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Part A: Spot Dictation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.

Good morning, class! As you remember, last week we talked about the ________ (1). Today we're going to start talking about how radio advertisers ________ (2) to get us to buy the products they're selling. There are so many emotions that advertisements ________ (3). To affect a particular emotion, advertisers make what we call an emotional appeal. Today I'm going to ________ (4) that are often used to influence us to buy. I think you'll find it interesting because I've brought with me some ________ (5) to play for you as examples. OK, let's get started.

One of the most popular emotional appeals that advertisers use is ________ (6). We all like to hear funny stories, so by ________ (7), the advertisers hope that that we'll remember it and will, therefore, remember the product. But ________ (8) is the importance of fitting the fight emotional appeal with ________ (9). In the case of humor, it wouldn't be appropriate to make a funny ad for a serious product. Like, say, a law firm that ________ (10). You wouldn't want to use humor to advertise that.

Now let's talk about another appeal—the ________ (11). By thriftiness I'm talking about ________ (12). Most shoppers are more likely to buy something if it's on she than if ________ (13). Here is an advertisement for a furniture store that's ________ (14). Notice how the advertisement gets the listener to ________ (15). In fact the ad talks only about prices and not about ________ (16) or what the store specializes in.

The last kind of ad is the advertisement that ________ (17). Our egos make us do things to look good in front of others. For example, we might ________ (18) to look rich, or we might join a health club ________ (19), all because we want to look good. This desire is so strong that advertisers often create ads that speak to our egos. They focus on this question: How does this product ________ (20)?

Part B: Listening Comprehension

Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write' the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.

1. (A) Because it carries only good news.

(B) Because it is a mainstream newspaper.

© Because it represents objective journalism.

(D) Because it-tells both sides of a story.

2. (A) He's writing for the Community News.

(B) He's planning to publish a new newspaper.
