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—My English teacher usually has us hand in an English diary once a week. —________ does mine.

2.My car needs________(wash) owing to the heavy rain.

3.It's helpful to put children in a situation________they can see themselves differently.

4.His father________ (impress) his mother's words on him.

2.My car needs________(wash) owing to the heavy rain.

3.It's helpful to put children in a situation________they can see themselves differently.

4.His father________ (impress) his mother's words on him.

5.The art show was far ________being a failure;it was a great success. 6.He decided to quit the job._____other words,he had to find another job instead.

7.Mr Brown expressed his hope that he would look forward to___(visit) the city and___(see) the people there once more.

2.My car needs________(wash) owing to the heavy rain.

3.It's helpful to put children in a situation________they can see themselves differently.

4.His father________ (impress) his mother's words on him.

5.The art show was far ________being a failure;it was a great success.

7Mr Brown expressed his hope that he would look forward to________(visit) the city and________(see) the people there once more.

8.We are all________(amaze) at the________(amaze) change that has taken place in our hometown.

9.My father likes reading novels very much;that is,he is enthusiastic________them.

10.He left a good ________ (impress) on his teachers.

1.The information tells me that the way of education in Canada is quite different from________in China.

12.Since taxi fare in the city may run ________ high as twenty dollars,I suggest that you take a bus.

13.His attitude to ________ (learn) English has changed. 2.If we are to develop the world successfully, we must make sure that

everyone is able to take part ______ the new world we create.

3.We divided the job ________ five parts, and each man did one part.

4.The road is covered with snow. I can't understand ______ they insist on

going by motorbike.

5.Her appearance is similar ______ her sister's, so I often mistake them.

6.The bank is equipped with new alarm system.We can say it's safe and

reliable ________ (complete).

7.By the time I woke up,the stars________(disappear).

11.—Would you mind ________(look) after my pet dog?

13.The plane________ (leave) at 8:30.You'd better get ready for it.

1.What made me surprised was his attitude___the mistakes I had made.

2.Americans eat more than twice________many vegetables per person today

as they did in 2009.

4.My enthusiasm for the Chinese football team gradually______(appear)

because of their countless failures.

5.We listened to her________ (amaze) story with attention.

6.Mary said she was looking forward to ______(see) him.

8.About 200 teenagers took part ________the speech competition and my

brother won the first prize.

9.The________ (disappoint) look on his face showed that he was________at

not getting the job.

10.Following the________ (instruct) on the back of the box,I take the

medicine three times a day.

11.You have finished your work today.__ other words,you can go now.

13.They won't take a trip during the National Holiday,because

they________ (save) money to buy a new house.

1.I think she would appreciate ________ if we could all help out a bit more.

2.He avoided ________(quarrel) with his wife.

3.He did everything with a full heart. As___result, he was always successful.

4.With more people________ (respect) the traffic rules,our city is becoming

better organized.

5.Mr.Smith is strict______his job in the office and he is also

strict________his kids at home.

6.Parents like to buy toys to keep their little babies________(amuse).

7.He is very popular ________ his students.

8.The weather was________cold that I didn't like to leave my room.

9.Sandy admitted_____(tell) a lie when questioned by the boss at the


10.We show great respect_______this scientist for his devotion to the nation.

11.My first________ (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful

young man.

13.The reason________I have to go is________my mother is ill in bed.

14.—You know,Bob is a little slow________understanding,so...

—So I have to be patient________him.

15.He has a vivid ________(imagine) to be a writer.

2.—John wants to see you today.

—I would rather he________ (come) tomorrow than today.

6.He doesn't like seeing films so he is not familiar ________ most film stars.

7.His________ (relax) smile suggested that he had passed the exam.

2.The Turners consider________ (buy) a computer,which is commonly

considered________(be) a great help in our work and study.

13.Do you have any difficulty________ (plant) these flowers?I'd like to

help you if you need.

15.The dog may be a good companion for the old.________,the need to take

it for walks may be a disadvantage.

1.He admitted ________(use) my pen without my permission.

2.How can you avoid ________(make) the same mistake?

3.In my class, some students are used to______(get) up very early to study.

4.I would appreciate ________ (have)a walk with you after supper.

5.The man insisted________ (find) a taxi for me even though I told him I

lived nearby.

7.After I finished________ (clean) the floor,I went out.

8.Can you imagine________ (live) on the moon?
