






The big day comes at last!

Mrs Jones'third grade students are waiting quietly for her to come into the classroom. Today Amy brings some cakes, Joy brings some napkins, Carlos brings some soda water and Kate brings some cups. Everyone wants the party to he a surprise. Mrs Jones doesn't know the children have known today is her birthday. When she comes into the classroom, the children shout, “Happy birthday, Mrs Jones!”

And then the children get a surprise,too. Mrs Jones brings everyone a party hat and an ice cream!阅读短文,选择最佳答案。

( ) 1. Mrs Jones'grade students are waiting for her. A. three B.third C.No.3 D.the third

( )2. Carlos brings some一. A. cola B.napkins C.soda water D.cups

( )3. brings some cakes. A. Amy B.Carlos C.Joey D.Kate


题1短文的第二句话告诉我们是琼斯老师的三年级的学生们正静静地等候她的到来。在年级前面应该用序数词来表示,如果是在年级后面就应该用基数词表示。如:the third grade,=Grade Three.同时因为前面有定语Mrs Jones',所以这里也应该不要the。

题2.3 短文介绍了几个同学分别带了一些东西。卡洛斯带了soda water(汽水),艾米带了蛋糕。

正确答案:1.B 2.C 3.A


该题型的特点是在短文后给出若干个句子,要求同学们根据短文内容,判断所给的句子意思是否与原文相符。做这类题应该联系短文内容进行发挥,主要是考查对意思相近或相反的几个句子进行鉴别、判断,或是变换词语、句子结构来测试同种意思的不同表达。There are some public numbers. Do you know when to use these numbers? 110 is a number for calling policeman when you have niet some illegal things. 119 is a number using for a fire accident. 120 is a number for asking medical help when somebody is serious ill or hurt. Please do not dial these numbers for fun. It is forbidden. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。

( )1. When you meet some thieves, you can call 110.

( )2. Somebody is serious ill, you can call 119.

( )3. There is a fire ac:cident in vour building, so you can call 119.

( )4.A girl was hurt by a car, you can call 120.



题l 意思是当你遇到小偷的时候,你应该拔打110。110是遇到违法事件时的报警号码,所以判断它是正确的。

题2意思是有人得了重病,你应该拔打119。1 19是发生火灾时的求救号码,所以判断它是错误的。



正确答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T




There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is the first day of the week. Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Usually, we have a rest on the weekends. The other five days are weekdays. We usually go to school or work during weekdays. Nobody likes Monday, because we have a good time on Sunday and we don't want to study or work any more.


1. How many days are there in a week?

2.What are they?

3. What is the first day of the week?

4.What is the weekend?

5. When do we usually go to school?


题1 问一周有几天。用一个seven就可以回答了。




题5 问我们通常什么时候上学。应该是工作日了。


1.There are seven.

2.They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesclay, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.


4.Saturday and Sunday.

5.During weekdays.



The English people like take-away food. The most popular food is fish and chips. They usually go to a fish and chips shop. They put the food in paper bags, and take it home, or to their work place. At lunch time, many people eat takeaway food in thepark. Chinese take-away food is also very popular in England. People in the USA and Australia like Chinese take-away food, too. But the most popular food in the USA is fried chicken.


1. The most popular food in England is___.

2. They put the food in____ ,and take it home, or to their work place.

3. At lunch time, many people eat______food in the park.

4. Chinese take-away food is also very_ in England.

5. The most popular food in the USA is___一.


题l 第二句话告诉我们最受英国人欢迎的食物是鱼和薯片。




正确答案:1.fish and chips 2.paper bags 3.take-away4.popular 5.fried chiken



Aunt Mary is coming, but Tom's mother is too busy to pick her up. So she asks Tom to pick aunt Mary up. But Tom did not meet her for a long time. So his mother asks Tom to find as following: She is at the bus station. She is a tall woman with long blac:k hair. She is wearing a green dress, a brown hat and a pair of boots. She is holding a handbag. Can Tom find her'

l 根据汤姆的妈妈的描述给玛丽阿姨画一幅画,以便汤姆更容易找到她。


短文的第二段告诉我们玛丽阿姨的肖像特点是:a tall woman with long black hair(长长的黑头发的高个子的妇女),wearing a green dress,a brown hat and a pair of boots(穿着一件绿色的裙子,头戴一顶棕色的帽子,脚穿一双靴子),holding a handbag(拿着一个手提包)。








Long long ago, there was a bad king. All of his people hated him. One hot day, he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it. He was a good swimmer, but while he was in the river, he suddenly fell ill and was dying. At that time two farmers were working in the field nearby. They came over, jumped into the river, and he was saved. They didn't know who was until they pull him out of the water. The king was happy. He said to the two farmer, "Today you have saved my life. Ask for anything, and I'll give it to you. I'm the richest in the world." "Don't tell anybody that we have saved you," the two farmers said together.

(1)All of people ____ the king.

A. loved

B. visited

C. hated

(2)One day, the king decided to ______.

A. take a walk

B. have a swim

C. Walk by the river.

(3)______ jumped into the river.

A. The king

B. Nobody

C. Two farmers

(4)The farmers were _____ to save the king.

A. happy

B. worried

C. sad

(5)The king was very _____.

A. kind

B. friendly

C. bad







(1)根据All of his people hated him.可知所有人都憎恨他,故选C。

(2)根据he decided to have a swim in it.可知他决定去游泳。故选B。

(3)根据 They came over, jumped into the river, and he was saved. 可知这两个农民跳进了河里救了国王,故选C。

(4)根据"Don't tell anybody that we have saved you," the two farmers said together.可知这两个农民看到被救的人是国王不开心,故选C。

(5)根据 Long long ago, there was a bad king.可知那个国王很坏,故选C。



I have a cousin. He is only four years old. Today I go to a library with him. He doesn't know the signs. I tell him about the signs. This sign means "Be quiet". We should not shout in the library. That sign means "No eating or drinking". We can't eat or drink here. My cousin knows a lot about the signs in the signs in the library after I tell him.

(1)My cousin is five years old.

(2)We are in the supermarket.

(3)My cousin knows a lot about the signs in the signs in the library after I tell him.

(4)We can eat and drink in the library.

(5)We shouldn't shout in the library.







(1)句意:我堂弟5岁。根据He is only four years old.可知他四岁,故答案为:错误。(2)句意:我们在超市。根据Today I go to a library with him.可知他们在图书馆,故答案为:错误。

(3)句意:我告诉他之后我堂弟知道了很多关于布告牌里的布告。根据My cousin knows a lot about the signs in the signs in the library after I tell him.可知我告诉他之后我堂弟知道了很多关于布告牌里的布告。,故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:在图书馆里我们能吃喝。根据We can't eat or drink here. 可知在图书馆里我们不能吃喝,故答案为:错误。

(5)句意:在图书馆我们不应该喊叫。根据We should not shout in the library.可知在图书馆我们不应该喊叫。故答案为:正确。




This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at the desk. You can see some books, some flowers, a ruler and a pen on it. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above my bed. I usually put my football under my bed. There is a chair in front of the desk. I can see the trees and the roads outside when I sit there.


(1)What can I do at the desk?

A. Play football.

B. See the trees and the roads.

C. Do my homework.

(2)What can you see on my desk?

A. Some books and flowers

B. A ruler and a pen

C. Both A and B (3)—Where is the picture?

—It's ________.

A. on the desk

B. on the wall

C. on the chair

(4)What's under the bed?

A. A ruler.

B. A football.

C. A cat.

(5)Are there any trees outside?

A. Yes, there are.

B. Yes, they are.

C. No, there aren't.







(1)根据所给的短文,I often do my homework at the desk.我经常在书桌前做作业。故答案为C.

(2)根据所给的短文,You can see some books, some flowers, a ruler and a pen on it. 你可以在上面看到一些书,一些花,一把尺子和一支钢笔。故答案为C.

(3)根据所给的短文,On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. 在书桌附近的墙上有一张猫的照片。故答案为B.

(4)根据所给的短文,I usually put my football under my bed.我通常把足球放在床下。故答案为B.

(5)根据所给的短文,I can see the trees and the roads outside when I sit there.当我坐在那里时,我能看见外面的树木和道路。故答案为A.



Many parts of the world have four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, the weather becomes warmer and the days get longer. Plants begin to grow and many animals have babies. Summer is the hottest season. Plants grow fast. In autumn, the weather turns cool. Trees may lose their leaves. Some birds fly to warmer places. Winter is the coldest season. Plants stop growing and many trees are bare(光秃秃的).

(1)All parts of the world have four seasons.

(2)Many animals have babies in summer.

(3)Summer is the hottest season.

(4)The weather turns cool in autumn.

(5)Winter comes. The plants stop growing.







(1)细节理解,根据 Many parts of the world have four seasons.得知世界很多地方有四季,而不是所有地方,故答案为:错误。

(2)细节理解,根据Plants begin to grow and many animals have babies得知春天很多动物生产,故答案为:错误。

(3)细节理解,根据Summer is the hottest season.得知夏天是最热的季节,故答案为:正确。

(4)细节理解,根据 In autumn, the weather turns cool. 得知秋天天气变凉爽,故答案为:正确。

(5)细节理解,根据Winter is the coldest season. Plants stop growing and many trees are bare(光秃秃的).得知树叶停止生长,故答案为:正确。



I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer.My mother is my first teacher.I know how to type,how to copy a file,and how to visit a website on the Internet.One day,mom was not at home.I turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net.The first one I met there was a boy called Tom.He greeted me politely.When he knew that I was only a 9-year-old girl and almost knew nothing about chatting on net,he started showing me how to use the chatting tools,how to download,and how to send e-mails.I learnt a lot from him.

(1)I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer.

(2)When mom was at home.I began to learn how to chat on net.

(3)The first one I met on net was a boy called Tom.

(4)Tom is my first computer teacher.

(5)He showed me how to use the chatting tools.







⑴题意:当我学会如何使用电脑时,我才九岁。比较本小题题干和短文第一句可知内容是一模一样的,故答案为:正确 .

⑵题意:当妈妈在家里,我开始学着上网聊天。根据短文中语句“One day,mom was not at

home.I turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net.”可知我是妈妈不在家时开始学着上网聊天的。这与题意不符,故答案为:错误 .

⑶题意:我在网上遇到的第一个是一个叫汤姆的男孩。短文中语句“The first one I met there was a boy called Tom.”的句意是“我在那里遇到的第一个是一个叫汤姆的男孩。”。这与题意相符,故答案为:正确.

⑷题意:汤姆是我的第一个计算机老师。根据第一句和第二句可知妈妈是我的第一个计算机老师。这与题意不符,故答案为:错误 .

⑸题意:他给我看如何使用聊天工具。短文中语句“he started showing me how to use the chatting tools,”的句意是“他开始教我如何使用聊天工具。”。这与题意相符,故答案为:正确.



一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误。 Father's Day is a holiday for fathers. It's on the third Sunday of June, The idea of Father's Day was given by Dodd of New York. Dodd wanted a day to honor (对......表示敬意) her father. Dodd has five little brothers. Her mother died very early, and her father raised (抚养) his children. Dodd's father was born in June, so she held (举行) the first Father's Day on the19th of June, in 1910. In 1972 it was celebrated (庆祝) by Americans on the third Sunday in June. On that day, children get up early to cook rich breakfast for their father. People wear (戴) roses on that day, too. If his father is dead, he wears white roses. If his father is alive, he wears red roses. Now it is celebrated in the USA, the UK and many other countries. (1)Father's Day is on the third Sunday of June. (2)Dodd was an Australian. (3)Father's Day is a holiday for mothers. (4)Dodd wanted to honor her father. (5)People wear roses on Father's Day. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)0 (4)1 (5)1 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍父亲节的事情。 (1)句意:父亲节是六月份的第三个星期天。根据It's on the third Sunday of June,可知父亲节是六月份的第三个星期天。故答案为:正确。 (2)句意:多德是澳大利亚人。根据The idea of Father's Day was given by Dodd of New York. 可知父亲节的概念是由纽约的多德提出的。故答案为:错误。 (3)句意:父亲节是母亲们的节日。根据Father's Day is a holiday for fathers.可知父亲节是父亲们的节日。故答案为:错误。 (4)句意:多德想尊敬她的父亲。根据Dodd wanted a day to honor (对......表示敬意) her father.可知多德想表达对父亲的敬意。故答案为:正确。 (5)句意:父亲节人们戴玫瑰花。根据People wear (戴) roses on that day.可知父亲节人们戴玫瑰花。故答案为:正确。 【点评】考查阅读理解,浏览文章大意把握细节。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确判断。 2.阅读理解阅读理解 Thanksgiving is a family holiday in autumn in Canada and the USA. In Canada, Thanksgiving is in October. In the USA, it is in November. On Thanksgiving, people have a big dinner with their


小学英语阅读理解试题 学校_________________ 一.短文填空:(根据短文的意思,在所给的词中选择合适的填在相应的空格中,使短文完整,每格一词。(10分) (apples , Winter , summer, rains , plant , ski , snowman , in , cold ,often , swim , cool , Sometimes ) I love summer. It’s very hot in _________ . I can _______ in the se a. Spring is beautiful. But it often ________ . It’s hard to _______ flowers in the rain. In fall, I can pick _______ . I can eat a lot. ________ comes. It’s very ________ . ___________ it snows. I can ________ and make a __________. 二.补全对话:根据上下文的意思选择适当的句子,将其编号填在下面对话的横线上。(10分) A.What’s the date today? B. Do you like winter? C. When is your birthday? D.What’s the weather like in fall? E.What’s the date ? F. Do you like fall? Mike: __________________________________? Chen:My birthday is in September . Mike: ___________________________________? Chen: It’s September 11th . Mike: __________________________________? Chen: Yes, my birthday is in fall . Mike: ____________________________________ ? Chen: It’s windy and cool . Mike: ___________________________________ ? Chen: Yes , I like fall. But my favourite season is summer 三.阅读理解:根据上下文意思选择正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分) Amy:When do you get up? Mike: I get up at 6:40. I get up early because I have breakfast at home. Amy: What about weekends? Mike:Oh, I get up at 9:00 .


小学英语各题型答题技巧及注意事项孩子们在学习英语的过程中,脑海里如果没有形成一张较为清晰的考点图,复习的时候,就是抓瞎,摸不着北。累得够呛却得不到好分数。 小学英语考试常见大题及应答策略如下: 听力题型 听力部分的比重大概为30%--40%。主要涉及:边听选图片或选单词、边听边看图排序或判断、听问句选答句、听答句选问句、听写类等等。 英国知名的听力教学法专家根据听力理论和记忆的心理规律设计了听的三个步骤: “听前(pre-listening)” “听时(while-listening)”

“听后(post-listening)” 要想在听力部分拿到满意的成绩,需这么做: 1.听前争分夺秒读题干,了解题意 图画中出现的人物、动物、动作、时间或数字等内容,孩子要极其敏感,抓住这些关键信息来提高答题准确率。 2.听时聚精会神,耳手脑并用 适度紧张,边听边记边思考。如果遇到需要听写的单词太长,则可采用自己能辨识的缩略法进行标记。第一遍听大意,做好标注;第二遍集中精力,边听边写答案。 3.听后仔细推敲,确保正确率 听完后检查,看看有没有拼写错误。发现错误及时纠正。注意,不要空题!很可能有些答案通过前后文意,也可以推断出来。 单项填空 这是一道传统题型,涉及词汇、语法、句型、惯用法等方面。

答题时,也需要讲究一定的技巧: 1.认真审题干,从题干中判断考点,从词汇和语法等各个方面联系思考。 2.排除法是很好的解题帮手。自己能明确排除的做好标注,节省答题时间。 3.对话型的单选题,可把自己置身于语境之中进行思考。 4.单选题很多能从课本中找到影子,因此可联想课文内容进行比对。 5.答题完毕后,要将句子连起来读读,看看是否通顺。语感也是很重要的噢! 完型填空


小学英语阅读理解题(1) 1. One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts: “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the car’s number and they are frozen there. It isn’t their car. ( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. White drive for ___________. A. fishing B. shopping C. business ( ) 2. They stop their car _________. A. at the parking spot B. near the sea C. near the store ( ) 3. They want to put the things _______. A. in a big bag B. in their car C. in other’s car ( ) 4. Mr. White can’t open the car, so __________. A. they walk home B. they ask a policeman to help C. they call a taxi 2.Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown. ( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife. A. a city B. a small town C. a big town ( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office. A. four B. five C. six ( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays. A. free B. busy C. happy ( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays. A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden ( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers. A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps


对小学英语考试常见题型的讲解及做题技巧,失分薄弱环节的讲解 1.针对四年级学生知识或能力系统和学生的认知规律确定易错题。 2.试题包括基础知识和能力题两大类。 3.每道题包括“典题呈现”“解题分析”“参考答案”“变式突破”四个方式 4.易错题型来源于平时的教学实践,注重所选易错题例的典型性和针对性,对 学生有启发和帮助。 5.注重所选易错题型应呈现的多样性。 小学英语考试的目的是什么?考的方式与内容与课程设置理念有无相悖?如果每个人能多思考这样的问题,我想无论从教学思想上还是评价体系上更上一层楼,即使是在应试教育的大气候下也能把握些许平衡 [学生要通过大量做卷子,过分钻研题型本身,那考试就失去意义了] 听力: 辨音: 这种题型考察的目的是什么?我一直很疑惑。(有同行说这些题目以后不考了,但总要思考下吧) 如果是考察学生对单词是否读准了,那告诉你,10个有8个是没问题的,exercise这个单词有点复杂,也许有很多学生对里面的单个音吃不准,但是要整体认读对,是不难的,但问题也就在这里,有很多学生会读整个单词,但不知道具体每个字母在这个单词里读什么音,这点也许那些高中,大学老师觉得很不可思议,但是小学老师绝对深有感触,我在训练直拼的时候就发现有几个很有这样问题的学生,我就问他big种的I到底发什么音,但是在他嘴里出来的是莫名其妙[e];

如果这个不能说明问题的话,那举个th的例子是最能说明问题,几乎每个学生都能在单词里读对这个音,我就不相信有学生会把there种的th读成清音——词汇互译 这是一个基本功问题,即便是从过去侧重语言知识考察转变为知识技能、综合运用能力考察,这还是少不了的。如果一个学生连最起码的几个单词都不背或者没能力背的话,那谈什么素质教育?说到这个,我感觉应试教育虽然大行其道,千夫指,但是说实话,有些东西我们是绝对不能放弃的,难道素质教育的教学就是应该轻松的吗?不下苦功的学习永远是肤浅的 用单词的适当形式填空 有的题目是直接考词性变化比如sun (同音词) do (过去式), 也有的是放 在句子里让学生根据语境写适当的形式。前者这种形式慢慢被淘汰了,我觉得这是一个英明的举动。不放在语言环境里是没什么意义的,而且缺乏语境是还造成大量学生不会做的原因,比如你要学生默写“听见”,即使有点忘了的学生只要有I’m sorry to hear that的语感提醒,那还是会知道hear这个单词的,你要学生默写“来这里”的“这里”,也是不难的事情here. 但是你要猛的问here的同音词是什么?学生也许就怎么也想不出来了——here ( 同音词)________。这就是一件可悲的事情了,这被扣的一分又能说明什么呢?这得的一分除了表现这个学生的记忆好,根本没什么意义,因为那只是一个孤立的单词而已。 选择 选择题考些什么,大致分为两类,一类是语法题,第二类是运用性题目(包括语用题),其实大多数情况都是考前者,其实,至少说在小学里,我认为考语法应该以语感辅之分析为主,类似Does he…? Are you…? Is your father….?等都应该是在口语熟练下的水到渠成,也就是通常人常说的语感,有这样的语感铺垫,


小学英语阅读练习和答案 1、My name is Jim. My favorite day is October l8th, because it's my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I don't do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday. ( 1. Jim's birthday is . A. October 8 B. October 18 C. December 8th D. December 18th ( 2. Jim's favorite movies are . A. comedies B. action movies C. thrillers D. A and B ( 3. Jim goes to bed at . A. 10:30 B. 10:13


小学英语试题解题方法与技巧(听力部分) 一般来说,听力部分的比重为30%--40%.题目类型有:听音选图片、听音选单词、听音看图判断、听音看图排序、听问句选答句、听答句选问句、听音为句子排序、听短文排序、听短文判断、听短文选择、听写类等等。 一、听音选单词或者与图片相关的听力题。 1、单词全认识,没有问题。 2、偶遇一个不认识的,其他几个全认识,用排除法。 3、四个中有两个不认识的,注意它们的开头第一个字母,听准开头和结尾的音。 4、四个全不认识。认真听开头的音吧,如果你能听清开头和结尾的音,也差不多。 二、听问选答句或者听答句选问句。 1、听的句子都知道什么意思,备选项也全明白什么意思。什么问题都没有了,分数是你的。 2、偶尔一个不太明白的,其他都明白。用排除法。 3、似是而非,不敢确定。遇到一般疑问句,找相对应的标志性词语。 如问句中有Do you…? 答句就一定有do或don’t. 问句中有Can you / he / she …?答句中就一 定会有can 或者can’t.问句中有Does ,答句中就会有does 或doesn’t. 问句中有Is …? 答句 中就会有is 或isn’t. 等等。 4、特殊疑问句要听清楚疑问词,根据疑问词选择答句。 疑问代词:what什么,who谁,Which哪一个,whose谁的,whom谁 疑问副词:when什么时候,where什么地方,why为什么,how怎么样 疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词 三、听句子写单词补充短文或者补充句子。 1、一听就明白,单词全会写。这题是给你送分的。 2、能听明白句子的意思,单词有印象,但不敢确定。先把你想到的单词写下来,回头检查时再好好想。 3、有点蒙,不会写,但能知道它是什么意思。先把它的汉语意思写在一边。回头检查时,说不定试卷上哪个地方就有这个单词,或者做题的过程中你突然想起来了。到最后还不会,那就尽量根据单词拼读的规律去写。 四、听短文判断、排序或选择。 1、听之前一定要先把试卷上的几个句子认真看一遍,弄明白每个句子的意思。 2、听的过程中,要一边听一边和要判断的句子相对应。 3、让你判断的句子顺序不一定按听到的顺序排列,要注意跳读。 4、听短文的题目一般都是听三遍,第一遍时没有绝对把握的题别先忙着做,但第二遍时要尽量做完,第三遍边听边检查。 笔试部分的比重一般为60%--70%,题目类型比较多。像根据要求写单词就可以包括:同义词、反义词、同音词、名词的复数形式、名词所有格、名词的形容词形式(天气类)、动词的现在分词、过去式、三单形式、动词的名词形式(职业类)、人称代词与形容词性物主代词、形容词的比较级形式等等。单项选择、用所给


一、听力部分 调整心态,在听的过程中做速记。捕捉的信息准确,才能答题正确。这部分要求学生平时多听、多说,积累语感。 二、单项选择 属于考查各项基础知识的传统题型,此题内容涉及语法、词汇、惯用法、句型、口语功能等方面。此题灵活,覆盖面广,但多数题目源于课本或化于课本。答题时要注意: 1.题目有语境,吃透语境,把握题干的全部信息,并从词法、语法、惯用法、词的搭配等多方面考虑。 2.对话构成题干,更生活化,更灵活,要根据实际情况来断定答案。 3.注意综合性的知识,切记“语不离句,句不离文,语法不离语境”。用排除法选出答案。 三、句子翻译 它要求考生有较精准的语言素养,考查考生对词义的理解、词汇的拼写、词性的选择和运用,以及固定搭配、句子的类型结构、句子的时态等方面的能力。 课文中出现的动词、固定搭配词组,要特别注意,因为这些内容掌握的好坏,是考生能否正确遣词造句的关键,每学到一个动词、固定搭配词组,都要联系简单句的5个基本句型考虑组成句子。 四、完型填空 1.要通读全文,掌握大意,这是非常必要的。 2. 上下要连续,前后要贯通,连词的使用为各行各句之间提供了紧密的因果、转折、并列或者条件的内在逻辑关系,通过发现和识别连词,可以从宏观的角度把握文章的大意,构建全文的内在逻辑结构,领会作者的思路,完形填空通过保留一定数理的词语,使答题的人获得必要的信息和知识。 3.要仔细推敲,复校全文。 4.要有比较扎实的语言基本功底,有比较严密的逻辑思维。 五、补全对话 补全对话是考查学生交际应用英语的能力。平时练习中要注意以下几点: 1.避开口语。答题时,语言要得体,表达要地道。 2.应将一些常见情景下经常运用的句型、词组背熟,比如,问路、看病等常规用语。 3.语言实践与思维训练相结合。 语言是思维的体现,只有语言能以最快的速度表现思维的时候,人们才能流利地、有效地进行表达。答题时,依据语言环境补全对话。 六、阅读理解 阅读理解是试题中分值较高的题,在原来的“选择填空”的基础上,增加了“根据短文内容回答问题”这一新题型,进一步考查了考生的理解水平。考生知识积累的多寡,直接影响得分。 1.要有阅读积累,每天阅读2、3个小短文,每个小短文大概用四五分钟。 2.阅读的范围要广泛。 3.阅读要提速。 4.重视整体理解能力。遇生词不要查字典,通过上下文来理解。 七、句意填词 1.通读全句,联系上下文,确定选词。 2.要掌握英语教材的“四会”的单词拼写。 八、改写句子


小学英语阅读理解题及答案(三篇)Visit Swansea Zoo Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tiger from America.The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you.The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you,and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you. Tickets Grown-ups:$2.00 Children:over 12,$1.00 Under 12:Free Opening Time 9: 00 a.m. --- 4:00 p.m. Except Friday 10: 00 a.m. --- 3: 00 p.m. Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch, give food or go near the animals. 1.How many kinds of animals are mentioned (被提及) in the passage? A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven. 2.Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with her two sons,one is 14 and the other is 10,how much are the tickets together?


一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解Fill in the blanks. 根据短文内容填空。 In the night, there was one little egg laying(平躺)on the leaf. On Sunday morning, there was a tiny(微小的)and very hungry caterpillar(毛毛虫). He started to look for some food. He ate one apple, but he was still hungry. He ate two pears, but he was still hungry. He ate three plums(梅子), but he was still hungry. He ate four strawberries, but he was still hungry. He ate five oranges, but he was still hungry. He ate a lot of things, then he became a big and fat caterpillar. He was full and felt sleepy(困乏的). Then he became a beautiful butterfly. At first, there was a little ________ laying on the leaf, then he became a ________ and very hungry caterpillar. Then he became a ________ and ________ caterpillar. At last, he became a ________butterfly. 【答案】 egg;tiny;big;fat;beautiful 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍蝴蝶的成长过程。 (1)句意:期初,有一只小蛋平躺在树叶上。句中缺少单词egg,蛋,故答案为egg。(2)句意:然后他变成一个微笑的饥饿的毛毛虫。句中缺少单词tiny,微小的,故答案为tiny。 (3)句意:然后他变成又大又胖的毛毛虫。句中缺少单词big,大的,fat,胖的,故答案为big,fat。 (4)句意:最后他变成一只美丽的蝴蝶。句中缺少单词beautiful,美丽的,故答案为beautiful。 【点评】此题目要求快速阅读文章,把握内容、了解大意,然后细致阅读,抓住主要内容和细节,标出关键词,完成题目。 2.阅读理解根据短文内容判断句子正误 Hello, I'm Tom. My family had a good time last weekend. Let me tell you. I went to the nature park to see animals. I took many pictures of them. The animals were so cute. My mother did housework and cooked dinner at home. My father read some newspapers in the evening. We ate dinner and watched TV together. That was fun. What about you? What did you do last weekend?(1)om went to see animals last weekend. (2)Tom likes animals. (3)Tom's mom went shopping. (4)Tom's dad read some magazines. (5)Tom's family had a good time last weekend. 【答案】(1)1 (2)1 (3)0 (4)0


小学英语阅读理解题及答案10篇 1、My name is Jim. My favorite day is October l8th, because it's my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I don't do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday. ( ) 1. Jim's birthday is . A. October 8 B. October 18 C. December 8th D. December 18th ( ) 2. Jim's favorite movies are . A. comedies B. action movies C. thrillers D. A and B ( ) 3. Jim goes to bed at . A. 10:30 B. 10:13 C. 10:00 D. 3:10 ( ) 4. Does Jim do his homework on his birthday? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. No, he isn't. D. I don't know. ( ) 5. How is Jim on his birthday? A. Tired. B. Happy but not tired. C. Tired but happy. D. Happy. 答案:BDABC 2、My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures


听力题型 听力部分的比重大概为30%--40%。主要涉及:边听选图片或选单词、边听边看图排序或判断、听问句选答句、听答句选问句、听写类等等。 英国知名的听力教学法专家根据听力理论和记忆的心理规律设计了听的三个步骤: “听前(pre-listening)” “听时(while-listening)” “听后(post-listening)” 要想在听力部分拿到满意的成绩,需这么做: 1.听前争分夺秒读题干,了解题意 图画中出现的人物、动物、动作、时间或数字等内容,孩子要极其敏感,抓住这些关键信息来提高答题准确率。

2.听时聚精会神,耳手脑并用 适度紧张,边听边记边思考。如果遇到需要听写的单词太长,则可采用自己能辨识的缩略法进行标记。第一遍听大意,做好标注;第二遍集中精力,边听边写答案。 3.听后仔细推敲,确保正确率 听完后检查,看看有没有拼写错误。发现错误及时纠正。注意,不要空题!很可能有些答案通过前后文意,也可以推断出来。 单项填空 这是一道传统题型,涉及词汇、语法、句型、惯用法等方面。 答题时,也需要讲究一定的技巧: 1.认真审题干,从题干中判断考点,从词汇和语法等各个方面联系思考。 2.排除法是很好的解题帮手。自己能明确排除的做好标注,节省答题时间。 3.对话型的单选题,可把自己置身于语境之中进行思考。 4.单选题很多能从课本中找到影子,因此可联想课文内容进行比对。 5.答题完毕后,要将句子连起来读读,看看是否通顺。语感也是很重要的噢! 完型填空

主要考查孩子的语法与词汇知识综合运用的能力。既考查词语基本搭配、近义词辨析、动词常用时态、句型结构、关联词等,又考查了理解和逻辑能力。 从例子中,我们可以看出完形填空是介乎单项填空和阅读理解之间的一种题型,一般设置10个左右的选项。解答技巧如下: 1.通读全文,了解大意 先认真通读文章内容,了解大概意思。 ?错误做法: (1)遇到生僻的词汇或较难的句子,就停下来在这些细枝末节上死抠。 (2)一看到这么多空格,就着急边看边填,想早点填完。 ?正确做法: (1)遇到难点,暗示自己这并不影响自己答题。果断先跳过去,继续往后读,直到读懂大致意思。


一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解任务型阅读,按要求完成下列各题。 There are forty-two students in my class. There are two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are my good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. They often go to school by bike. I often go to school on foot. There is an English girl in my class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is also my good friend. (1)There are thirty-nine students in my class. (2)Jack and Lucy are my good friends. (3)Mike is an American boy. (4)I often go to school _______. A. B. C. (5)Jack and Mike don't like _______. A. B. C. 【答案】(1)0 (2)1 (3)1 (4)C (5)B 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了我们班有两个美国男孩杰克和迈克,以及英国女孩露西,他们的爱好和日常生活。 (1)句意:我们班有三十九个学生。根据There are forty-two students in my class.可知我们班有四十二个学生。故答案为错误。 (2)句意:杰克和露西是我的好朋友。根据They are Jack and Mike.They are my good friends.可知杰克和露西是我的好朋友。故答案为正确。 (3)句意:迈克是个美国男孩。根据 There are two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. 可知迈克是个美国男孩。故答案为正确。 (4)根据 I often go to school on foot. 可知我经常步行上学。故答案为C. (5)根据 They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. 可知他们不喜欢打篮球。故答案为B. 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误,


1、My name is Jim. My favorite day is October l8th, because it's my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I don't do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday. ( ) 1. Jim's birthday is . A.October 8 B. October 18 C. December 8th D. December 18th ( ) 2. Jim's favorite movies are . https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f9130811.html,edies B. action movies C. thrillers D. A and B ( ) 3. Jim goes to bed at . A. 10:30 B. 10:13 C. 10:00 D. 3:10 ( ) 4. Does Jim do his homework on his birthday? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. No, he isn't. D. I don't know. ( ) 5. How is Jim on his birthday? A. Tired. B. Happy but not tired. C. Tired but happy. D. Happy. 答案: BDABC


一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致 Chairman Mao was a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He gave Chinese people new life. We can live in China better and better. He was a kind man and he cared about every one of Chinese people and their lives. Chinese people were very poor and hungry in old China before 1949. Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found(建立) new China. Finally, all of the Chinese people work for a better life together. We love Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao is the father of new China. (1)Chairman Mao was a great man in Chinese history. (2)Chinese people were very poor in old China after1949. (3)Chairman Mao cared about every one of Chinese people. (4)Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found new China. (5)Chairman Mao is the father of new China. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)1 (4)1 (5)1 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了中国历史上一位非常著名和重要的人物毛主席。(1)句意:毛主席是中国历史上的伟人。根据Chairman Mao was a very famous and important person in Chinese history. 可知毛主席是中国历史上的伟人,故答案为正确。(2)句意:1949年以后,中国人在旧中国很穷。根据Chinese people were very poor and hungry in old China before 1949. 可知1949年以前,中国人在旧中国非常贫穷和饥饿,故答案为错误。 (3)句意:毛主席关心每一个中国人。根据He was a kind man and he cared about every one of Chinese people and their lives. 可知毛主席关心每一个中国人,故答案为正确。 (4)句意:毛主席带领中国人民建立了新中国。根据 Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found new China. 可知毛主席带领中国人民建立了新中国,故答案为正确。 (5)句意:毛主席是新中国之父。根据 Chairman Mao is the father of new China. 可知毛主席是新中国之父,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2.阅读理解读短文,判断下列句子正误 A Farewell Party Dear friends, It's time to leave our school. We are all going to middle school soon,so we will say goodbye
