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L5 P77 How did the Wades celebrate the Christmas? Several days before Chritmas,theyd gone down to their own little farm.They had cut a tree in their own woods.They had eaten and slept,and read by the light of oil lamps.The children had been more than satisfied with their presents;there had been balls,erector sets, a number of story books,and a lot of jnk from the five-and-ten for the boys,and for Laura,a picture Emily had found cheap in a second-art shop and samll brooch that had belong to Henrys mother.it was Lauras obvios pleasure that had brightened everything.Whether she was chopping wood,or roming with her brothers,or basting the turkey,or talking politics very sensibly with her father,shed seemed to radiate hapiness.On New Years Eve,they had given her a weak highball,the first shed ever had,and she had gone to sleep sitting on the floor with her rosy cheek against Henrys knee.The family all had a very wonderful time!

L6 P94 What is the characteristic of Britains landscape that goes with variety? With variety goes surprise.Ours is the country of happy surprises.You have never to travel long without being pleasantly astonished.It would not be difficult to compile a list of such surprises that would fill the next fifty pages,but I will content myself with suggesting the first few that occur to me.If you go down into the West Contry,among rounded hills and soft pastures,you suddenly arrive at the bleak tablelands as if the North had left a piece of itself down there.But before you have reached them you have already been surprised by the queer bit of marshland,as if a former inhabitant had been sent to Cambridge and had brought his favourite marshland walk back from college with him into the West.

L7 P110 In the authors opinion,what does love mean? Love means that I know the person I love.Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love.Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love.Love means growth for both myself and the person I love.Love can tolerate imperfection.Love is freeing.Love is expansive.Love means having want for the person I love without having a need for that person in order to be complete .love means identifying within the person we love.

L8 P126 How did philips design an atomic bomb in his junior year at Princeton? Philips read over the book on nuclear-reactor technology,general nclear physics,and current atomic theory.Besides,he listened to Dysons explanations of the basic principles of nuclear physics.That wasnt enough. In order to find more useful information,Phillips went to Washington.D.C.,to search for records of the Los Alamos Project that were declassified between 1954 and 1964.He discovered a copy of the literature which carefully outlined all the details of atomic fissioning known to the worlds most advanced scientists in the early 1940s. The biggest problem involved in the explosion of an atomic bomb was how

to arrange the explosives around the plutonium.Another problem he was faced with was which explosive he should use to create a very high density.After finding errors,Philips ran through a series of new calculations,carefully figuring the arrangement of the explosives around the plutnium.If his equations were correct,his atomic bomb would expode effectively as expected.But he should know the exact nature of the explosives he would use.Fortunately,he got the very information about these explosives from Du pont Company.Now,so to speak,he already succeeded in designing an atomic bomb on paper.

L9 P143 What do you think are the advantages and goading? I think goading is a good way to prod the children to behave well. In a way ,goading is positive.As human beings,we all have the sense of self--respect and will be proud of our little achievement.If there are occasious prods in the rear,we will in time be conscious of our inefficiency ,and then press ourselves to achieve higher aims.Just as it affected John and his cousin,goading from time to time can prevent children from being proun of their little achievement.It can make them more modest and prudent.The modest receive benifit,while the conceited reap failure. However,we could not say it is without any harm.Sometimes it might be harmful.it may disappoint children and cause them to lose heart.Perhaps they will collapse after one setback.Therefore,only goading itself is not enough;it must be combined with the proper method to carry it out.

L10 P158 What is your idea about a true friend? In my view,a true friend should be honest,loyal and willing to help. Honesty in friendship means that we should be sincere anf frank.We should not hsitate to point out our friends shortcomings and should never try to cover uo their errors.What we should do is to encourage and help them to improve. Loyalty is impaortant if we want the relationship to last.We have confidence in one another in fine wether and in rainy days.We dont desert our friends when they run into trouble.Not do we cling to them in their sccess.We share with our friends both joy and sorrow. True friends are the people we can turn to in all circumstances,as the saying goes,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”They are always ready to lend a helping hand to pull us out of tight corner. I believe in true friendship though truefriends are not easy to find.

L11 P174 Was there difference between Baker and Doris?What were their mothers expections of them? Doris was quite different from Baker in character. Take the example of gumption,Baker lacked it but Doris had enough of it for a dozen people.What Baker liked to do most was lying in front of the radio rereading his favourite Big Little Book,Dick Tracy Meets Stooge Viller.In contrast,Doris liked activity.When she was olny seven,she could carry a piece of short-weighted cheese back to the A&P,threaten the manager with legal action and come back triumphantly with the full quarter pound th

eyd paid for and a new extra thrown in for forgiveness. Mrs. Baker expected her son to make something of himself. She did not expect Doris to do the same only because Doris was a girl.The best a capable girl could hope for was to become a nurse or school teacher.

L12 P191 Describe the Bakers family background and their life then . Then Great Depression,the worst time before the World War Two,broke out, which lasted from 1929-1933.The year 1932 was the bleakest time in the Great Depression .The Great Depression began in America and spread all over the Eropean countries quickly.Also ,it was the Great Depressin that led to the Second World lions of people were out of work.Many factories and landlords went bankrupt.The year 1932 was the climax of the Depression. The athors father had died two years before,leaving them with a few pieces of Sears, Roebuck furniture and not much else. His family was poor so that his mother had to take his sister, Doris, and him to live with one of her younger brothers, uncle Allen,who had made something of himself by 1932 as a salesman for a soft-drink bottle and had an income of $30 a week.

L13 What are the two dangers to be guarded against in old age? One of these is too great an absorption in the past.One should not live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. Ones thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done. This is not always easy; ones own past is a gradually increasing weight .It is easy to think to oneself that ones emotions used to be more vivid that they are, and ones imnd more keen. If this is true, it should be forgotten, and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true. The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of finding strength in its vitality. When your children are grown uos they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually insensible.

L14 P223 What kind of person was the lighthouse keeper? I think the lighthouse keeper was a person that deserves our respect and admiration. Life in the lighthouse seemed very simple and dull, but he had no desire for anything that he did not need or anything that was beyond his power to obtain. For this reason he declined the tobacco Rudolf offered. Though his world was limited, his mind was as spacious as the ocean he lived closed to. He was kind and generous to Rudolf, a stranger who had come to the lighthouse to seek shelter from the storm. He did not know what a violin was and had never heard msic before, but he could understand Beethovens work Rudolf played for him. He was a man of few words, and did not show much warmth towards Rudolf, but deep down he was greatly attached to his guest. To him the violin was part of the man he wanted to know more about, not something he was inter

ested in because he had never seen it before.

L15 P238 Why the author mentions that it is impossible to measure the importance of Edison by adding up the specific inventions with which his name is associated? Because he thinks that although many inventions of Edison have been in their effect upon modern civilization, the total effect of Edisons career surpasses the sum of all of them. He did not merely make the lamp and the phonograph and innmerable other devices practicable for general use; it was given to him to demonstrate the power of applied science so concretely, so understandably, so convincingly that he altered the mentality of mankind. In his lifetime,largely because of his successes, there came into widest acceptance the revolutionary conception that man could by the use of his intelligence invent a new mode of living on this planet;the human spirit, which in all previous ages had regarded the confidently,and perhaps somewhat naively, adopted the conviction that anything could be changed and everything could be controlled.

L16Why so many parents indulge their children with too many material things? In recent years,our life standard is become better and better.Someone usually said that the children now were more lucky than the children in the past because now their requirements can be well satisfied, especially for material things. Some parents think that they should give their children everything they want because they love htem.And also because some parents have ahd difficult was young, they are glad to fulfil
