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教学目标: 1.感知并归纳i-e在单词中的发音规则。2.能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e 发音规则的单词。3进能够根据单词的读音拼写出i-e发音规则的单词。

教学重点: 能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词

教学难点: 容易与i的短音混淆。



1. 教师让学生看图片,风筝被遮住,教师提问:what’s he doing?从学生的回答中引导出fly a kite,教师出示风筝图片,板书kite,引导学生拼读/k/-/ai/-/t/---/kait/.

2. 教师指着风筝的图片提问:Is the kite nice? 学生回答Yes, it is nice. 并拼读nice。

3. 教师继续指着风筝图片提问:what do you see on the kite? 并突出风筝上的9,学生回答nine。教师板书nine,引导学生进行拼读。

4. 教师提问:do you like the nice kite? 学生回答yes, I like it. 教师板书like和nice。

5. 教师出示歌谣第一段文字: see the nice new kite, with a big number nine. 学生跟着录音有节奏的朗读。教师关注学生的i-e发音是否到位。

6. 完成Read, listen and number的活动。


教师出示更多含有i-e结构的单词,比如bite, site, dive, mine, side, time, wide等,让学生尝试拼读出来。

三、作业布置(homework) 自主读出以下单词:five ride,lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hill




songs: Polly’s hair-

Free talk: talk about the things on the map.

(二)探究新知new concepts:

(Step 1).Let a girl sings an English song, and writes “the girl is good.” on the blackboard.

Then write “better bad-worse I think I agree voice first” on the blackboard. And learn how to pronounce and how to use.

Make sentences with every word.

(Free talk): Let another girl sing a song, and say “the girl is better than the first girl.” Please talk about them, and then answer the questions:

1. “Who is better?”

2. What do you think?

3. Do you agree?

Listen to the tape and practise reading this lesson.


(Step 2)Look at the Activity Book and complete it. (Practise using better and worse)

(Step 3).A game: Draw and talk. (Let two Ss draw pictures on the blackboard and we talk about them like step 1.


(五)小结: 用形容词比较级不规则形式进行对比

板书设计X k B 1 . c o m

Module 8

Unit 1 They sang beautiful.

good—better I think_____________.

bad---worse I agree. voice

Be quiet.

I think this girl is better than the first girl.


教学目标:1. 进一步复习巩固职业类单词和主要句型。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型its cold today, isnt it? guess! what do you want to be? i want to be … 并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。

3. 了解辅音字母组合dr和tr在单词中的读音。

4. 能演唱歌曲they sing happily.

重点难点:句型its cold today, isnt it?的理解和句型what do you want to be? i want to be …的实际运用。





1.t: (ppt 1 显示课题)hello, boys and girls. nice to see you again.

t: 在第三单元中,我们已经学习了询问别人姓名和年龄的句型,你还记得吗?现在我们一起来复习复习吧!(ppt2呈现句型,带读)

t: now lets watch a cartoon.你能记住动画中的句子吗,为动画配音吗?(pp3播放g1动画)
