
Why Do We Study Medical Terminology?
The number of Medical words are enormous. How many medical words are there in a medium-sized medical dictionary? The answer is around 100,000, which is only a conservative estimate. Moreover, like the jargon( 行话)in all forward-moving fields, the number is expanding so constantly and quickly that it defies 藐视any memorization!Most medical terms are based on Greek and Latinwords, which are consistent 一致的 and uniform 统一的 throughout manydifferent areas. These Greek and Latin parts of words are called the root, prefix, suffix, combing vowels and combining forms.The root, prefix, suffix can aid in learning and remembering medical terms and even help in making informed guesses as to the meaning of unfamiliar words.Furthermore, their numbers are limited, about 400 to 500 or so (the most active ones), but the combinations derived from them are enormous. From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably reach the conclusion that to learn the root, prefix, suffix is much more efficient and meaningful than to try to memorize every medical term.

? adeno-腺
? angio- 血管
? arterio-动脉
? arthro-关节
? atrio-心房;
? bi-双,生,生命
? blastoma-胚细胞瘤
? carcino-癌
? card-, cardio-,心,贲门
? centesis-穿刺术
? cephal-, cephalo-头
? cervico-颈
? chondr-;chondrio-软骨;
? chromato-; chrom-; chromo-色
? colon-结肠
? cranio-颅
? cyano-青紫,绀
? cysto-囊肿,膀胱 ;
? cyto-细胞
? dendron-树突
? derma-皮,皮肤
? diplo-双,两
? dys –不良,困难,障碍
? enteric-肠
? exo-外
? fibro-纤维
? ganglio-神经节
? glio-:胶质;
? glyco- gluco- 糖,甜
? gon-精液,种子,膝;
? graphy--书写,记录,摄影
? hemi-半;
? hemo-,haemo- 血
? hepato-肝
? histo-组织
? hydro-水
? hyper-高,多,超;
? hystero-子宫,癔病
? iatro-医师,医学
? idio-自发,特异;
? infra-在下;
? inter-间;
? intra--内,在内;
? latero-侧,旁
? leio-平滑
? lingo-舌
? lysis-;lyso-溶解
? -megaly大;
? meningo-脑膜,脊膜;
? meno-月经
? meta-变,转
? meta-间位,偏位,变,转,后,旁,次
? mito-线
? mono-单,一
? morpho-形态,形
? muco-黏液
? multi-多
? myelo-, myel-,髓,脊髓
? myo-肌
? necro-坏死,尸体
? nephro-肾
? neuro/neur-神经
? oligo-少;
? osteo-骨;
? -plasty 成形术
? pneumo-气,气体,呼吸
? poly-多
? pseudo-假
? pulmo -肺
? pyelo-肾盂
? pykno-致密
? pyloro-幽

? rectal-直肠的
? renal 肾的
? retro-后,向后,在后
? salpingo-管,咽鼓管,输卵管
? sarco-肉,肌
? scope,镜
? semi-半
? sphero-球
? sterno-胸骨
? sub--下,在下,次,亚
? supra-:上
? supra-tentorial 幕上的
? thoraco-胸
? thrombo--血栓
? -tomy,切开术
? toxico- 毒
? trans-经,越,横过,
? tri- 三
? uni-一,单;
? urino-, uro-, ur-,urono-尿
? varico- 静脉曲张
? vaso- 血管
? veno- 静脉
? ventriculo- (脑,心)室
? vertebro- 椎骨,脊柱
? adenoma 腺瘤
? adenomyosis子宫内膜异位症
? adnexitis 子宫附件炎
? air bronchogram 支气管气像
? aortic regurgitation 主动脉关闭不全
? aortic stenosis 主动脉狭窄
? arteriovenous malformation 动静脉畸形
? arthropathy 关节病
? astrocytoma 星形细胞瘤
? atelectasis 肺不张
? atrial septal defect房间隔缺损
? arteriovenous fistulae , AVF 动静脉瘘
? bronchial foreign body支气管异物
? bronchiectasis 支气管扩张
? bronchiolitis 细支气管炎
? cerebral Infarction 脑梗死
? chondroma 软骨瘤
? colonoscopy 结肠镜检查术
? congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭
? consolidation 肺实变
? coronary heart disease 冠状动脉性心脏病
? craniopharyngioma 颅咽管瘤
? DWI 扩散成像
? emphysema 肺气肿
? ependymoma 室管膜瘤.
? epidural haematoma 硬脑膜外血肿
? filling defect 充盈缺损
? four chamber subcostal view 剑突下四腔心
? gastric ulcer 胃溃疡
? giant cell tumor of bone 骨巨细胞瘤
? glioblastoma 恶性胶质瘤
? glioma 胶质瘤
? hepatic cavernous haemangioma 肝海绵状血管瘤
? hepatocellular carcinoma 肝细胞肝癌
? hepatomegaly 肝肿大
? inferior vena cava 下腔静脉
? infertility 不孕症,
? intraluminal crater 腔内龛影
? mediastinal thyroid mass 胸内甲状腺
? MIP: Maximum Intensity Projection 最大密度投影
? MPR: Multiple Plannar Reconstruction 多平面重组
? musculoskeletal 骨肌的
? nephrohydrosis 肾积水
? nephrolithiasis 肾石病
? niche 龛影
? Oligodendroglioma 少突胶质胞瘤
? osteiod osteoma骨样骨瘤
? osteochondroma 骨软骨瘤
? osteomalacia 骨软化症
? osteoma 骨 瘤
? osteoporosis 骨质疏松症
? osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤
? osteosclerosis 骨硬化
? patent ductus arteriosus 动脉导管未闭
? pericarditis 心包

? pleural effusion 胸腔积液
? pleural thickening 胸膜肥厚
? pneumothorax 气胸
? prostatic adenocarcinoma 前列腺癌
? prostitis 前列腺炎
? prostomegaly 前列腺肥大
? pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺动脉高压
? pulmonary artery stenosis 肺动脉狭窄
? pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞
? pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血
? pulmonary valve stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄
? pyloritis 幽门炎
? pylorostenosis, 幽门狭窄
? pylorus 幽门
? renal cell carcinoma 肾细胞癌
? rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病
? sequestrum 死骨片
? splenomegaly 脾肿大
? SSD:Shaded Surface Display 表面遮盖显示
? subarachnoid haemorrhage 蛛网膜下腔出血
? subdural haematoma 硬脑膜下血肿
? superior vena cava 上腔静脉.
? Tetralogy of Fallot 法洛氏四联症
? the lesser curvature 胃小弯
? thromboembolism 血栓栓塞
? thrombolysis 血栓溶解
? thrombophlebitis 血栓性静脉炎
? thymoma 胸腺瘤
? ulcerating carcinoma 溃疡性癌
? uterine leiomyoma 子宫肌瘤
? VE: Virtural Endoscopy 仿真内窥镜
? ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损
? VR: Volume-Rendering Technique 容积再现



l 形态:
round, oval , ovoid, tubular , lobulated , spherical shape
圆形, 卵圆形, 管状的,分叶的, 球形
irregular configuration 形态不规则
bulging 凸出的
l 性质:cystic, solid , complex 囊性,实性,混合性
l 质地:homogeneous/ heterogeneous/
inhomogeneous 均匀 ,不均匀
l 边界:
界限清楚 well-defined /well circumscribed(限制) / sharply delineated borders/ sharply
marginated 具有明显边缘的
界限不清楚 ill-defined/ poor-defined /
unsharp borders/
边界不规则 irregular border
轮廓清晰 smooth contour
有囊包着的 encapsulated

? 扫描的方位:axial / coronal/ sagittal 横、矢、冠状位


? fluoroscopy X线透视检查
? plain radiograph 平片
? chest film 胸片
? PA chest radiograph 后前位胸片
? lateral chest radiograph 侧位胸片
? the lateral film 侧位片

? increased pulmonary vascular markings 肺纹理增多
? reduction of lung markings 肺纹理减少
? paucity of vascular markings ( 肺)纹理减少
? on barium studies of the gastrointestinal system 胃肠钡餐透视
? on barium esophagogram. 食道钡餐透视

The most frequent feature of the plain radiograph is dilatation of the ascending aorta


? isoattenuating / isodense 等密度
? hyperattenuating/ hyperdense / high attenuation 高密度
? hypoattenuating/ low attenuation / hypodense/ 低密度
? mixed densities 混合密度
? attenuation close to that of water 近似水的密度
? CT 平扫 on precontrast CT/ unenhanced CT :
强化CT contrast CT/enhanced CT

C T扫描序列
? The most widely used protocol实验设计, 序列for bronchiectasis consists of 1 - 1.5 mm collimation scans every 10 mm from the lung apex to the diaphragm.


l 高/低/等/混合/不均匀信号: hyperintense /hypointense/isointense/iso-hyperintens/ mixed density /mixed signal of hyperintensity /heterogeneously mass on T1WI/ T2WI ;
l 信号流空 signal void
l On MR the cyst is typically low signal on T1WI and high on T2WI.
囊肿的磁共振典型表现是T1WI低信号 、高信号T2WI


? The tumor is hypointense on T1WI and inhomogeneously hyperintense on T2 WI 肿瘤在T1WI 为低信号,在T2WI 为不均匀的高信号
? Magnetic resonance imaging is the optimal 理想的technique for detecting abnormalities of the aortic sinuses, annulus瓣环, and ascending aorta associated with aortic regurgitation
l MR angiography is now used for identifying coronary artery anomalies and determining coronary bypass graft 旁路移植术,搭桥术patency开放.
l A tumor capsule may be visible in isoattenuating lesions


l 轻度/中度/明显/均匀/不均匀/斑片状/边缘-----强化 mild /moderate/marked/ inhomogeneous /homogeneous enhancement. /patchy / rim enhancement
l 轻到中度强化 Enhancement is mild to moderate ;
l 注入对比剂后无强化 the absence of enhancement after intravenous injection of gadolinium
l 静脉注入对比剂后:
following intravenous contrast medium administration./ Following contrast enhancement/ following contrast injection/ intravenous contrast / following gadolinium injection.
l 选择性碘离子对比剂注射后
after selective injection of iodinated contrast media
? They may enhance homogeneously

? Enhancement is mild to moderate and inhomogeneous. 轻到中度强化
? The patchy enhancement may persist 持续 for several minutes.
? A homogeneous marked enhancement is observed following contrast injection


US: 回声的描述
l echogenic/ hyperechioc /echo-rich 强回声
l echopenic /hypoechioc/ echo-poor 低回声
l anechoic 无回声
l isoechoic 等回声
l mixed pattern of echogenicity 混合回声
l dorsal acoustic shadowing 后方声影

There is markedly hyperechoic lesion without dorsal acoustic shadowing(声影).


? Echocardiography, two-dimensional and Doppler, are the most frequently employed modality for最常用的 the diagnosis and assessment of severity of aortic stenosis.
? It is also the preferred method for首选的 monitoring the dimension of the sinus and ascending aorta in patients with aortoannular ectasia扩张 as the cause of aortic regurgitation.


? DSA( Digital Subtraction Angiography) 数字减影
? Seldinger technique Seldinger 技术
? to be inserted percutaneously 经皮穿刺
? Selective coronary arteriography is performed (行)using specially shaped catheters.
? The most frequently used catheters are the Judkins catheters for the right and left coronary arteries.
? These catheters are inserted percutaneously into the femoral artery employing the Seldinger technique.
? Balloon dilatation of the valve is now the preferred procedure
? A multihole catheter is introduced into the femoral vein and passed through the right heart using fluoroscopic guidance
? Contrast media is injected into the main pulmonary artery for the diagnosis of congenital heart disease
? Pulmonary angiography has long been recommended as the procedure of choice in the patient with a suspected diagnosis of PE

描述CT/ MR/US“( 可/不很好/清楚的)显示”这类影像学表现的常用动词和句型


? 主动语态译法:“ CT/MR/US 可很好的显示….;”
? Cine MR image in axial plane during systole depicts(显示) a signal void emanating 发出 from the mitral valve. The signal void represents mitral regurgitation

? 被动语态译法:“(影像学的表现)显示为…”
例句:The HCC is depicted(显示) as a hyperattenuating, unsharply limited, multifocal lesion

例句:However, it may be nondepictable (不显示

)on chest radiography and only demonstrated on CT scans.

? PA chest radiograph shows(显示) overinflation of the left hemithorax(半侧胸廓)
? CT scan clearly shows(显示) the hyperdensity of the subarachnoid spaces…
? Plain film radiographs can reveal (显示)widening of the internal auditory canal;
? Ultrasound examination of the liver demonstrates (显示)a slightly hypoechoic lesion with sharply delineated borders, oval shape and no dorsal acoustic enhancement.
? But in more central areas of the liver is not demonstrated (显示)well on CT
? Tricuspid regurgitation can be demonstrated(显示) by colour flow mapping or Doppler echocardiography.
? A substantial number, however, of cavernous haemangioma display (显示)a more "atypical" contrast enhancement pattern
? Cirrhosis is well displayed on CT
? A homogeneous marked enhancement is observed(显示) following contrast injection
? Following contrast enhancement an inhomogeneous degree of enhancement of the liver parenchyma is observed(显示) in the cirrhotic liver.
? On barium studies of the gastrointestinal system displacement of the stomach, duodenum and colon secondary to the changes in liver volume and morphology will be noted(显示)
? Colour Doppler sonography visualizes routinely the high vascularization(血管化) of HCC
? The enhancing walls of the thrombosed veins can be visualized (可被显示为…)
? A tumor capsule may be visible in isoattenuating lesions
? The intraventricular haemorrhage on the left side is well appreciated as(可被显示) hyperintense.
? Contour deformity(畸形) may be detectable(显示) in lesions
? An extracranial subgaleal(帽状腱膜下的)haematoma on the left side is also present. (显示/有)
? Intrahepatic biliary duct dilatation can also be seen on precontrast CT .
? Inhomogeneous enhancement (不均匀强化)of the solid components of the tumor is seen. (可被显示/可见)
? The HCC is depicted(可被显示) as a hyperattenuating, unsharply limited, multifocal lesion
? Cine MR image in axial plane during systole depicts(显示) a signal void emanating 发出 from the mitral valve. The signal void represents mitral regurgitation
? However, it may be nondepictable (不显示)on chest radiography and only demonstrated on CT scans.
? Calcification is readily容易的 identified on fluoroscopy but only dense calcification is recognized(显示) on plain radiography.
? Grade II PVH is indicated by(显示) Kerley B lines and other signs of thickened interlobular septa
? It also discloses (显示) a malalignment 排列错乱的type of ventricular septal defect.


— “首先找出每段落的关键词”篇

? 在全文阅读中首先找到每段中的关键词,就知道该段落重要讲述的内容是啥。然后结合专业知识进行阅读和猜测。
? 全文阅读中一般是按照如下顺序进行写作和排列的。

? Definition (Introduction of a disease):定义
例句: Subarachnoid haemorrhage is an acute extravasation溢出 of blood into the subarachnoid space

? Incidence: prevalence 发生率 ,发病率,患病率
The incidence of oligodendrogliomas is 57% of all primary intracranial tumors , …..
Cavernous haemangioma (CH) is more frequently seen in females than in males
Primary PAH肺动脉高压 occurs most frequently in young women

? Aetiology./Causes/ As for aetiology,: 病因学
The main causes of infarction are atherosclerotic occlusion of large vessels, ….
The main aetiological factors of HCC are cirrhosis, hepatitis B and C infection and carcinogens(致癌物质)

There are many causes and conditions associated with bronchiectasis

? Pathology/Pathologically/ Histologically: 病理学/组织学
Pathologically oligodendrogliomas少突神经胶质细胞瘤 are solid, infiltrative lesions with poorly defined borders.

? Pathogenesis: 发病机制

l Classification/ The classic histological classification includes/To be classified as…/ To be divided into/ :分型和分类


Intracranial haematomas can be classified according to location, age and aetiology.
Astrocytomas are divided into diffuse (or infiltrative) and localized (or noninfiltrative).
Each category comprises a group of tumors.
A more recent classification by the World Health Organization (WHO) divides meningiomas into: typical “benign”, atypical and anaplastic间变的,退行发育的.

? Clinical presentations / Clinical features/ Clinical manifestations include:…/ Clinical presentation is characterized by…/ classical features

? The common clinical presentation is usually seizures and headache:…,
? Clinical presentation is characterized by vomiting:
? Gliomas clinically manifest either with focal neurological deficits or seizures,
? The classical features of patients are rarely observed
? Clinically patients are often completely asymptomatic

? Physical Examination (Physical findings)物理检查:
physical signs 体征

? Radiological appearance/ Radiological findings/ Radiologically / cardinal 主要的 sign/ Radiographic features include /CT/ MR appearance / On CT/ On MR/: X线/ CT/ MR表现/征象/特点/是/包括:

? Radiographic features include changes in the diaphragm
? The CT appearance is cha

racterized by the hyperdensity of the coarse calcifications
? The CT appearance of a microadenoma is that of an iso- or slightly hypodense nodule of few mm in diameter within the pituitary gland
? The cardinal 主要的 sign of bronchiectasis is dilatation of the bronchi with or without bronchial wall thickening.
? Radiological findings are non-specific
? The MR appearance of a haematoma at different stages is less straightforward 率直的….
? A macroscopic radiological appearance of a brain tumor may vary tremendously according to size, histology and location.
? most characteristic appearance is that…..
? On MRI cavernous haemangioma appear as well-defined lesions, with smooth borders and slightly lobulated shape.

? Laboratory studies 实验室检查

? Diagnosis 诊断 to make /establish a diagnosis 做出诊断

? The diagnosis is usually made by a high resolution CT examination
? Radioiodine scan may also confirm the diagnosis可确定诊断
? MRI can also be used to establish the diagnosis
? Biopsy confirmed breast cancer 活检确诊为….
? This was surgically confirmed as a neurenteric神经管原肠的 cyst 外科确诊为….
? Surgically confirmed benign teratoma of the mediastinum
? Definite diagnosis and assessment of the severity of rheumatic valvular disease is done with echocardiography.

? Differential diagnosis : 鉴别诊断
? The differential diagnosis has to be made almost exclusively with cavernous haemangioma
? differentiate between benign or malignant lesions. 良恶性疾病的鉴别
? indistinguishable in the early years from a thymic胸腺的 mass. 不能区分

? Prognosis 预后
例句: The prognosis of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma when resected as a solitary pulmonary nodule is relatively good预后良好, whereas the prognosis of the large and disseminated 弥漫的lesions is very poor.预后差

? Complications 并发症
例句: Aortic regurgitation is a frequent complication of valvuloplasty of aortic stenosis
? Medical treatment(Therapy) 内科治疗
? Surgical Treatment (Therapy)
