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1. _______

2. _______

3. _________

4. _________



( )6. A. with her friend. B. On foot. C. at 4:00p.m..

( )7. A . Three kilometers. B. For fifteen minutes. C. By bus.

( )8. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can.

( )9. A. The chess club. B. The school show. C. The music room. ( )10. A. By bike. B. At seven o’clock C. For half an hour.


( )11. What club does Mary want to join?

A. The music club.

B. The art club.

C. The chess club. ( )12. What does Jack love?

A. Chess

B. Music.

C. Sports.


( )13. What time does Helen get up in the morning?

A. 6:00.


C. 7:00.

( )14. How does Helen usually get to school?

A. By bike.

B. By bus.

C. On foot. ( )15. How long does it take Helen by bike?

A. About half an hour.

B. About forty minutes.

C. About an hour. 第四节:短文理解(每小题2分,共10分)


( )16. Peter is ________.

A. a teacher

B. a doctor

C. a student ( )17. Peter________ at seven today.

A. gets up

B. has breakfast

C. takes a shower ( )18. Peter eats lunch at ________ .


B. 11:40


( )19. After lunch , Peter __________.

A.goes to school

B. does his nomework C . plays games. ( )20. ----Peter doesn`t in the evening.

A. play the guitar.

B. watch Tv.

C. play the violin



( )1.Are you good at playing _______ guitar or _______ basketball?

A. the, the

B. the, a

C. / , the

D. the, /

( )2.He can swim very well, ______ he doesn’t want to join the club.


B. but

C. /

D. or

( )3. My teacher helps us _______ swimming.

A. on


C. for

D. with

( )4.We are playing football. Come and _____________ us.

A. join

B. join in


D. do

( )5. My sister ____ home at 5:00 every day.

A. gets

B. gets to

C. get

D. get to

( )6. ---Will you go there by_____train?

----No,I’ll take ______ taxi.

A. /;a

B. a;the


D. the;a

( )7.It’s an English class. Please don’t _________ Chinese.

A. say

B. talk

C. tell

D. speak

( )8. Jie Min usually gets up _______.

A. at six thirty

B. at thirty six

C. At a half past six

D. At half to seven

( )9. Please show ____ your new bike.

A. I

B. my

C. me

D. mine

( )10. —_____ is it from your home to the school?

—About twenty minutes walk.

A. How far

B. How long


D. Where

( )11. Peter often gets up six the morning.

A. in; at

B. on; at

C. at; in

D. on; in

( )12. Miss Zhang is good music. She can be good children(儿童)in the music club.

A. at ; at

B. with ; with

C. at ; with

D. with ; at

( )13. — can you play the drums the guitar?

— I can play the drums.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. Or

( ) 14. Please call Mrs. Miller 555-3721.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. With

( )15. we want students the school show.


B. to

C. after

D. For


David has a happy family. In the 16 he gets up 17 5:30. He 18 a shower and then he eats breakfast at 6 19 . His parents get up at 5:00. They usually take 20 at 5:30.Then they 21 breakfast.

In the afternoon David 22 home at 4:30. His parents come home at 5:25. They have dinner at 23 . In the evening, David likes watching TV. But his parents ask him to do 24 homework first. He 25 to bed at 9:00.

()16. A.afternoon B. morning C. evening D. night

()17. A. in B. on C. at D. for

()18. A. take B. have C. takes D. haves

()19. A. clock B. o’clocks C. clocks D.o’clcok

()20. A. walk B. a walk C.shower’s D. shower

()21. A. have B. eats C. has D. eating

()22. A. come B. comes C. go D. going

()23. A.fourthirty B.fivefifteen C. six D. five

()24. A. he B. David C. their D. his

()25. A. goes B. go C. gos D. going



This is Wang Ping’s Day. He’s a young worker. His job is carrying coal (运煤). He thinks that’s great.

A. At 5:20 in the morning.

B. At 5:10 in the afternoon.

C. At 5:40 in the morning.

D. At 6:00 in the afternoon.

( )2. Where does he have his breakfast?

A. At home.

B. In the coal mine(煤矿).
