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Urbanization is a natural historical process of the development of human society. It is an important symbol of modernization. Since the eighteen party, highlighting the new urbanization, emphasizing people-oriented, intensive and efficient and green smart, the urbanization and environmental protection and ecological civilization construction combined. Huaihua City, the provincial center city as the current stage of development goals, the rapid development of urbanization at the same time, the protection of the ecological environment has been increasingly concerned. This paper in Huaihua city urbanization caused the ecological and environmental problems in the lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere as a starting point, specific analysis of Huaihua City, the process of urbanization, resulting in cultivated land area reduce, soil erosion, air pollution, greenhouse effect, water pollution etc. ecological and environmental problems, and for the cause of environmental pollution, and puts forward relevant countermeasures, in order to implement the Huaihua Municipal Party committee of the Tenth Plenary (enlarged) meeting of the struggling to implement the "two belts" and development strategy of "one center and four Huaihua provide according to

the relevant.

Key Words:Urbanization; Ecological environment problem;

Huaihua; Reason; Countermeasure


1引言 (4)

2城镇化进程中存在的生态环境问题 (5)

2.1对岩石圈层面的影响 (5)

2.1.1耕地面积减少 (5)

2.1.2水土流失 (5)

2.2对大气圈的影响 (6)

2.2.1大气污染 (6)

2.2.2温室效应 (7)

2.3对水圈的影响 (7)

2.3.1水源污染 (8)

2.3.2酸雨 (8)

3城镇化进程中存在的生态环境问题成因分析 (9)

3.1人口层面 (9)

3.2城镇规划层面 (9)

3.3法律法规层面 (10)

3.4产业结构层面 (11)

3.5环保意识层面 (11)

3.6环境保护投入层面 (12)

3.6.1环境治理协调工作的困难大 (12)

3.6.2完成减排任务的压力大。 (13)

3.6.3环保部门的经费运转十分艰难。 (13)

4协调城镇化与生态环境问题的有效对策 (13)

4.1制定科学合理的城镇化规划 (14)

4.2构建生态环境保护制度体系 (14)

4.3转变经济发展方式 (15)

4.4提高公众生态环境保护意识 (16)

4.4.1增强对城镇管理决策部门的培训 (16)

4.4.2加强对中小城镇工业企业主的环境保护教育 (16)

4.4.3加强对公民环境保护和可持续发展理念的宣传与普及 (17)

4.4.4进一步建立完善社会舆论监督机制 (17)

4.5保障环保投入 (18)

5参考文献 (19)



2015年7月,怀化市和长株潭城市群、郴州市、岳阳市、常德市等 5 个地级市(城市群),以及怀化市的沅陵县等 15 个县(市、区)(新城)及辰溪县黄溪口镇、通道侗族自治县县溪镇等 28 个建制镇作为湖南省新型城镇化试点地区,试点地区将获得资金重点倾斜,并将被赋予不少先行先试政策。这预示着怀化的城镇化迎来一个飞速发展时期。但是由于前期在城镇化的进程中城镇规划不科学、法律法规不完善、产业结构粗放、公众环保意识薄弱、环境保护投入不够等因素,严重影响了新型城镇化的发展,如何处理好城镇化进程中的生态环境问题,在城镇化与生态环境之间找到平衡点就成为摆在我们面前的重要课题。
