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关键词:摄像机模型;线性模型;视觉测量;测量误差 中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标志码:A
Reliability analysis and research of monocular camera linear model
JIA Xingwei,YIN Chenhui,SUI Guorong
(School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)
第 41 卷 第 1 期 2019 年 2 月
Vol. 41,No. 1 February,2019
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-5630.2019.01.011
Abstract: In order to use the camera for non-contact measurBaidu Nhomakorabeament with high accuracy, the monocular camera is usually used for optical calibration, imaging, calibration and measurement, on the basis of the linear model, but there is no analysis and research on the reliability of the commonly used linear model. Thus its reliability is studied and analyzed here. According to the characteristic of the monocular camera, and in order to build the camera model based on relationship of the image pixel coordinates and the three-dimensional world coordinates, the vision measurement experiment is completed by using our own custom template. Then, we get image pixel coordinates by the sub-pixel corner detection method. Neglecting the distortion, the feature extraction and linearity analysis are realized. Many repeated experiments are operated by constantly
Keywords: camera model;linear model;visual measurement;measurement error
引 言
工程测量学作为一门古老的学科,集光学、 电子学、传感器、图像、制造及计算机等技术 为一体,应用于人类生活、生产和科研等各个领 域[1]。经济社会的进步促进了测量技术的发展, 同 时 对 测 量 技 术 提 出 了 更 高 的 要 求 。 20 世 纪 80 年代以来,现代工业生产利用计算机视觉进 行的非接触式测量成为一种新兴的测量技术[2]。 计算机视觉的主要任务是根据二维图像信息获 得实际三维场景中物体的空间位置、形状等几何 信息[3],从而进行物体识别与重建等。其关键是 对该系统建模,找到图像与物体的映射关系,精 准的视觉测量建立在精确的映射关系的基础之 上[4-5]。
收稿日期 :2018-04-08 作者简介 :贾星伟 (1993—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事机器视觉方面的研究。E-mail:xwjiajia@gmail.com
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adjusting the measurement distance. The relative error of measurement by the linear model is less than 1%, and the measurement error is not more than 0.3 mm. Meanwhile, it is found that the model has measurement difference for different regions and object distances. The experiment results show this linear model is simple and practical, and has good linearity within a certain object distance range. These experiment results provide a powerful basis for establishment of the linear model. The work has the potential in practical engineering.
(上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093)
摘要:要利用摄像机进行高精度的非接触式测量,通常在线性模型的基础上采用单目摄像机 进行光学标定、成像、校正和测量,其中常用的针孔相机模型的可靠性及适用范围鲜有报 道,为此对目前广泛采用的线性模型的可靠性进行分析与研究。根据单目摄像机成像特点, 建立基于图像像素坐标与三维世界坐标的摄像机数学模型,利用自制模板进行视觉测量实 验,并通过亚像素角点检测方法得到图像像素坐标,在不考虑光学畸变的情况下,对模板线 段进行特征提取和线性度分析,并不断调整测量距离进行重复实验。实际针孔相机模型测量 结果显示相对误差不超过 1%,在该模型下的重复测量误差最大不超过 0.3 mm,并进一步提 出了该模型在不同区域和不同物距下存在的测量差异。实验结果显示,线性模型简单实用且 在一定物距范围内具有良好的线性度。实验结果为针孔相机模型的建立提供了参考。