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1.Translate the following into English:(汉译英)


We serve Continental breakfast American breakfast. Which would you like ?

2.Answer the following question:(问答)

What should you do if you spill a beverage or some soup on a guest’s clothes?

A.Apologize first.

B.Give the guest two or three solutions to choose from.

ply with the guest‘s request(free laundry)

D.Apologize again.(thank the quest for understanding).

3.Answer the following question:(问答)

How many styles of western food service are there?

English style, Russian style, American style and French style.


1.Translate the following into English:(汉译英)


A variety of fruit juices are served here, we have tomato juice, orange juice, pineapple juice. What is your preference?

2. Answer the following question:(问答)

what should you do if a guest gives you something as a souvenir?

A. Say thanks first.

B. Refuse it in tactful way.

C. If the guest insists, accept it and hand it over to the management.

3.Answer the following question:(问答)

What are the most common seating arrangements for western banquets?(Fore at least)

U shape, T shape, I shape, E shape, 回shape,--shape

1.Translate the following into English:(汉译英)


We provide the following:soft drinks, cocktails, wines, whiskeys,

Brandies or liqueurs. Which would you like?

2.Answer the following question:(问答)

what should you do if a quest complains about the quality of the food?

A.Check the food first.

B.Report it to the chef or supervisors.

C.Make a substitution sonable explanation.

3.Answer the following question:(问答)

What is French service?

The waiter stands on the left side of the questsand serves guests holding a tray with a serving spoon and a fork on it.

He starts serving by offering the food form left side of them, and lets the quests serve themselves.


1.Translate the following into English:(问答)


Breakfast contains boiled eggs, scrambled, fried or poached eggs.

What is your preference?

2.Answer the following question:(问答)

If the actual number of guests attending a banquet is more than the number of place reserved, what should you do?

A. Get correct information (No.of people, cover charge, backgruond of the quest

etc.)form the host.

B. Make a new seating arrangement as soon as possible.

C. Ask the guests if they have any other requests.

D.Follow up accordingly.

3.Answer the following question:(问答)

What is English style service?

English service is similar to French service. Waiter serves to guests by holding a tray with;a variety of food on it according to guest’s requests and puts food on each guest’s plate .
