外研版七年级上册英语 词汇填空 专项练习含答案

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7. You (be) thirteen years old last year.

8. There (be) some orange juice in the bottle.

9. What’s wrong with (he)?

10. The capital city of America is (call) Washington D.C.

11. Yang Ling (bring) some toys to the party tomorrow.

12. He (bite) the net with his sharp teeth just now.

13. May’s birthday is on (two) of August.

14. Don’t drink too much cola. It’s bad for your (tooth).

15. In the UK, people must (drive) on the left side of the road.

16. I (teach)Li Ming to play basketball yesterday.

17. Li Ming is (run) now.

18. Sixty (minute)make an hour.

19. Do you like (sun)days?


1.This boy is very happy. That girl is too .

2.The desk is heavy. The pencil is .

3.Please come early , don’t be .

4.Please don’t sit down , please up.

5.The room is clean, but that room is .


1.The UN wants to make peace(和平)in the (世界).

2.I'm (口渴), I want something to drink.

3. I didn't (带来) any drinks.

4.My mother gave me some (礼物).

5.How many (小时)are there in a day.


一、1. to swim 2. was 3. artist 4. an apple 5. will visit/is going to visit

6. third

7. were


9. him 10. called

11.will bring/is going to bring 12.bit 13.the second 14.teeth 15.drive 16.taught 17.running 18.minutes 19.sunny 20.washes/washed/will wash/is going to wash 21.quietly 22.follow 23.sleepy 24.traveller

25.visitors 26.excited, exciting 27.younger 28.thinner 29.took 30.have

31.hurt 32.rainy 33.stronger 34.went 35.fishing 36.ground

二、1.sad 2.light te 4.stand 5.dirty

三、1.world 2.thirsty 3.bring 4.gifts/presents 5.hours

四、1.It 2.shadow 3.longer 4.asked 5.grandfather




9.because 10.boy
