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一、表示“……的东西”,相当于“the thing(things) that…….”。如:

1. What is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games

will take place in Beijing. (The thing that is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijng .)对我们来说总所周知的一件事情就是2008年奥运会将在中国北


2. People in Chongqing are proud of what they have achieved in the past ten years. (People in Chongqing are proud of the things that they have achieved in the past ten years )重庆人对他们在过去十年来所取得的成就而感到自豪。

3. One of the most important questions they had to consider was what of public health. (One of the most important questions they had to consider was the thing of public health) 他


4. What parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.

What we can't get seems better than what we have.


(可转换成:The things that we can't };et seem better than the things that we have. )

What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.过去人们认为不可能的事现已变为现实。(可转换为:The thing that was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.)

二、表示“……的人”,相当于“the person that..."如:

1. What was most important to her, she told me, was her family.

( The person that was most important to her, she told me, was her family. )


He is not what he was a few years ago.他不是儿年前的那个样子了。

Who is it that has made Fred what he is now是谁把弗雷德培养成现在这个样子的

三、表示“……的数量或数目”,相当于‘`the amount(number ) that..."。如:

Our income is now double what it was ten years ago.我们现在的收人是10年前的两倍。

The number of the students in our school is ten times what it was before liberation.现在我校学生的数量是解放前的10倍。

四、表示“……的时间”,相当于“the time that...'。如:

After what seemed a very long time,I opened my eyes and found myself in bed.似乎过了很长一段时间,我才睁开眼睛,发现自己躺在床上。

The young girl was too frightened to speak., standing there for what seemed like hours.小女孩吓得不敢说活,在那儿似乎站了几个小时。

五、表示“……的地方”,相当于“t he place that..."。如:

This is what they call Salt Lake City.这就是他们称为盐湖城的地方。

In 1492,Columbus reached what is now called America. 1492年,哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。


You may bring what photos you like.你可以把你喜欢的照片都带来。

He spent what little money he had on books.他把仅有的一点钱都花在买书上了。


Choosing the right dictionary depends on you want to use it for.

Tell me what he does.告诉我他是干什么的。

We don't know what his name is.我们不知道他叫什么名字。

I asked him what clothes I should wear.我问他我该穿什么衣服。特别注意:“what”引导主语从句时,谓语动词:

1)常与其后的名词作表语一致 2)根据句子的语境而定。

1.What you left are only several old books.

2.What you said is of great importance.

3.Whether?he’ll?come?here?is not?clear.


the dark, he pointed to-------looked like a tree.

A. it

B. that

C. what

D. which

most important in life isn't money.

A. It

B. That

C. What

D. Which
