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1. Fill-in-the-blank / short-answer questions

(45 marks, 15questions. 3 marks each blank/question)

(1) Programs and the _________________ they represent are collectively referred to

as________________, in contrast to machine itself, which is known as _________________.

Algorithms, software, hardware

(2) The binary bit pattern of hexadecimal pattern 5FD97 is ____________________.

0101 1111 1101 1001 0111

(3) The equivalent tow’s complement form using eight-bit pattern of the base ten

representation -12 is ______________________.


(4) A ______________ is a memory area used for the temporary storage of data, usually as a

step in ________________ the data.

Buffer, transferring

(5) CASE is the abbreviations of ______________________________________________ in

software engineering.

Computer Aided Software Engineering

(6) Data compression schemes fall into two categories. Some are ____________, others are

_____________. ____________ schemes are those that do not lose information in compression process. ______________ schemes are those that may lead to the loss of information.

lossless, lossy, lossless, lossy

(7) RISC means ______________________________________________.

Reduced Instruction Set Computing/Computer

(8) What is the stored program concept?

The idea of storing a computer’s program in its memory


A program can be encoded as bit patterns and stored in main memory.

(9) A machine’s instruction can be categorized into three groups, what are they?

The data transfer group, the arithmetic/logic group and the control group.

(10) A machine instruction consists of two parts: the __________, which specifies which

operation to execute; the ___________, which gives more detailed information about the operation.

op-code, operand

(11) Main ___________ and the CPU form the core of a computer. A __________ is an

intermediary apparatus that handles communication between the computer and other devices. A ___________ is the point at which a device connects to a computer.

memory, controller, port

(12) The need to share____________ and ____________ among different computers has

led to linked computer systems, called networks, in which computers are connected so that data can be transferred from machine to machine. A computer network is often classified as being either a ____________ area network (LAN), a metropolitan area network (MAN), or a wide area network (WAN).

information resources, local

(13) What are the components of the complete Internet address of a computer?

The network identifier and the host address.

(14) What is a recursion?

The execution of a procedure leads to another execution of the procedure.

(15) List the classes Θ(n2), Θ(㏒n), Θ(n), and Θ(n3) in decreasing order of efficiency.

The classΘ(㏒n) is most efficient, followed by Θ(n), Θ(n2), and Θ(n3).
