2019版一轮优化探究英语练习:必修三 Unit 8 Adventure 含答案

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In what can only be described as a heroic act,a golden retriever managed to save his owner's life by lying on top of him for almost 24 hours to keep him from freezing to death after slipping on ice and breaking his neck.

On New Year's Eve,64-year-old Bob,who chose not to reveal his last name for privacy reasons,of Petoskey,Michigan,was watching a football game between Clemson and Ohio State.It was around 10 : 30 p.m.when he decided to go outside and fetch some more wood for his fireplace wearing only long underpants,slippers and a shirt.He had taken the short,15-foot walk to the firewood shed thousands of times before,but this time his poor choice of footwear made him slip,and the fall left him unable to move.

“I was screaming for help,but my nearest neighbor is about a quarter mile away and it was 10: 30 p.m.,but my Kelsey came,”Bob recalls.“By morning my voice was gone and I couldn't yell for help,but Kelsey didn't stop barking.She kept barking for help,but never left my side.She kept me warm and alert.I knew I had to hold on through this and that was my choice to stay alive.”


1.Who saved Bob's life?

A.His friend.B.His neighbor.

C.His son. D.His dog.

解析:细节理解题。从文章第一段第一句中的“a golden retriever managed to save his owner's life”可知,是鲍勃的狗救了他的性命。故选D项。


2.What was the reason for Bob's slipping?

A.He seldom went out at night.

B.He didn't wear proper shoes.

C.It was too dark to see clearly.

D.The weather was freezing cold.

解析:细节理解题。从文章第二段最后一句的“but this time his poor choice of footwear made him slip,and the fall left him unable to move”可知,他穿不合适的鞋是他摔倒的主要原因。



3.What can be learned about Bob from the story?

A.He was shy in public.

B.He liked playing football.

C.He lived all by himself.

D.He got on well with neighbors.

解析:推理判断题。从文章第三段第一句的“but my nearest neighbor is about a quarter mile away”可以看出,鲍勃并没有提及家人,且最后是他的爱犬救了他,故可推断出鲍勃是独自生活。



It is such a common occurrence that no one ever wonders from where it came.But the telephone has a fascinating story behind it.It is the story of Alexander Graham Bell.

He was born in Edinburgh,Scotland in 1847.The son of a man who was bitten_by the workings of the human voice,how it is produced and used,and especially teaching the deaf how to use it,young Alexander Graham Bell grew up with his father's such strong feelings.

In 1870,because of poor health,he migrated to Canada.It was not long before his success in teaching the deaf to speak brought him to the attention of a wealthy merchant in Boston who wanted Bell to help her daughter,Mabel.Finally,Mr.Bell and Mabel fell in love. It was she who inspired him to develop the remarkable instrument that transformed speech into electrical impulses (脉冲) that could then be changed back into human speech at the end of a wire.In 1877,he and Mabel were married.He later became an American citizen.

Alexander Graham Bell was showered with the praise of the world.Honors came to him from all the points of the compass.He went on to other discoveries,many of them.But in his own view,he was most proud of his efforts to help the deaf.So,when the government of France awarded him the V olta Prize for inventing the telephone,he combined this monetary award with the money he made from selling the patent on another invention to establish the Volta Bureau in Washington,D.C.Its purpose was to fund research on deafness.Today,it is called the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.Its role has been changed to providing the latest information for the deaf of the world on how best to deal with their disability.


4.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “bitten by”?

A.Fed up with.B.Familiar with.
