牛津版高一英语必修3 Unit 1 The world of our senses全英文教案设计

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Unit 1 The world of our senses


★The analysis of this unit:

This unit introduces and develops the theme of the five senses of humans and some special senses of animals

★The aim of this unit:

1. Help Ss gain a better understanding of the five human senses as well as some knowledge about how animals use their senses.

2. Ss will learn to master the skills of plotting and developing a story and try to tell a story with a surprise ending.

3. Help Ss develop their integrated skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

★Teaching periods for this unit:

Period 1: welcome to the unit and listening

Period 2-3 Reading

Period 4 Word Power

Period 5-6 Grammar and usage

Period 7-8 Task

Period 9-10 Project

Period 11-12 Workbook

Period 13-14 English Weekly

Period one: Welcome to the unit

★The analysis of this part:

Ss will be presented with a short passage and four pictures about the give senses. Teaching aims:

1. Practice Ss’ spoken English and listening ability

2. Encourage Ss to participate in the discussion in order to realize how they and other

people use their senses in their studies and daily life and now they can make better use of their senses.

Teaching methods:

1. Oral expression

2. Group or team discussion

3. Listening and speaking

Teaching procedures:

Step one: Brainstorming

1. How many senses do people have ? What are they?

With what can we see and hear?

How can we know whether a dish is delicious?

How can we know a flower has a peasant smell?

What do we do when we want to know whether the water in the basin is hot or cold?

2. Table

3. What would happen if people lost one or two of their senses?

For example: a person who can’t see is blind.

A person who can’t hear is deaf.

4. What are the roles of the five senses?

As we all know, almost everyone has five senses and they’re used everywhere all the time. We learn about the world through the five senses. We use the five senses to study, work and relax.

5. By the way, how blind people can read?

How do the deaf communicate with each other?

They can read by touching raised dots which represents numbers and letters called Braille.

They use body language or sign language.

Step two: Sharing information

1. Ask Ss to read the short passage and know more about the five senses.

2. Useful words and expressions

☆ sense sight smell touch

△sense n. 官能, 感觉, 判断力

a sense of fatigue and hunger. 疲劳和饥饿的感觉

a keen sense of humor. 敏锐的幽默感

a six sense 第六感觉,第六感官

make sense of 有道理,有意义

What you say makes no sense.

It doesn’t make sense to buy that expensive coat whe n these cheaper ones are just as good.

vt. 感到, 理解, 认识

sense one’s sorrow, hostility( 忧愁,敌意)

Although she didn’t say anything, I sensed that she didn’t like the idea.

Sight n. 视力, 视觉, 见, 瞥见, 视域, 眼界

Sense of sight 视觉

catch sight of a rare bird. 看见了一种稀有鸟类

the sights of London. 伦敦的风光

vt. 看见

After three days at sea, we sighted land.

△Sightings C/n 目睹,目击

People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings o f puzzling lights in the sky.

△One another = each other 彼此,相互
