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姓名:______________ 得分:______________ 家长签字:______________ 学习评价:□名列前茅品学兼优□持之以恒刻苦好学□努力不够智慧有余□学业欠佳急需努力


1. go out __________________ 7. 吃早饭__________________

2. finish the homework __________________ 8. 好主意__________________

3. a friend of mine __________________ 9. 和...一样__________________

4. have to study __________________ 10. 下公交车__________________

5. not…at all__________________ 11. 敲门__________________

6. What a pity! __________________ 12. 最好的书__________________


( ) 1. Eating ______ vegetables and ________ meat is good for your health.

A. more, fewer

B. more, less

C. much, less

D. much, fewer

( ) 2. He is _______ to reach the light.

A. enough tall

B. tall enough

C. short enough

D. enough short

( ) 3. She is _____________ girl I have ever seen.

A. the most beautiful

B. most beautiful

C. more beautiful

D. the beautifulest

( ) 4. It suits you very much .Y ou can _______________.

A. try it on

B. try on them

C. try on it

D. try them on

( ) 5. Tom can swim! ___________ !

A. So can I

B. So do I

C. So have I

D. Neither can I

( ) 6. We have invited _________ to the party, but no one has answered yet.

A. anybody

B. everybody

C. somebody

D. nobody

( ) 7. I’m hungry. I’d like ________to eat.

A. something

B. nothing

C. everything

D. anything

( ) 8. The price of the television is too __________.We can’t afford it .

A. expensive

B. cheap

C. high

D. low

( ) 9. When we ______ our supper, Tom came in.

A. had

B. are having

C. were having

D. have

( ) 10. There is _________ milk in the bottle .

A. no

B. not

C. no one

D. any

( ) 11. When I went there, the train ____________.

A. has left

B. had left

C. leaves

D. left

( ) 12. The man _______ I served was him.

A. how

B. what

C. which

D. whom

( ) 13. The book ______ I am reading is hers.

A. whose

B. that

C. when

D. how

( ) 14. He bought them but forgot ______ them ______him. He came to get them.

A. taking, with

B. take, with

C. taking, on

D. to take, with ( ) 15. What _____ ugly ducks they are!

A. an

B. a

C. /

D. about

( ) 16. That’s t he ship _____ we travelled ____.

A. /, on

B. that, to

C. /, to

D. that, with

( ) 17. Tom isn’t a student, is he? ___________. He is studying at our school.

A. No, he isn’t

B. Y es, he is

C. Y es, he isn’t

D. No, he is

( ) 18. Lily loves these flowers very much, _________?

A. does she

B. is it

C. doesn’t she

D. can she

( ) 19. She is the girl I ____ last Friday.

A. meeting

B. met

C. is meeting

D. meeted

( ) 20. It’s good time ________ in spring.

A. to us to study

B. for us to study

C. to us for study

D. for us for studying 第三项:单词正确形式填空(1*12=12)

1. Y ou’ve made ______________ mistakes than Jim. (many)

2. My boxes are ____________________ of all. (big)

3. That room is too ______________, It is __________________ room I’ve ever seen. (dirty)

4. Of course there’s some wine left. Y ou’re ________________, aren’t you?(joke)

5. He __________________ his homework at two o’clock yesterday afternoon. (do)

6. John is _________(tall) than Bob .

7. Is the green apple as ________________ as the red apple? (sweet)

8. Her car is _____________________ than mine. (new)

9. My wife _____________________ the dinner while I was working in the garden. (cook)

10. That film is_____________________ than this one (good)

11. The man I _______________ was wearing a hat. (see)

12. I can give you some ________________________ butter than before. (many)
