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Listening for attitudes
Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1 What’s the woman’s brother’s attitude toward other people’s opinion of him?
Listening for attitudes
3. M: I don’t like going shopping with my girlfriend. It’s so boring and the stores are always so crowded.
W: I guess that’s why I can’t be your girlfriend. I go shopping nearly every weekend. It’s so much fun!
3 What’s the woman’s attitude toward going shopping?
✔A Positive.
B Negative.
C Neutral.
4 What is most people’s feeling toward this year’s basketball season?
✔ A Concerned. B Interested. C Indifferent.
2 What’s the woman’s attitude toward rock music?
✔A Like.
B Dislike.
C Indifferent.
Listening for attitudes
Listen to somLeabharlann Baidu short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Listening for attitudes
Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Tips 根据听力材料中出现的某些指示性词语,如: little或hardly,以及说话人的语气等可以推断出 说话人对某一事物的态度是积极的(positive, happy)、消极的(negative, sad)或是中立的 (neutral, indifferent)。
✔A It’ll be exciting.
B It’ll be disappointing. C It’ll be better than last year’s.
Listening for attitudes Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
2. M: Those old people can’t stand rock music. W: Yeah, it’s too noisy for them, though young people like us find it very exciting. Q: What’s the woman’s attitude toward rock music?
5 What is the woman’s feeling toward her dormitory?
✔ A Positive. B Negative. C Indifferent.
6 What is the man’s attitude toward the play?
✔ A Positive. B Negative. C Neutral.
Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing
Culture express
Listening and speaking
Pronunciation and listening skills Conversations Passage
Q: What’s the woman’s attitude toward going shopping?
4. M: Jack seems to think that this year’s basketball season will be disappointing.
W: That’s his opinion. Most others have high expectations of it.
2. 人们在兴奋、惊讶或激动时说话的语调就高;在相反的情况下,语调则低 。
Listening for attitudes
1. M: Your brother likes wearing cool clothes. W: He does. And he cares little about what people think of him. Q: What’s the woman’s brother’s attitude toward other people’s opinion of him?
Listening for attitudes
1. 我们可以通过对话中的提示词、语气、语调等来推测说话者的意图、观点 和态度。如第1题中,我们可以从cares little about 中的little 推测出说话 者的哥哥不是特别在意别人的看法。再如,从第3题中的so much fun 可 以看出说话者非常喜欢购物。
Q: What is most people’s feeling toward this year’s basketball season?
Listening for attitudes