into C. brought into D. took into 2. Every morning, Mr. Flinch up the hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. A. to wake B. has woken C. waking D. woke 3. Daisy said ‘_it wasn’t bori ng.’ A. at times B. at last C. at least D. at most 4. I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand he needs it. A. as B. if C. unless D. though 5. Some of the asteroids were big office blocks A. as, that B. as, so C. as, as D. so, as 6. Lenny nudged him in the back and sai d, “ Your shorts are mine!” A. same that B. the same as C. same as D. the same that 7. The other two cleaning ladies to be Captain Smith and Captain Jones. A. turn over B. turn out C. turn into D. turn on 8. That was because you couldn’t eat rice pudding without most of it down your shirt. A. to put B. being put C. put D. putting 9. They saw Captain Smith and Captain Jones cleaning ladies and holding up mirrors. A. dressed as B. dressing as C. are dressed as D. is dressed as 12. Half an hour , they were both tired and fed up. A. latter B. later C. late D. latest 13. We are to hear the bad news. A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising D. surprisingly 14. Pa stopped playing his fiddle, but he never hope. A. gave out B. gave in C. gave up D. give up 15. He learned about his own people, the Xhosas, how they had fought against the British. A. bravely B. carefully C. luckily D. likely 二、完形填空 (共20 小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 There was a problem at the castl e. “I giv e up,” said Mrs Binns, The royal cleaner, “There’s too 16_ work here for one person.” Mrs Binns gave Queen Norah the keys 17_ the castle and left. Queen Norah told the rest of the royal family. “What are we going to do?” a sked the Princess Jane. “For a start ,you 18 not have your friends round here any mor e.” said Queen Nort h. “Why not?” asked Princess Jane. “19 they make too much mess.” “Perhaps we can 20 try to keep the castle tidy,” said King Harry. “I’m sure 21 Captain Jones and Captain Smith will help. I can 22_ do a bit of washing myself.” “Wha t!” shouted Queen Norah. “People will say that King Harry does his own cleaning! Never!” “We can put up an advert for 23_ cleaner,” said Princess Jane. “Good ide a,” said Queen Norah. “W rite an advert at once.” Princess Jane 24 a notice. She pinned it to the castle door. The days went by and 25 came to ask about the cleaning job. The castle became dirtier 26 dirtier. There were no more clean clothes and no more clean plates. One morning Queen Norah heard singing 27 from the kitchen. She popped her head round the door. She saw a shocking sight. King Harry was at the sink doing the dishes. Captain Smith was mopping the floor. Captain Jones was washing the royal shirts.


二、. 10 ( ) 1, A. river B. eat C. worry D. go ( ) 2, A . pear B. apple C. flower D. banana ( ) 3, A. bread B. milk C. table D. egg ( ) 4, A. one B. first C. two D. four ( ) 5, A. tell B. say C. take D. father 1.— How do we go to the park ? — It’s easy .We can go to the park _____ bus. A in B by C on 2. — _____ is this in English ? — It’s a red car. A what color B what C what’s 3. — Sit down,please. — ______ . A Yes B Thanks C Good 4. — What did you do yesterday ? — I _____ swimming. A go B goes C went 5.Jenny’s brother is twenty ____ old. A. year B. yeares C. years 6.--- ____ gifts do you have? --- I have eleven gifts. A. How many B. how much C. how far 7.--- Excuse me! Do you have ____ runners? --- Yes, I’ll show you. A. some B. any C. many 8.--- Is this a ___ day? --- No! It’s snowy!


绝密★启用前 2017年1月上海普通高等招生统一考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 考生注意: 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反而清楚地填写姓名。 1. Listening Comprehension Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speaks. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Pie. B. Ice cream. C. Chocolate cake. D. Cheese cake. 2. A. The museum opens at 8 every day. B. She can’t see the sign clearly. C. The glass museum closes too early. D. She can’t understand the sign. 3. A. Delighted. B. Doubtful. C. Relieved. D. Respectful. 4. A. She works as a librarian. B. She does a lot of reading at home. C. She spends much time reading in the library. D. She wants to borrow some books from the library. 5. A. He isn’t sure if the weather will be good. B. He probably won’t go skiing. C. The weather won’t be as bad as forecast D. The weather forecast isn’t reliable. 6. A. His brother ate up the food. B. His brother helped him clean the fridge. C. His brother lost his appetite. D. His brother went out to dine with him. 7. A. Keep some small change. B. Buy another T-shirt. C. Invite someone else to the concert. D. Dress himself properly. 8. A. See a doctor. B. Repair his car. C. Go to school. D. Give the woman a ride.


初三英语期末考试试卷 一、听力选择(满分26分) A)对话理解(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) 听下面16段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳项。每段对话读两遍。 1.What does the man want to drink? A.Black coffee.B.White coffee C.Tea with milk. 2.How long has Jack been in the school? A.For two years.B.Since two months ago.C.Two years ago. 3.How did Alice go to school? A.By bicycle.B.On foot.C.By bus. 4.Where does this conversation take place? A.At a restaurant.B.At a theatre.C.At the station. 5.How much does the man need to borrow to buy the coat? A.$5 B.$10 C.$11. 6.What is David going to do? A.Catch a train home.B.Do his homework.C.Go to apark. 7.What did the man mean? A.He was badly hurt.B.He was safe.C.He couldn’t see. 8.What was the weather like yesterday evening? A.Rainy.B.Sunny.C.Cloudy. 9.In which month did Tom’s father go to Japan? A.January.B.Febmary.C.March. 10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student.B.Classmates.C.Mother and son. 11.What did the woman do with today’s newspaper? A.Sheuseditto cook. B.She cleaned the doors with it. C.She cleaned the windows with it. 12.What is the man? A.A policeman.B.A writer.C.A robber. 13.Where does the man prefer to live? A.In the city.B.In the country.C.Anywhere。 14.Where did the man meet Jack? A.At the man’s sister’s birthday party.


高一入学考试 英语试题 注意: 1. 请将第一卷客观题的答案填涂到答题卡上,交卷时交答题卡和第二卷。 2. 答题卡必须填涂的项目: (1)姓名 (2)准考证号(涂完请认真检查是否涂正确) (3)科目代号:英语 3. 第二卷必须写姓名和考号 第一卷 一、单项填空(35分) 第二节Would you please ___________ in class? A. not to talk B. not talk C. not talking D. don’t talk 第三节He asked whether they ____________ in an hour. A. would arrive B. will arrive C. has arrived D. arrive 第四节At that time, he was ______________ young to look after himself. A. too B. so C. very D. that 第五节How will Sam feel when ___________ by plane? A. travelled B. to travel C. travel D. travelling 5. Anyone who ___________ the rules will be punished. A. breaks B. will break C. breaking D. break 6. The girls are practicing _____________ the new song. A. to sing B. sing C. singing D. sang 7. Children must _____________ how to learn. A. teaches B. teach C. be taught D. are taught 8. Of the two sisters, Betty is _____________ one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. A. a younger B. a youngest C. the youngest D. the younger 9. I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but _____________ of them came. A. neither B. either C. none D. both 10. We had a picnic last term and it was a lot fun, so let’s have ____________ one this month. A. the other B. some C. another D. other 11. --- Is your headache getting ________________? --- No, it’s worse. A. better B. bad C. less D. well 12. Great changes _____________ in the last 30 years. A. took place B. take place C. have taken place D. would take place 13. --- Do you like these flowers? --- Yes, they ____________ very beautiful. A. look B. are looked C. are looking D. looked


2020年重点初中入学考试英语模拟试题与答案(三) (后附听力材料) (试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 听力部分(总分30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. went swimming B. went fishing C. went boating ( ) 2. A. went to the park B. went to the zoo C. went to the cinema ( ) 3. A. shorter B. smaller C. bigger ( ) 4. A. good B. bad C. well ( ) 5. A. She has a cold. B. She has a headache. C. She has a fever. 二、听问句,选答句。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. Tom is very angry. B. I’m five. C. I’m fine. ( ) 2. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they did. C. No, we didn’t. ( ) 3. A. I go to Shanghai. B. I did my homework. C. I am watching TV. ( ) 4. A. Size 36. B. 36 size. C. Black. ( ) 5. A. I am 164 cm. B. I am 47 kg. C. I’m 1.64 m. 三、听录音,判断对(√)错(×)。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. John is 37 kg. ( ) 2. I stayed at home with my grandma. ( ) 3. I cooked dinner last Monday. ( ) 4. It’s warm and sunny today. ( ) 5. I often play football after school.


英语 (命题人:李妍超) 一.词汇判断1-10(每小题1分,共10分) 1.秘密 A.look B. secret C.see D.feel 2.居住 A.on B.in C.live D.over 3.一月 A.January B.February C.March D.April 4.惊人的 A.good B.wonderful C.here D.there 5.度过 A.like B.love C.spend D.hate 6.烹饪,煮,烧 A.good B.clock C.look D.cook 7.工具 A.desk B.table C.chair D. tool 8.交通 A.have B.traffic C.light D.say 9.层,楼层 A.second B.flower C.floor D.month 10.全部的,全体的;完整的 A.whole B.all C.both D.either 二.选择填空11-20(每小题2分,共20分) 11.There _____ a new building on the campus. A.am B.is C.are D.be 12.He's the same height _____ his brother. A.for B.to C.at D.as 13.We _____ playing basketball. A.am good at B.is good at C.are good at D.are good 14. _____ large it is! A.What B.Where C.How D.When 15.Let me help you _____ the house.


初三期末测试英语试卷 一、单选题(每题1分,共25分) ()1.He will be back ______ a few weeks. A. in B. on C. for D. at ()2、He found difficult to improve his English the teacher’s help. A.it is; without B.it was; with C.it; without D.that is; with ()3.—_________ at 8 o’ clock yesterday? — I was doing my homework. A. What do you do B. What were you doing C. What did you do D. What are you doing ()4、My father told me that he _____ Germany on business the next week. A. will leave for B. left for C. would leave for D. is leaving for ()5、He will do better in English if he _______ harder. A. will work B. works C. working D. work ()6、Is there _____ with your mother? A. something wrong B. anything wrong C. wrong something D. wrong anything ()7、Would you mind ______ baseball here? A. no playing B. not playing C. not to play D. no to play ()8.---Could you please make ____ posters? ---Sure, that’s _____problem. A. any; not B. some; not C. any; no D. some; no ()9. The foreign visitors _______ Jinan for more than three weeks. A have arrived in B have got to C have been in D have come to ()10、--- , do you have any idea where the bank is? ---Over there, next to the Haha Supermarket.. A. In the way B. On the way C. By the way D. At the way ()11、---I won the first prize in the singing competition last Saturday. ---Really _________ A.That’s right. B.Congratulations! C.Don’t mention it. D.It’s very kind of you. ()12、You are tired. ______ a rest? A. Why stop to have B. Why not stop to have C. Why not stop having D. Why stop having ()13、---I t hink I’m going to play computer games. ---If you , your mother won’t be happy. A. will B. are C. does D. do


长郡中学高一新生入学考试英语试卷(答案) 考生须知: 1、本试卷共五个大题,总分100分,考试时间90分钟,请将答案做在答题卷上。 2、答题前,先用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题卷规定位置上填写姓名、考场号、座位号。 一、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. __ Excuse me, to the nearest post office, please ? __ Go straight and take the second turning on the left. A. where the way is B. which the way is C. where is the way D. which is the way ll come for second time. 2. Changsha is most beautiful city and I beIieve I’ A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the 3. — Oh, I'm hungry. Mum, can I have the hamburger on the plate? —No. It tastes A. terribly B.terrible C. good D. well ; 4. —What's the best way of losing weight? — . A.why not playing games? B.why don’t you play games? C. I advise you to playing games D. You'd better to play games. 5. When I dropped in, Dr Smith ,so we only had time for a few words. A. just left B、was Just leaving C. has just left D. had just left 6. —lt‘s a secret between us. Don't tell anybody. —Sure, . A. I do B. I don't C. I will D. I won't 7. —What a beautiful watch! Is it new? —No, I have it for 2 year. A、had B、sold C、borrowed D、bought 8. Her hobby is taking photos collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers. A. either ; or B. both; and C. not only ; but also D. neither ;nor 9. The students here after school yesterday. A. have seen to play B.were seen to play C. were seen play D.have been seen palying 10.—May I put my bike here? —No, you you should put it Over there. A. couldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D.won't 11.—How about going shopping this weekend ? —Sorry,dear,I prerfe rather than . A.to stay at home ; go out " B, to go out; stay at home C. going out ;stay at home D.staying at home ; go


2020年重点初中入学考试英语模拟试题与答案(二) (后附听力材料) (试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 听力部分(总分30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(5分) ()1. A. my friend B. pen friend C. phone friend ()2. A. say B. tell C. speak ()3. A. Chinese B. English C. French ()4. A. sorry B. story C. told ()5. A. address B. sweets C. dress 二、听对话,根据听到的顺序给下列图片排序。(10分) 1. 2. 3. () () () 4. 5. () () 三、听录音,选择正确答案。(10分) ()1. Where is Rose from? A. She's from England. B. She's from Canada. C. She's from China. ()2. Can Kate write in Chinese?

A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can't. C. Yes, I can. ()3. Can Daming speak English? A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, he can. C. No, he can't. ()4. Can Sam play football? A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can't. C. Yes, she can. ()5. Who is Daming's pen friend? A. Laura. B. Lucy. C. Lily. 四、听录音,补全句子。(5分) 1. ________ to meet you! 2. I can write a letter in ________. 3. This is my ________ in China. 4. Tingting can write ________ in English. 5. Alex likes ________ very much. 笔试部分(总分70分) 五、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(共10分) ()1.A. always B. Sometime https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a10773772.html,ually D. sometimes ()2. A.once B. first C.twice D.three times ()3. A.square B. triangle C.point D. circle ()4.A.farmer B.singer C.player D.father ()5. A.your B.his C.me D.her 六、选择题。(10分) ( ) 1. They usually play basketball__________ Friday afternoon.


2016山东春季高考英语试题 篇一:2015、2016年山东省春季高考英语试题 2015年山东省普通高校(春季)考试 英语试题 卷一 (选择题, 共50分) 一、英语知识运用 (本题30个小题,每小题1分,共计 30分) I. ----Hi, Tom. ---- Fine, thanks. And you? A. How are you B. How do you do C. What are you doing D. Who are you 2. ----What’s the young lady like at the school gate? ---- A. She is a teacherB. She is 18C. She is beautifulD. She is a friend of mine 3. The more you practice, you will be. A. better B. best C. the best D. the better 4. ---- Oh! We’ve just missed the 7 o’clock bus? ---- A. E xcuse me B. Don’t worry C. Have fun D. With pleasure 1 5. It’s very cold outside. You’d better your coat. A. have on B. wear C. put on D. dress 6. ---- May I look at your new camera? ---- A. Of course B. Good idea C. Thank you D. I’m sorry 7. ---- Please send my Christmas to your grandparents.


人教版英语精品资料(精修版) 腾五中上学期期末考试试卷 初三英语 (满分100分,时间120分钟) 所有试题均在答题卡上作答 第一部分听力(共四节,满分25分) 第一节听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 第二节听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ()6. A. Father Christmas. B. Last week C. With my family. ()7. A. Why not? B. He isn't ten. C. Yes, I did. ()8. A. Steel. B. In America. C. $34. ()9. A. Yeah. He's creative. B. On the table. C. It is mine. ()10. A. In ten years. B. We can make a plan first. C. I want to be a doctor. 第三节听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。 ()11. What is the white blouse made of?. A. Cotton. B. Silk. C. Wool. ()12. How much is the blue blouse? A. 200 yuan. B.175 yuan. C. 75 yuan. 听第二段对话,回答第13—14小题。 ()13. How soon will the speakers leave their school? A. In one month. B. In two months. C. In three months. ()14. Where does Lucy want to work in the future? A. In a hotel. B. In a hospital. C. In a school. 听第三段对话,回答第15—17小题。 ()15. What will the speakers do on Sunday?. A. Go to a park. B. Go to a zoo. C. Go swimming. ()16. What will the weather be like? A. Cool. B. Hot. C. Warm. ()17. When will the speakers meet on Sunday? A. At 8:00 am. B. At 9:00 am. C. At 10:00 am. 听第四段对话,回答第18—20小题。
