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With a core value of design excellence, the practice offers expertise in Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Landscape, Urban Design and Masterplanning. Our principle offices also house the practice’s Research and Development group, which offers specialist services in Computational Design, Sustainability and Advanced Modelling.
Biblioteka Baidu
Aedas旗下的业务遍及各类主要建设工程,包括市政 及文化设施、体育及康乐设施、商业及住宅发展、教 育、医疗保健、零售设施和交通运输建设等。
Aedas持守卓越设计为业务核心价值,致力在各个专门 范畴贡献专技,包括建筑设计、平面设计、室内设计、 景观设计、城市设计及总体规划。旗下各总办事处均设 有研发组,就运算式设计、可持续发展设计和高阶建模 方面提供专业化服务。
Sectors 项目类别
1 Mixed Use 综合体
2 R etail 商业零售
3 Office 办公楼
4 Hotel 酒店
5 Residential 住宅
6 Infrastructure 基础设施
7 Civic & Cultural 市政及文化设施
8 Education 教育设施
成果交付 如果不切实际,再伟大的设计构想都是 一纸空谈。为此,我们不惜重金投入体系 和流程建设,确保以最高标准来执行我 们的设计理念,同时保证我们的设计人 员可以汲取最前沿的专业技术。无论设 计团队身处何地,我们的成果交付体系 都能确保卓越设计切实可行。
Quality Quality permeates every activity and decision we take. From the people we employ, the projects we design to the selection of all the numerous building components that are used to construct the projects. We apply the highest standards to everything that we are involved with.
Aedas获奖无数,成绩彪炳,除了以欧洲、美洲和亚洲 设立设计核心基地外,旗下共12个办事处遍及全球四 大洲,让客户享有Aedas驻当地办事处所提供的个人服 务,同时也能受惠於Aedas全球技术资源网络所给予 的强大支援。
每个设计方案既汇集具国际水平的专业技术和知识, 也充分体现对各地文化特色的了解。公司的建筑设计 菁英群策群力,为建构社会作出贡献,并凭着设计实力 在业界发挥领导角色。此外公司以全盘的策略实现可持 续发展的设计,可见建筑设计师们对建筑环境、合作夥 伴、以至所居住和工作的社会环境都非常关注,还有一 份承担精神。
伦敦 | London
迪拜 | Dubai 阿布扎比 | Abu Dhabi
北京 | Beijing
成都 | Chengdu
上海 | Shanghai
新德里 | New Delhi
澳门 | Macau 香港 | Hong Kong
新加坡 | Singapore
西雅图 | Seattle 洛杉矶 | Los Angeles
创新 对于我们的每一个新项目,我们都不断 地在寻找突破和新的可能。我们的全球 服务平台为遍布世界各地的专业设计师 提供最新的创意理念,因而,我们的所有 客户,无论其规模大小均可受益。
Delivery Great thinking is meaningless if it doesn't become reality. We have invested heavily in systems and processes to ensure that our ideas are executed to the highest standard and that our designers can draw on the latest technical expertise. We have the delivery systems to make great design a reality wherever we work in the world.
多样性 我们的设计具有多样性。Aedas将全世 界的专家们集合在一起。这意味着每个 项目的设计团队中都有设计师理解并尊 重当地的社会和文化需求。同时,这也意 味着每个项目无论规模大小,都能结合 Aedas分布全球各地的集体智慧。
Innovation We constantly look to push the boundaries of what’s possible in every new project that we undertake. Our global platform provides all of our experts globally, with access to this latest thinking, so that clients, large and small can benefit.
We provide international expertise with innate knowledge and understanding of local cultures. Our designers are committed to contribute and lead in the societies we design for. We have a holistic approach to sustainability which shows our care not only for the built environment but also for the people we work with and the societies we live and work within.
Mixed-Use Capability Statement
Values 价值观
Creativity Above everything we place creativity and creative thinking. We recruit inspired and independently minded people who are passionate about design and want to excel. We provide them with the freedom and space to dream, and because our organisation supports, informs, enables and empowers them, they are able to deliver solutions that create a positive impact in the communities that they are intended for.
创造性 我们把创造力和创造性思维置于首要位 置。我们聘请的都是具有灵感、有独立性 思维、对设计有激情、渴望超越自己的设 计师。我们为其提供梦想的自由和空间, 为其提供所需的支持、信息和决策力。这 样,这些设计人才就有能力为所服务的 地区提供能产生积极影响的解决方案。
Diversity We are diverse by design. Aedas brings together expertise from across the world. This means that each project includes people on the design team that understand and respect the social and cultural needs of the local community they are designing for. It also means that every project, no matter how large or small, can draw on all Aedas' collective wisdom from across the world.
Selected Project Awards 精选项目奖项
The Star Singapore 星宇表演艺术中心及星悦汇 新加坡 — ENR Global Best Projects Awards 2014 Winner, Best Global Project, Retail / Mixed-use Developments 2014年ENR全球最佳项目大奖 全球最佳零售/综合发展项目优胜奖 — Quality Building Award 2014 Merit Award, Building Outside HK 2014年优质建筑大奖 境外建筑项目优异奖 — A' Design Awards 2013 - 2014 Golden Winner, Architecture, Building and Structure Design 2013-2014年A'设计奖 金奖, 建筑, 楼宇及结构设计 — MIPIM Awards 2013 Silver Winner, Best Retail and Leisure Development 2013年MIPIM大奖 最佳零售休闲发展项目银奖
9 Masterplanning 总体规划
10 Healthcare 医疗保健
11 Industry & Logistics 工业与物流
12 Adaptive Reuse 活化
13 S ustainability R&D 环保研发项目
14 A ddition & Alteration Works 加建及改动工程
15 U rban Design 城市设计
16 S ports & Leisure 运动及休闲设施
Expertise 专技范畴
Architecture 建筑设计 Graphic Design 平面设计 Interior Design 室内设计 Landscape 景观设计 Urban Design and Masterplanning 城市设计及总体规划
Services 服务范围
Aedas operates across a broad range of sectors including Civic and Cultural, Sports and Leisure, Commercial and Residential, Education, Healthcare, and Retail and Transportation sector.
品质 品质体现在我们的每一个行为和决策之 中,从所聘请的人才,设计的作品,到为 工程建设所选用的大量的建筑组件,我 们都以最高的标准完成所有工作。
Global Reach 环球业务
With an impressive record of credentials and awards, Aedas operates from its three principal design centres in Europe, America and Asia, and a network of 12 offices spanning 4 continents. This offers our clients the benefits of a locally-based, personal service, backed by a global network of skills and resources.