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a fish-shaped group, abdominal hollow, open the middle of the head, tail coiled, its tail-like head shrink, back (percussion parts) was the slope-shaped, both sides of the triangle, the bottom of the oval; wooden Reservation, Reservation head olive 呈团鱼形, 腹部中空,头部正中开口,尾部盘绕, 其状昂首缩尾,背部(敲击部位)呈斜坡形, 两侧三角形,底部椭圆,木制棰,棰头橄榄形。
Originally an instrument mainly for accompaniment in an opera A Bing The Moon Reflected In Er-quan (二泉映月)
Plucked string instrument
It was developed from a small instrument made from bamboo It has been a popular instrument since ancient times
Wind or Blowing Instruments 吹奏乐器 It has existed for more than 2500 years
It is used as both a solo and accompaniment instrument Have many branches .
Ambush on all sides(十 面埋伏) 阳春白雪 霸王卸甲 昭君出塞
has a body with a short neck and a wooden belly(肚 )
Percussion 打击乐器 collocted bronze bells
Its long history can be dated back to Shang Dynasty
wind instrument. a popular traditional Chinese flute , made of bamboo pipe. Three Stanzas of Plum-blossoms Songs of Gusu line one blowing hole, a film (薄膜)hole and six finger holes. brought in from Tibet during the Han Dynasty .
Bowed String Instrument 拉弦乐器 has a history of about 700 years vertical fiddle(垂直小提琴) has a small body and a long neck two strings. Traditionally the two strings are made of silk .
Wind or Blowing Instruments 吹奏乐器 The body is made of wood
The upper end of the tube is provided with a whistle The lower end of the set with a brass bell 百鸟朝凤 抬花轿
• In Chinese Musical Instruments ,these four kinds of Chinese musical instruments can be played as solo , as group , and as ensemble(合奏). The most popular instrumental music are Sizhu-music(丝竹乐) and Chuidamusic(吹打乐).
• • • • Wind or Blowing Instruments 吹奏乐器 Bowed String Instrument 拉弦乐器 Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器 Percussion 打击乐器
• The rules of the game:, • 1.Each group has two people , one speak and one guess. • 2.people who describe these words can not speak the word on screen directly. • 3.people who guess can not look at the screen. • 4.Score:one point each instrument • 5.Time:5 minutes each group.
consists of different sizes of oblate bell .
曾侯乙编钟 屈原问渡
Percussion 打击乐器 It often appears in the war to encourage soldiers to keep up high morale Frame drum made ​of wood, covered with leather on both sides. Loud Used for the ending ceremony of the 2008 Olympics
Chinese Musical Instruments
Chinese music , the body of vocal(声乐)and instrumental music ,has a very long history , as old as Chinese civilization.
Biblioteka Baidu
These instruments are divided into four groups
• As one of the Chinese Culture ,Chinese Musical Instruments has a very long history. At the same time when we appreciate them, we should not forget to inherit and develop them.
Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器 about 2000 years of history the most classical of all the Chinese music instruments with. understanding and appreciative friends Guangling powder
Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器 with 4 silk strings has a history of over 2000 years .
On the neck there are 19 to 26bamboo frets,which are either made of wood or jade
flat rectangular shape mainly drawn from the Indus wood
Fishermans night song
wind instrument. Similar to Dizi , used to play classical Chinese music and solo music . a transverse (横向的) flute Sword