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Unit 1 Text A Who is great?

I. Teaching Objectives

1. To understand the audio materials of this unit.

2. To grasp the key words, Phrases and structure.

3. To mast the skills of writing and reading in this unit.

1) understanding the writing skill of Using both direct quotation and indirect quotation to

present the ideas from anther book,

2) three levels of understanding and evaluation:

II. Teaching Content

1. Lead-in activities

2. Text Organization

3. Skill learning in writing and reading

4. Language points ( key words, phrases and difficult sentences)

5. Grammar Focus

1)The conjunction that used to introduce a clause of reason

2) The adverb instead used alone )

6. Guided Practice (exercises, oral practice and group work)

7. After-class Assignments

III. Teaching Process

1. Warm-up Questions / Activities

1) In your opinion, what are the characteristics of great people? (the differences between great people and other people)

2) Tell your classmates about a great person you particularly admire

2. Text Organization

Part I Para 1-3 Introduction of the topic by the examples of some great people.

Para II Para 4-5 Definition of being great. (Who is great?)

Para III Para 6-20 Common characteristics of great people

1) A “never surrender” attitude. 2) B irth order and timing.3)IQ, ability to communicate and way of thinking. 4) Love for one’s work.

3. Skill learning in writing and reading

1) Reading skill:

There are three levels of understanding and evaluation in efficient reading:

a. To grasp the overall idea of main point of a given passage along with its general structure;

b. To subject the specific details to closer examination and explain what something means and why it is introduced;

c. To evaluate what the author has said, determine what conclusions might be drawn and what judgment could be passed on.

2) Writing skill:

This text is a magazine article which reports on the ideas of another book, When presenting ideas from another source, it is important to be clear about the source of your information and

wording, Giving proper credit to your sources is called citation and the failure to do this is a serious offense known as plagiarism

In presenting the ideas from Simonton’s book, the author of the article uses both direct quotation

(repeating words from a source exactly and using quotation marks) and indirect quotation(repeating the ideas from a source, but putting them into one’s own words).

4. Language Points:

1. Albert Einstein did so poorly in school that teachers thought he was slow.—

Albert Einstein was such a poor student that teachers thought he was not intelligent. slow—adj. (= slow-witted) not clever, not quick to learn, not understanding things quickly迟钝的,不灵活的

e.g. a slow learner

The child is slow at figures.

2. The young Napoleon Bonaparte was just one of hundreds of artillery lieutenants un the French Army.---That Napoleon Bonaparte as a young man was only one of the large numbers of ordinary artillery lieutenants in the French Army.

artillery n. heavy guns used in land warfare[总称](1)火炮,大炮(2)[the ---] 炮兵(部队)3.Survey v. examine the condition of(a building etc.)/n. general view or cinsideration Antonym: inspection, investigation, survey

Cf.:inspection 检查、视察;investigation 指(具体地)调查、研究某事;survey指全局性的检查或全面调查。如:make a survey of the economic system 对经济制度进行


4.Despite their unspectacular beginnings, each would go on to carve a place for himself in history.---Though they performed nothing splendid un the beginning, each of

them would later made a name for himself in history.

carve– vt. 1) form sth. by cutting away material from wood or stone

e.g. The pot was carved out of a single piece of stone.

Before Halloween, the children carved a pumpkin into a frightening mask.

2) build one’s (career, reputation, etc.) by hard work

e.g. The new airline hopes to carve a place for itself in the European market.

She’s carved out a successful career for herself in the Ministry of Education. 5.Or did their greatness have more to do with timing, devotion and, perhapsm an uncompromising personality?---Or did they become great more because they lived in the right time, were devoted to their careers, and perhaps bore inflexible determination in character? have (something, nothing, a lot, etc.) to do with– be connected with sb. / sth. to the extent specified

e.g. Her job has nothing to do with computers.

Hard work has a lot to do with his success.

timing– n. determining the right time as a way of achieving the desired result

e.g. “Have we arrived too early?” “No, your timing is perfect (= you have arrived at exactly the right moment)—dinner is almost ready.”

To be a good tennis player, you have to have good timing (= to be able to hit the ball at the right moment).

6. They have found evidence to help explain why some people rise above ---they have found
