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6.I ______ for Shanghai this Saturday, so I want to know when the earliest plane ______.
A.leave; takes off B.am leaving; takes off
C.leave; is taking off D.am leaving; is taking off
15.Usually Beijing Roast Duck _____ together with special pancakes, green onions and sweet sauce.
A.was served B.will serve
C.is served D.served
—Don’t worry! The rain ________ to stop from tomorrow.
A.will expect B.expects
C.will be expected D.is expected
【解析】考查动词时态与语态。句意:——这些日子天气潮湿。——不要担心!这场雨预计明天就会停止。根据语境,“expect”表示现在发生的事情,用一般现在时,“停止”的动作发生在明天,且主语The rain与expect之间是被动关系。故选D。
12.—Have you got any news of the exam results?
—No, but I’ll contact you as soon as Ithem.
A.am getting B.got
C.will get D.have got
【解析】考查动词时态。句意:——你有考试结果的消息吗?——没有,但我有了会尽快联系你的。as soon as连接的时间状语从句中,指未发生的动作,主句一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。此处have got相当于have ,故选D.
如He took out his English books as soon as he sat down.
13.The newly-elected ministers should understand that with the great honor of being government officials of this nation ________ great responsibility.
1.With such a tight schedule, everyone will have to go all out if they _____________ the task.
A.have completed B.would complete
这题考查倒装句的用法:In our hometown, about 1,500 meters east of my house,是地点状语,位于句首时,句子用完全倒装,即将谓语置于主语前,主语是单数,用stands。第二空是date back to做定语修饰an old temple,因为date back to不能用被动,所以是现在分词做定语。选A。
A.are soldB.sell
C.sellsD.is sold
9.—It’s so humid these days!
10.Her parents require that she ________ her homework before she ________ TV.
A.will finish; watchesB.finishes; watches
C.finish; watchesD.finishes; will watch
这题考查时态,第一句时间是in a few days几天后,所以用进行时表将来时,第二句话问最早的飞机什么时候起飞,英语中:飞机,火车,汽车按时间表出发,到达,用一般现在时表将来时。
7.This kind of gel pen which ______ smoothly is quite popular with students.
3.The house could fall down soon if no one ________ some quick repair work.
A.has doneB.is doingC.doesD.had done
5.The number of people who______ English as a foreign language_______ more than 750 million.
A.learns; isB.learn; areC.learns; areD.learn; is
第一空先行词为people,故定语从句的谓语动词要用复数;the number of修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
8.---The CDs by the star ______ well.
---That’s true. More than ten million copies have been sold out so far.
17.We’ll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow.
A.snow B.snows
C.will snow D.snowed
A.paid no attentionB.were paying no attention
C.pays no attentionD.had paid no attention
试题分析:考查动词短语。句意:鲍勃是个很有创造力的孩子但他不会注意自己的行为,pay no attention不注意,故选C项。
A.should, a favor forB.should, a lack of
C.does, a way ofD.does, a substitute for
试题分析:考查固定搭配。句意:理论上来说,一个好的螺丝钉能用它的试用期那么久,但是很少会用这么久,通常它都是被用作代替其它的工具。根据对句意的理解和分析可知此处第一个空中的it rarely does指的是很少会这样,而在第二个空substitute for是固定搭配,意指代替…,故选D。
C.will complete D.are to complete
考查时态。句意:时间安排如此紧张,如果他们要完成这个任务,每个人都要全力以赴。在条件状语从句里应该使用一般现在时代替将来时,所以if条件状语从句中使用be to do sth。故D项正确。
2.Paul could be a very attractive boy but he ______ to his behaviour.
【解析】考查时态和被动语态。句意:通常北京烤鸭配上特制的薄煎饼、青葱和甜酱。句子说的是一般情况,要用一般现在时态;句子主语Beijing Roast Duck是单数第三人称,和谓语动词serve之间是被动关系,所以推知句子要用一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为C。
16.Theoretically, a good screwdriver should last a lifetime, but it rarely___________, usually because it is used at one time or another as ___________ some other tool.
14.All of you ______ at the school gate! We’ll soon start.
A.will gatherB.gather
C.will be gatheringD.are gathering
试题分析:考查祈使句。本文属祈使句。带有命令的口气,相当于“All of you , please gather at the school gate!”所以选B。所有人到学校门口集合,我们马上要出发了。
A.is written B.is writing C.wrote D.writes
试题分析:句意为:这种写起来非常流畅的中性笔很受学生的欢迎。部分动词如tear, sell, write等可用主动形式也可用被动形式,当说明事物本身所具备的性质时要用主动表被动的形式,当说明具体的动作时要用被动语态。Fg: The kind of paper tears easily.
A.comes B.is coming C.have come D.will come
【解析】考查动词时态。句意:新当选部长们应该明白,伴随着成为这个国家的政府官员的殊荣的是职责重大。根据with the great honor of …可知,介词短语位于句首,谓语动词倒装,主语是responsibility,单数名词,因此用单数形式,本句表述客观事实,用一般现在时,故选A。
as soon as连接的时间状语从句中,指未发生的动作,规律是:主句一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时
如:I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back。
如:I will go with you as soon as I have washed my face.
4.In our hometown, about 1,500 meters east of my house,_______ an old temple_______ back to the 17thcentury.
A.stands; datingB.is standing; dated
C.standing; datedD.stand; dating
11.If you have any question, please ______ free to contact me at sue_smith@126.com.
A.to feel B.feeling C.feel D.felt
18.Around two o’clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat ________ us.