口诀法解决非谓语动词做补语(共13张PPT )

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see watch look at notice observe hear listen to feel
make let have
+ sb/sth
doing done
help+sb + (to) do sth
5看 ( look at, see, watch, notice, observe ) 3室(make, let, have) 2听(listen to, hear) 1感觉(feel )
位置: 主+谓语(动词)+宾语+宾补
1. 她叫我呆在这儿。 She asked me to stay there. 2.请允许我介绍Mr. White给你们。 Please allow me to introduce Mr. White to you.
牢记以下固定搭配: Verb +sb/sth + to do sth
4. I saw him _______ into the small store. A. went B. going C. to go D. has gone
5. Tell the boy _______ out of the window.
A. not to look B. to not look
= I got him __t_o_r_e_pa_i_r __ (repair) my bike. 2. It is too cold, so we have the fire _b_u_rn_in_g______ (burn) all night long.
3. She has a meeting _to__a_tte_n_d_.(attend) 4. He had me _w__ai_ti_ng____ (wait) for a long time.
4. The lady was watched __t_o_le_a_v_e____ (leave) her room silence.
5. He made the boy ___cl_e_a_n___ (clean) room.
6. Did you notice anyone ___e_n_t_e_r___ (enter) my room? 7. Though he had often made his little sister___c_ry__ (cry),
16 警告某人做某事 _w_a_r_n________ sb. to do sth.
汉语意思 17 允许某人做某事 18 禁止某人做某事 19 希望某人做某事 20 想要某人做某事 21 建议某人做某事 22 号召某人做某事
英文搭配 _a_ll_o_w_/_p_e_r_m_i_t_ sb. to do sth. f_o_r_b_i_d_/_p_r_o_h_ib_istb. to do sth. w__is_h__/d__es_i_r_e/__exspbe.ctto do sth. _w_o_u_l_d_l_ik_e_/_w_a_nstb. to do sth. _w_a_i_t_f_o_r_____ sb. to do sth. _c_a_ll_o_n_______ sb. to do sth.
比较: I saw someone come in. 我看到有人进来了。(已进来) I saw someone coming in.
理解: 1. I saw someone come in. 我看到有人进来了。(已进来;表示全过程) 2. I saw someone coming in. 我看到有人正往里来(正在走;表示正发生) 3. He had his horse ___ju_m_p___ (jump) over the fence.
2.Little Sandy would love __t_o_b_e__ta_k_e_n__(take) to the cinema this evening.
3. Though he often made his sister __c_r_y__(cry), today he was made ____to__c_ry(cry) by his sister.
3 邀请某人干某事 _i_n_v_i_t_e______ sb. to do sth.
4 叫ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu人做某事 _t_e_l_l ________ sb. to do sth.
5 提醒某人做某事 _r_e_m__i_n_d_____ sb. to do sth.
6 鼓励某人做某事 _e_n_c_o_u__r_a_g_e__ sb. to do sth. 7 激励某人做某事 _i_n_s_p_i_r_e_____ sb. to do sth. 8 敦促某人做某事 _u_r_g__e_______ sb. to do sth.
I often hear them sing this song. Did you notice anyone come in ? I would have him wait for me for a long time.
注意: 当这类动词转为被动语态 时, 其后的不定式则要加上“ to” 如:
He is often heard ___to__si_n_g_ the song· He was seen _t_o_e_n_te_r_ the room.
12 指派某人做某事 _ap__p_o_in_t______ sb. to do sth.
13 导致某人做某事 _ca_u__se________ sb. to do sth.
14 强迫某人做某事 _fo_r_c_e________ sb. to do sth.
15 答应某人做某事 _p_ro_m__i_se______ sb. to do sth.
9 要求某人做某事 _re_q_u_i_r_e_/_r_e_q_u_esstb. to do sth.
10 建议某人做某事 _a_d_v_is_e_______ sb. to do sth.
11 说服某人做某事 ___p_e_rs_u_a_d_e___ sb. to do sth.
C. don‘t look D. not look
比较 have的用法
1. 让,使 have sb. do sth.= get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 have sth. done 让某事被做
例: I have him __r_e_p__a_i_r___ (repair) my watch. =I have my watch __r_e_p__a_i_re__d(repair).
have sb./ sth. doing 让某人或某事一直进行某动作或保持某状态
例: I had my car waiting outside. I won’t have you smoking.
2. 有 have sth. to do 有某事要做
I had him ___r_e_p_a_ir___ (repair) my bike.
10. Some children were observed ___t_o_p_i_c_k_u_p___ (pick)
the flowers.
1.Let me _h_e_l_p__(help) you ___(_to_)_w__at_e_r ___ (water) the flowers.
用不定式作宾补的固定搭配很多,但最 可能考的且在写作中很可能会用到的有 以下22个,务必熟读牢记:
1 请求某人做某事 _a_s_k_________ sb. to do sth.
2 恳求某人做某事 _b_e_g_________ sb. to do sth.
today he was made __to__c_ry__ (cry) by his little sister. 8. Last night the girls were heard _to__s_in_g___ (sing) in the
classroom. 9. The local people were made __to__le_a_v_e___ (leave).