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第一版 导写桥
【赏析】 综观全文,行文通顺、用词贴切,展现了作 者热爱生活的美好情感和较好的英语语言基 础。作者首先使用一般现在时态介绍绍兴县 的天气,接着用一般过去时态描述自己的活 动,最后谈自己的感受和希望。时态使用灵 活,并且句式富于变化,使用了一些由 because 和if 引导的从句,以及It is + adj.+ for sb + to do sth 结构。同学们,范文中有 哪些你喜欢的词汇或句子呢?把它们划出 来,然后修改你的文章,把你喜欢的那些词、 句都用上吧。
深圳牛津 七年级 第12期 单元检测
Unit 4话题习作 春的生机、夏的张扬、秋的收获、冬的宁 静,四季的交替带给我们不同的感受。请根据 以下内容提示描述去年春天你去绍兴县度假的 经历。词数:80 左右。开头已给出,不计入 总词数。可适当发挥。 【内容提示】 天气:晴朗、温暖,有时多云有雨; 活动:放风筝,捕抓昆虫(insect),去远 足…… 感受:……
第二版 笔试部分
(A )13. You have to do exercises to warm up before you _____ in the sea. A. go swimming B. go fishing C. go sightseeing ( B )14. I heard someone _____ the door last night, but I was too afraid to answer it. A. open B. knock on C. go through
II. 语法填空。(共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容,用括号内所给单词的适当形 式填空。 16. best 18. more interesting 20. rainy 22. playing 24. to see 17. becomes 19. cool / cooler 21. fall 23. windy 25. snowmen
friend yesterday.
A. heard from
C. learnt from
B. came from
第二版 笔试部分
(B )4. Mrs White spent 100 dollars on her new shoes. A. put ... into B. paid ... for C. got ... from (C )5. Would you like to have a picnic with us this weekend? A. eat a meal in school B. eat a meal in a restaurant C. eat a meal in a park
第二版 笔试部分
B. not dirty
( B )2. What is shinning over there? It is too bright to see what it is.
A. going on
B. giving out light
C. making a sound
( A)3. Linda got a letter from her best
They were so lovely! I also planted ___________________________________ flowers and trees in the garden. ___________________________________ We spent happy days in Shaoxing ___________________________________ county. If it is possible, I want to visit it ___________________________________ again. ___________________________________
can walk in the street.
A. stops
B. blows
பைடு நூலகம்C. rises
第二版 笔试部分
(C )8. Vivian _____ two hours doing her homework every day. A. pays B. costs C. spends (B )9. John feels so hot that his face starts to _____ red. A. get B. turn C. keep (C )10. Fiona didn’t go to school yesterday _____ she was ill. A. so B. when C. because
fly kites _____________________
第一版 导写桥
Step 2: 精彩句型。让你的文章更闪亮。 1. because引导的原因状语从句。 【例】Many people learn English because it is very useful. 很多人学习英语,因为英语很有用。 【译】我在那儿玩得很开心,因为我做了很 多有趣的事情。
第一版 导写桥
3. If ..., I ... 意为“如果……,我……”。
【例】If you want to travel to Hong Kong, I can go with you. 如果你想去香港旅行,我可以陪你去。
If it is possible, I want to visit it again. ___________________________________
第一版 导写桥
Step 3:谋篇布局。文章描述自己去年春天 第一 人称;描 里的一次度假,主语应用______ 一般过去 时态;描述季节 述具体的行为要用 _______
的特点时用一般现在 _______ 时态。
第一版 导写桥
Step 4:自己动手。 Last spring, I took a trip to Shaoxing county ( 县). It is beautiful. And its history is long._____________________________ It is a good place to visit in spring. ___________________________________ It is always sunny and warm. Sometimes ___________________________________ it’s cloudy and rainy. I had a lot of fun ___________________________________ there because I did many interesting ___________________________________ things. I flew kites and caught insects. ___________________________________ Sometimes I went hiking. It was interesting ___________________________________ for me to walk in the countryside because I ___________________________________ could see some fishes, ducks, dogs and sheep. 第一版 导写桥
第二版 笔试部分
(A )11. Shenzhen is _____ China. A. in the south of B. in the middle of C. in the west of (B )12. I was caught in _____ because I forgot to take an umbrella with me this morning. A. the door B. a heavy rain C. the traffic jam
I had a lot of fun / had a good time / enjoyed myself there because I did many _________________________________ interesting things. 第一版 导写桥
2. It is + adj. + for sb + to do sth 意为“对 某 人来说,做某事是……的”。 【例】It is very interesting for children to play in the snow. 对孩子们来说,在雪地里玩是很有趣的。 【译】对我来说,在乡村里散步是很有趣的。 It is very interesting for me to walk in the countryside. ___________________________________
第一版 导写桥
Step 1: 激活词汇。你能想到本单元学过 的一些与旅行有关的词汇吗?试一下吧。 1. 去旅行 ____________________ take a trip
sunny and warm 2. 晴朗且温暖的 _________________ enjoy oneself 3. 玩得开心 have _____________________ fun / have a good time / 4. 放风筝
第二版 笔试部分
ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出
(A )6. It’s a _____ day today. Let’s go out
and ride bicycles.
A. sunny B. snowy C. foggy
(B )7. The wind _____strongly and no one
seasons 为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短 文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。可适当发 挥。
第三版 笔试部分
夏天 秋天
情况 天气转暖,鸟语花香,农民都忙于 播种。 天气炎热,雨量充足,人们喜欢吃 雪糕,喜欢去游泳。 天气凉爽,树叶变黄落下,这是一 个收获的季节,有很多种类的水果。 天气寒冷,人们都穿上暖和的衣 服,孩子们喜欢堆雪人。
第二版 笔试部分
Ⅲ. 完形填空。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 26-30 AACCB 31-35 ACABC
Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)
36-40 CDABA 46-50 BCACC 41-45 ABBCD 51-55 CDAAD
第三版 笔试部分
V. 书面表达。(15分)
第一版 导写桥
E ⁃ channel 测试频道
Module 2 Unit 4
I. 选择最佳答案填空。(共15分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出 可以替换划线部分的最佳答案。(共5 分, 每小题1分)
(A )1. The dress is still wet. Don’t put it on. A. not dry C. not expensive
第二版 笔试部分
(C )15. Simon’s family ____ to Disneyland last Halloween and they had a great time there. A. took a look B. took a walk C. took a trip
第二版 笔试部分
第三版 笔试部分
be busy doing
收获的季节 harvest season 暖和的衣服 warm clothes (参考词汇仅供参考,不要求都用上)