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姓名:___________ 分数:_______________


从每小题所给的A B C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

( )1. He TV every day.

A. watch

B. watches

C. watch ing

D. watched

( )2. We have homework to do today.

A. many

B. lot of

C. much

D. few

( )3. I ' m not feeling .1 have a headache .


B. well

C. best

D. ill

( )4. What ' s matter with you ?

A. a


C. the

D. an

( )5. Every one a good time now.

A. has

B. have

C. are hav ing

D. is hav


( )6. Miss Yang usually _____ on Sun days.

A. goes shopping

B. go to shopping

C. go shopping

D. to go shopping ( )7. --- Do you know the man ____ a big no se.

---Yes. He is my un cle. He ___ big eyes, too.

A. has; with

B. with; has

C. have; with

D. with ; have ( )8.---Do you like swimmi ng ____ running? ---1 like running.

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. of

( )9. What does your father want you ______ o n weeke nds?

A. do

B. to do

C. doing

D. does

()10. --- Do you thi nk she has a healthy lifestyle? ---- Yes, _________ .

A. she is

B. she has

C. you do

D. I do

()11.Tha nks a lot _______ us about it.

A. to tell

B. telli ng

C. tell

D. for telli ng

()12. We should eat a ________ diet.


)24. My hair is shorter than _______ . A. my sister

B. my sister ' s

C. she ' s

D. her

A. bala need

B bala nee C. a bala nee D. a bala need ( )13. --- Your En glish is very good. --- ________ .

A. No, not so good

B. Thank you

C. I ' m sorry

D. Don ' t say that ( )14. Let Tom _____ s ome hot water. A. drinks B. to drink

C. drink

D. drinking

( )15. Wang Lin can _____ the violi n. Liste n! He is _____ the violin in the n ext

room. A. plays; is play ing B. play; play ing C. play; plays D. is play; play ing

( )16.Look! A lot of people are wait ing _______ the bus. Let home __' foqjo

A. at; by

B. of; in

C. for; o n

D. with; with

( )17. — How ofte n do you have music classes?

— ______ a week. A. Two

B. Twice

C. Seco nd

D. First

( )18. He eats ______ f ood, so he is _____ fat. A. much too; too much B. much too; too many C. too much; much too D. too much; too many

()19. How about _________ with us?

A. go shopp ing

B. goes shopp ing

C. to go shopp ing

D.go ing shopp ing

()20. Thank you a lot __________ me.

A. i nvite

B. to in vite

C. i nviti


()21. — Tony is shorter than Mike.

—Yes. He is not as ______ as Mike.

A. tall

B. short

C. taller

D. for in vit ing

D. shorter


)22. Gran dma ofte n tells me _____ A. somethi ng old B. old someth ing

C. anything old

D. old any thi

ng ()23. My father is a little __________ than my mother. A. heavy B. heavier C. more heavy

D. much heavier
