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学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________


1. Gina is my cousin. She is my uncle’s ___________.

2. My name is Jenny Green. Green is my ___________ name.

3. I don’t like computer games. I think they are ____________.

4. Eric Brown’s phone __________ is 357-5689.

5. These are my parents. _________ names are John and Gina.


6. Cindy and Lucy __________ (be) in the same class.

7. What color is _________ (she) ruler?

8. Are _________(this) your books?

9. ___________(do)Jack have a cousin?

10. Are those ___________ (box) Bob’s?


11. This is _________ ID card and that is _________ UFO.

A.a; a B.an; a C.a; an

12. Some books _________ on Bob’s desk.

A.am B.is C.are

13. —I see a computer game in the classroom. Is it yours?

—No, it isn’t _________.

A.mine B.my C.hers

14. The schoolbag is not on the table. It’s _________ the table. A.for B.under C.of

15. My books and pencils are on the sofa, _________ my jacket is not. A.but B.and C.or

16. —What are these in your schoolbag?

—_________ are some tapes.

A.This B.They C.That

17. —My pen is blue. How _________ yours?

—Mine is blue, too.

A.color B.old C.about

18. — Is that girl your sister?

— _________. She is my friend, Lucy.

A.No, she isn’t B.Yes, she is C.Sorry, she is

19. That’s my _________ bedroom, but they aren’t in it now. A.parents’B.parent’s C.parents

20. —Thanks for your help.


A.Nice to meet you. B.You’re welcome.C.Thanks a lot.


21. Chen Lin: Hey, Zhao Jun. Look at the photo. The girl is very nice. 【小题1】

Zhao Jun: Oh, she’s my English teacher.

Chen Lin: Your English teacher? 【小题2】

Zhao Jun: Her name is Jenny.

Chen Lin: Jenny? 【小题3】

Zhao Jun: J-E-N-N-Y.

Chen Lin: Is she English?

Zhao Jun: Yes, she is. And her English is very good.

Chen Lin: Really? 【小题4】 I need her help. You know my English is not good.

Zhao Jun: OK. Her telephone number is 129-5871.

Chen Lin: Thanks. 【小题5】I’ll go and find her.

Zhao Jun: I’m not sure. Maybe in her office.

A.Can you tell me her telephone number?

B.How do you spell it?

C.What’s her name?

D.Where’s she now?

E.Her last name is Brown.

F.Who is she?


22. A: Hello, I’m David. What’s your name?

B: I’m Alice.

A: Can you 【小题1】?

B: Yes, A-L-I-C-E, Alice.

A: 【小题2】

B: Nice to meet you, too.

A: 【小题3】?

B: It’s 5678-2296.

A:Look! What’s this 【小题4】?

B: It’s a black cup.

A: Is this your cup?

B: 【小题5】. Mine is white. It’s Cindy’s.

A: Oh, I see. Have a good day.

B: Thank you. You, too.


