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第二节 英语合同的常用句型 (Sentence Patterns)

一、in the event that(短语为 in the event of), in case(短语为 in case of), providing(that), provided(that), on
the conditions that, if(if and whenever), where, in so far as(insofar as), should, suppose/supposing(that)

的“as long as”在英文合同非常鲜见。

如:In the event that the Contract Price or any other terms of the Contract changes after the issuance of the
Letter of Credit (or Letter of Guarantee) the Owner shall arrange for such Letter to be amended
accordingly as soon as possible after any such changes.如果在信用证(或保函)开出后,合同总价或合

如:In case part of or all know-how of the above-mentioned technical contents have been published by
Party B or Third Parties A obtains evidence of such publication, then Party A shall no longer be responsible
for keeping secret and confidential the part already published.如上述专有技术的一部分或全部已由第三

如:15% of the above contract price, e.g. US$21000 shall be paid by Party A to Party B by M/T within 30
days after Party A has received from Party B the following technical documentations and documents and
providing that they are in conformity with the contract: 甲方从乙方处收到以下技术资料和文件后 30

如:Either party may at anytime replace the chairman, deputy chairman or director(s) it has appointed,
provided that it gives written notice to the Joint Venture Company and the other party.任何一方可随时更
provided that 通常语气上有转折的含义,不宜翻译为“假如,如果”,译为“但是”,则译文过渡自

Should the seller make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract with the exception of Force Majeure
specified in Clause18 to this contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the
Seller agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under
negotiation.如果卖方并非因本合同第 18 条规定的不可抗力事件而未按合同规定的期限交货,那么,


能性很小,也就是说是当事人不希望出现的不利情况。而 on condition that 引导的条件从句,往往表



Notwithstanding the completion of the sale and purchase of the __ ordinary shares in the Company, the
terms and conditions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect as between the parties hereto in
so far as the same are not fulfilled.即使买卖公司*股普通股已经结束,只要该行为尚未履行完毕,本协

In all cases where Licensee desires artwork involving articles which are the subject of this license to be
executed, the cost of such artwork and the time for the production thereof shall be borne by Licensee.

As an example, suppose that has a partnership agreement with a company called "Internet
Marketing". In this example, "Partner Name" would be "Internet Marketing".
试举一例,如果 公司与一家名叫 Internet Marketing 的公司有一合伙协议。本例中,该“合
伙名称就是“Internet Marketing”。

If and whenever the attorney at law designated by Party B comes to work with Party A, Party A shall offer
all sufficient and necessary facilities, arrange the said legal counsel with an office, appoint a company
officer to assist legal counsel with his function, provide relevant information and writ and print legal draft
for such legal counsel.

相关链接:in no case, in no event, in the case of,in any case 等

in no case 和 in no event 表示“决不”即无论怎样都不行。
例如:Vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the Buyer.船龄超过 20 年的买方

In the case of 就什么来说,关于,in any case 无论如何
例如:In the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the Seller is obliged to take care to ensure
that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.

二、Sth. is (shall remain) the property of sb., the title of sth. shall be vested in sb.

英语合同表示“某物所有权属于某人”时,常用到这两个句型。如果用 the ownership of sth. belongs
to sb.,或者 sb owns/possesses sth.就不够正式,而且 possess 只

源,而 own 只表示“对。。。。。的合法占有”。

:Any drawings or technical documents interested for use in the Construction of the Plant or of part


thereof and submitted to the Seller by the Buyer prior or subsequent to formation of the Contract remain
the exclusive property of the Buyer.本合同订立前后由买方送交卖方用于建筑设备或其部分设备的图

又如:Licensee hereby agrees that at the termination or expiration of this agreement Licensee will be
deemed to have assigned, transferred and conveyed to Licensor any rights, equities, good will, titles or
other rights in and to the Name which may have been obtained by Licensee or which may have vested in
Licensee in pursuance of any endeavors covered hereby, and that Licensee will execute any instruments
requested by Licensor to accomplish or confirm the foregoing.

三、It is + p. p(past participle 过去分词) + that clause


It is agreed that clause

如:It is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity of weight issued by the manufacturer
shall be part of the document for payment with the adopted Letter of Credit. 双方同意制造厂出具的质

It is expressly agreed that Lessee will not, without obtaining prior written permission of Lessor, assert on
its behalf, or on behalf of Lessor, any immunity from taxation based on the tax-exempt status, if any, of the

It is understood that clause

又如:It is strictly understood that the Sellers can not be held responsible for non-delivery of delayed
delivery of the goods ordered if the situation is caused by Force Majeure, such as war, rebellion, fire, strike,
new levies imposed by government, mistakes in telegrams, inability of, or refusal by the manufacturers to
fulfill this Contract or any other causes beyond Seller’s control.严格明确卖方对于自己无法控制的不可

It is understood that the Seller

shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes
for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organizations and/or Post
Office are liable. 双方明确卖方概不承担属保险公司、装运公司或其他运输机构、邮局责任范围内

It is stressed that clause


再如:It is essentially stressed that the Buyers are requested to sign and return the duplicate of this Contract
within 3 days from the date of receipt. In the event of failure to do this, the Sellers reserve the right to
cancel the Contract.必须强调:买方应于收到本合同之日起3天内签字并退还合同的副本,如买方不

四、Saving Clause

在英文合同中 Saving Clause(除外条款, 但书条款)通常有 Save that 句型和 Save as 句型,表示“。。。。。。
例如:The provisions of Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 12 of the US Plan apply mutatis mutandis to the UK
Scheme, save that if an amendment is made to the UK Scheme or to the terms of an Approved Stock
Option at a time when the UK Scheme is approved by the Inland Revenue under Schedule 9, the approval
will not thereafter have effect unless the Inland Revenue have approved the alteration or addition.
应用于英方方案的美方规划的第 6 节和第 12 节的规定的已作必要的修正,除非对英方方案或已批
准股票期权条款的修改时值根据附件 9 英方方案已获批准,此后该批准不得生效,除非内税局已批

再如:Save as expressly provided herein, this Agreement may be amended or terminated, and any of the
terms hereof waived, only by a document in writing specifically referring to this Agreement and executed
by the parties hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by the party waiving compliance.

此外,也常见用 Proviso 表示限制条款或但书。

例如:5.6 Legal Proceedings; Injunctions. (a) The Seller, the Buyer and the Company shall use
commercially reasonable efforts (subject to the proviso in Section 5.6(b)) to cooperate with each other in
connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation with any other person which
relates to the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereunder.


例如:Tenant shall not be required to join in any proceedings referred to in the proviso at the end of 4.6
hereof unless the provisions of any law, rule or regulation
at the time in effect shall require that such
proceedings be brought by or in the name of Tenant, in which event Tenant shall join and cooperate in such
proceedings or permit the same to be brought in its name, but shall not be liable for the payment of any
costs or expenses in connection with any such proceedings, and Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for, and
indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against, any and all costs or expenses which Tenant may
reasonably pay, sustain or incur in connection with any such proceedings.



五、as 句型

参看本章第一节 As 的用法

六、Upon sth ……

英文合同中表达一经。。。。。,就。。。。。。含义时,不用基础英语中的 as soon as, 而用 Upon sth., ……

例如:Upon expiration of such term of contract, the contract shall automatically become void and null.

再如:Upon substantial completion of the infrastructure project, C may request to New Company or its
representative that the infrastructure project has successfully completed its testing and that accordingly the
Completion Date has occurred.

七、Unless otherwise 和 except(as) otherwise

或者句中都能看到他们的身影。后接 stipulate, provide, require, state, specify 等动词或其过去分词。

例如:On the Transfer Date New Company shall transfer to B, free from any lien or encumbrance created
by New Company and without the payment of any compensation, all its right, title to and interest in the
infrastructure project, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement or any supplementary agreement.

又如:The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party except otherwise awarded by the Arbitration

再如:Except as otherwise provided herein, all import permits and licenses and the
import duties, customs
fees and all taxes levied by any government authority other than the Seller's country shall be the sole
responsibility of the Buyer.


八、use all reasonable endeavors (efforts) to do sth., make full endeavors (efforts) to do sth.,exert
one’s effort(s) to do sth./ exert oneself to do sth.
英文合同中表示“尽力做某事”时,常常用到这几个句型,而不用基础英语中 try one’s best to do sth.

例如:Except as contemplated by this Agreement, from the date hereof through the Closing Date, Mattel
shall cause each TLC Subsidiary to use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct its business in the
ordinary coursein all material respects, and shall use commercially reasonable endeavors to preserve intact
its business relationships, keep available the service of its employees and maintain satisfactory
relationships with its suppliers and customers.

除非本协议预期,从本协议日期到成交日,Mattel 公司应促使 TLC 子公司竭尽全力在所有实质方面

又如:However, both parties shall make efforts to get the ratification within 60 (sixty) days.
然而,双方应努力在 60 天内获得批准。

再如:Each of Quotesmith and IIS agrees to exert its commercially reasonable efforts so that IIS can
begin providing instant quotes on QIM in as short a time as the capabilities and technologies of each party
will allow.
每一 Quotesmith 和 IIS 的人员同意尽其全力使得 IIS 在各方能力和技术许可的范围内尽快开始
向 QIM 公司提供即时报价。

还如:Promptly following the Effective Time, the shareholders of Tunes who are employed by JAMtv
or Merger Sub shall exert their best efforts to cause all employees of Tunes and Merger Sub to execute in
favor of Merger Sub proprietary rights agreements substantially similar to JAMtv's existing employee
proprietary rights agreement.
生效时间后,被 JAMtv 公司或 Merge Sub 公司所聘的 Tunes 公司股东应立即竭尽全力促使 Tunes
公司和的所有员工执行 Merge Sub 公司控股权协议,该协议实质上与 JAMtv 公司现有的员工控股权

第三节 合同各部分常用例句与用词




