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4.The selectivity of the electrode comes from an ion-selective membrane, which allows only ions of interest to enter the electrolyte chamber at the measurement electrode.
2009 级 《生物医学工程专业英语》 课程试题
题号 分数 评卷人 一 二 三 总分
合分人: 一.词汇(每题 1 分,共 30 分)
Computed tomography Human immunodeficiency virus Hematopoietic stem cells Blood-brain barrier Positron emission tomography Cumulative probability distribution function Lab-on-a-chip Voltage clamp technique Ribonucleic acid
3. (6 分)Suppose that 4 2 1 1 A 1 3 , B 1 1 Calculate the product and the sum of two matrices A and B.
4. (4 分)A 9-volt battery supplies power to a toy car with a resistance of 18 ohms. How much current is flowing through the car?
生物力学 Biomedical instrumentation 生物材料 生物传感器 electrophysiology Syringe and needle for administration of drugs parallel circuit
二.翻译(每题 5 分,共 30 分) 1.随机变量 x 是定义在样本空间 S 上的事件的实值函数。
2. (12 分)A circuit has three identical resistors connected in parallel across a 30V battery. Each resistor is made of a copper wire that is 2cm long with a diameter of 5.4μm and a resistivity of 1.724×10-8Ωm. a. Draw a diagram of the circuit. b. What is the resistance of the resistor? c. What is the total resistance of the circuit? d. What is the total current? e. What is the current through each resistor? f. What is the voltage drop across each resistor?
生物医学工程 世界卫生组织 概率密度函数 随机变量 列矩阵 Histogram equalization 图像复原 图像增强 gray-level interpolation nuclear magnetic resonance imaging membrane potential 人体生理学 Tissue engineering Bioinformatics
6.Biomedical engineers seek to understand human physiology and to build devices to improve or repair it
三.阅读下面的材料,用英文回答问题。 (40 分) 1. (10 分) Drugs are often administered in capsules. Some capsules act as containers, which hold many smaller particles that contain the active agent. Administration of the drug is improved by the capsule; when the capsule breaks down in the intestine and the particles are freed from the container, the large surface area of the drug particles allows rapid dissolution of the drug. a. Assume that a capsule is approximately a cylinder with 1cm long and 3mm in diameter. Calculate the surface-to-volume ratio of the capsule. b. Assume that the capsule is filled with particles that are 0.4mm in diameter. How many of these particles will fit into one capsule? c. What is the total surface area of the particles within the capsule?
2.An electrocardiography measures the electrical activity of the heart through electrodes attached at defined locations on the body surface.
3.Some biomedical engineers work in hospitals overseeing maintenance of medical instruments and adapting instruments to serve patients and doctors: These individuals are often called clinical engineers.
5.Ultrasound imaging, which can provide pictures of internal bleeding within seconds, has replaced exploratory surgery and other slower, more invasive approaches for localization of internal injuries.
6. (8 分)Consider the image segment shown.
Let V={0, 1} and compute the lengths of the shortest 4-, 8-, and m-path between p and q. If a particular path does not exist between these two points, explain why.