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⋯2016— 2017 学年度第一学期期中试卷

A. must

B. mustn ’t

C. can’t

D. needn’t

()3. ---How far is your family from here?---It ’s about________walk.

A. ten minute ’s

B. ten-minute

C. ten-minutes

D. ten minutes ⋯九年级英语

⋯()4. Johnson, the new student, is older than _______students in our class.


A. any other

B. any

C. the other

D. any of the other

⋯一、辨音(每1分,共 5分)()5. A tourist will easily lost his way in Beijing _______he has a map or a guide.

从 A 、 B 、C 、 D四个中,找出其划部分与其余三个的划部分音不同的。 A. if B. because C. unless D. when

()1. A. repeat B. increase C. spread D. steal()6. I tried several jackets on, but _______of them looked good.

()2. A. pronounce B. aloud C. background D. enough A. both B. either C. none D. neither

号⋯()3. A. suggest B. grape C. general D. strange()7. ---Tom will go to cinema tonight.---________.

()4. A. chemistry B. chicken C. French D. speech A. So will I B. Neither do I C. Nor shall I D. So I will


⋯()5. A. silent B. public C. pride D. politely()8. ---Can you guess ______ the new schoolbag yesterday?

二、(每1分,共 15分)---Sorry, I ’ veideano.

⋯ A. 根据句意和提示写。 A. how much did he pay for?? B. how much he spent

1. Do you have() with friends in English? C. how much he paid for???? D. how much did he spend

⋯ 2. Hou Yi quickly laid out his wife’s favorite fruits and desserts in the(花园 ).()9. There _________a new building in our school next year.

, could you please tell me your e-mail(地址 )? A. will have B. is C. will be D. is going to have ⋯

⋯ 4. Is it(有用的 ) to learn English well?()10. ---Did Kate do best in the final exam?

5. In China, people like to use(筷子 ) to have meals.---No, but of all the students she did ________.


姓⋯ B. 用括号内所的适当形式填空。 A. the most careful B. more careful

6. I can’tget the(pronounce) of this word right. C. the most carefully D. more carefully

7. He now treats everyone with kindness and(warm).()11. It _________ Mr. White about half an hour to drive to work every day.

⋯8. It might seem more difficult to speak(polite) than directly. A. spends B. costs C. pays D. takes

⋯9. I know my parents love me and they ’re always(pride) of me.()12. Tom worked for a long time, so he wanted to stop _________.

10. When the(leaf) are ready, they are picked by hand. A. to have a rest B. have a rest C. having a rest D. has a rest

⋯ C. 出与句子中划部分意思最接近的解。()13. ---May I smoke here?

() 11. People say that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea.---Sorry, you‘d better not. Smoking _________ in public places now.

⋯ A. It ’s says that B. It is said that C. It is believed that D. It seems that A. is allowed B. should be allowed C. isn ’tallowed D. doesn’tallowed


() 12. China is famous for tea.()14. ---Have you ever seen the movie called“Los Angeles 2011 ”?

A. is know for

B. is knew for

C. is well-known for

D. is famous as---Yes, but I think it ’s ________. I fell asleep when I saw it.

() 13. The teachers in this boarding school look after him well. A. exciting B. boring C. bored D. excited ⋯

A. take care of him

B. take good care about()15. David finds _______difficult to communicate with his parents

C. take good care of him

D. take good care for A. one B. it C. this D. that

() 14. My sister is less interested in sports than me.()16. What do you think of my shirt ? It _______cotton. It looks nice on you.

A. as interested in sports as

B. more interested in sports than A. is made in B. is made of

C. is made into

D. is made by

C. not so interested in sports as

D. not interested in sports at all()17. Many trees and flowers___ in our city last year and they made our city a beautiful garden.

() 15. His parents decided to send him to a boarding school.planted planted C. were planted D. is planted


A. wanted

B. changed their mind

C. make a decision

D. made a decision()18. Remember to ______ your mobile phone when the plane takes off.


三、(每 1 分,共25 分) A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn up

()1. My best friend Neil is ______ honest boy. You can believe him.()19. It is ________a difficult problem________ few students can work it out.

⋯ A. a B. an C. the D. / A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. enough; to

()2. ---Must I hand in my homework today?---No. You________.()20. Danny,______ more careful ,or you will fall down.
