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11-15 ACCDB

16-20 ACBBD

21-25 CCDBD

26-30 CABCB

31-35 CDDCA

36. lie

37. associated

38. assign

39. spent

40. difficulty

41. dislike

42. afford

43. infant

44. she isentitled to a place of her own where she can be by herself, and keepherpossessions

45. people willhave their private thoughts that might never be shared wit

h anyone

46.Americans' houses, yards, and even their offices can seem open and i nviting.Yet in theminds of Americans, there are boundaries that other people aresimply not supposed to cross



M: What do you think of the government'snewtax cut proposal?

W:Though it may give some benefit tothepoor,tis key component is the elimination oftax on dividends.That means therich will get richer.

Q:What does the woman think about thegovernment'stax cut propsal?


M:Jenny, remember this:a job worth doing atall is worth doing well.

W:Oh,yes,I certainly won't forget it.Butdon't expect me to stick to the jo b just because tipays a few more bucks.A lifeof continuous exploration is a life worth living.

Q:What can be inferred about the woman fromthe conversation?


M: I found that one of my schoolmates usesdrugs.How can I help him,Mo m?

W:Stay away from him, son.Never think thatyou can talk him out of the habit if he isaddicted.Bperhaps you can talk toyour teacher about the matter.

Q:What's the woman'sadvice to her son?


W:I don't know how you can eat so much yetnever put on any weight,so n.Your father's gotthesame luck.I can't take a bite withoutcalculating how ma ny calories I am taking.

M:but remember Aunt louise, Mom?She ate alot and never gained a poun d.

Q:Who is worried abort qaining weight?


W:Did you turn off the lights and check thelocks on all the doors?

M:Yes, I told the Johnsons that we'd begone for two weeks.They promise to keep an eyeon the house for us.

Q:What are the two speakers going to do?


M:Hurry up,Linda!I hear that there are notmany tickets left for the footba ll match.

W:I an ready now, let’s go.It is the earlybird that catches the worm.

Q:Why did the man ask the woman to hurryup?


W:Did you hear that the convenience storenext to the gas station was h eld up last night?

M:Yes, I heard it on the radio thismorning.

Q:What happened to the convenience store?


M:Congratulations!I just heard about youracceptance in the law school. D o you think youwould join your brother's firmafter graduation?

W:Not likely. He is a tax lawyer, and I amgoing to major in criminal law.

Q:Whatdoes the woman mean?

