初中英语 人教版新目标 九年级 九年级Unit1 PPT课件

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• by taking notes carefully
• by having the English class carefully
• by finishing my homework seriously
• …
• Look at the pictures and talk about the ways to learn English.
Listen and check(√)the questions you hear.
√ • 1.__Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? • 2.__ √ Do you ever practice conversations with friends? • 3.__ What about listening to tapes? • 4.__ √ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? √ Have you ever studied with a group? • 5.__
by watching an English movie
by listening to the teacher in class.
by taking English classes
by communicating with foreigners
by surfing the Internet
by reading in the library
By ________________________
Pair Work: (1c)
How do you study for a test? I study by doing …
Group Work: (1c)
Make a survey about how your group members learn English?
2c Pairwork
A: Do you learn English by watching English–language videos? B: No. It’s too hard to understand the voices.
A: Do you ever practice conversations with friends? B: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills.
1b Listen and Number !
1. __ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ___ A
2. ______ C 3. ______ B
Listen again and write down their ways to study for a test.
Mei Pierre By ______________________ By ________________________
Name Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Ways of learning English
How do you learn English? I learn English by …
Section A-2a.2b
1.Where are they? 2.What are they talking about? 3.How many ways can you hear? 4.What are they?
Unit 1 How do you study for a test?
SectionA (1a-2c)
Section A
Lead in
How do you study English? I study English by …
by working with friends
by making flashcards
• Group Work --- Discussion • We all want to improve our English, ask your partners how they study English and share their ideas.
Name Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Ways to learn English Ideas
by reading textbooks
by making vocabulary lists
by listening to tapes
by asking the teacher for help
by studying with a group
by listening to English-language music
Listen again.Match each question above with an answer below.
• 1. √Do you learn English by watching d English-language videos? __ • 2. √Do you ever practice conversations b with friends? __ • 3.__ What about listening to tapes? • 4. √ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? __ c • 5. √ Have you ever studied with a group? a • __
by joining a club
• by watching English programs on TV • by enjoying English songs • by taking part in English classes
• by getting an English tutor
• by reading English magazines and newspapers