



Once upon a time, there was a farmer. One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck. The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself. That night he thought, I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it. So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it. But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.

(1)Once upon a time, there was _______ working in the field.

A. a doctor

B. a farmer

C. a rabbit

(2)The farmer took _______ home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.

A. the hare

B. the tortoise

C. the bird

(3)But from then on, he _______ saw another hare run into the tree stump.

A. often

B. seldom

C. never

(4)From the story, we know the farmer is a ______ man.

A. clever

B. lovely

C. foolish

(5)From the story, we can tell the farmer that he should _______ .

A. work hard

B. give up farming

C. wait for the hare








(1)根据 Once upon a time, there was a farmer. One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck. 可知从前有一个农民在田里干活,故答案为B.

(2)根据 The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself. 可知农夫把野兔带回家,为自己做了一顿美味的饭,故答案为A.

(3)根据 But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump. 可知但从那时起,他再也没有看到一只野兔跑到树桩上,故答案为C.

(4)根据 So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it. 可知从故事中我们知道农夫是个愚蠢的人,故答案为C.




This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. On the front door you can see a photo of my class. There are forty-five students in our class. There are twenty-six boys. In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is for students. The walls are white and bright. On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world.

(1)Our classroom is big, but the windows are small.

(2)There are 26 girls in our class.

(3)There is no blackboard for students in the classroom.

(4)There isn't a photo on the door.

(5)There are two maps on the wall.








(1)句意:我们的教室很大,但是窗户很小。根据 This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. 可知我们的教室很大,窗户也很大,故答案为错误。

(2)句意:我们班有26个女生。根据There are forty-five students in our class. There are twenty-six boys. 可知我们班有19个女生,故答案为错误。

(3)句意:教室内没有学生黑板。根据 In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is for students. 可知教室里有两块黑板,一个给老师的,一个给学生的,故答案为错误。

(4)句意:门上没有照片。根据 On the front door you can see a photo of my class. 可知在前门你可以看到我班的一张照片,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:墙上有两张地图。根据 On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world. 可知墙上有两张地图,故答案为正确。


(2)Eric needs a partner to go hiking together.

(3)Tom likes playing football.

(4)There is a cook class on Saturdays at 9 am.

(5)Cindy's phone number is 3523267.








(1)句意:戴尔在足球俱乐部。根据Football Club,Dale@https://www.360docs.net/doc/951952522.html,.可知戴尔在足球俱乐部。故答案为正确。

(2)句意:埃里克需要一个伙伴一起去远足。根据Shall we go hiking? I need a partner.Call Eric: 3522987.可知埃里克需要一个伙伴一起去远足。故答案为正确。

(3)句意:汤姆喜欢踢足球。根据Do you like singing? Join our singing club. Tom@https://www.360docs.net/doc/951952522.html, 可知汤姆喜欢唱歌。故答案为错误。

(4)句意:星期六上午9点有一节烹饪课。根据There is a cook class on Saturdays at 9 am. 可知星期六上午9点有一节烹饪课。故答案为正确。

(5)句意:辛迪的电话号码是3523267。根据Call Cindy: 2353267.可知辛迪的电话号码是2353267。故答案为错误。



Christmas Day always comes on the 25th of December. It is the biggest festival in many countries. Children are very excited because they can get many presents from Father Christmas. Father Christmas is an old man in red clothes. When small children go to bed on the night of December 24th, they put a stocking at the end of their bed. Their parents ask them to sleep early, or Father Christmas will not give them anything. Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early, because they can see many presents in their stockings.

On Christmas Day, all the families will get together to have a big lunch or dinner, play party games and watch the Christmas programmers on TV.

(1)Christmas Day always comes on the 25th of December.

(2)Christmas Day is the biggest festival in many countries.

(3)Father Christmas is an old man in red clothes.

(4)Children are very excited on Christmas morning.

(5)On Christmas Day, all the families will get together to have a big breakfast.








(1)句意:圣诞节是12月25日。根据短文叙述Christmas Day always comes on the 25th of December.(圣诞节是12月25日。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(2)句意:在许多国家圣诞节是最大的节日。根据短文叙述It is the biggest festival in many countries.(它是许多国家中最大的节日。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(3)句意:圣诞老人是一位穿红衣服的老人。根据短文叙述Father Christmas is an old man in red clothes.(圣诞老人是一位穿红衣服的老人。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:在圣诞节早上,孩子们非常兴奋。根据短文叙述Children are very excited on Christmas morning(在圣诞节早上,孩子们非常兴奋。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(5)句意:圣诞节,所有的家人将会聚在一起吃丰盛的早餐。根据短文叙述On Christmas Day, all the families will get together to have a big lunch or dinner(圣诞节,所有的家人将会聚在一起在中午或晚上吃丰盛的大餐。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。



I had a great holiday. Every day I had fun with my friends. On Monday we went to a Western restaurant. We ate good food. On Tuesday we sang and danced in the park. On Wednesday we

swam in the sea. On Thursday we climbed a mountain with Peter.

(1)On Monday we went to ________and ate ________.

(2)On Tuesday we ________ and ________ in the ________.

(3)On Wednesday we________.

(4)On Thursday we ________ with Peter.

【答案】(1)a Western restaurant;ate good food


(3)swam in the sea

(4)climbed a mountain



(1)根据短文叙述On Monday we went to a Western restaurant.We ate good food.(周一我们去了一家西餐厅。我们吃了美食。)可知应填 a Western restaurant和ate good food。故答案为:a Western restaurant,ate good food。

(2)根据短文叙述On Tuesday we sang and danced in the park.(周二我们在公园里唱歌跳舞。)可知应填sang, danced和park。故答案为:sang, danced,park。

(3)根据短文叙述On Wednesday we swam in the sea.(周三我们在大海里游泳。)可知应填swam in the sea。故答案为:swam in the sea。

(4)根据短文叙述On Thursday we climbed a mountain with Peter.(周四我们和Peter 一起爬山。)可知应填climbed a mountain。故答案为:climbed a mountain。



Many people like to travel by plane, but I don't like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You can't open the window. You can't choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. The stations are usually in cities. When you can't catch a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train. You can see many interesting things on your way. And the trains are fast too.I also like cars. You can start your trip when you want to, and you don't need to reach a train station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

(1)Why do many people like to travel by plane?

A. Because it is fast.

B. Because you can walk around in the plane.

C. Because it is late.(2)Which is not the good thing about the train?

A. It is safe.

B. The stations are usually in cities.

C. You can't see interesting things on your way.

(3)If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out?

A. A bus.

B. A car.

C. A train.

(4)We don't have to wait if we travel __________

A. by car

B. by plane

C. by train






(1)根据短文内容中Many people like to travel by plane,planes are fast,得知许多人喜欢乘坐飞机是因为飞机是非常快的。故选A。

(2)问题的内容是哪一种对于乘坐火车来说是不好的事情,根据对短文内容中The stations are usually in cities.得知火车站通常都在城市里,这是比较不好的一个方面。故选B。

(3)问题的内容是如果你想要携带大量的东西,你会选择怎样出行?根据短文内容you can carry many things with you in a car你乘坐私家车可以携带大量的东西。故选B。

(4)根据短文内容You can start your trip when you want to, and you don't need to reach a train station or a bus stop.得知开私家车可以随时出发,不必等待。故选A。



Do you know about Xiong'an? It's a new city near Baoding. There is a big lake in Xiong'an. Yes, it is Baiyangdian Lake. It is very big. In summer, you will see many beautiful lotus flowers on the lake. Some are red. Some are pink. Many people like them. There will be many boats on the lake. And there will be many birds singing in the grass. Xiong'an is beautiful and new. You can come here by bus from Baoding. And you can come here by train. You will play in the water with your friends. You will eat delicious fish. You will take many wonderful pictures. You will have a nice trip in Xiong'an.

(1)Where is Xiong'an?

A. It's a new city.

B. It's near Baoding.

C. It has a big lake.

(2)Lotus flowers should be ________.

A. B. C.

(3)We can see ________ on Baiyangdian Lake.

A. a new city

B. some buses and birds

C. many flowers and boats

(4)You can't ________ in Xiong'an.

A. eat delicious fish

B. play in the water

C. get many birds

(5)You can't go to Xiong'an by________.

A. plane

B. bus

C. train







(1)根据It's a new city near Baoding. 可知雄安在保定附近。故选B。

(2)根据you will see many beautiful lotus flowers on the lake可知可以在湖上看到美丽的荷花可知,故选A。

(3)根据you will see many beautiful lotus flowers on the lake.和There will be many boats on the lake. And there will be many birds singing in the grass.可知可以在白洋淀看到荷花和船只。故选C。

(4)根据 You will play in the water with your friends. You will eat delicious fish. You will take many wonderful pictures.可知可以在雄安玩水并且吃到味道鲜美的鱼肉。与birds鸟类无关。故选C。

(5)根据Xiong'an is beautiful and new. You can come here by bus from Baoding. And you can come here by train.可知可以乘坐公共汽车去保定在做火车到雄安。与飞机plane无关。故选A。



I am a student. I like sports. I run every morning and I swim twice a week(一周两次). I like all kinds of ball games. I like football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and ping-pong. I am good at playing ping-pong. I often play ping-pong with my friend, Li Lei. We are on the school team. But he doesn't like any other ball game. He also likes to collect(收集)balls. He has a great collection(收藏品)of balls. He has 60 footballs, 16 volleyballs and many ping-pong balls. We like to watch sports on TV.

(1)I run every morning.

(2)I go swimming once a week.

(3)My friend Li Lei and I like ping-pong.

(4)Li Lei likes all ball games.

(5)We never watch sports on TV.







(1)细节理解,根据 I run every morning and I swim twice a week(一周两次). 得知每天早上跑步,故答案为:正确。

(2)细节理解,根据I swim twice a week(一周两次).得知每周两次,故答案为:错误。(3)细节理解,根据I often play ping-pong with my friend, Li Lei.得知“我”和李磊都喜欢乒乓球,故答案为:正确。

(4)细节理解,根据 But he doesn't like any other ball game. 得知李磊不喜欢其他的球类运动,故答案为:错误。

(5)细节理解,根据We like to watch sports on TV.得知喜欢在电视上看运动,故答案为:错误。



It is a Tuesday morning. Ann and her mother are on a big bus. There are many people on it. Some of them come from the U.S. , and some come from England or Canada. They are all friends. They are going to the Forbidden City!

There are two Chinese on the bus. One is a young man. He is driving the bus. The other is a woman. She speaks English well. She is now talking about the Forbidden City. The other people are listening to her. They like the Forbidden City. They want to see it very much.

(1)How do Ann and her mother visit the Forbidden City ?

A. By train.

B. By plane.

C. By bus.

(2)What does the Chinese woman do ?

A. A driver .

B. A tourist .

C. A tour guide .

(3)What does the Chinese man do ?

A. A driver .

B. A tourist .

C. A tour guide .

(4)What can the Chinese woman speak ?

A. English .

B. Chinese .

C. A and B .

(5)What day is it ?

A. Sunday.

B. Tuesday .

C. Saturday .







(1)根据所给的短文,Ann and her mother are on a big bus. They are going to the Forbidden City!。安和她妈妈坐在一辆大巴上。他们要去紫禁城!可知安和她妈妈乘公共汽车去紫禁城,故答案为A.

(2)根据所给的短文,She is now talking about the Forbidden City. The other people are listening to her.她现在正在谈论紫禁城。其他人在听她说。可知那个女人是导游,故答案为C.

(3)根据所给的短文,One is a young man. He is driving the bus. 一个是年轻人。他在驾驶公共汽车。可知那个男人是司机,故答案为A.

(4)根据所给的短文,There are two Chinese on the bus.公共汽车上有两个中国人。The other is a woman. She speaks English well. 另一个是女人。她英语讲得很好。可知那个女人会汉语和英语,故答案为C.

(5)根据所给的短文, It is a Tuesday morning. 这是一个星期二的早晨。可知今天星期二,故答案为B.



My name is Tom. I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends. There are too many people in shop. I don't like shopping with other people. It usually takes me much time to buy things because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to find the same thing cheaper. I'm good at finding cheap things. I don't like buying food in small shops or street markets. I think food in the supermarket is fresh and cheap.

(1)Does Tom like go shopping ?

A. Yes, he does .

B. No, he doesn't .

C. I don't know.

(2)How often does Tom go shopping on weekends ?

A. Usually .

B. Always .

C. Never .

(3)Why does shopping take Tom much time ?

A. Because there are too many people in shop .

B. Because he never buy the first thing he sees .

C. Because he's good at finding cheap things .

(4)Where does Tom buy food?

A. In small shops .

B. In street markets .

C. In the supermarket.





【解析】【分析】短文介绍了汤姆喜欢购物,但从不在周末购物,他不喜欢和别人一起购物,因为他从来没有买过看到的第一件东西,善于找到便宜的东西经常超市里买食物。(1)根据所给的短文,My name is Tom. I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends.我叫汤姆。我非常喜欢购物,但我从不在周末购物。可知汤姆喜欢购物,故答案为A.

(2)根据所给的短文, I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends.我非常喜欢购物,但我从不在周末购物。可知汤姆从不在周末购物,故答案为C.

(3)根据所给的短文,It usually takes me much time to buy things because I never buy the first thing I see.买东西通常要花很多时间,因为我从来没有买过我看到的第一件东西。可知汤姆从来没有买过看到的第一件东西,故答案为B.

(4)根据所给的短文,I think food in the supermarket is fresh and cheap.我认为超市里的食物新鲜又便宜。可知汤姆在超市买东西,故答案为C.



Everyone has his or her hobbies. But everyone has different hobbies. Maybe someone likes collecting things, such as stamps, old coins, shelves and so on. Someone likes drawing. Someone likes dancing. Someone likes reading. Everybody chooses different hobbies.

I like singing best. It is good for me. I often sing with my friends together. When I sing, I am very excited. Maybe I will be a famous singer in the future.


Everyone has ________hobbies.


Someone likes________


________is a good hobby.


Maybe I will be a________singer in the future.


(2)collecting stamps




(1)根据Everyone has his or her hobbies.可知每个人都有不同的爱好。形容词different表达不同的。故填写different。

(2)根据Maybe someone likes collecting things, such as stamps可知某人喜欢收集邮票。collecting stamps表达集邮。故填写collecting stamps。

(3)根据 Someone likes reading.可知阅读reading。故填写reading。

(4)根据Maybe I will be a famous singer in the future.可知主人公成为一名著名的歌手。famous著名的。故填写famous。



One day, Mr. Read and his son Robert were going out for a walk. He put on a pair of shoes together with a pair of different socks, one white and one yellow. As he came out of his house, his son noticed (注意) the colours of his father's socks and said, " you have put on two different

socks, dad."

When he heard this, he looked at his socks and found that his son was right. He was happy and said to himself, "What a clever son I have got!" Then he said to his n to go back to the house to get another pair of socks for him.

When the son went back to the house, all he could find was one white sock and one yellow sock. Robert then took the socks to his father and said, "It’s no use changing! These socks at home are also different, one yellow and one white."

(1)One day Mr. Read and his daughter were going out for a walk.

(2)Mr. Read put on a pair of shoes together with a pair of socks in the same colour.

(3)Robert went back to the house to get another pair of shoes for him.

(4)Robert couldn't find a pair of socks in the house.

(5)The socks at home had the same colour.







(1)根据 One day, Mr. Read and his son Robert were going out for a walk.知,一天,瑞德先生和他的儿子罗伯特外出散步。故答案为错误。

(2)根据 He put on a pair of shoes together with a pair of different socks, one white and one yellow.他穿着一双鞋和一双不同颜色的袜子。故答案为错误。

(3)根据 These socks at home are also different, one yellow and one white."知,罗伯特拿的是袜子不是鞋,故答案为错误。

(4)根据 all he could find was one white sock and one yellow sock.知,他找遍了都没有找到相同的一双袜子,故答案为诶正确。

(5)根据 These socks at home are also different, one yellow and one white.知,他找到的是一只白色一只黄色。故答案为错误。



Which painting is called "China's Mona Lisa"? It's Riverside Scene at Qingming (estival f《清明上河图》). It was painted by Zhang Zeduan,an artist in the Northern Song Dynasty(北宋).It is the only existing(存在)masterpiece from Zhang Zeduan.It has been collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing as a national treasure(国宝).The painting tells us the daily life of people in Bianjing (today's Kaifeng,Henan Province).

(1)Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is called" "?

A. Mona Lisa

B. China's Mona Lisa

C. China's painting

(2)Who painted Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival?

A. Xu Beihong.

B. Zhang Zeduan.

C. Qi Baishi.

(3)Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is in now.

A. Big Ben

B. the Louvre Museum

C. the Palace Museum

(4)Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival tells us people's in Bianjing.

A. life

B. ideas

C. clothes

(5)Bianjing is today's , it's in Henan Province(省).

A. Luoyang

B. Zhengzhou

C. Kaifeng







(1)根据Which painting is called "China's Mona Lisa"? It's Riverside Scene at Qingming (estival f《清明上河图》). 可知清明上河图被称之为中国的“蒙娜丽莎”故选B。

(2)根据It was painted by Zhang Zeduan可知,它是被张择端所创作的。故选B。

(3)根据It has been collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing as a national treasure(国宝)可知,清明上河图是保存在北京的故宫。故选C。

(4)根据The painting tells us the daily life of people in Bianjing (today's Kaifeng,Henan Province).可知,清明上河图讲述边疆人们的日常生活。故选A。

(5)根据The painting tells us the daily life of people in Bianjing (today's Kaifeng,Henan Province)可知,清明上河图讲诉过去河南开封的人文景观。故选C。



Today was a sunny day. In the morning, we rode a bike for three people. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. That was fun! We took pictures of the beautiful countryside. We bought some gifts and ate some delicious food.

In the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didn't feel well. So we stayed in the hotel. Dad and I wanted to make her happy. We dressed up and made a funny play. Robin played the part of a dog. He was so cute. Max liked him so much. He jumped on him and licked him. Of course, Robin didn't like it. We laughed and laughed.

It was a bad day but also a good day!

(1)What was the weather like today?

(2)Where did Max sit?

(3)What did Mum eat in the afternoon?

(4)What did Robin play?

(5)Did Max like him?

【答案】(1)Today was a sunny day.

(2)Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike.

(3)She ate some bad fruit.

(4)Robin played the part of a dog.

(5)Yes, he did.


(1)根据短文叙述Today was a sunny day.(今天是个晴朗的日子。)故答案为:Today was a sunny day.

(2)根据短文叙述 Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike.(Max坐在自行车前面的筐子里。)故答案为: Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike.

(3)根据短文叙述 In the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didn't feel well.(在下午,妈妈吃了一些坏水果并感到不舒服。)故答案为: She ate some bad fruit.

(4)根据短文叙述Robin played the part of a dog.(Robin扮演了一条狗。)故答案为:Robin played the part of a dog.

(5)根据短文叙述 Max liked him so much.(Max非常喜欢他。)故答案为: Yes, he did. 【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。首先仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文叙述来回答问题。


Mrs Black lived in a city of England. Her husband died two years ago and one of her children worked in the capital and the other three lived in another town. Her husband didn't leave her much money and she had to live a simple life. Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays,but they stayed with her for only two or three days. Luckily she had a cat with her. She liked it very much and took it everywhere she went. One winter morning the old woman got up early. She was going to buy some food in a shop. And when she came out, she found there was much snow in the street. She had to sweep it away. And suddenly she found the cat at the corner of the house. And then she laughed .Her cat caught a big mouse.

(1)One of the old woman's children worked in ________.

A. Moscow

B. Paris

C. London

D. New York

(2)Mrs Black lived a simple life because ________.

A. she wasn't rich enough

B. she hoped to save money for her children

C. she had four children

D. her children hated her

(3)Her children went to see her ________.

A. Every day

B. during Mrs Black's during

C. when they had holidays

D. When she felt excited

(4)One winter morning the old woman got up early. She wanted .

A. to make a snow man

B. to sweep the snow

C. to go shopping

D. to find her cat

(5)Mrs Black laughed because ________.

A. she saw her cat

B. A big mouse was caught by her cat

C. her cat was at the corner of the house

D. she thought she could catch a big mouse







(1)根据 one of her children worked in the capital and the other three lived in another town.可知布莱克女士其中的一个孩子在首都工作,并且其他三个孩子在其他城市工作。capital这里代指伦敦London,因为它是英国的首都。故选C。

(2)根据 Her husband didn't leave her much money and she had to live a simple life.可知她的丈夫去世时候没有给她留下太多的钱因此她过着简单的生活。关键词isn't rich表达没有钱符合题干内容。故选A。

(3)根据Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays,but they stayed with her for only two or three days.可知当她的孩子们放假时候,孩子们会过来看望她。关键词had holidays表达放假。故选C。

(4)根据One winter morning the old woman got up early. She was going to buy some food in a shop. 可知主人公起的早是打算去商店里购物。go shopping表达去购物。故选C。

(5)根据And then she laughed .Her cat caught a big mouse.可知布莱克女士大笑是因为她的猫抓到了一只老鼠。故选B。

