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The culture of antiquity was rediscovered. 人们重新发现了古代文明。

The professors are paid for this. 教授们因此而获得了报酬。 The unemployment rate in that country is expected to remain stable for 2000. 人们预计直到2000年那个国家的失业率都会保持稳定。 His frequent absence from class must be dealt with immediately. 必须立刻处理他频繁的逃课问题。

The difference between a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word: complexity. 人脑与电脑的区别可以用一个词形容:复杂性。

The spread of AIDS can be controlled through education 可以通过教育来控制艾滋病的传播。

It must be pointed out that mistakes of this kind should not be repeated. 必须指出的是不能重复此类错误。 He was once biten by a dog, so ever since he has been frightened at the sight of a dog, even a toy one. 他曾经被狗咬过,自那以后他见到狗就怕,哪怕是只玩具狗。 More than 50,000 computers at websites were infected by a comp uter virus that is spreading rapidly around the world. 一种在世界范围内迅速传播的计算机病毒已经感染了50000多台 电脑。 The mobile phone boom is driven by young adults. 年轻一代推动了手机行业的繁荣发展。
Since it is often referred to as a double-edged sword, increasing our wealth and comfort while leaving people in fear of p otential dangers like human cloning. 从那以后人们通常认为它是一把双刃剑,就像人的克隆一样, 在增加我们的财富以及给我们带来舒适的同时,其潜在的危险 又让人们感到恐慌。
Leabharlann Baidu

Even if problems do emerge, they can be easily correct ed or solved. 即使问题的确出现了,也可以轻易地得到改正或解决。
The production plan was carried through due to the common effort of the workers and staff. 在全体工作人员的共同努力下,这项生产计划得以顺 利实施。

It’s believed that nuclear power is among the greatest innovations of our time. But it’s also feared that it will bring the end of the world. 人们相信核能是我们这个时代最伟大的革新之一,然而人们又 担心它会毁灭世界。